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PSN Content 01/17/07

I didn't like Turok at all, as expected.

It was ugly. To be honest, Metal Gear Solid 3's jungle foliage looked better.

And I felt bad killing the dinosaurs. I don't know why, but when you pick up a small one and slit it's throat, it really made me feeling disgusting. I know they're trying to convey that you're some awesome, badass, killing machine...but ick.


Ceb said:
Seriously? I was thinking they had upgraded their servers or something because downloading the Turok demo went by so fast. Then again, it's no R&C or Uncharted...

Yea, it's really slow for me too.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
dralla said:
DMC4 demo cant come soon enough. I need it to restore my faith in gaming


PS Store speeds are blazing lately (~2mb/sec)... of course the new FIOS hookup don't hurt :)

That 1080p Cloverfield trailer on the Euro store is 230 megs! Bigger than some demos... shesh.
TTP said:
Turok PS3 demo impressions:

- Controls better than the 360 version. Sticks seem more responsive or something.
- Graphics assets are on par
- Image quality is very close.

- There is zero motion blur. Maybe a good thing after all.
- Frame rate issues similar to the 360 version but with some extra tearing going on (very rare).
- Primary fire on R2 :/ (hopefully final game allows to map that on R1)

why god...WHHHHYYYY!!!!!???????

....i just made a UK 360 account, so I'll be able to compare both demos


when is my burrito
Laurent said:
Hey tanod, we are in 2008 since the beginning of the month...

dammit, that's the 2nd week in a row :mad:

You'd think I'd have 2008 down since as an accountant, I probably type it in 50-100 times a day.

Hook me up Jim?


Nooreo said:
If you have a psp then you will love Beats,for 5 bucks a portable Guitar hero that plays your custom songs

Yeah right. The first day I bought it I played it for a while. well It's been a while since I touched it. I really have no means of playing this again.


Damn, I see people are downloading the Turok demo pretty quick. A half hour just passed and I'm just at 11%. WTH? It's 9:30 where I'm at right now. I'll be lucky if it downloads by midnight...


Just got done playing the Turok demo. Visually it's pretty decent and seems to run well on the hardware. There are a few hitches in the framerate, but it didn't bother me and I'm usually a stickler for framerates. Boring cave starts it off which wasn't a good idea for a demo intro but atleast you get outside into the jungle later on. Otherwise it seems solid overall in terms of gameplay.

Controls for the most part feel good, but having the primary fire on R2 is a bad choice. Hopefully you can change that in the full game. The demo gets better once you get into the tall grass area to investigate the wreckage. Being silent and lurking through the grass using the bow and knife for stealth kills feels pretty rewarding and is easily the best part of it.

The characters and dialogue are pretty forgettable from what's here, the weapons mostly are your average lot, nothing too exciting so far. The N64 Turok weapon lots seem much more creative imo, but I don't know the full loadout of weapons you'll get in this game, so I can't really judge it fully. The Pulse Rifle is pretty neat. I'd say it'll atleast be worth a rental, and depending on the rest of the game maybe a purchase.

Part of me wonders if this would have been better off not using the Turok IP and just being a new franchise or something as I expect some people will be letdown that it's really nothing like the previous Turok games on the N64.


TTP said:
Turok PS3 demo impressions:

- Controls better than the 360 version. Sticks seem more responsive or something.
- Graphics assets are on par
- Image quality is very close.

- There is zero motion blur. Maybe a good thing after all.
- Frame rate issues similar to the 360 version but with some extra tearing going on (very rare).
- Primary fire on R2 :/ (hopefully final game allows to map that on R1)

Please, I agree with the rest of your post, but why is everyone so against mapping the primary fire button on R2?? Am I then really the only one who does this in every game? Resistance or COD4, I have primary fire button always assigned to R2. Sony didn't put the trigger buttons there for nothing, you know. I really like firing with the R2 button. Anyone else out here?? *ECHO* *ECHo* *ECho* *Echo*


An blind dancing ho
* Tori-Imaki wonderful use for PS Eye , it's like some DS game but in HD , the "touch " thing is very great and work just fine , maybe Tori-Imaki can open the door for some DS games port or clones in HD for PS3 ? i don't know but this nongame is so freakingtastic .

seriously PSeye has some cool hidden abilites , Sony should show this more .

:lol @ Turok

I don't know but Turok 64 did jungle levels better than this one , also Turok 64 weapons are better than this , Vivendi Universal failed so hard tonight.

I guess Vivendi Universal should hire David Dienstbier ( Turok 64 game designer ) for this , but it's too late now .

:lol :lol @ Fifa Street , what wrong with EA ? first Fifa street was decent but this it pure BS , all Street series including NBA one are crap right now .

also , there is new PSone classics on Japan store and nothing for EU/NA , for Shame

P.S. :| @ cloverfield
I like the new Mesmerize visuals.

I wish they would let you incorporate your mp3 playlist into that 'experience'. :(

I'm tempted to get Tori-Imaki now after all the good impressions...


TTP said:
Turok PS3 demo impressions:

- Controls better than the 360 version. Sticks seem more responsive or something.
- Graphics assets are on par
- Image quality is very close.

- There is zero motion blur. Maybe a good thing after all.
- Frame rate issues similar to the 360 version but with some extra tearing going on (very rare).
- Primary fire on R2 :/ (hopefully final game allows to map that on R1)

I don't have Gold or a Euro account so I can't comment on comparisons to the 360 version, but I didn't think Turok was a very good looking game. Most of the environment textures seem pretty low-res, which is especially noticable when sneaking through the grass. Fortunately the framerate seems pretty solid.

Once I got outside of the cave (which was boring) I actually had a lot of fun with the demo. Sneaking through the grass and waiting for a chance to stab someone with my knife or shoot someone with my bow reminded me a lot of Thief, and was pretty cool.

I'll definitely play the demo again, then try the 360 version when I can. I'll probably pick up whichever version seems to be the best.

I do hope they let you modify the controls to get primary fire off of R2.


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
The Turok demo is most useful as a reminder of how worthless preview coverage is for games. There is no reason for optimism.


y'all should be ashamed
DjangoReinhardt said:
The Turok demo is most useful as a reminder of how worthless preview coverage is for games. There is no reason for optimism.

Heh, kinda agree. The guns are the weakest ones I've played in any recent FPS, and the action just feels a bit disjointed. Disappointed, to say the least. :(


Playing around with the new Mainichi Issho update.

I dunno if they're intentionally sending you to backyards with lots of stuff, but geez, people are buying a lot of DLC. It's pretty frustrating walking around though cause their pace is soooooo slooooow >_<

11/2006 stories have been officially removed from the archives.


Ceb said:
Typok is fucking awful. The damn Timeshift demo was ten times better than this.
I came here to say the same thing. I actually appreciate Timeshift a lot more now after playing Turok.


Jim said:
PS Store speeds are blazing lately (~2mb/sec)... of course the new FIOS hookup don't hurt :)

That 1080p Cloverfield trailer on the Euro store is 230 megs! Bigger than some demos... shesh.

I have cable (10mb) and mine has been blazing for the pass 2-3 months.

Rolf NB

Not happy with Turok. May just be a poor choice of the demo section. A demo is your shot at making an overwhelming first impression, and it's just not such a great idea to stick players into a dark, monochromatic cave where they can't see shit as the first thing. The exterior graphics are pretty good I thought, nice sense of being in a large jungle, the animated foliage is awesome, but the raw area designs were rather underwhelming. Felt very artificial to rummage through a large arena pit enclosed by walls and fucking ramps up onto those walls.

Combat didn't give as much response as I would have wanted. I could never really tell when I had defeated an enemy, because they'd often fall over and go into what I identified as a death animation, but then get back up. Very frustrating when you're already reloading the gun. Also couldn't really anticipate from where I was being attacked. I didn't turn up the volume much because it's not exactly play time here, so if there's audio cues I just didn't catch, that's probably good enough.

I could say that the knife is ridiculously overpowered, but more constructive ways to say it is probably that the SMG feels incredibly weak, or maybe that the dinos can take too much punishment. The shotgun is effective enough IMO.

Lastly, the control scheme ... is this the Halo 3 scheme? I know the XBox 360 pad's bumbers aren't all that good, but really: does a gun trigger have to be an analog button with a long way to push? Nope. It makes no sense. You don't half-shoot a gun. You either fire it or you don't fire it, so map it to a digital button please, if you have one in reach that works well enough.
PS3 control defaults should build on Resistance, because that's what PS3 fps players are trained for. Configurability would be all kinds of ace, of course.
Seriously, who the f*ck thought a demo of a boring and mundane cave was a good idea for a demo? I swear, the people in charge of these thing don't know how much this affects a game. Just look at what a demo did for Bioshock. It can really make or break a game in today's world.


TheMissingLink said:
I didn't like Turok at all, as expected.

It was ugly. To be honest, Metal Gear Solid 3's jungle foliage looked better.

And I felt bad killing the dinosaurs. I don't know why, but when you pick up a small one and slit it's throat, it really made me feeling disgusting. I know they're trying to convey that you're some awesome, badass, killing machine...but ick.
I must have issues because I was pissed you couldn't decapitate them.


An blind dancing ho
CartridgeBlower said:
Seriously, who the f*ck thought a demo of a boring and mundane cave was a good idea for a demo? I swear, the people in charge of these thing don't know how much this affects a game. Just look at what a demo did for Bioshock. It can really make or break a game in today's world.

True , just like Uncharted demo ( Uncharted Demo was bad , they should use chapter 3 , 8 or even 1 and 2 ) , and for a Turok game they should show some big and open environment with all weapons available ( Sigma style ) , first level of the game as demo is good for most games , dev should know that .


Zoe said:
Playing around with the new Mainichi Issho update.

I dunno if they're intentionally sending you to backyards with lots of stuff, but geez, people are buying a lot of DLC. It's pretty frustrating walking around though cause their pace is soooooo slooooow >_<

11/2006 stories have been officially removed from the archives.

I have a question, since you seem to be the only other person who plays the game here. If I buy stuff from the Mainichi Issho store, is said content only locked to the account that bought it? Lately I've been streamlining everything to my main (CAN) account, if not, then there's nothing wrong with me using my JPN account then.


That Cloverfield trailer looks awful. I understand the conceit, but the acting looks like acting. If they're going to go for the whole handheld Blair Witch business, it shouldn't look so staged and artificial.
Thanks to Sony still holding onto Puzzle Fighter, Everyday Shooter, Bowling and SOTN from the store I can buy content from I've just bought Calling All Cars. I hope when its finished downloading I don't regret my purchase.


Bearillusion said:
Thanks to Sony still holding onto Puzzle Fighter, Everyday Shooter, Bowling and SOTN from the store I can buy content from I've just bought Calling All Cars. I hope when its finished downloading I don't regret my purchase.



Bog said:
Everyone I know is addicted to Ape Quest.
Is this for PSP only?

Totobeni said:
all Street series including NBA one are crap right now .
NBA Street Homecourt is really good. Gorgeous graphics, animation, lighting, 60 fps and insanely fun multi-player with friends over.


Bearillusion said:
Glad I bought it. Seems like a blast and something fun to play with the kids. Now Sony let me buy those other games.

That's what we all said. For like, 10 minutes.
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