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Remember Me |OT| You forgot, didn't you?


Hi everyone! It's game time!

I've got a Remember Me Steam key free for a fellow Gaffer. It'll go to the first one quoting this post with:

- The original name of the game, before it was renamed to Remember Me


- A drawing of Nilin using only MS PAINT. Doesn't have to be good. First post wins.


It was orignally called

Can't use paint since I'm at work. Guess I'm DQ'd!



Hi everyone! It's game time!

I've got a Remember Me Steam key free for a fellow Gaffer. It'll go to the first one quoting this post with:

- The original name of the game, before it was renamed to Remember Me


- A drawing of Nilin using only MS PAINT. Doesn't have to be good. First post wins.


it was called Adrift and the story was some thing different from this story , it was about global warming
this is my drawing , no body laugh


jeez...you guys don't make the purochase/or nto decision easy...

pros : I generally support Capcom (not Crapcom though), I'm french and live in Paris, I don't mind easy games as long as production values shine, I enjoyed Enslaved.

cons : I'm starting to hate my 360 due to Xbone and want to get rid of it ASAP, it's summer almost so gaming is in the backburner, Last of Us is coming (although I need to get a PS3 from a friend, so might not play it next week).

Last game I finished on 360 is Bioshock Infinite. should I leave my 360 era with that in mind?
Finished this last night. The last boss is somewhat irritating due to some design decisions. The camera isn't too hot at that point, but it's nothing unbearable.

Overall, I enjoyed the game, but I'm disappointed that the combat doesn't go beyond unlocking 2-3 types of Pressens and combo strings. I was hoping the combat system would at least try to approach the range that God Hand possesses. I also wish there was more gameplay between the beat-'em-up sections. Just walking around and traversing the environment isn't enough. This game would have been perfect with some parkour platforming or something.
Brought this today, about an hour in. Nice world and story. Functional platforming and fighting just to get through the story. Not worth full price for me so far but if it goes bomba pick it up.
I tried the initial 30 minutes of this game. Holy moly, it's like they wanted really hard for people just to quit out of boredom early on.


∀ Narayan;61955085 said:
Finished this last night. The last boss is somewhat irritating due to some design decisions. The camera isn't too hot at that point, but it's nothing unbearable.

Overall, I enjoyed the game, but I'm disappointed that the combat doesn't go beyond unlocking 2-3 types of Pressens and combo strings. I was hoping the combat system would at least try to approach the range that God Hand possesses. I also wish there was more gameplay between the beat-'em-up sections. Just walking around and traversing the environment isn't enough. This game would have been perfect with some parkour platforming or something.

So far my only major issue with the game is the camera during boss fights. Worst example so far is
the boss at the end of chapter... 4, I think? The big robot where you have to blow his arms off and then attack his weak point for massive damage. The camera was irritating enough during the battle in general, there's no lock-on so I just kinda jumped when I thought he might be charging and hoped for the best. But then when you've whittled his health all the way down and the "PRESS B TO FINISH HIM!" prompt appears, I would go up to him and press B, and then he'd stomp me. This happened several times, thankfully it doesn't do any damage to you, but it kicks you back to the battle and you have to beat him down again to get the PRESS B prompt. Eventually, after getting pretty aggravated and wondering wtf was I doing wrong, I finally noticed that after I pressed B, a Y button icon was appearing over his head, i.e. initiating a series of QTEs you have to perform to actually kill him. Because the camera is so lame, only like the bottom 1/4 of the Y icon was visible. Meh.
I still think it's a decent game, though. No regrets.


went into this blind and I'm really enjoying it.

its pleasantly different, but I can totally see how some people wouldn't like it.

its quite easy but I really want to see what will happen next
Really stylish and interesting based on the first couple of chapters. Combat could be more involved and the whole thing seems to be extremely linear, but I like it. Except for the cringeworthy acting.

There's good potential here for a hugely improved sequel in the style of Assassin's Creed 2.


You guys like the memory rewind thing ?...complete buzz kill for me for now,I am at the first one with Olga and I have no clue what to do,very annoying...so whats the trick to it please,I had to quit out of the game after rewinding and fast forwarding for like 30 minutes...


Bit of trial and error. I admit the first one felt a bit lucky when I finally got it. In the end I just went ahead to the farthest glitch and worked backwards, then it sort of fell into place which ones I needed to trigger.
You guys like the memory rewind thing ?...complete buzz kill for me for now,I am at the first one with Olga and I have no clue what to do,very annoying...so whats the trick to it please,I had to quit out of the game after rewinding and fast forwarding for like 30 minutes...

Whenever you see a glitch (your controller should vibrate as well), pause the memory by holding the left stick in place. Press B to remix it. Find the right combination of remixes.


You guys like the memory rewind thing ?...complete buzz kill for me for now,I am at the first one with Olga and I have no clue what to do,very annoying...so whats the trick to it please,I had to quit out of the game after rewinding and fast forwarding for like 30 minutes...

It wasn't exactly what I'd call "fun" per se. But I really dug the concept and it felt good when I completed it. Looking forward to the next one.


Whenever you see a glitch (your controller should vibrate as well), pause the memory by holding the left stick in place. Press B to remix it. Find the right combination of remixes.

I did that,I found 4 of them but nothing happens...I even
killed Olga at one point
...guess I will keep trying...I was having so much fun admiring the scenery and the music and all,even the combat was great then this...


formerly "chigiri"
Loving the game so far despite it's a little clunky to get used to combat system. Just got to episode 3, bloody marvellous art direction in this game!


You guys like the memory rewind thing ?...complete buzz kill for me for now,I am at the first one with Olga and I have no clue what to do,very annoying...so whats the trick to it please,I had to quit out of the game after rewinding and fast forwarding for like 30 minutes...

Make sure to go slowly and the game will pause and ask you to activate different things in the environment. From there, you just play with turning things off and on and seeing how they play out to see if you are successful.

From there it's trial and error....the way I solved it was:

I took off her husband's anesthesia mask, undid his restraint, and switched the medicine he was getting via IV (it changed color from blue to red). That causes him to go nuts, try to choke the doctor which causes him to quarantine her husband and kill him.

I found it easier to rewind to the beginning and start from there.


Gold Member

Just finished my first memory remix. I've been playing for 90 minutes according to Steam. This game is AMAZING. The art direction is phenomenal, I'm loving every second of it. The level of detail is stunning, and I'd go as far as to say it's better than Deus Ex Human Revolution, which is my alltime favourite videogame in terms of art direction. I've never pressed F12 so much in my entire life, haha. I can't wait for the artbook to arrive, should be here next week.




Paris aint what it used to be

I can see why people feel the combat is clunky, it takes some getting used to how the combo system works, it's not as forgiving as the Arkham games. But it's not nearly as bad as some reviews claim it to be. The platforming is super linear, most definately. But so is Uncharted platforming, and there's nothing wrong with that. The setpieces are great to traverse, and that's the whole point.

The memory remix was brutal. Super interesting concept, and the execution was great. It's actually pretty scary to alter people's memory. I also love the memory junkies who get high on happy memories. Presentation not just during this segment, but overall is superb. Voice acting is not in the least offensive, I might not have played far into the game but nothing stands out as even remotely "terrible". I loved the doctor's strange voice in the remix.




Prostitute android creeped me out

Note - the screenshots seem very grainy. Not sure why, the grain filter isn't nearly as prevalent in the game.
I did that,I found 4 of them but nothing happens...I even
killed Olga at one point
...guess I will keep trying...I was having so much fun admiring the scenery and the music and all,even the combat was great then this...

I thought they made it pretty obvious, but
injection, anesthetic mask, arm restraint
So far my only major issue with the game is the camera during boss fights. Worst example so far is
the boss at the end of chapter... 4, I think? The big robot where you have to blow his arms off and then attack his weak point for massive damage. The camera was irritating enough during the battle in general, there's no lock-on so I just kinda jumped when I thought he might be charging and hoped for the best. But then when you've whittled his health all the way down and the "PRESS B TO FINISH HIM!" prompt appears, I would go up to him and press B, and then he'd stomp me. This happened several times, thankfully it doesn't do any damage to you, but it kicks you back to the battle and you have to beat him down again to get the PRESS B prompt. Eventually, after getting pretty aggravated and wondering wtf was I doing wrong, I finally noticed that after I pressed B, a Y button icon was appearing over his head, i.e. initiating a series of QTEs you have to perform to actually kill him. Because the camera is so lame, only like the bottom 1/4 of the Y icon was visible. Meh.
I still think it's a decent game, though. No regrets.

I didn't have a problem with that part at all. The free camera helps. This game has some decent audio/visual cues that indicate when an enemy is going to attack you. The only reason why I had a problem with the last boss is because some elements in the background are the same color as the exclamation points, but I breezed through that part when I just ran around and did what I was supposed to do.


I'm a couple hours in, really digging it. some of the best environment art and lighting I've seen.
I had a little trouble with the combos until I turned my tv to gamemode.

I picked up the 360 version before I knew that the ps3 was the dev platform. It looks really nice though, some very nice texture work.

This is one of those games that I think the sequel would be AAA as it would allow the devs to address a lot of the issues....but we all know this game is NOT going to get a sequel. It gets to sit next to enslaved and heavenly sword.


Just finished it. Took me about 9 hours.

Overall, I enjoyed it. However, it just reeks of untapped potential. It could have been a fantastic game if they focused less on the combat and more on the Memory Remix segments. They were easily the highlight of the game, and the last one in particular, was fantastic. Sadly, there are only 4 in the whole game, and they are fairly short. I wanted more. A lot more. Don't get me wrong, the combat was competent, and I thought the Pressens were a great idea...in theory.

The problem is, they made the game far too easy. Even if you're on the brink of death, a couple of combos can bring your health right up again, not to mention there are various healing stations spread generously throughout. The platforming was also extremely simple, to the point where I can barely call it platforming. It's basically 'follow the arrow'. Again, it wasn't egregiously bad, but it wasn't a ton of fun either.

The graphics, however, were pretty great, excluding character models. The city looks spectacular and begs to be explored,. It's just a shame the game is so linear. Hopefully, if DONTNOD have the opportunity to make a sequel, they will take advantage of the brilliant world they have created. Character models are fairly inconsistent, with some character looking great (like Nilin), and others looking a bit shit. I did love the design of the Leapers, however.

Sound-wise, it's a mixed bag. As many have already said, the soundtrack by Olivier Deriviere is fantastic, and hits all the right notes at the right times. The voice acting is a mixed bag. The main characters sound good most of the time, while most secondary characters sound absolutely terrible. This is not helped by the absolutely woeful dialogue. Seriously, the dialogue in this game is cringeworthy, and some of the worst I've heard in a long, long time. Maybe it was intentional, but whatever.

I also enjoyed the story, to an extent. It won't last long in the memory, but I was always eager to find out what happened next. Coupled with the great pacing, you won't find yourself getting bored before the end credits roll.

I seriously, seriously hope this game gets a sequel. Sadly, I can't see it happening. Like Mirror's Edge, it's a flawed game with lots and lots of potential. For this reason alone, I would recommend a purchase. Maybe not at full price, but at £20 or so. I paid £24 for it, and I think it was worth every penny.

Score? 7/10, I guess.


Stop. Moving. My. Camera.

Seriously, why the hell did you now allow this "smart" camera to be deactivated? Okay, I get that sometimes you want to say "HEY LOOK AT THIS AWESOME VISTA WE PUT UP JUST FOR YOU" but every damn time I try to look around the camera just snaps back to whatever angle they thought it should be. Really infuriating.


∀ Narayan;62077565 said:
I didn't have a problem with that part at all. The free camera helps. This game has some decent audio/visual cues that indicate when an enemy is going to attack you. The only reason why I had a problem with the last boss is because some elements in the background are the same color as the exclamation points, but I breezed through that part when I just ran around and did what I was supposed to do.

I'm OK with the fact that you didn't have a problem with what I had a problem with. You're probably a better person than I am.

But... "the free camera helps"? I'm afraid to ask. Either your opponent is off-screen, or you're working on aiming the camera when you should be working on fighting the opponent. Sucks either way.


Gold Member
So, should I play in French or English?

i've been playing in french, & the voicework's been just fine. tho, at one point, i needed to hear what someone was saying (for whatever reason, the subtitles didn't pop up?), & had to switch to english. it was then that i happened to get my first & only taste of the english version of edge, &, yeah, immediately switched back :) . not sure i could've handled that thru the whole game...

Overall, I enjoyed it. However, it just reeks of untapped potential...

yep. just started chapter 7, &, as others've mentioned, the world, story, & characters are all very well imagined (&, for the most part rendered). it's the over-emphasis on 'walk/climb a bit, fight, walk/climb a bit / fight, walk/climb a bit / fight' combined with the rough-around-the-edges (& often very cramped-for-space) combat & the lack of any other interactions with the world (except for the rare time mix segment) that seriously detract from the over-all experience. it's a set-up that kinda screams for some variety in activity, but, like l.a. noire, instead mostly relegates the environment to little more than gorgeous background. i'm glad i got the game, & wish dontnod well, because there's so much more that could be done with this world if they're given the chance, & broaden their vision of gameplay a little...


Picked this up day 1, haven't had a good chance to sit down with it yet. Gotta say though, I had to go to 4 different stores to find a copy in my town.
They were all sold out. Gave me some warm-n-fuzzies in between all the horrible annoyance. I hope that wasn't just a weird fluke of where I live, heh (who am I kidding.)


So, should I play in French or English?

i've been playing in french, & the voicework's been just fine. tho, at one point, i needed to hear what someone was saying (for whatever reason, the subtitles didn't pop up?), & had to switch to english. it was then that i happened to get my first & only taste of the english version of edge, &, yeah, immediately switched back :) . not sure i could've handled that thru the whole game...

Cheers, I'll check it out.
I'm OK with the fact that you didn't have a problem with what I had a problem with. You're probably a better person than I am.

But... "the free camera helps"? I'm afraid to ask. Either your opponent is off-screen, or you're working on aiming the camera when you should be working on fighting the opponent. Sucks either way.

I guess I don't have as much of a problem with the camera in this game, because I had to deal with that horrible shit in Ninja Gaiden/Black, and I've played that game to death. I've just built up a tolerance for this kind of thing. As for off-camera enemies.... well, like I said, the game does a pretty good job in telling you when an enemy is about to attack. If you see an exclamation point, you need to dodge.

I think it's pretty cool that this game has a dodge offset feature like Bayonetta. Unfortunately, this game doesn't really do anything too interesting with that mechanic other than maintaining basic combo flow.


I just finished the game and I probably played it for 12 hours. I seriously took my time with it, essentially only walking around the whole game.

I absolutely loved the art direction throughout and it never got stale, which was something I was worried was going to happen. If a game looks fantastic artistically then I'll play it, it's where a lot of my enjoyment through games comes from now that I think of it. I thought the combat came together pretty nicely by the end of the game. I enjoyed having a strategy to take down groups of guys with the different special moves and such. It's certainly not refined and has the potential to be a lot better though. The music sounded pretty similar a lot of the time, but there are a couple of themes in there that I felt were really good and matched the mood/scene of the game really well. The memory remix sections were fun to figure out
, but it's a shame there were only 4 of them.
I thought they were placed throughout the game pretty equally though. One thing I wished they touched on more were general puzzles. There were a couple of puzzles near the end I thought were fun to figure out, and if it had more of those within it I think it would break up the climbing, running, and fighting pattern a little bit.

Overall I really enjoyed it and would give it a 4/5. The art direction and atmosphere are what won me over in the end. Not enough games give this much thought towards these factors.

I don't expect there to be any type of sequel to the game though, not only because Remember Me will probably sell like garbage, but I just don't see this story continuing in any way. What do hope for is that Dontnod continues to develop games. I can only imagine that they would learn from their past experiences and make an even better one next time.


It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely time.
I've played through the first 3 chapters so far. Overall I really like the game. The visuals and soundtrack are incredible. The combat and boss fights are simple, but enjoyable. The memory remixes are also really great. The game reminds me of a strange mix between Beyond Good & Evil and The Fifth Element. It's pretty unique.

My biggest wish is that the game opened up more, the world is so well done and yet we never get to explore it. I'm dreaming of something like Dishonored where you're given a target to steal or remix a memory and you get to explore a large area of Neo Paris to complete your goal however you want.

But the game is pretty great as-is. My wife is even getting into it, which is always a plus.


Man, this game is amazing. I'm up to Chapter 3 and so far I'm loving it. I heard the memory remix sequences were the highlight of the game and damn, I couldn't agree more. I was amazed by how good it works and even more by how smooth the whole scene changes right away animationwise. Can't wait to play the other memory remixes, although I'm sad to hear there are only 4 in total :(.

By the way did anyone get their preorder DLC (PC)? The store I bought it from says they only got PS3 and X360 codes from Capcom, and nothing for PC. I had the game preordered and it even said on their website that I would get the preorder DLC. I might consider emailing Capcom about it... I want those extra moves, damnit.

Anyway can't wait to get home from work and play some more! Hopefully the game doesn't lose its momentum. The scenery is beautiful.


anyone know if there's an art book planned? seems the perfect choice for one.

There is.

Now I'm tempted to get it too.

Edit: Just found out that there is a Remember Me comic book that came with preorders in the US?! Why didn't we get this? Man I would love a copy of this... Especially since I write for a website that focuses on game related comic books and novels. Anyone who has the comic and doesn't want it?


I just finished the game and I probably played it for 12 hours. I seriously took my time with it, essentially only walking around the whole game.

I absolutely loved the art direction throughout and it never got stale, which was something I was worried was going to happen. If a game looks fantastic artistically, then I will play it. It's where a lot of my enjoyment through games comes from now that I think of it. I thought the combat came together pretty nicely by the end of the game. I enjoyed having a strategy to take down groups of guys with the different special moves and such. It's certainly not refined and has the potential to be a lot better though. The music sounded pretty similar a lot of the time, but there are a couple of themes in there that I felt were really good and matched the mood/scene of the game really well. The memory remix sections were fun to figure out, but it's a shame there were only 4 of them. I thought they were placed throughout the game pretty equally though. One thing I wished they touched on more were general puzzles. There were a couple of puzzles near the end I thought were fun to figure out, and if it had more of those within it I think it would break up the climbing, running, and fighting pattern a little bit.

Overall I really enjoyed it and would give it a 4/5. The art direction and atmosphere are what won me over in the end. Not enough games give this much thought towards these factors.

I don't expect there to be any type of sequel to the game though, not only because Remember Me will probably sell like garbage, but I just don't see this story continuing in any way. What do hope for is that Dontnod continues to develop games. I can only imagine that they would learn from their past experiences and make an even better one next time.

Nice. Glad you liked it,

I'm starting chapter 4 today (well over 4 hours in). I'm taking the stroll approach as well. I want to take in as much of Neo Paris as possible. It's a shame there isn't more environmental interaction. But the world and atmosphere are beautiful regardless.


Goddamn this game has the most annoying frustrating bits ever..I am trying to traverse the publicity sign that rotates and makes you fall if you dont reach the other side because one of the flaps hits you...it says to hold RB to move faster but I dont have enough time...maybe my RB button is broken or loose or something,I will try another controller later...

Also about the Combo Lab,I am not sure about a few things...when you go in the menu,on the the left there is a 3 button combo,then underneath for now,I have a 6 button combo,then the pressens on the right,some are unlocked...the pressen I choose have either X or Y...if I choose one with A and its a Y,do I need to press Y on the left side?...what happens if I press Y on a X...? what's the top 3 button combo on the left for? does it mean I can pull off a 9 button combo?


Re: Combo Lab :

On the left side are all the pressens you have unlocked (and those you haven't) They are split in categories (damage/heal/recharge/cooldown) and they're also of either Punch or Kick type.

The first combo is Punch Punch Punch. You can put different Punch pressens in it to achieve different buffs (ie either damage, recharge, healing).

The second combo is Kick Punch Kick Punch Kick (not sure about the last one). Same thing applies but you need to put the specific pressens (Kick on Kick and Punch on Punch).

When designing a combo you cannot leave an empty slot in the middle of it (it will be marked with a !), you can however not fill it up to the end (that 5 hits combo will be a 4 hits combo if you leave the last pressens empty. Also you might end up with empty slots if you haven't unlocked enough pressens to fill all the combos.
I'm (probably) near the end and still liking it. Things that I don't like so much are:

- Inadvertently taking the critical path first and missing optional things.
- Some enemies being overly spammy and eager to interrupt your combos.
- Pretentious and poetic dialogue, combined with baaaad voice acting. Nilin is mostly ok.
- One memory remix (
The Crash
) felt like Rube Goldberg -ish trial and error. The earlier ones had some more obvious logic to them.
- Speaking of trial and error,
dodging Trace's gunship
(chapter 5 or 6 or thereabouts) was the worst part of the game so far.
- Holy crap there's a lot of climbing.

Despite the complaints, the style and story have kept me going and the combat system has opened up nicely with new enemies and options. The memory remixes are a really refreshing idea, even though they make me feel like a monster afterwards. I really hope these guys get to make a better sequel.
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