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Republican Debate 5 [CNN] To boldly go where no one has gone before

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I've heard stories. Long lines, many hours. God knows what supporters of the other side would be there.
Well then, youre part of the problem. If you want to make a difference, long lines and hours shouldnt bother you. Complaining on a message board does nothing. Get out there and vote!


Ok, no need to gang up. I'm kinda anti social, I don't do well in a room full of crowded strangers. No judging. A forum on the internet is much different then a real place.


Trump would have probably been booed out of the building. That line would've played well with liberals but Bush is most likely still well liked in the GOP and they blame the issues in the middle east on Clinton & Obama. Trump knows his audience.

Yeah you haven't heard how the GOP talk about lately have you?
Maybe so, but just look at him. He's fucking terrified of Trump. Every time he attacked trump, he was practically sweating bullets. Imagine this guy trying to deal with Putin or talking to some ISIS leader. He would get trounced on. He might be honorable, but he doesn't have the qualities of a leader. While Trump is the exact opposite (has the qualities of a leader, just not honorable)

Find someone who has both.

So none of the republicans who complained about the CNBC debate then? Weak


Ok, no need to gang up. I'm kinda anti social, I don't do well in a room full of crowded strangers. No judging. A forum on the internet is much different then a real place.
Im extremely antisocial. Just dont look at or talk to anyone. Bring a kindle or a paperback to "hide in" and help make time go faster
Ok, no need to gang up. I'm kinda anti social, I don't do well in a room full of crowded strangers. No judging. A forum on the internet is much different then a real place.

It's not a social gathering, it's voting. You don't have to talk to anyone. I better not see you complain about a damn thing in this country if you're not even willing to get up and vote.
Ok, no need to gang up. I'm kinda anti social, I don't do well in a room full of crowded strangers. No judging. A forum on the internet is much different then a real place.

It depends on districts, but voting for me has always been great. Everyone is super friendly, no one talks to you in line if you don't want them to (wear headphones if it really matters), and once you get inside you're done in 5 minutes (so long as you know who you are voting for ahead of time, and reading the online sample ballots). The biggest factor, other than your district, is what time you vote. Go first thing in the morning and you won't have to wait very long.

Or, if it bothers you that much, get a mail in ballot. Then all you have to do is mail it on time.


Im extremely antisocial. Just dont look at or talk to anyone. Bring a kindle or a paperback to "hide in" and help make time go faster

It depends on districts, but voting for me has always been great. Everyone is super friendly, no one talks to you in line if you don't want them to (wear headphones if it really matters), and once you get inside you're done in 5 minutes (so long as you know who you are voting for ahead of time, and reading the online sample ballots). The biggest factor, other than your district, is what time you vote. Go first thing in the morning and you won't have to wait very long.

Or, if it bothers you that much, get a mail in ballot. Then all you have to do is mail it on time.

Thanks guys, I'll do it.


Websites block traffic from specific countries all the time.

Easily bypassed by using a proxy which I'm sure ISIL is using. Otherwise they're basically putting a giant target on their location.

The idea that we can somehow "penetrate the internet" to put a stop to tech savvy terrorists is ridiculous. Trump talks like we don't already have "top people" working on this shit constantly.
You can control one, the other not so much. Doctors do research on how to minimize miscarriages, but what is there to rally against? It's a natural occurrence, call it "god's will" if you want.

It's a ridiculous analogy to make because of intent.

Several states have advocated for miscarriage reporting laws. Trying to pretend like they aren't all tied up in the same anti-abortion advocacy is nonsense. It's the same people.
Yeah you haven't heard how the GOP talk about lately have you?

This isn't 2008. The GOP hasn't distanced themselves from Bush anymore because they don't need too. Any fuck up that has happened in the middle east since has been squarely blamed on Clinton & Obama from the right. All Trump would've been doing was insulting another fellow Republican. A Republican that was popular enough to be elected to have two terms as President.


Trump would have probably been booed out of the building. That line would've played well with liberals but Bush is most likely still well liked in the GOP and they blame the issues in the middle east on Clinton & Obama. Trump knows his audience.

Bush isn't super popular with a significant portion of conservative base anymore but clearly the audiences at these debates are stacked with those who prefer the establishment candidates. Remember the tea party started forming later in the Bush years but obviously gained more traction once Obama was elected. Plus you have some Rand supporters in the debate crowds which cheer everything he says. Although smaller than what his Dad got.

I agree with you that he would have made a mistake saying that. He can say that probably at his large rallies where the crowd is very anti establishment and likes him. That isn't the crowd at these debates.

Trump already got some boo birds over his internet comment, although I admit he rather cleverly took them on with his response.


Easily bypassed by using a proxy which I'm sure ISIL is using. Otherwise they're basically putting a giant target on their location.
Sure, but I've seen a bunch of people act like access restriction is a technological impossibility. If Trump wants social media companies to block Syrian IP's, then whatever.


This isn't 2008. The GOP hasn't distanced themselves from Bush anymore because they don't need too. Any fuck up that has happened in the middle east since has been squarely blamed on Clinton & Obama from the right. All Trump would've been doing was insulting another fellow Republican. A Republican that was popular enough to be elected to have two terms as President.

No one is mistaking the Iraq invasion and Afganistan as anything BUT Bush fuck ups.
Trump got praises from everyone but Jeb for his comments on W.
Bush is not Reagan where you can't really criticize him unless you're trying to make a larger point.
It's even why Jeb is running without his last name after all.
No one really liked the Bush administration.

Bush isn't super popular with a significant portion of conservative base anymore but clearly the audiences at these debates are stacked with those who prefer the establishment candidates. Remember the tea party started forming later in the Bush years but obviously gained more traction once Obama was elected. Plus you have some Rand supporters.

I agree with you that he would have made a mistake saying that. He can say that probably at his large rallies where the crowd is very anti establishment and likes him. That isn't the crowd at these debates.

that actually makes sense.
Although it could earn him point with independents though...


o_O @_@ O_o
Ok, no need to gang up. I'm kinda anti social, I don't do well in a room full of crowded strangers. No judging. A forum on the internet is much different then a real place.

Anxiety around large groups is a real thing. So is being afraid of shitty people that will judge you for your private actions. That being said, they're right that you should find a way to vote anyway.

I would normally recommend voting by mail / absentee voting, but it seems that Texas has really dumb restrictions on that. As noted by others, your best bet might be to get your vote in early when there's usually no one around. Even better, convince someone you know and trust to go with you. Either way, this might be useful to you:

- http://www.votetexas.gov/voting/when/#early-voting


Ok, no need to gang up. I'm kinda anti social, I don't do well in a room full of crowded strangers. No judging. A forum on the internet is much different then a real place.

Don't worry. I'm the same way. It's really not that bad though but it can be cold and it can sometimes take an hour or two in my experience. Thankfully I live in Arizona so I now mail in my vote every election. But if I couldn't, I'd still get out there and vote because I've watched the Republican debates.


It might help him with some independents and certainly with the anti establishment base watching at home. However, he already has huge support and Jeb is low in the polls, so he probably didn't think attacking his brother too much was worth the risk. It is never good optics if the front runner is getting booed by the entire crowd.

Although didn't Trump say past Presidents have messed up the Middle East or something similar? So clearly he was lumping in Bush with Obama without actually saying George W. Probably a smart tactic.
Easily bypassed by using a proxy which I'm sure ISIL is using. Otherwise they're basically putting a giant target on their location.

The idea that we can somehow "penetrate the internet" to put a stop to tech savvy terrorists is ridiculous. Trump talks like we don't already have "top people" working on this shit constantly.

Many Republicans believe we don't because government is inherently ineffective and Obama doesn't do anything. If our top people were working on it, why is ISIS still here?

Carly Fiorina, at least, also believes we don't have anyone working on this.
From anyone else it would be good, but coming from Jeb it just sounded kinda pathetic and try hard. He definitely practiced that line a million times beforehand.

especially since we know that he knows nothing about Saturday morning cartoons and comic books when he said "Supergirl" when asked what his favorite Marvel character was.

How can hell call himself an American if he doesn't know the difference between DC and Marvel?
especially since we know that he knows nothing about Saturday morning cartoons and comic books when he said "Supergirl" when asked what his favorite Marvel character was.

How can hell call himself an American if he doesn't know the difference between DC and Marvel?


It took him so long to think of a single superhero.

I think I saw an ad for Ant-Man the other day... is that a superhero?


especially since we know that he knows nothing about Saturday morning cartoons and comic books when he said "Supergirl" when asked what his favorite Marvel character was.

How can hell call himself an American if he doesn't know the difference between DC and Marvel?

I thought it was a good jab by Jeb even though it was obviously scripted. Overall though Trump still appeared to have the upper hand usually. Especially his "I know you are trying to show you have higher energy, but it isn't working" Or the hit Trump gave Jeb about poll numbers when Jeb was lecturing him on winning.
I thought it was a good jab by Jeb even though it was obviously scripted. Overall though Trump still appeared to have the upper hand usually. Especially his "I know you are trying to show you have higher energy, but it isn't working" Or the hit Trump gave Jeb about poll numbers when Jeb was lecturing him on winning.

I dated a girl one time, she did not know who Bugs Bunny was, i never dated her ever again
Jeb Factorial can mimic the qualities of an American...but it's not quite perfect yet. Just gotta tweak his algorithm a bit,

I'm amazed how many people missed perhaps the best dig of the night. It happened when Jeb suggested that Trump got his news from saturday morning kids shows/cartoons.

From anyone else it would be good, but coming from Jeb it just sounded kinda pathetic and try hard. He definitely practiced that line a million times beforehand.



Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
It's hardy core to understanding my point. But given the outrage and rhetoric about abortion, it's still inconsistent.

IVF though... hunan-farming leading to murder (in their eyes). No action.

No, you are trying to win some debate with a bad analogy without understanding the difference in people's viewpoints.

Not all pro-lifers are life starts at inception, nor do most understand IVF.. but there is a large debate in fundamentalist religions about IVF and how it equates to their religion, specifically because typically it requires masturbation to get the sperm and the destruction off fertilized eggs. You are arguing that because there's not a huge anti-IVF contingent compared to the anti-abortion is misunderstanding the core reason why one is different than the other.

I honestly also believe most people have very little knowledge of how the IVF process works, I do, my wife has been through it and is currently pregnant through IVF as a surrogate. Most don't research it unless it's needed as a last resort, and even then it's easy to understand that many could morally accept the loss of fertilized eggs to help create life for those who have trouble doing it naturally.

Several states have advocated for miscarriage reporting laws. Trying to pretend like they aren't all tied up in the same anti-abortion advocacy is nonsense. It's the same people.

You are responded to wrong person here, I'm not the one saying pro-lifers don't care about miscarriages.. that's the other guy. He was trying to paint pro-lifers as hypocrites because they don't advocate against miscarriages and IVF.

I'm pro-choice, fully. So it's funny I'm evening arguing this all, my point originally was someone calling a pro-lifer human filth for having that viewpoint isn't helpful as there is a sound reason they feel the way they do. I can respect someone's opinion on the matter even if I disagree.


I did think Trump and Cruz would attack each other some, but they both avoided it. Even when the moderators were trying to get them to go after each other some.

Clearly it was Cruz and sometimes Rand taking on Rubio while Trump was once again taking on Jeb.

I like Rubio, but I will admit he didn't do a good job last night. This was his chance to gain momentum before the long holiday season but failed. Trump usually doesn't do well in the debates, but I thought he did better last night. He at the very least held his own despite pretty much everyone but Cruz wanting to go after him.

When you are the frontrunner, merely surviving the debates can be good enough.


How are you going to shut down the Internet, Trump?

Besides the government already is infiltrating the Internet, did he not read anything Edward Snowden has said?
Biggest moments of the debate for me were Cruz and Trump seemingly confirming some backroom agreement by not going after each other and Trump giving the ol' pat on the back with a 'Don't worry about it.'

Also, Trump stating emphatically, and following the debate confirming with Jake Trapper, that he's going to remain a Republican candidate and not go third party.

Also Ben Carson saying the word 'Pubis.' Never thought I'd hear that word at a presidential debate.
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