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ResetEra deplatforms and bans Angry Joe for his TLOU2 review


I never knew how bad Resetera really was...until I did one thing:

Go pick a controversial thread. Literally any one. Now scan the first page - only the first page (just to amplify how bad it's gotten) - and look at the bans and what they were for. This will blow your fucking mind.

For example, I think it was the AC Vahalla thread, in the first page someone asked a very innocent question...I think it was "is it historically accurate to depict females like this?" and BAM, motherfucker was banned. You now, it's a video game so I don't give a shit about historical accuracy, so make it a trans character with an iPhone for all I care, whatever. But no one should be banned for asking such an innocent question.

Seriously if anyone wants to see just how bad it's become do as I suggested; go look at the reasons people are being banned and you will be STUNNED. This is what lead me back to Neogaf. After seeing that I thought...you guys don't want discussion. You guys don't want intellectual debates. You guys just want a fucking echo chamber. Jesus.

There was a bit of a row over that stuff a week or so ago in the form of a small scale uprising of users remaking complaint threads as mods attempted to delete and silence them. The majority were criticizing the inundation of tabloid threads, constant negativity, hive mind dog piling, and bullshit bans. They eventually let them run for a short window under the guise of suggestions for the forum, but they were gone the next morning, so I'm assuming they locked or deleted them. They subsequently banned users who attempted to apply the consensus suggestions and foster actual discussions rather than the echo chamber reverb. Any response that's not a black and white burn the witch will result in a ban for some variation of "dismissing, excusing, defending, or concern trolling x or y".
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Gold Member
He is better off without them

I dont think these Resetera idiots realise they just insulate themselves more and drive these big YouTube voices further into red pill territory when they do nonsense like this

I mdan they are so stupid that some of them were trying to cancel Druckmann for liking a Colin Moriarty tweet

Honestly I hold the way Resetera moderates as a major reason gaming is so politicised now. Nobody was for or against Ellie being a lesbian in 2013, it was just a thing. Now idiots are lined up on both sides over social politics


What's happening on ResetEra and other gaming sites is EXACTLY the same thing that's happening in the wider culture, particularly right now in the political arena.

Watch Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov warned us about the silent war being waged against America (and the west in general) as part of a long term plan to destroy the west and our way of life.

Specifically NOTE, his warning @
3:38 second mark to the ideologues who promote this "...beautiful society of equality and social justice":

Jesus christ this is depressing


There was a bit of a row over that stuff a week or so ago in the form of a small scale uprising of users remaking complaint threads as mods attempted to delete and silence them. The majority were criticizing the inundation of tabloid threads, constant negativity, hive mind dog piling, and bullshit bans. They eventually let them run for a short window under the guise of suggestions for the forum, but they were gone the next morning, so I'm assuming they locked or deleted them. They subsequently banned users who attempted to apply the consensus suggestions and foster actual discussions rather than the echo chamber reverb.
Shit is just way too damn negative and depressing over with them. There's this one dude who, I shit you not, seems to go out of his damn way to find and post the most fucked up stuff, the most negative stuff, and the most controversial stuff, etc. It's like the guy gets off on it and the worst part, for me, is that his avatar is his own photo and it looks like when an 8 year old takes a selfie from a low angle lol. I know that's fucked up to say but when you see his avatar all over that place, and for the worst threads, it starts to get old. It's like, as a whole, they can't even help but create threads with the purpose of starting shit or showing how woke they are. I'm even talking about the so-called gaming side too. Every other thread is dedicated to politics in games and how racist, xenophobic, or shitty various devs or streamers are. Like...goddamn...what ever happened to just posting news/scoops/reviews/previews about video games or just having general conversations related to actual video games? Sure, it exists over there. But at times, it feels like you've gotta dig just to find it.
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REE Machine

I never knew how bad Resetera really was...until I did one thing:

Go pick a controversial thread. Literally any one. Now scan the first page - only the first page (just to amplify how bad it's gotten) - and look at the bans and what they were for. This will blow your fucking mind.

For example, I think it was the AC Vahalla thread, in the first page someone asked a very innocent question...I think it was "is it historically accurate to depict females like this?" and BAM, motherfucker was banned. You now, it's a video game so I don't give a shit about historical accuracy, so make it a trans character with an iPhone for all I care, whatever. But no one should be banned for asking such an innocent question.

Seriously if anyone wants to see just how bad it's become do as I suggested; go look at the reasons people are being banned and you will be STUNNED. This is what lead me back to Neogaf. After seeing that I thought...you guys don't want discussion. You guys don't want intellectual debates. You guys just want a fucking echo chamber. Jesus.
I got hit for showing support towards the epic game store


Gold Member
What can you expect from a website that glorify mass genocidal maniac as hero

I think you're confusing Lenin with Stalin comrade
Jesus christ this is depressing

Wait until the ideologues (on ResetEra and in the Democratic party) realise they were just used to get actual Marxist/communists into power. Like in Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia and a long list of other duped nations, these people will no longer be needed... guess what fate awaits them?


Neo Member
This is the results you get when you let non-sensical hate drives your every thought.. I mean joe should be relieved that his "deplatforming" is now completed.

I watched joe's review and the 2nd video about further discussion and I just dont seem to understand.. Mysoginistic.. Sexist.. Like you havent even watched the video nor the context of what he could be speaking and they create a full thread of I dont know how many pages spouting pure idiocy and infecting other peoples brains with your sentimentalism, sensitivity and hurtfulness just because he didnt liked a fictional character.. Because he didnt say "yes this is the perfect gay character i dreamt all my life to play with"

The whole point of a place like this is to share opinions probably am wrong or not correct and you can answer give your take discuss not everyone thinks alike and thats the beauty of it.


Oh the so tolerant left is anything but tolerant again.
Equality? Freedom? Nah this is censorship and dictatorship.
Joe is a baboon but he is a good guy. Moderat liberal too. At least soo far but i can see him switching sides anytime soon.

To everyone here. I have some info first hand that the US will have a major major war coming around or after elections.
If trump wins you better run.
If he loses you better not say anything thay upsets the leftbor you will be fucked.
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Dude should change his name so when a girl makes an allegation the first thing I don't think of is "😡I said gimme your vagina!😡"


Wait... Resetera has banned one third of their members? Tell me that's not correct.

And tell me the people who post on both forums are Titania McGrathing them...

There is a Twitter bot/account that documents Era bans. Almost all of them are comically ridiculous. For example, not a single word of this post was even borderline inaccurate, nonfactual, controversial, or offensive, but it bought an insta-permaban. You could compile a 50 volume encyclopedia with similar examples. If their users actually spoke their minds freely they would happily ban 98% of their forum, but the overwhelming majority of users know to avoid the graveyards, avoid posting in general, only speak on utterly innocuous topics, or when it unquestionably aligns with the hivemind. The problem is not "the forum" per say, the problem is that every single one of the mods and admins are so far into the extremist alt left that they make the KKK seem like reasonable gents by comparison.
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Gold Member
Era is such a shit show it's actually fun to watch, their admins and mods bend over backwards for certain angry trans members who dictate the forum, but now the mods are crying and confused because trans are fighting amongst themselves and they don't know who to ban. 😂


I find it hilarious that REEE considers themselves as a platform. Are there even any members left?

I don’t think I entered a thread without seeing a couple of banned users while peeking in on the circus show yesterday.


Rage Bait Youtuber
I find it hilarious that REEE considers themselves as a platform. Are there even any members left?

I don’t think I entered a thread without seeing a couple of banned users while peeking in on the circus show yesterday.

They see themselves as more important than they are.
I wouldn't say "deplatformed" because he never used that site anyway, and it's not like he made money from that. And also, they say in the picture that it is because of the allegations as well as his "bigoted" remarks. I have no idea who AngryJoe is, but considering he calls the supposedly bigoted comments "politics" I am inclined to agree with the ResetEra mods with that choice, especially if there is any truth to the sexual harassment claims being made against him
Resetera is not a video game forum, it is an ultra-left political page created by the democratic party of the United States to manipulate the opinion of the sector.

Nah, I'm dead serious honestly. Now I haven't seen the review or heard what specifically Angry Joe said (because quite frankly, I don't give a damn about some internet personalities, and it also doesn't take any imagination to figure it out) but the way I see it is that Resetera does not want to be associated with any potentially controversial figures which is why they have banned topics about personalities that have said or done bad things (Dealer is a banned source for being homophobic, Jon Tron is a banned source for his racism etc) and I can imagine that they likely would not have done anything with just the allegations of harassment without further proof, but with the allegations, his calling what I can only assume to be transphobia "politics" and then whining that he has been "deplatformed" even though he never actually used the site (that I saw at least) makes me just think he's trying to be a victim and stir up shit. I'm inclined to agree with Resetera mods on this


Silence anyone that doesn't blindly and entirely conform to your laws and views. No debate, no discussions, no logic or reason. Just exterminate and suppress any opposition.

This is facism and their users are so deeply indoctrinated that they can't recognise that they have become exactly the thing that they hate.


I never knew how bad Resetera really was...until I did one thing:

Go pick a controversial thread. Literally any one. Now scan the first page - only the first page (just to amplify how bad it's gotten) - and look at the bans and what they were for. This will blow your fucking mind.

For example, I think it was the AC Vahalla thread, in the first page someone asked a very innocent question...I think it was "is it historically accurate to depict females like this?" and BAM, motherfucker was banned. You now, it's a video game so I don't give a shit about historical accuracy, so make it a trans character with an iPhone for all I care, whatever. But no one should be banned for asking such an innocent question.

Seriously if anyone wants to see just how bad it's become do as I suggested; go look at the reasons people are being banned and you will be STUNNED. This is what lead me back to Neogaf. After seeing that I thought...you guys don't want discussion. You guys don't want intellectual debates. You guys just want a fucking echo chamber. Jesus.

I got a 3 week ban for posting a YT video that talked about the Angry Joe accuser removing her initial post and stating now he didn't assault her.
But I got banned years ago here too for defending PewDiePie regarding some thing I don't even remember.

So I don't know if NeoGaf changed a lot since then, but... better not to participate in any controversial thread?
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I got a 3 week ban for posting a YT video that talked about the Angry Joe accuser removing her initial post and stating now he didn't assault her.
But I got banned years ago here too for defending PewDiePie regarding some thing I don't even remember.

So I don't know if NeoGaf changed a lot since then, but... better not to participate in any controversial thread?

One and the same. We've rid ourselves of that shit. Welcome to change.
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What's happening on ResetEra and other gaming sites is EXACTLY the same thing that's happening in the wider culture, particularly right now in the political arena.

Watch Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov warned us about the silent war being waged against America (and the west in general) as part of a long term plan to destroy the west and our way of life.

Specifically NOTE, his warning @
3:38 second mark to the ideologues who promote this "...beautiful society of equality and social justice":

Yep, and they're waging a war against things western civilization has stood for centuries. Family values, honesty, integrity, hard work. For that, they've also targeted the straight white man who "represents" everything they hate as a scapegoat and are trying to turn everyone against them.

For the record, I'm not a white man but I can see what they're attempting to do from a mile away.

Those idiots are erasing the progress we've made over the past couple of decades and trying to swing the pendulum in the other direction.
ResetEra is like a real life Arkham Asylum, bunch of lunatics crammed together.

Next they'll ban Joseph Anderson for something like mansplaining during his 13h critique of a 6h game
Agreed. They're absolute loonies. Completely disconnected from reality.

The culture being fostered in the game industry and the west at large will end up pissing off a lot of male kids in a couple of years and they'll do A LOT of damage when they lash out if this shit keeps going.


One and the same. We've rid ourselves of that shit. Welcome to change.

The mods who banned you years ago on Neogaf are the same ones who started and run Resetera. The irony is that 95% of the people who left Neogaf did so to get away from the bullshit bans and group think, unaware they were being shepherded by the most extreme offenders. Collin Moriarty (noted Grandwizard and Weinstein/Epstein sympathizer /s) famously started a thread there in their first days, celebrating the liberation of the hivemind. He was banned and locked within seconds...for that TV-PG 90's sitcom joke about "Finally a day of silence" on womens day.
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They banned skill up years ago FYI.

The only time they let his content slide since then is when he gave gears 5 a positive review and they conveniently forgot he was banned.

Wait... Skillup gave good review for gears 5 ? And I trusted the guy... Seriously... Gow5 is so fucking bad but this might be because I am gears trilogy fan.
And tlou2 is not 6/10 game too... Joe can not like it, sure but at 6/10 you can start comparing it to some crap which it is not.
It's just not a game for everyone. Too many cinematics, bad pacing and controversial story. I loved it but 2ould not give it 10 for sure, for the bad pacing alone. But not 6. And his reviews are not really positioned like his opinions only.

Anyway - resetera is full of shit. Joe and skillup are both great for their own reasons
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Gold Member
Agreed. They're absolute loonies. Completely disconnected from reality.
Total losers over there. No doubt out of all game forums on the net, the one with the most unemployed, pink haired, nose ringed, alt-left weirdos. And they need that mob mentality to make themselves feel better patting each other on the back because they know they are outcasts, their own family members probably hate them and they got zero self esteem except to somehow muster enough energy to whine about Trump.

When you man up and just go out in the world and do normal shit like get a job and be a responsible homeowner and parent a lot of troubles disappear since you are now a productive member of society, a good neighbour (hopefully), a respected coworker and you got cash coming in.

That's why when you see alt-lefties ad SJW protesting and whining, notice how it's mostly weird druggies with dyed hair or look and act odd? Home come you don't see any 40 year parents from the burbs with modest middle income lifestyles complaining? Where's all the established business professional kinds of people lining up? You don't see them because as I said in the above paragraph, once you man up and get your life going you don't need to complain. You call your own shots and buy your own stuff and more important things in life are going to work and picking up kids from daycare. Standing around 24/7 in CHAZ is the last thing they want to do.

And more amazing, it's a game forum. You'd think you'd get these kind of oddball posters from a message board dedicated to hard stanced politics.
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
The mods who banned you years ago on Neogaf are the same ones who started and run Resetera. The irony is that 95% of the people who left Neogaf did so to get away from the bullshit bans and group think, unaware they were being shepherded by the most extreme offenders. Collin Moriarty (noted Grandwizard and Weinstein/Epstein sympathizer /s) famously started a thread there in their first days, celebrating the liberation of the hivemind. He was banned and locked within seconds...for that TV-PG 90's sitcom joke about "Finally a day of silence" on womens day.

It was a mere preview of what was to come. I had explained myself in the thread and I still got zapped. I didn't post for a few months, after that shit,


Resetera has become a massive woke

Disagree with anything over there or have a view they don't like you can banned...mess of a forum.


Why did he post there in the first place is the question. After all these years people should know what this place stands for so i would question anyone who is still active there.
Yep, and they're waging a war against things western civilization has stood for centuries. Family values, honesty, integrity, hard work. For that, they've also targeted the straight white man who "represents" everything they hate as a scapegoat and are trying to turn everyone against them.

For the record, I'm not a white man but I can see what they're attempting to do from a mile away.

Those idiots are erasing the progress we've made over the past couple of decades and trying to swing the pendulum in the other direction.

The white man is more of an avatar for Christians / Europeans (i.e oppressors of indigenous peoples). The Marxists didnt have the "white man" in Cambodia, but they used the same tactics. No white man in the below footage but the method is the same... Like it or not, the Marxists ALWAYS demoralise the population and its first target is the removal of religion (specifically Christians) and promotion of aethisim . They want a Godless society.

And this has been going on for more than a couple of decades, Napoleon was really the first instance on the world stage of this subversive force making its presence known.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Revolution is always the same, and it always ends up with this: <a href="https://t.co/sgnSQTPSg7">pic.twitter.com/sgnSQTPSg7</a></p>&mdash; Dave Reilly (@realDaveReilly) <a href="">July 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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Well when the plane goes down and your stuck in the alps and all the food has been devoured, you gotta start eating your friends for survival...
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Gold Member
Good for Joe, that toxic cesspool of venomous hive minded people should be left alone anyways. Nothing of value was lost honestly.


How dare you speak your mind! Hate speech! Burn him!

What a pathetic, frightened bunch of weasels, to have to resort to banning people who say something that offends them. Fragile little pussies.

So they've banned about a third of their members. Cool. I'm sure all of those people deserved it, because they are degenerate racists and sexists.

I was banned for two weeks for being a misogynist. I was never permabanned, though, so my account is still active, even though I haven't visited in like two years.

p.s. I just emailed them and asked them to delete my account. I told them they were totalitarian nutjobs. Even though I never visit, I don't want them even counting my membership in their favor.

Same, I still have an account. Was banned a few times but also not perma. If I can remember my password (can't reset it cause bogus email) then I'm gonna ask for it to be banned/deleted.

Fuck that site.
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