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PS5 only gamers, assume all Bethesda games go exclusive. What now?

If what Phil said in the interview with CNBC is true, there is nothing to assume. They will honour the deals in place with PS5, but the future stuff will be Xbox conole exclusive.

They have no choice but to "honor the deals" lol he keeps pretending like they are some generous company doing the right thing when legally they have to do that, it's either that or buy the deal out and the other side has to be willing for that to happen.
I've always played Fallout 3, 4 and Skyrim on PC so I don't care. I wouldn't dream of playing a Bethesda game on console to be honest.. And I'm very much a console gamer at heart. I need them unofficial patches, mods and even console commands to proceed the gameplay after game-breaking bugs etc.

Alan Wake

This is potentially huge. Very few of the franchises involved are to my liking but happy to see Xbox Game Studios growing and Spencer meaning business.

Imagine the rumors a few years ago that Xbox would be sold off. Seems like a long time ago...


How long until the Doom guy gets his Craig like meme on GAF?
I'm willing to bet that the character's best days on this forum are behind him.
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From all this ZeniMax lineup this generation only played doom for 2 hours and never give it second chance (vr version was cool tough), didn't buy fallout 4 couse read is boring and looks that way. Tried many times to get into elder scroll but just didn't get it why this ugly game get 10/10 (again cudos for vr version, have some fun with shooting from bow) so nothing change for me but if in future they will release exclusivly fallout 5 or new morrownd with proper graphic and interesting story who knows, but really doubt (fallout 76 fiasco)


TBH I just think it’s hilarious that silly Bethesda matters after spending an entire generation getting shit on left and right. The best games from Bethesda aren’t even from their main studios (Doom, The Evil Within) so I can’t even say if this feels like a loss or not considering Evil Within 2 tanked in sales and I doubt we’ll be getting a sequel. But if it does I’ll buy an SX but Bethesda isn’t a company I really think of honestly lol


TBH I just think it’s hilarious that silly Bethesda matters after spending an entire generation getting shit on left and right. The best games from Bethesda aren’t even from their main studios (Doom, The Evil Within) so I can’t even say if this feels like a loss or not considering Evil Within 2 tanked in sales and I doubt we’ll be getting a sequel. But if it does I’ll buy an SX but Bethesda isn’t a company I really think of honestly lol

That's the part that confused me the most from the goobers bragging about this acquisition.


I buy every console. But b4 kids PC was my main. This last gen my kids came on to games and we both had xbox's. Decided to go ps5 this gen. See I need two of the same console which makes it a bigger decision.

I am debating if me and my boys really need two PS5's. I have 3 pre ordered. Or if we would be better off with one of each console.

If there is a good RPG game though and its exclusive its a no brainer to buy w/e system this game is on.


From all this ZeniMax lineup this generation only played doom for 2 hours and never give it second chance (vr version was cool tough), didn't buy fallout 4 couse read is boring and looks that way. Tried many times to get into elder scroll but just didn't get it why this ugly game get 10/10 (again cudos for vr version, have some fun with shooting from bow) so nothing change for me but if in future they will release exclusivly fallout 5 or new morrownd with proper graphic and interesting story who knows, but really doubt (fallout 76 fiasco)

You gotta give prey a shot, legit GotG candidate


This is indeed a boss move by Microsoft and it is possible that some of the big games will still come to PlayStation down the line (i.e. Elder Scrolls, Fallout etc). But to the question presented by the OP, PC will be a great fallback if I really wanted the Bethesda fix.

In the short term, I only really care about Deathloop and Doom Eternal (DLC and Next Gen Update). All of the those should still come to PS5 by next year so I'm good there. The only other game in the Bethesda staple that I would really want to play is the next Elder Scrolls game which is still years away. If it happens that it doesn't come to PS5, then I may just get on PC.

Again, boss move by Phil and team but it really doesn't do anything in the hear and now to make me want to get an Xbox over a PS5. If the Starfield, the next Elder Scrolls, and the next Doom game look amazing in 2-3 years, then I will surely look toward my PC or purchasing an Xbox console at that time.

At the end of the day, Microsoft is desperately trying to add more compelling content to GamePass and now with EA Play and Bethesda's portfolio they are going balls to the wall to increase its value...and they are succeeding :messenger_beaming:





I think their last game I got from them was Doom II for PC and didn't buy it. I'm not a fan of FPS or too long games like Skyrim or Fallout. It doesn't affect me, I'll still buy PS5 and not a Xbox. I liked the original Resident Evil games, if it's great I may get Ghostwire Tokyo but as of now I'm not sold.

I have a good PC, so if some day I want a game from them I'll get it on PC, or maybe will get GamePass (which as of now I don't plan to get).
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The only thing i'd care about is TES6. I didn't like Doom eternal (Doom 2016 was miles better in my opinion) and we all know how much they shit the bed with the latest wolfenstein game. The rest of the lineup isn't my type of game... So depending whether the games are actually worthwhile, i might get a Xbox down the line but so far i don't plan on buying one just because they bought bethesda.


I would be sorry for the elder ... and don't think that a lot with oblivion two 360s broken, and with skirym it is not that my head exploded, with telling you that it would have screwed me more than buying ubisoft I tell you everything ...


I'd decided exclusively to go PS5 since Xbox didn't offer enough for me. I'm main Jrpgs and such. I do love older western stuff, but with this recent purchase I'm heavily debating snagging an X tomorrow. I'm not keen on having 3 or more active consoles at once, since I lack the time to play regularly. But I enjoy many of the games published by Bethesda, and I really hope for the best in regards to Starfield and all the devs. I'm interested to see where this goes in future cases of console exclusives.

My one complaint is that MS's launch is still bare bones and most of these studios will take a good several years to start churning out games. So its huge news now but it'll take years to see the results and the specific direction they want to go in. Spencer saying that they'll consider exclusives on a game by game basis is the perfect uncommitted response. It leaves the consumer hanging. Shit, the new tech goes up for purchase tomorrow? Those big studios may or may not provide an exclusive reason to buy in to S/X? Its intentionally vague and sucks. I could just wait for PS5 confirmation and PC. Though I definitely prefer consoles.

For T&A, weeb-y waifu loving nerds such as myself I still want to see MS get the big'ns on Xbox. Still no Persona, Trails, Neptunia, and tons more. So yeah its huge, but not the end of the world. I might get one but probably not to main unless hell freezes over.
Easy. I'm gonna wait a year and pick up a second hand Xbox Series S on the cheap and use it as my Gamepass/Bethesda machine.

PS5 will keep being my main console though.
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Not sure this a serious question or its just to provoke and incite wars...

But for me the only downside would be lack of Doom. Never cared about other Bethesda titles, let alone buying them. Not a big loss for me at all.
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Gold Member
If it's the case that the next Doom game is console exculisve on the Xbox then I will buy it on PC and play it there and use it as an excuse to update my PC too.
The only way I'd get an Xbox over a PS in the current state would be if they did something like acquire exclusivity on an IP like Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy will be on PC too (and XBox but will leave that aside) - seems like a double standard here, no?


Final Fantasy will be on PC too (and XBox but will leave that aside) - seems like a double standard here, no?
Final Fantasy 7 Remake isn't and I bought that day 1. Also, I beat FF15 on my PC but I likely will be doing 16 on console. I missed suspend/resume way too much playing that game.


IF it happened it would be a blow no doubt about it. My favourite Bethesda franchise is Evil Within and that looks pretty done at the moment. I guess if they were all exclusive I'd consider PC.


Unless they also take it away from PC, it changes nothing for a majority of us. We'll just play those games on our PCs. If anything they may, maybe, sell us a Series S box. MS will still never be my primary gaming system unless something massive changes.
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voted poster of the decade by bots
It's not a problem....the very best games are still on PlayStation.

Always have been....always will be...

Please, this is such an arrogant and unrealistic statement, this could change in a heartbeat. If Sony moved to PC gaming it's already not true. If Sony loses or sells a key studio or 2, it's no longer true. If a studio has a bunch of unhappy staff who leave it's no longer true. Even now it's debatable, depends on what game exclusives you like.


Doom is the only thing in their (current) catalog that would matter to me, and I'd just grab it on PC.

Either way I can't see most of these staying exclusive. MS is already content publishing on other platforms. They'll put these games on the PS5 for the same reason they do Minecraft.


Gold Member
Assuming you're a fan, you can either play them on PC or get a Series S/X. It's not that much of a conundrum...
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Is the question whether or not we will abandon Playstation? I mean, why when a Series S is $299? it's so damn cheap.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I have always been PC/PS so it affects my life not at all, but I suppose MS can still consider that a win. I mean they got me on board for GamePass, so I guess I'm a customer, even if I'm unlikely to buy another Xbox.
I will probably upgrade my PC/ build a new one once elder scrolls or avowed hits. couldnt really care less about other bethesda franchises. Still getting PS5 for Demon Souls, God of War and MP games
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