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PS4 & XOne owners - Give your 9 month review


Got an X1 at launch:

Happy with the purchase, UI has improved a lot since launch with all the updates. Started running my tv through it which was pretty cool during the world cup, snapping TV or getting updates through the app while I gamed was a good experience

FIFA, Forza, Ryse and Black Flag were great at/around launch, didn't really get into titanfall. Haven't bought any new games since watchdogs but Games with Gold has tided me over and got me paying more attention to smaller games like Guacamelee. Looking forward to Horizon 2 and Sunset on the exclusive front.

My biggest problem is a lack of people to play with. Though friends have been impressed with the xbox when they've come over, they are still on last gen and likely to go PS4 when they upgrade. I've come across some cool people online playing forza, titanfall and Destiny beta so maybe i just have to get into that more.


The only reason to ask this question is if one is being snarky or purposefully ignoring that other people don't just sit and play games with their systems.

He could be doing a ton of things with it whether it's snapping a recipe, setting up something for his kid (in his very post), doing a search online, surfing the web, watching a show...heck surfing the internet while his kid watches a snapped show.....and on and on. Why can't his kid be playing Lego Marvel while he snaps a search for something he needs?

He'd never have to stop what he was doing.

You can do it all with your voice while doing other things. It's a gaming system that also has some great perks for a lot of people.

I was just trying to be funny, sorry.


Played some of the DL games and enjoyed. Had a lot of fun with Infamous. Amazed by The Last of Us. Totally worth it for TLoU alone but especially with all the awesome upcoming stuff early next year.


I was just trying to be funny, sorry.

Ah, sarcasm meter misfire then. You know it's hard to see the crap posts from the real without a

Carry on.

Edit* I refer you to this glorious .gif....replace bish with me, fanboys with crap posts...and shills with sarcasm..lol


Doesn't work perfectly..meh...anyway...great gif

Some of us need *Almost always sarcastic* tags


Industry Verified
Sorry let me rephrase.

If your looking to buy one give it a year. 6 months tops.

The Xbox one has a few Exclusives right now and the combination of those don't deserve a console purchase. It's been relegated to a Netflix box for me.

The ps4 has similar in regards to good exclusive titles and while it's cheaper and more powerful those titles also don't deserve a console purchase.

Neither system has a killer app and unless Halo is super important to you neither will by the time the year ends.

The order has potential to be the ps4 must buy game and for Xbox it's likely something like Halo 5 or a yet unknown title.

If you want nice graphics and a wide variety of games go with PC because it's the best place for those right now.

If PC isn't your cup of tea wait it out. If you are super in demand for a next gen unit I'd say the Xbox has more to offer this year. The ps4 will outshine it in terms of graphics mind so if that's your boat floater go with that.

one can't really say either has a killer app. its really a subjective area. both systems are extremely healthy within their first 6 months. gamers are happy with the content being provided ....so far. things will only get better from this point on.

i can respect this post. i just don't like when posters post about items that don't relate to the OP.


PS4 - like the interface a lot. Love the controller. But my favourite games on it are available on last gen. The next two games I'm getting are old games being upgraded for PS4. I'm ready for some new experiences. Crappy headset is super crap.

XB1 - hate the voice commands. Love the original content that I've played. Don't play it that much. Not getting any games for it until maybe HaloMCC. Better headset.
PS4 Review - Was fun when new and shiny. Some pretty games, some disappointing games. Currently new Netflix box. Should have waited 10 months for Destiny + Last of Us Remastered, which would have also allowed me to pick up some of the earlier releases in a discounted rate and fully working (instead of the early beta releases they were).

One Review - Was fun when new and shiny. ChronusMAX allowing me to use my existing Arcade Sticks saved the platform for me in the early acquisition days (Killer Instinct). Was really excited about Titanfall, but I think I managed to burn myself out on the game in the Beta, because the enjoyment somehow didn't translate over to the release game. Now my backup Netflix box when I don't feel like turning on the PS4. I use it every day for watching and navigating TV channels, which I now do maybe 70% by voice. Should have waited 5 months for the Titanfall bundles.

The PS3 and 360 could have more than sufficiently satisfied my console gaming needs, as it turned out. The PS4 and One have to date offered *very* little to have justified launch window purchases, in my opinion.
Overall happy with my purchase. Got exactly what I was expecting. Bought day 1 for 2 games. The first, AC:IV was worth every penny and am very pleased with. Playing that on PS3 would have been a close but still se ond rate experience.

The second game, Watchdogs, was okay but a little more - meh.

The system, PS4, is now an unintentional long term dust collector since I've started a major retro gaming back catalogue project. Still I'm happy it's there for when I need it and there are plenty of games coming up - AC:Unity, No Mans Sky, Rime, etc - that mean when I do finally catch up with modern times I've git a lot of impressive fun to look forward to.
I have a PS4 so I guess i'll review that.

So far I've been pretty unimpressed with it, though most of the problems stem from being early into the systems lifecycle. To begin, the hardware is great. Controllers are excellent, the console looks good, and the graphics are a great step up from last gen. No complaints there.

The system OS is pretty meh. It's fast, but it's lacking in features and what's there doesn't work right half the time (ie. recording). I also find it kind of ugly. Sony is obviously putting in work into adding new stuff, but that seems to be slow and the result is it's bit frustrating when trying to use the system right now. My biggest pet peeves are the lack of media features and the complete inability to organize things like the Library or home screen.

Games is where I'm been really disappointed however. So far I've bought 4 games, Killzone, Infamous, Knack and Last of Us. Killzone and Infamous we're medicore as can be, and I sold them within a couple weeks of getting them. Knack is simple fun, but it will be sold as well once I finally bother to finish it. And I haven't gotten around to the Last of Us yet.

The PS+ games have been pretty bad so far as well. Too many upressed last-gen games, ports of PC games and random indie stuff for my liking. I realize that it isn't realisitic to expect full retail games yet, but it's still been a bit disappointing.

The system has a lot of future potential though. The Destiny beta was great, and I'm really looking forward to the full game. There's a lot of other good looking stuff that's coming out in the next few months too, so the game drought will hopefully be over soon.

Right now, I wouldn't recommend the system to anyone. There just isn't enough interesting stuff out for it yet. But I'm willing to bet that in 6 months I'll have a very different opinion. The future looks pretty bright, and I'm excited to see where it ends up.


Had a PS4 until June until I traded for an XB1, so I did have more time with my PS4. Here's my thoughts for each.



It's very small for a new console. With that comes a bit of noise, and a bit of heat. Feels solid though. Not a fan of the power and eject "buttons" as I have used them accidentally a few times. Never had any crashes from overheating though.


As basic as it gets. A step above Nintendo's aspirations for an OS, but not by much. Share functionality is cool and easy to use. Mostly an improvement on the PS3 OS, but it lacks many features. On the plus side I can count the number of times the OS hung up on me on one hand.


Very spare and heavily focused on indies. Most of the time I just ended up playing ghosts. Killzone was bad, black flag was good if you like ships, resogun was great. The PS+ games were nothing for me to write home about. Infamous was bitter sweet for me. I loved the first two games, with the second game being my first platinum. Second son is a solid game, but not as good as the first two. What stood out most for me though, was being forced to use the triggers for aim and fire. I simply hate that control scheme. I find it uncomfortable and inaccurate. I did buy trials fusion, and loved that, though my dislike of the triggers continued with this game.


A major step up from the dualshock 3. Larger and more comfortable. Analog stick tension is fantastic, d-pad is good, face buttons are ok. Shoulder buttons are actually a bit worse, but not much. The triggers are improved over the dualshock 3, as my fingers don't just slide off, but they are still far behind the standard for triggers (360). Overall a solid controller for most genre's.



First impression was this is a big ass system, and it feels a bit hollow. Then I got home and tried it out... no noise, no heat. Microsoft made a system that simply won't overheat. It has a ton of useless ports that I never intend to use (tv in, out, kinect) that makes it look too busy in the back. Eject and power buttons are an improvement over the PS4 buttons (have not accidentally used them yet).


At first this was a pain in the balls to use. It's basically windows 8 with a controller. After some time though, I got used to the quirks of the OS. It's not as straight forward as the 360 OS (it should be) and there are some things you just can't do with only a controller, but overall it's a good OS. Suspend and resume is an amazing feature. Snapping could be neat, but most of the time I just use the full screen apps instead. Having friends and activity section in one spot is a good idea. I can even stream to the XB1 from my PC. Overall it has a lot of features. The downside... fuck does this OS crash a lot.


Overall better than the PS4's lineup (for me anyhow). Some games that I would avoid with the PS4 (racers and shooters that use the triggers) I suddenly had no problems with. Trials fusion was a pleasure to play, even with the loss of visual fidelity. That was the game that convinced me that I could sacrifice graphics for playability. I think I have most of the exclusives at this point, aside from DR3 (no interest in that series). Forza is solid, Ryse was great for a single playthrough, and Titanfall is fanfuckingtastic.


I'll get this out of the way - the bumpers are worse on the XB1 controller compared to the 360 controller. The best thing you can do is play titanfall on bumper jumper. You'll get over the "bumper learning curve" very quickly. They are fine after that. The analog shape is fantastic. It keeps my thumb right in the center all the time. The triggers are amazing. The d-pad... well it's better than the 360's anyhow. Face buttons are more usable than before. Shape took some time to get used to, but now it's hard to go back to the 360 controller. I wish there was more tension on the analogs. I've adjusted by turning down the sensitivity, but a new version of the controller with more tension would be welcome.


my ps4 was obtained on christmas. I played it a ton for KZ SF and then it fell off after my month of PS+. I picked it up again in like april and fell in love with warframe. I have been playing my ps4 frequently since then.

so far the experience has been good. even if there is a lack of exclusive games. there are plenty of games available for the system around


PS4 has been pretty great. Easily have played it more than any other console in it's first year. The continuous indies, plus KZ, Infamous, and now TLoU (which was fresh for me) have all been amazing.

P.T. just put me over the top too. It's going to be a great generation. Drive Club, Destiny, and LBP3 should round out the year nicely for me. And that doesn't include the other PS+ games we'll get.


PS4 has delivered. The DS4 is my favorite controller ever, taking the throne from the 360 controller. I have more games to play than time on PS4. 10/10

My poor X51 gaming PC isn't seeing as much use as it did. I moved a month ago and haven't even hooked it back up yet.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.
shampoowarrior played AMAZON.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.
Oh i read your original post as you've only played Titanfall out of all of the X1 titles.

This x10!

I can barely close the cabinet with this crap plugged in because it has to charge.

Sidenote.... I like the size of the PS4 and the look of it, but I don't know what genius decided that it should have not rear usb ports. It irritates me that my sleek console has wires from my wireless headset, recharge cable, or skylanders port hanging off the front of it.

true, luckily i have one of this bad boys where my PS4/tv/router is

since one of the front USBs is used by my usb stick(i had to take out the rubber because of how they did them in the PS4!) so im left with one but i use the front ports of my UPS to power up the mixamp thingy from my headsets and im left to charge everything i want there


This thread is all kinds of weird...all the negativity towards the xb1 and a large portion of those who own both ps4 and xb1 are using and enjoying the xb1 more. Just surprised me is all.

I have an Xb1 from launch and have been playing a few games. Started with Forza and Battlefield...left battlefield with its issues and played a lot of pvz. Recently a lot of Titanfall and going back to battlefield (especially air warfare) now that it's working and a lot, lot of destiny beta.

OS updates are going really well and by the end of the year it should have everything i was missing. Hopefully the Plex app comes out soon because that would mean only my xbox will be connected to my tv. Hopefully also they come out with a tv dongle for the US.

Controller is much better than 360 and grows on you a lot
Overall, very pleased with PS4. I already have a decent library building on the system with a lot more before the end of the year. I am absolutely impressed. Although there's still features I would like, I definitely feel like the system feels "good", the OS works. I have been impressed with what I have seen and am looking forward to more.

I think there's more to be done, but it's off to a fantastic first year.
How did you download and play KI without going online with it?

With any normal game I wouldn't even bother asking, but you literally have to be online to get it/play it initially.

...by playing online with it? I assumed I didn't need to specify this because, like you said, you literally have to be online to get it/play it initially. If I should have specified however, I'm sorry. I blame being an American and suffering from too much freedom and not being used to doing things.

Mr Swine

Good system but PS4 has been collecting dust after Killzone came out. Wii U is getting more love out of me than the PS4


PS4 owner here.

9 months later it's clear that I didn't need to buy the console day one, but I got a pretty ridiculous deal so I'm not mad. The only two titles I put a lot of time into were NBA2K14 and TLOU (far more in the former than the latter). Looking forward to Destiny and other Fall heavy-hitters.

I just want that FFXV, Christ.
PS4: B- Still impressed by hardware, underwhelmed by UI and updates. Still missing many promised features. Exclusives released so far have also been disappointing. Killzone and inFamous SS were beautiful yet boring. Knack was just boring. Great support for smaller games, but overall it hasn't been used much.

Xone: B Dead Rising 3 has been my favorite game on either console so far. Which is a bit disappointing as well. Happy with updates, multimedia functionality and the Kinect stuff (managing the UI without a controller). Also not much to play. I prefer playing stuff on the Xone, but mainly because of UI and the controller. Still haven't found a lot of reasons to use it.

In the meantime, I'd give the Wii U a B+. Great games, no BS, off-tv play has been great. Of all three, if I only had a Wii U right now I'd be just as happy.

Seems like the PS4 should get a lower score (maybe the One too) and the Wii U should get a higher one based off your text.
This thread is all kinds of weird...all the negativity towards the xb1 and a large portion of those who own both ps4 and xb1 are using and enjoying the xb1 more. Just surprised me is all.

I have an Xb1 from launch and have been playing a few games. Started with Forza and Battlefield...left battlefield with its issues and played a lot of pvz. Recently a lot of Titanfall and going back to battlefield (especially air warfare) now that it's working and a lot, lot of destiny beta.

OS updates are going really well and by the end of the year it should have everything i was missing. Hopefully the Plex app comes out soon because that would mean only my xbox will be connected to my tv. Hopefully also they come out with a tv dongle for the US.

Controller is much better than 360 and grows on you a lot

I agree. The majority of the negativity around the X1 comes from those who don't have the console and feel like doing drivebys. Its a solid console with its own faults as are both. The extreme amount of negativity in here around the X1 drowns out a lot of the people who really enjoy it.
Neither console has enough games for my liking, but the hdmi in on the xb1 means that it still gets turned on and used every day, all day, even if it's in some really small way like using smartglass to change TV channels.

That pretty much means that I buy multi platform for xb1 simply because I can do something like choose the game from my phone just jump straight into it from watching tv without any input switching or anything.

Upcoming features like the ability to stream the TV input from the Xbox to any phone tablet or pc in my house while gaming on it means that the xb1 will definitely stay as the number one used console in my house unless Sony offers something similar or until game production ramps up on the platform.

I guess the conclusion FOR ME is that while MSs console is weaker in IQ, that sacrifice comes with an IMO more next gen, feature rich experience.

When Sony announced the PS4, it seemed very next gen, but at the moment it just seems very basic. The visuals in infamous are nice, but as a pc gamer they're nothing new to me.

At this very moment in Time I feel I'd have been better off with two xb1 for the lounge and bedroom instead of a ps4 and xb1.


My PS4 has been my Fifa box since launch. I like it but otherwise I never use it. Few games on it have been compelling enough for me to turn it off except to use the Crunchyroll app since it's the 1 media app Xbox is missing(for me anyway) these days.

My Xbox gets most use from me on almost a daily basis either to watch tv/sports and netflix/hulu/etc. Funny enough only game I play on it aside Forza is Fifa and will be doing the same when FIFA 15 comes out(on both consoles, why? Generally the prices in FUT are lower on Xbox than they are on Playstation, so I'll be hopping back and forth). The other main reason Pretty much lean towards my Xbox rather heavily since it simply provides more for me to do other than playing games and I quite enjoy being able to do that. I do like them both and will be enjoying them both for years to go.
PS4 Review

I traded in my PS3 for my PS4...like 3 months ago.

Things I like:
UI (even though the rumored UI tweaks will be greatly received by me)
Ease of taking screenshots
DS4...I didn't play with a DS3 the last year that I owned a PS3.
1080p at 60 fps on a console
PS Now...seriously...worth my $$$

Things I expect to LOVE over the next 3 months:
GAMES: Madden 15, Destiny, CounterSpy, NBA 2k15

Both Madden and NBA should be greatly improved over the initial next generation releases and I bought my PS4 specifically to play Destiny.

What I don't like...
Prior to receiving TLOU remastered, there weren't games that I felt justified a next gen console purchase.
I want an RTS title on my PS4 that lets me use the trackpad as a mouse.
not as good of a multimedia device as ps3 is

Thanks for my last entry Tidus....

My grade: 7/10

After Nov. 1st I'm pretty sure that grade is going to be a 9/10. I'm just waiting for the games coming this quarter.
PS4 - 6.5/10
+ most powerful console
+ The Last of Us remastered, inFamous SS
+ best versions of multiplats

- lack of big exclusives in its first year
- PS+ on ps4 is lacking and paying for online sucks
- not as good of a multimedia device as ps3 is

It's the only next gen console i currently own. It's off to a decent start but I think 2015 will be the year it starts to shine. 2014 ps3 is still the better console. I don't own an Xbone but i'd rate it about a 3.5/10 it's weaker hardware, it costed more for a while and it has worse versions of multiplats. But lets be real ps3 sucked for the first year too, ps4 is gaining momentum much faster than ps3 did so i think in 2015 people will really love the ps4.


I really like both console. I'm playing on my Xbox One more mainly because it's almost always on when I'm watching TV so I just have to say "Xbox go to X".

PS4. 7/10. Some feature that were promised at the reveal are still not there or are not working properly. The exclusive games all look great but are not super interesting. Shadowfall was bad, Second Son was ok. I want to play Driveclub yesterday. The DS4 is the best controller Sony ever made. PS+ games offer are really disapointing. The UI is clean, simple and the store is super easy to naviguate.

XBO. 8/10. Great features, suspend/resume is amazing. Lots of updates to the OS. I feel like the media feature are integrated really into the system. The exclusives games are ok, Forza 5 is great, Peggle 2 is amazing, haven't played DR3 yet. The controller is as good as the DS4.


So that's pretty much left me with a bunch of PS3 games that I've been playing prettied up versions of, in addition to a handful of free PS+ offerings.

Hah, welcome to the crazy console world of diminishing returns. Outside of Wii U's gamepad, the whole of 8th gen just feels like 7th gen with marginally better graphics.


I bought a PS4 a couple of months ago. Huge waste of money. There isn't shit on the system I want to play. I'd sell it, but the craigslist market has plummeted for those things. Also, this news that BloodBorne might get dumbed down really has me worried. Something tells me this is the last console I'll buy.
I'm happy with my PS4 (day 1) so far.

I have about 20-25 games on it.. mix of disks (about 14 ish) and the rest digital. I am busy with work and family stuff so cannot sit at home in my pants and play games all day (which is a shame). So only completed about 3 games on PS4 so far and only 1 Plat..

Cannot wait for some big titles to drop but it won't be long...so i really should sort out my PS3 backlog while i have the chance.
Hah, welcome to the crazy console world of diminishing returns. Outside of Wii U's gamepad, the whole of 8th gen just feels like 7th gen with marginally better graphics.

yeah, but you could say the same thing about the start of 7th gen as well. ps3 had a horrible start and xbox360 had a mediocre start. then games like gears of war, uncharted, MGS4, COD, mass effect and bioshock came out and people were wowed with ps3/360

When Bloodborne, halo 5, FF15, KH3, The order 1886, quantum break, MGS5 start rolling out peoples jaws will drop.
Alright. Launch day Xbox One.

The dashboard was clearly built for Kinect. Getting to almost anything on the dashboard is awkward and tedious without the Kinect. Luckily I have the Kinect so it's a non-issue for me, but I can see this being frustrating given that there are now Kinectless bundles available.

The Kinect itself works wonderfully when you are in a quiet area. Barely ever messes up or misses the command even when I'm quiet or in the other room. But when there is ambient noise, it can be very difficult to get it to do something, which can be frustrating. But more than that are... gestures. I haven't used them in a while because they're frustrating. Hell, I've even had it where I'm laying back playing a game and suddenly it says my feet are hands and starts messing everything up until I get up, hide my feet, and go back. It's really dumb and annoying. But while I'm not a big fan of gestures (did I mention it barely ever registers me opening and closing my hand?), the voice feature is phenomenal. I find myself getting irritated at my computer because I can't tell it to do something from the other room. The Kinect has completely changed how I view my gaming and I am extraordinarily happy with the purchase overall.

Achievements still suck- snapping them is awesome but the fact I have to go through two loading screens to get to my achievements when they pop to see what I got is one of my biggest gripes. Pretty much ruins the whole bleep bloop experience. But mentioning snapping... it is great. No complaints, especially with the recent improvements. Awesome feature and I think Playstation should learn from it if they don't already have it.

I can say 'Xbox On' and it turns both my Xbox AND TV on. That's awesome. I wish I could tell it to turn on my Xbox 360 too. See, my Xbox One and TV are connected via an HDMI cord, right? My 360 and Xbox One are connected through an HDMI cord. I know one is 'in' and one is 'out,' but it would be so cool if I could turn on my 360 using the voice command just like I do my TV (though I wouldn't want my 360 to turn on every time my One does, of course... I'm talking about an additional voice command rather than turning on all three with 'Xbox On').

Controller. Controller is an improvement in every way except for the bumpers. The bumpers suck. Bad. Like, I seriously hate the bumpers. But literally everything else about the controller is an improvement in every way. Though, my default controller shipped with an issue and Xbox Support told me 'tough luck.' So I had to fix it myself by ordering the screwdrivers- turns out there was an extra part in my controller that shouldn't have been there- a piece of plastic blocking the stick. So yeah I solved it myself, but that customer service was very frustrating that they wouldn't repair a manufacturing issue and I had to spend money and hours of googling figuring out how to fix.

Games. Games are pretty. The whole 'oh Xbox has worse specs than the PS4' thing is dumb to me. The games still look great. And they're fun. I can't really be too specific in this department because it's then just a 'my exclusives are better than yours' pissing contest, and that's no fun for anyone.

If my current Xbox 360 gets an 7/10, I would give my current Xbox One a 8/10. Tons of improvements, but a good number of steps back as well. Especially with programs like Family Sharing that MS pretty much removed just out of spite after taking away the DRM stuff, and not letting us play games without the disk if we bought the disk. Still, I feel like the Xbox One will far surpass the 360 with all the updates they're making, and I can only hope MS gets over itself and lets us have some of the cool features they talked about or that Sony is doing.
Controller. Controller is an improvement in every way except for the bumpers. The bumpers suck. Bad. Like, I seriously hate the bumpers. But literally everything else about the controller is an improvement in every way.

Curious. Did you not like the 360 controller?

I ask because I've heard people sing the praise of the One's controller OVER the 360, yet the resistance of the analog sticks of the ONE reminds me of the resistance that was on the DS3 (too little resistance)


Xbone: Had the bone... played on my PC.... got rid of the Xbone because only played on PC

Just got a few weeks ago. The Last of Us Still didn't do it for me(I am weird but I am not into this cinmatic trend in games AT ALL), Second Son didn't do it, Watch Dogs I got cheap for $10 still didn't do it and Tried Shadow Fall muliplayer... fun but still not ANYwhere close to PC FPS fun. Played Destiny Beta.... fuck that FOV and one EARTH location (really bungie?) It was fun but played Firefall again and like that no desire for Destiny. At this point considering get ride of it and going back to PC + Wii U for at least 2 more years. Really if you got a decent rig and a Wii U your set for now and missing almost nothing it seems.

Hah, welcome to the crazy console world of diminishing returns. Outside of Wii U's gamepad, the whole of 8th gen just feels like 7th gen with marginally better graphics.
Why I feel like PC gaming is more and more DUH compared to this gen.


My PS4 and X1 have been getting daily use. I'm not concerned about which games have inferior versions on my older consoles; I play what I play and enjoy it for what it is.
So far I've been more than happy...
Plants vs Zombies GW
Killer Instinct
Battlefield 4
CoD Ghosts
Forza 5
Dead Rising 3
Pixel Junk Shooter
Zombie Nation
Infamous SS
And others...

I still fire up the 360 now and then to download my free games, and dabble in them. Currently it's my Wii U that's getting the least amount of playtime. That will change once Bayonetta 2 arrives.


shampoowarrior played Netflix.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.
shampoowarrior played AMAZON.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.
shampoowarrior played Netflix.

Have you played Netflix 10 times lately
I wish I would have waited.

I thought that I would finally get into BF, but BF4 ended up being screwed up beyond the point of me caring anymore.

I'm glad I got the free PS+ games, but I really haven't played anything this year that I really have been able to dig into beyond Spelunky (Vita) and Dark Souls 2 (Xbox 360). My PS4 has been collecting dust as I wait for games like Wolfenstein and Infamous to drop in price.

I do want to re-play updated games like The Last of Us, D3, and GTAV, but I easily could have waited until the day Bloodborne is released to buy a PS4.


Launch Day Xbox One

Love my console, and it compliments my gaming PC and WiiU pretty well.
I do however want more games, I've gotten bored of playing Battlefield 4 all the time, and haven't been too interested in many other titles. I beat Wolfenstein pretty quickly and have no interest in more play throughs.

I love the controller, have no issues navigating the OS, and think its a very solid console. The Kinect works much better than I initially thought, and still use it for its voice commands.

I can't wait for the fall rush of titles to play.

Thank god for disposable income.


Neo Member
I can't say that either is a smash hit but the X1 is getting a lot more on time. And as my X1 is a lot quieter than my PS4 it has become the go-to blu-ray player as well. Upcoming titles look good for each but I getting a little sick of waiting so I have been getting more into PC gaming of late.


While i could have waited, i've enjoyed both consoles immensely. Xbox One has come along way so far, same with the PS4. Having both means I've gotten to play TitanFall, Infamous Second Son, Ryse, and more. So far i've enjoyed the begging of this console cycle much more than the PS360 generation. The only memorable game from the first 9 months on 360 for me was Oblivion. So far so good. I'm stoked for 2015 when these consoles truly shine.


Bought all three at midnight releases.


Hardware is powerful but a little ugly IMO. Mine is starting to get loud which I'm assuming is due to it's form factor and fan size, which is a major turn off for me. The controller has amazing sticks and triggers. I find the touch pad terrible though. It gets in my way like the Vita back touch. I hate how it gets shoehorned into games much like the sixaxis did in the beginning of last gen (Uncharted grenade throw and balancing). Only Folklore pulled it off. Hate it's integration in inFAMOUS: SS. The speaker use is ok if gimmicky.

OS/UI has been a complete letdown. I'm assuming at this point they are using most of their resources on streaming related projects which I have no interest in. I understand since this makes them money and they have no reason to make timely improvements when they're selling consoles like they are. But it is the reason it has gone from my primary box to an exclusive box for me.

While I don't gush over the current indie darling of the week I do like Sony's first party line up the most out of the big 3. Naughty Dog's whatever, The Order, and Bloodborne will all be amazing.


I wish the hardware was on par. Although I don't think it's as significant as many would lead you to believe (coming to this after playing many hours of the same game on both and switching inputs), the difference will still always be there. That will most likely be in the back of my head every frame drop. I love its look and how big it is personally because it's so quiet. I can seriously not tell it's on sometimes even after leaving it on all day. I'm more of a PS guy so the controller takes some getting used to. I find the sticks kind of loose but strangely accurate. When I switch game inputs I was assuming I'd do much better on the DS4 but I didn't. I find it ergonomically better and no gimmicky touchpad so it wins for me. If you would've told me I would like Kinect a few years ago, I would've laughed at you. Well, it's pretty cool... voice command wise. Although I think my daughter will like the dance games so waggle will live on I guess. Hand gestures are terrible for navigation and well everything. It thinks my foot is a hand sometimes. It's neat to use the thing for hours and look around and wonder why the controller isn't beside you only to remember you turned everything on and navigated solely by voice. Maybe that's my age but it probably scratched an inch this 34 year old has had a long time.

The OS/UI is amazing so far and keeps getting improved. It truly feels like a living and breathing connected system and I love it. I did find it a little clunky when it first came out though. I've said before that while the hardware gulf cannot change, the software one sure can, and they've been blowing the other two out of the water. I will say I'm in the minority in that I want an all in one box and I find the XB1 the most versatile.

Software wise I find them the weakest for my taste. Dead Rising 3 was great, although I don't care a lot about the other exclusives. They have Remedy and Gears, and most of my purchase are multiplat games at least. I'm not a Halo fan whatsoever. Sony has a huge edge here for my tastes.


I'm not the biggest Nintendo fan anymore, but getting to see my daughter say, "let'sa go!" while giggling (she's 3) made whatever I spent on it worth it. She loves Mario ;) which is something I wanted her to experience. I only have a few games. Can't wait for the open world Zelda and X looks pretty cool.

Originally my use went PS4>>>>XB1>>WiiU
After I get done with TLoU it'll now be XB1>>>>>>WiiU>>>PS4. Waiting to see how Software Update 2.0 turns out though.


PS4 owner here:
PS4 has lived up to my expectations. It basically removed all of the negatives I felt my PS3 had when it comes to 3rd party games. 1st party support continues to be stellar.

I have played quite a few games (I don't get the whole PS4 has no games bullsh%t). Did quite a bit of CoD: Ghosts. Platinumed Infamous: SS. Enjoying TLoU: Remastered quite a bit as well.

Also played these:
Tomb Raider (hair edition)
Dead Nation
Child of Light
Bound by Flame
Watch Dogs
Destiny Beta

Of course that adds up to basically no games, smh.

Between my PS4 and Vita, I haven't really had any gaming downtime since last year.
Curious. Did you not like the 360 controller?

I ask because I've heard people sing the praise of the One's controller OVER the 360, yet the resistance of the analog sticks of the ONE reminds me of the resistance that was on the DS3 (too little resistance)

I am a big fan of the 360 controller. The resistance on the 360 controller's analog sticks is much heavier than on the Xbox One, it's true. But I've found myself actually liking that change. Going back to my 360 is actually difficult now due to all that added resistance (doesn't help my Halo abilities, I'll tell you that). Compared to the 360, the stick resistance is almost nonexistent. But I've grown to appreciate that.


I love my ps4. I find myself turning it on just to turn it on some days (such a lame). But like most have said, it just need games now.


Unconfirmed Member
My PS4 is great still a bunch of games I wish to purchase for it, only compliant I really have is that I wish it came with a bigger HDD.


There's nothing on the XB1 that I want to play that I couldn't also play on a 360, except I stupidly sold my 360 to buy my XB1 so now I don't have anyone to play with so yeah.
Master Chief Collection save me please


It's almost an year & what I have played of new? Just Infamous SS. I have no interest to Driveclub, I'm tired of Ubi sub 1080p game with the same identical gameplay structure & probably I will see the next ND game in the 2015 winter. Finger crossed to MGS V but damn this generation it's so slow.
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