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Reddit: The gutting of Destiny's story


DeeJ on 404Architect.


What is the line about bungie employees being easily spotted in the wild even susposed to mean? They are obviously not easy to spot if many people are believing the 404 guy.


Wow finally caught up with the thread. All those big name actors barely used. Is there any salvaging whats here as far as story goes?

I'll wait for the
Vex time travel/simulation resetting everything.


How anyone is denying cut content is beyond me. Every NPC in the game does fuck all yet is voiced by a big name star, you don't pay big money for Lance Reddick or Nathan Filion to introduce a single strike and spout some lines in town.


Looks like the 404Architect guy responded to Reddit's request for proof and declined "to avoid fears of reprisal". I guess we'll find out the truth in time.



DeeJ on 404Architect.


Eh, this doesn't mean a whole lot (at least to me). The entire point of the '404Architect' account was to be anonymous so it's very highly unlikely that a Bungie employee would go and prove their identity, at least publicly.

Still, pretty much everything that they posted was already public knowledge and the other stuff could just be conjecture. /saltgrain
What is the line about bungie employees being easily spotted in the wild even susposed to mean? They are obviously not easy to spot if many people are believing the 404 guy.

Confirmation bias explains exactly why people would believe it. Given some of the other behind the scenes stories it's also not that far fetched and does quite a good job of "filling in the blanks" given the bits and pieces of information we either already know or already believe.
I'm sorry but this is bullshit. If this was true he would not say anything. He wouldn't straight up lie. I guess I have too much faith in people.

Damage. Control.

Either way, what he said is most likely not far from the truth even if he is a fake. Something went horribly wrong with Destiny, and I think it's fair to say there was some major divisions in the team with what Destiny should have been.


How anyone is denying cut content is beyond me. Every NPC in the game does fuck all yet is voiced by a big name star, you don't pay big money for Lance Reddick or Nathan Filion to introduce a single strike and spout some lines in town.


Also wouldn't be the first time they get caught lying.


I still really enjoy playing destuny with friends. Plus the raid is really fun. It just sucks that what we got is not what we expected it to be. The vanilla release is too messed up to fix with dlc.

I think we will have to wait for destiny 2 to get a truly great game.


DeeJ on 404Architect.


The very fact he's commenting gives credence to everything. If you want the story to go away SAY NOTHING.

Seriously, why even comment? And even then why comment AND insult your fanbase at the same time by insinuating they are idiots who are falling for some elaborate hoax?

You don't need "damage control", your game did 500 million dollars in sales. Just shut up about it and let the news cycle move on to something else in 48 hours.


I highly suggest DeeJ or someone else at Bungie to come out and give an explanation as to why there is all this missing story content rather than just saying a one line statement about being trolled and saying nothing else.


At this point, even if 404 isn't real, this should be a Wake-Up Call for Bungie. People are upset with the finished product of Destiny they gave us and people want answers and Bungie, frankly, isn't supplying anything substantial.

If this is fake then step-up Bungie. Show us what really happened. Give us something to work with. Because the longer we wait for someone to step-up take responsibility and outline what happened (and hopefully what they'll do to make up for it) the more people are going to speculate and come up with "What Really Happened". Give anything Bungie.


I highly suggest DeeJ or someone else at Bungie to come out and give an explanation as to why there is all this missing story content rather than just saying a one line statement about being trolled and saying nothing else.

They don't have time to explain why they don't have time to explain


Damage. Control.

Either way, what he said is most likely not far from the truth even if he is a fake. Something went horribly wrong with Destiny, and I think it's fair to say there was some major divisions in the team with what Destiny should have been.

Its obvious something big happened. I mean the story is so fucked and the content so thin that the game we got seemed like it was made in a year. I really hope they plan to make a sequel that is way way way better (like AC2). Although at the same time they should release a lot of new content for Destiny proper other then the paid DLC. Though sadly I do not see this happening.

They don't have time to explain why they don't have time to explain

That line made me literally cringe, that is the first time in a story of any type that I just blurted out: Really?


At this point, even if 404 isn't real, this should be a Wake-Up Call for Bungie. People are upset with the finished product of Destiny they gave us and people want answers and Bungie, frankly, isn't supplying anything substantial.

If this is fake then step-up Bungie. Show us what really happened. Give us something to work with. Because the longer we wait for someone to step-up take responsibility and outline what happened and hopefully what they'll do to make up for it the more people are going to speculate and come up with "What Really Happened". Give anything Bungie.

That very well may be the case. But what makes it so sad is that the game as it was released fits the description.

This. All of this.

EDIT: Also, I would think they could fix things if they wanted to. And free. Warframe updates fairly frequently. It's not that great of a game, but having played it when I got the PS4 at launch and playing it last month, I can see that they updated quite a bit. They were able to totally change the HUD, update how combat works, give you a ship to replace the old hub. They also added more cutscenes and stuff. And they did all that for free. Just shows that they can do it. If they want people to stay for the long haul, they need to do something similar to this.

As the game is now, I'm not going to throw down on the DLC. And if they aren't going to make good, I really don't care if they decided to say screw all you and just cancel the whole 10 year plan thing. I doubt they'll do that, but you know.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Well, if we are being trolled Deej.. why not explain why a lot of what he says about the story structure and narrative seems butchered to hell and back?

Dude might be a troll, whatever.. but its clear something happened.. hopefully jschreier gets the goods.
The very fact he's commenting gives credence to everything. If you want the story to go away SAY NOTHING.

Seriously, why even comment? And even then why comment AND insult your fanbase at the same time by insinuating they are idiots who are falling for some elaborate hoax?

You don't need "damage control", your game did 500 million dollars in sales. Just shut up about it and let the news cycle move on to something else in 48 hours.

Saying nothing is not at all a cure all. There are quite a few people who still hold a gudge over Marty's dismissal and that's not as salacious an event in the grand scheme of things. And I don't agree that saying that people are being trolled is tantamount to calling them idiots.


Of course he did. He would not say it was true. He could also still be lying.

Is this more or less likely in your head than someone trolling Reddit for attention? Because I've used the internet a few times, and one of these seems more likely than the other to me.


Is this more or less likely in your head than someone trolling Reddit for attention? Because I've used the internet a few times, and one of these seems more likely than the other to me.

Are you telling me that people would lie on the Internet? I don't know if that's even possible.


Well, if we are being trolled Deej.. why not explain why a lot of what he says about the story structure and narrative seems butchered to hell and back?

Dude might be a troll, whatever.. but its clear something happened.. hopefully jschreier gets the goods.

And if Schreier's article corroborates the recent rumors it'll make Bungie look worse than now.
I find it more disheartening if 404 is false. To think that Bungie truly didn't have any "true" vision for the series lore beyond Grimoire Cards is completely indefensible.
DeeJ on 404Architect.


Am I crazy, or is this not a hard no? I mean, I'm very much inclined to believe 404, so there's probably some confirmation bias at play here, but "you're being trolled" and "Bungie employees are easy to spot in the wild" doesn't actually read like a denial to me.


Really interested to see how/if Bungie can pull their asses out of the fire in the next nine years. They still have a fuckton of lore and unused story content to draw on, plus a pretty solid foundation in terms of gameplay. It's just unfortunate they're insisting on ganking players with DLC and we won't see their full vision realized until Destiny 2. (if ever)
I wonder if Sony/SSM regret shutting down Stigs project that was supposedly too similar to Destiny now after all the backlash the game has gotten. I mean maybe they were basing it off of the old trailers/vidocs and their game was truly what Destiny was supposed to have been.


It's actually kinda hilarious how the beta turned out to be more well received than the actual game. The beta made people who didn't care about the game into day one buyers. Then the game comes out and all the good will just evaporates.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Unless I am mistaken, the game was delayed from spring to fall well before the timeline suggested here. No doubt something went sideways in the area of story/cinematics since stuff from the initial vidoc is absent. But I do not buy the idea that there was a whole lot of story there that got cut. The Grimoire cards are not exactly A Song of Ice and Fire.

The bigger deal to me is that it seems like the content that should have been in place for levels 20 - 30 is what the DLC will be. Strikes and Heroic story missions are fun, but nothing beside the raid is actual new post game content.

rdrr gnr

I wonder if Sony/SSM regret shutting down Stigs project that was supposedly too similar to Destiny now after all the backlash the game has gotten. I mean maybe they were basing it off of the old trailers/vidocs and their game was truly what Destiny was supposed to have been.
Someone from SSM said that wasn't true, but it's baffling that we have no idea what that project was about.


How anyone is denying cut content is beyond me. Every NPC in the game does fuck all yet is voiced by a big name star, you don't pay big money for Lance Reddick or Nathan Filion to introduce a single strike and spout some lines in town.
The story is also pretty fucking nonsensical for Bungie. They are much better at crafting interesting stories than what we saw in Destiny (which, as far as story goes, is a traveshamockery).

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
DeeJ on 404Architect.


Yeah, your customers totally got trolled by you, Bungie. Bahaha.

Anyway this totally sounds like "don't believe all those bad, terrible things they've said about us, we're very good at what we do. The game's fine, guys!"
Am I crazy, or is this not a hard no? I mean, I'm very much inclined to believe 404, so there's probably some confirmation bias at play here, but "you're being trolled" and "Bungie employees are easy to spot in the wild" doesn't actually read like a denial to me.

It's a non-denial-denial. It's not a denial. If it were a denial, it would read 404Architect is a troll and everything he said about Destiny's story and development is false. Instead we get you are being trolled Internet. Congrats, that's like saying water is wet. Be fucking specific and explain, aside from utter incompetence, why the story in Destiny is so utterly fucking terrible that people are seriously flabbergasted how it could be created with a straight face.


I find it more disheartening if 404 is false. To think that Bungie truly didn't have any "true" vision for the series lore beyond Grimoire Cards is completely indefensible.

Yeah, Im with you on this. That just screams something thrown in the game late in development.

For being an elite tier developer that would just be a shame if they couldn't come up with something better. It's pretty obvious they ran out of time and had to cut corners story and content wise.


It's actually kinda hilarious how the beta turned out to be more well received than the actual game. The beta made people who didn't care about the game into day one buyers. Then the game comes out and all the good will just evaporates.
Did it now? Game is still the same as the beta
MMinimal story followed by grinding for loot. More people would disagree with you than actually agree with you..
Really interested to see how/if Bungie can pull their asses out of the fire in the next nine years. They still have a fuckton of lore and unused story content to draw on, plus a pretty solid foundation in terms of gameplay. It's just unfortunate they're insisting on ganking players with DLC and we won't see their full vision realized until Destiny 2. (if ever)

Not really sure how they can recover the story. Its all a disjointed mess now, even with dlc its a little hard to inject lore where it should have been in the first place.

Makes me wonder why they didnt just cut the story at a certain point and end on a cliffhanger rather then starting 10 different stories and resolving none.

Why cut the story anyway if the content was done ? What we have now is unpolished anyway.

Even the very starting mission seems wasted. Initially you were dropped off via a ship and could explore that initial area. Now once you have done story mission 1 you can never go back. Just seems like a wasted oppurtunity.


It's actually kinda hilarious how the beta turned out to be more well received than the actual game. The beta made people who didn't care about the game into day one buyers. Then the game comes out and all the good will just evaporates.

Well there was bungie saying that the content we had available in the beta barely scratched the surface. And super hyped GAF saying stuff like "you really think that all of the missions will be like this?" And anything else that would help bring people's hopes up. Should've went with my gut and rented it.


Did it now? Game is still the same as the beta
MMinimal story followed by grinding for loot. More people would disagree with you than actually agree with you..

You aren't looking at the big picture. It was so well received because the beta was just the beginning. We had hope that there would be far more content. Top tier game developer bungie was making this. What could go wrong? There wasn't enough story in the beta for us to realize it was garbage. We had hope. The game was fun and it looked like the story had some potential.
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