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PS4 & XOne owners - Give your 9 month review

PS4 owner since launch. Have Killzone, Knack, AC4, TLOU, MGS:GZ, Infamous and maybe some other games and a few download games like Child of Light and Resogun. Overall I am mildly satisfied. I was hoping for more 1st party titles that interested me but I don't know why. Glad to have it for the future regardless though. I think I just got caught up in all the Pro PS4 hype. If I didnt have one I would probably be bummed right now though.
Seems like the PS4 should get a lower score (maybe the One too) and the Wii U should get a higher one based off your text.

Maybe... but I, like many others in the thread, really like all 3. We do need more games.

Speaking of games, I started a thread yesterday (it died out quick) highlighting the difference in the number and quality of games released over the first 8 months of this PS/Xbox gen vs last.

Because it took me a damned long time to do the analysis, here are the number and quality of games released over the first 8 months of each platform. It's no joke... we need more games lol.




I've had my struggles with PS4 games or lack thereof. Must say though I am kinda fussy. Although I'm one of the few who adored KZSF multiplayer. Recently, LOVED Wolfenstein though and re-playing through TLOU in 1080p etc has been phenomenal. PvZ is out next week too and I have Destiny and Driveclub among others for this year.

Overall I'd say it has been a pretty standard console launch year. I remember having little more than Red Faction, Gran Turismo 3, Timesplitters and NBA Street for what seemed like ages on PS2. Equally the PS3 was pretty slow to pick up pace.

As for the system itself. I think it is super slick. The OS is so quick and I like it's simplicity. Does need proper media support though asap. I like the super fast installs and the PS+ content although not always to my taste has been generous.

Incidentally, other games that I bought that I thought were fairly bland/awful; Tomb Raider, Infamous, Battlefield, Assassins Creed IV


I probably didn't need to get the ps4 at launch, but it was kinda an early birthday present to myself. And the fact I got it for $350 made it a fairly easy decision.

Love the controller. Love the snappiness of the UI. Games wise it's still lacking a bit for me, but good thing I've been busy as hell with work this year so it's not a big deal.

Initially bought NBA 2k14, Battlefield, and KZ along with free Resogun. Played a good amount of 2k and very little of Battlefield. Just couldn't get into it. Traded in 2k14 and Battlefield when Target had that 3x trade in promotion. KZ has gotten like an hour of play time and I still have it. Maybe I'll get back to it at some point. Bought Watchdogs. Played it a decent amount but didn't come close to beating it. Traded it in for $40 to go towards TLOU. Working on that currently and loving it just like I did when I played it on ps3.

A lot to look forward to coming up. Madden 15, Destiny, NHL 15, Driveclub, maybe COD etc. I'll be very content this holiday season.

Grade: B


I've got an XBox One from since day one, so far so good, i've enjoyed Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5 and Titanfall, right now there are not many games, but it's normal in this season, looking forward for Sunset Overdrive, Halo MC and Forza Horizon this fall, while i'll pick up the multiplatforms on PC as i've always done. Speaking about the console itself i think it's getting always better thanks to the monthly updates, and even if everybody hate it i'm loving the kinect voice controls, especially snap features and record that.
PS: And i love the gamepad, and the fact that i can use it on my PC as well
I got a PS4 on launch, and I really like it a lot:

+PS Plus gives me a ton of games that I never would have tried, though unfortunately I can't keep up with all of them to give them all a fair shake. For me, the highlight releases were Wolfenstein and Black Flag, not counting the Destiny Alpha/Beta.

+Controller feels amazing - I bought a 3rd to use for the PS3. Sony, please give me full compatibility for DS4 on PS3 and PC drivers!

+System feels fast - especially compared to the PS3, switching from games to the menu, etc.

That said, there are a few negatives, which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone:

-Controller battery life is terrible, just awful. At least I have a few now so it's not a big deal, but compared to the 360 or DS3, it's ridiculous

-I don't know if my system's rubber feet/bars became hard, but few months ago inserting a disc would make my system vibrate like a lawn mower. I had to buy rubber feet which fixed it, but come on, how much could that have cost Sony in the first place?

-Because the battery sucks on the controller, I don't use the PS4 for media. I'm hoping they release a remote like they did for the PS3


I've had a ton of fun with my PS4, but it's not perfect. I wish there were more excellent games, but I'm enjoying what I own. Otherwise I wish the video recording did work automatically in all games all the time.

I've enjoyed a lot of games somewhat, but there were few astounding games.

Xbox One has been pretty fun too, but there are definitely less reasons for me to turn it on. It has collected dust for a week at a time sometimes. But I've enjoyed what few games I've picked up for it. Not bad.

edit- also if I didn't have my old platforms & to a lesser extent my PC I'd be pretty bored a lot of the time. But I very rarely rely on a single platform for my entertainment anyways.
I own all three and play them pretty evenly, except when it comes to couch co-op, then my daughter and I spend more Tim on the Wii U.

I love the tech behind both the PS4 and XBO. I like the support that MS is showing for their existing install base with the great OS updates, EA Access and grabbing exclusivity deals. It shows they are committed.

All three get a B+ grade from me.
I own a PS4. It's currently unplugged after having to move stuff out of my room for some sheetrock/spackle work about a month ago. Before that it was just sitting there collecting dust. My Wii U is the only console I actually play on now. Bloodborne and a couple other games will make me plug it back in.

I honestly don't regret buying it. I like being an early adopter of technology :)

Love it. I have plenty to play in my PS4 backlog but I mostly seem to stick to Battlefield 4. Wish the UI was better but apparently it's getting a face lift so hopefully that helps. My one big complaint is the battery life on the controller.

XBox One

I bought this for the exclusives so I don't really play it too often. Mostly I use it for Netflix and the Twitch app. Still a solid system. Titanfall is amazing and I'm looking forward to the Halo collection in the fall.

Honestly I would be happy with either system if I could only have one. Both are great systems and I'm looking forward to seeing what the libraries will look like at the end of this gen.


Been playing the PS4 a ton more out of both of the systems. I just like the way the DS4 feels much more than the XboxOnes. Xbox one analog sticks are just too loose and floppy for me to be as accurate as I am on my PS4. I have CODGhosts on both and am much more accurate on the PS4 version.

I got Titanfall day one and let a friend borrow it a week after because I hated that you had to always play against bots. Recently got the game back to trade in for TLOU for the PS4 and have been playing that a bunch. Will probably sell my copy of CODG on XboxOne when Destiny comes out and get that on PS4.

XboxOne is my Hulu/Netflix machine at the moment. Also, the voice controls are meh since they rarely work for me.
I'm very happy with my Xbox One. I had a lot of fun with Titanfall and Ryse, some fun with Crimson Dragon, and Max: The Curse of Brotherhood was just amazing. That said, I've mostly been playing my Xbox 360 recently, but not because there's little to play on Xbox One. My current gen backlog is growing at an alarming rate, but my last gen backlog is just HUGE. I've been catching up on some series before I dive into their latest entries on Xbox One.

The frequent meaningful updates have also been great, the system is getting increasingly better very quickly.


Maybe... but I, like many others in the thread, really like all 3. We do need more games.

Speaking of games, I started a thread yesterday (it died out quick) highlighting the difference in the number and quality of games released over the first 8 months of this PS/Xbox gen vs last.

Because it took me a damned long time to do the analysis, here are the number and quality of games released over the first 8 months of each platform. It's no joke... we need more games lol.



Where is this data from, if you don't mind me asking?

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Neither of them has quite reached the point where my PS360 aren't being touched. Especially given the last gen consoles are still giving me 4 games a month for free.

But Titanfall has definitely had me using the Xbox One more than the PS4.

Once MKV support comes to the One though, good lord, that thing might never be turned off and I get can rid of my Western Digital.


So far, both systems have pretty much been dust collectors for me. Wish I would have waited... At least I've had some time to clear out a decent chunk of my backlog.

First post, etc etc. I've only played a handful of games on my PS4 since launch. I haven't played anything on the XBO I purchased a month ago and after FH2 and Sunset Overdrive it will be a $400 Netflix player for awhile.

I'm not complaining. I knew what I was getting myself into. FWIW, I bought a Wii U in early January and it has been my most played system this year by far.
Where is this data from, if you don't mind me asking?

I break it down more in the thread, but:

So, I did a few things. I went to GameRankings and scrubbed all the data I could for PS4, PS3, Xone, X360, WiiU and the Wii. I averaged the scores if there were multiple versions of the same game, and I ensured that each game had a proper release date. I then time aligned these data, did some basic comparisons with math and stuff, and then made some pretty charts. I only used Disc based games (sorry, left the downloadable stuff out, which is probably both good and bad).
I bought Killzone at launch - Played it through once, and traded in, because it was...ermmm.. crap . If it wasnt for Wolfenstein the PS4 wouldnt have been turned on again in 6 months. PS Plus should have kept me interested but Indie's are just not my thing. I hope Drive club is a decent racing game rather than some ok GFX wrapped up in some "for the players" social racing experiment that i fear it may be.


I've had something to play every month with my PS4 with indie games and AAA releases. I started out with Killzone, then Second Son, and now TLOU. Streaming VOD and decent Blu Ray playback has made my PS4 the center of my living room.

Once media player functionality, DLNA, and the Holiday releases come the sweet season of early adoption starts.

Also, PS4 is a surprisingly good MMO and F2P machine.

PS+ is a really good value that increases with a PS3 or Vita.

Cons: Get a 1-2+ TB hard drive as soon as possible. GBs are eaten like candy on next gen and redownloading is a bitch.


During the past 8½ months I've played and enjoyed a plenty of good games, more than any of the past generations have offered during their first months...
  • Killzone: Shadow Fall
  • Resogun
  • Flower
  • Tomb Raider (skipped it on the PS3)
  • inFamous: Second Son
  • Wolfenstein: The New Order
  • Entwined
  • PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate
  • Destiny alpha+beta
  • The Last of Us remastered
  • P.T.
And inFamous: First Light and Destiny are just around the corner.

The only things I've missed is arcade racing, and on the system-side, USB media playback, YouTube app and the ability to arrange content. So, from my point of view the beginning of this generation beats those of the PS2 and PS3 hands down.


PS4- Out of the two new consoles, I've by far done most of the gaming on this one. Killzone, Assassins Creed IV, Infamous, Knack, CoD, BF4, MGSV GZ, Wolfenstein, Watch Dogs, Destiny beta... Had a lot of fun playing on it so far. Love the DS4. Hate the very gimped DVD/blu-ray feature set. Very puzzled by that, makes no sense at all to me that they player features were pared down so much from the PS3. A minor annoyance at best, though. It's a great gaming machine, I see a bright future there.

XBone- On day one, I took it out of the box and started setting it up and in the process found out the hard way that it can't sit vertically, it has to lay flat. That's some fucking bullshit right there, ain't nobody got room for that. I did a quick & dirty sloppy set up just so I could say I played Ryse and Dead Rising 3 on day one. Thankfully it only took very brief play sessions for me to realize that neither game was my cup of tea in any way, so I felt no pain as I disconnected everything and put it all back in the box to await the day when I had the time and motivation to bother rearranging all of my shit. It wasn't until right before E3 that I finally did. After I got the XBone set up it was pretty cool. It instantly became my go-to TV box, i.e. my default DVD/blu-ray player and my DirecTV receiver plugged into it. But I still haven't really played much on it. I played Watch Dogs and MGSV GZ for purely scientific reasons, to see how much they suck compared to the PS4 versions.
Watch Dogs was noticeably slightly inferior graphically, but I honestly didn't see a difference with MGS.
Killer Instinct, Crimson Dragon, Halo Assault... nothing has been able to hold my attention for more than a few minutes. Totally twiddling my thumbs waiting for Sunset Overdrive and Halo MCC. After finally enjoying some MP for the first time in over 10 years in the Destiny beta, I'm actually super tempted to check out Titanfall... The XBone controller is great, so solid and well made. But LB and RB, yeesh, using them is so uncomfortable. I'm actually quite surprised that I find the DS4 to be slightly superior.


...by playing online with it? I assumed I didn't need to specify this because, like you said, you literally have to be online to get it/play it initially. If I should have specified however, I'm sorry. I blame being an American and suffering from too much freedom and not being used to doing things.

No, I asked because I was going to offer to play you but couldn't find your stats/record of playing it.

Glitch maybe?

Checks birth records...yep...been an "American" too for nearly 32 years.

Anyone extremely pleased with what the Xbox One or PS4 has had to offer so far is either lying to themselves or does not own a proper gaming PC/has ignored what the PC has to offer...

<-- Has i7/GTX 780 rig
<-- Is very happy with console purchases and very excited about FH2 next month



Oops, DP


Will use accidental DP to respond to the below.

This is a year where a hand held game could be the GOTY.. while big consoles just get ports, re-ports and definitive editions.


Kill all the flowers!@#! (why are demo drivers so bad?)


GOTY and GOAT :p


So far, both systems have pretty much been dust collectors for me. Wish I would have waited... At least I've had some time to clear out a decent chunk of my backlog.

Nailed it. 1st post and there is nothing more to say.

Vita, WiiU, 3DS are keeping me super busy. Shovel Knight, Bravely Default on 3DS are pretty much the GOTY contenders. This is a year where a hand held game could be the GOTY.. while big consoles just get ports, re-ports and definitive editions.
I played Killzone hated it will never get anything killzone again. I loved Knack oddly (i know people say it sucks here), play blacklight constantly on ps4 stop for a bit now, beat second son loved it, play UFC on ps4 enjoy it from time to time. It's a really fun system haven't touch any of the indie stuff since i've played almost all of them on the PC.

Xbox one, I dismantled crimson dragon was on the top of the leader board for awhile, super time force addicting as hell reminds me of old retro classics with a good spin, Titanfall was really fun but I got busy and now I feel super behind everyone else so im demotivated to even touch it - Killer Instinct is sex in my mouth - Garden warfare this is something that is really fun to play alot of you guys who are waiting for it to go onto PSN will have some really fun times

Love the UI of xbox moreso then Sony at the moment but thats only because it seems MS keeps updating constantly so it always feels new and refreshing still need to do some slight catching up but their on the right path

sooooo it doesn't really matter at the end of the day you're a winner with either console unless you're obsessed with graphics and want a slight edge in hardware via ps4.

forgot to mention will be getting Destiny on PS4 felt better to me then on X1 for some reason

also you guys who are waiting are fucking smart i also wish i waited with all these new bundles coming out with extra space
I know everyone has different tastes but I truly don't understand how some people are going months without playing anything or have only played a handful of games since launch.

It seems like every week there's a new game or two for PS4, at least 4 or 5 per month. How are none of these appealing?



PS4 started out very slow but I'm really enjoying it now. The best games on it (TLoUR, TR:DE, FF14, Wolfenstein, MLB 14) are all available elsewhere but they look the best on the platform.

The design is growing on me and the controller is a HUGE improvement over the DS3. The capture features are pretty great too.

I'm pretty satisfied and looking forward to Metro Redux this month


I got both at launch but I was much more into XB1 to start because I prefer the controller. Of the launch games I got, I didn't like Dead Rising 3 and Ryse was just okay. I also found Kinect utterly underwhelming.

Titanfall was such a huge letdown for me that I sold the console with rumors of a pricedrop coming. I'll be picking up a white SSO console on day 1.


I know everyone has different tastes but I truly don't understand how some people are going months without playing anything or have only played a handful of games since launch.

It seems like every week there's a new game or two for PS4, at least 4 or 5 per month. How are none of these appealing?

I agree with this - at times I've had too much too play and still need to go back and finish Child of Light, Fez and all the extra missions on Metal Gear: Ground Zeroes.

As for a review - the only disappointment for me with the PS4 is the lack of firmware updates that actually bring features. I expected this gen, especially at the beginning, to add lots of new features every month or two, but so far nothing.

Games have been great though so far, can't wait to see what the next 9 months bring.

The hardware has also been great - I like the speediness of the PS4s OS. Also love the Dualshock 4. Feels great. (battery life being the only downer there)

Overall 8.5/10


Anyone extremely pleased with what the Xbox One or PS4 has had to offer so far is either lying to themselves or does not own a proper gaming PC/has ignored what the PC has to offer...
Nope, absolutely not true. I'm having a blast playing bf4 and killzone with friends on my ps4. Yet I own an i7/gtx680.



OS - C serviceable
Controller - A- symmetrical sticks bleh
Knack B+ Refreshing simple yet fun mechanics.
KillzoneSF C- I finished it with no interest to play it ever again.
InfamousSS C+ Great graphics horrible mini games, I'd rather hunt pigeons in GTAIV.
Watch Dogs B+ Implemented some new mechanics and had a nice sandbox. MP was cool at first before people got cheap.


OS B+ nice features having like clips of games while browsing in the store. TV is nice
Controler A No plus due to fact that bumpers take getting used to.
Ryse B+ Interesting take on brawler with great graphics. Too much grinding required in MP.
Killer Instinct B+ Fun game but I just don't have the time or skill to play
Lego Marvel B- Fun, but my daughter had no interest so I haven't played it much.
Project Spark beta A - I love creation games and this has dominated my playtime for the last month. It's nice to have an alternative to LBP.


Extremely weak start for both so far IMO.

- Launch unit had blue light of death, never turned on and had to swap it out. Not the greatest launch day experience.
- Played Killzone Shadowfall and Battlefield 4 during November launch. Killzone was complete shit and Battlefield 4 hit me with the save deletion bug (which wasn't fixed after weeks) and I ended up trading it in.
- Since November I've mostly just played Outlast (free on PS+) which was fun but short, and a couple of betas/demos like Destiny and P.T. which were also short/limited experiences.
- Sony has dropped the ball on firmware. Aside from the promised features which are nowhere in sight (suspend/resume) there's very basic stuff like folders and customization options that should be there.
- Dual Shock 4 is very nice and comfy but has absolutely terrible unacceptable battery life and the light bar is extremely annoying. Otherwise the hardware is very nice.

Xbox One:
- Played Ryse (meh) and Dead Rising 3 (fun co-op game) during November launch period.
- Not much else until Titanfall came out a few months later in March. Had a lot of fun with that game though and played it for weeks.
- Controller is very nice.
- Kinect has been mostly useless outside of a few select commands (navigation dash & "Xbox Record That")
- They're also lacking on the firmware side. MS has been much faster at improving the dashboard than Sony, but they've still got a ways to go especially with media support.


There's just not many games that interest me personally, and very few games that are truly "next-gen" experiences (you can probably count those on one hand). These lineups are pretty weak and being padded with remasters of last-gen games (TLOU, GTAV, Master Chief Collection, Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, etc). I don't think either console has a true "must have" exclusive release that justifies purchasing the system yet.

I knew this going in of course, but the lineups are even worse than I had imagined. Probably a dozen games got delayed from this year to 2015 including big ones like Batman, almost all Japanese developers are MIA, there's been a lack of AAA announcements during E3/Gamescom, etc.

I think by this time next year both systems will be great purchases with a solid lineup but it's hard to recommend them at this point.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
PS4 I have barely touched. I usually have to find a reason to play it, PT being the only one recently. There honestly hasn't been a single game I have really enjoyed for it other than Resogun. That's not to say there aren't good games for it, I just usually got them on PC, and none of the exclusives clicked with me. KZ I forced myself through, dropped both Knack and I:SS after getting bored with them quickly.

XBone I use for a cable TV remote 90% of the time, lol. I made fun of voice controls but I use them so fucking much. Killer Instinct was a pleasant surprise(eventually), Crimson Dragon made me wish there was a new Panzer Dragoon, TItanfall was fun for a few hours, Ryse was better than expected. But it still is mostly a super expensive cable box or an easy way to send videos from my PC to the Bone(right click-play to xbox one os)

TL;DR-PS4 has gotten much less use than I anticipated despite my super hype for it, Bone has gotten more use than expected despite my hesitance on buying it initially, neither has really proved particularly woth their purchase yet.


Anyone extremely pleased with what the Xbox One or PS4 has had to offer so far is either lying to themselves or does not own a proper gaming PC/has ignored what the PC has to offer...

Or has a different taste in games than you.

As for me, I was thinking about buying a new PC before the PS4 was announced, but it's unnecessary now that I can play most of those games on my console.
Disappointed mostly, I'm sure its a solid system for those who don't own a PC but I'm mostly waiting on bloodborne at this point. I bought a PS4 because I loved the games I had on PS3 (I bought that shortly before GoW3 came out). I'm mostly disappointed by how many exclusives came out this year that I couldn't find on PC. Infamous was short, TLOU is a port I've already played (thought the game was good, but It's nothing new for me), and I have no interest in driving games. I bought KZ at launch and the multiplayer was fun for a time (it's mostly dead now) but the SP was rough. 2015 looks way more promising though.


Always my rule to wait to buy at the first price drop. By then there will be a nice cheap line of first year or two games. I will of course completely drop this if FFXV or KH3 releases before then.
I'm surprised at how much I enjoy using the voice control for TV on the Xbox One, wasn't expecting that at all. Regarding games, Titanfall and Wolfenstein have kept me satisfied, don't have much time anymore.

I'll pick up a PS4 down the road, nothing really compelling for me on there right now.


I've had my PS4 for a few weeks now, and I am completely satisfied with it. Used to have an XB1 but sold it (being a former 360 owner).

- Awesome controller (I did the XB1 sticks "upgrade", and now it's my fav controller ever..)
- Quick OS. Clean and simple. Love it.
- Equal, if not better version of multi-platform games compared to the XB1.
- Gaming hardware at heart.
- Lacks some multimedia capabilities, but I'm sure they'll be added eventually.

- Awesome controller (amazing ergonomics, love the sticks)
- OS felt bloaty. MS needs to being it on par with the 360 (customizations, avatars, etc). I'm sure this will be improved with time.
- Usually, inferior version of multi-platform games.
- Kinect is unreliable.

I may get an XB1 later down the road again. Maybe the SO Bundle next year (granted that Amazon still stocks it, like the Day One Edition and others).


I barely play my PS4, haven't played it much since Infamous Second Son. Probably going to pickup The Last of Us and then wait for #Driveclub. I'm very disappointed in the output of games that interest me so far on the PS4.

I use my Xbox One everyday because of the TV/media features. I was very happy with the system games wise at launch all the way up until Titanfall and Kinect Sports. Now its dry as hell as far as games that I'm interested in. That will change next week with Diablo III most likely, then onto Destiny, Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive.

I feel I could have waited with the PS4 while the geek in me is very satisfied with the OS and features MS have built and continue to add to the Xbox One.
PS4: Love it even though it sounds like a jet engine. Play all my games on it because it has the best versions, just like I did with 360. Hate the battery life of that fucking controller. Hate the UI.

ONE: Love how quiet it is, especially when it's on. Only have Titanfall and it isn't the game it was hyped to be. Haven't played in months. Can't fucking wait to pre-load FH2. Couldn't care less about Halo Collection. We'll see about SO. Love the controller. Hate the UI.


Makes me incredibly sad to see Resogun not on most people's lists :(

Resogun is the best PS4 game next to TLOU, in my opinion.


I bought Xbox One in launch, it has mainly been Killer Instinct and Netflix machine since then. That should change soon with both Destiny and NHL 15 coming out.

Killer Instinct is probably the most played console game in this household, and currently the only game visiting friends want to play. Otherwise it might have been collecting more dust.

I am really pleased with the console itself, it is quiet and I love the user interface. I could not live without "Xbox record that" feature.

Some really minor issues have been fixed really quickly by Microsoft, like the problems with GoT Bluray and inability to use the fightstick with the youtube app.

Monster Zero

Junior Member
My WiiU is getting triple the playtime my X1 is. And my Ps4 is a FF14 box. Watchdogs was good, titanfall was great, Infamous was cool, but man. I could have gotten most of these games cross gen. WiiU has been the saving grace this gen so far for me


In regards to the PS4 though

aside from some flops here and there ( Killzone) it has been a joy to play and has entertained my family and I for hours thanks to Resogun, Dead nation and now TLOU.

I have to mention UI and share features. UI is incredibly responsive, intuitive and easy to navigate. Such a huge departure and upgrade from the slow ass PS3 UI.

I had some serious issues with the DS4 thumbsticks at launch, I had some bad luck that's for sure...4 or 5 DS4 replacements and they all had the same issue with the crappy thumb stick peeling, but I am now pleased to say that issue has been rectified with the revised and incredible new DS4 model.

the thumb sticks have an improved rubber texture and the analog sticks feel a lot tighter compared to the old model, Also the texture on the back feels like it has more grip and is not prone to making your hands sweat.


Best controller ever.


PS4- I bought it for MLB the Show 14 and not much else. I don't plan on ever subscribing to PS+, so I can't comment on it. The game is basically a 1080p version of last years game. A lot the bad animations remain and the frame rate is is atrocious in certain areas. I give the PS4 props for being the simplest UI I've ever seen. I don't get distracted by other things to click on. So that's a plus. I can't give it a full review yet because no major exclusives have been released yet. Infamous bored me to death and I played TLOU on PS3 and don't want to pay money to play it again. My next game purchase will probably be Uncharted 4 or MLB the Show 15(if they significantly improve it.)

XB1- I believe this is the best all-around media device I've ever used. The Kinect allows me to turn on all my equipment with a voice command. I can watch TV with different apps snapped. Last night I was able to watch a MLB game on TV while snapping a live soccer game on Youtube. They have done a great job with the monthly updates and the apps selection continues to grow as well. I own about 15 digital games for the system and it has been awesome to be able to suspend and instant resume where I left off. The games I enjoyed the most are Forza 5, Titanfall, and Wolfenstein. I'm looking forward to Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, and Master Chief Collection. I would give the game advantage to XB1.


PS4 for th fast UI and better performing 3rd party games

X1 for Titanfall and controller....and now with the upcoming update it looks like it will be my go to media machine
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