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RESIDENT EVIL 5 Demo up on US Marketplace.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Remember that RE4 came out on the GameCube YEARS ago. It was great for its time and it was the best there was at what it did. Playing RE4 today is a bit of a stretch in enjoyment now because of its controls after you have played more recent 3rd person action games (Dead Space, Gears of War, and bits of MGS4). But still, I think RE4 controls are fine for the game that it is since most enemies are slow in movement, and don't require fast actions to shoot enemies, like it does in Dead Space.

Like they pointed out on the ListenUP PodCast, RE really isn't "survival horror" anymore. It isn't. It has moved more into the "survival action" genre, and now it's time they evolve the controls to respect that.


I'll agree with you on that, but as things are now, the game works just fine with these controls. Im sure they'll change things in RE6 or maybe even a spin off mid series game before then....but as of now, people are acting like the controls are so bad they cant play the game...when the fact is that they arent bad at all.

Could they be better? Sure. Are the bad? No.

And people still seem to enjoy RE4 replays...so its not like they cant play RE5 now.

EDIT: Even in survival games that allow you to walk forward or backwards with weapon drawn (Silent Hill Homecoming) I never do. Why? Because its better to let the enemy approach you while you have a steady aim. That way you have more than enough time to do some damage then run away.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I think the main complaint for the series has always been: Shoot the enemy, do a 180 turn, run away, do a 180 turn, continue shooting enemy. That's brain dead stupid for a human to move like that... the game really needs a freaking walk/run backwards movement.

Also nothing pisses me off more in RE4: Pull out knife, swipe at enemy, standing too far away from enemy to register a hit, put away knife, do a 180, run away, do a 180 again to face enemy, wait for him to walk up to you, pull out knife, and swipe again and hopefully do not miss.

That's annoying as well. Like I said, it WORKS in a game like RE4 because of the slower paced enemy movement... but I think it would be more FUN if I could move like in a game like Dead Space.


I've played through both levels three times on my own and once with my brother (who has never played a Resident Evil game before) in split-screen co-op and neither of us have had any trouble with the controls.

Sheva has never died any of the times I have been playing yet. She seems to be pretty good at healing me when my health gets lower or when I enter the "dying" mode, and I love how when I get grabbed I can press B and she will come and kick the enemies off me. She feels nowhere near as useless as Dom in Gears, and I don’t worry about her getting killed as much as I did with Ashley in RE4.

Some people complained about having to hold A to run, yet I don't think I've heard anyone complain about having to hold a button to run Dead Space, or A to run in Gears of War. The controls for movement feel improved over Resident Evil 4 as you can now move sideways instead of just forwards and backwards. I kind of wish that the rumour of a God Hand style dodging system ended up being true as there have been a few moments where I would have liked to do a quick dodge, but overall the movement doesn't feel any different from games like Gears and Dead Space, except for when aiming.

Not being able to move while aiming/reloading hasn't bothered me at all compared to what most people seem to be saying, and I feel that it helps add to the tension when fighting both the chainsaw guy and axe guy. I love it when you manage to stun one of them when they are really close to catching up on you and then you can give them one of Chris’ super punches. If you need to walk backwards all you need to do is let go of the left trigger for a few seconds.

The only thing that I have found slightly annoying in the demo is the inventory system. I like that you can now switch weapons quickly using the d-pad, but I wish that trading ammo was made easier and that you didn’t need to be right beside your partner to trade items.

Overall I think that it is a great demo and I can’t wait to play the final game.


Mr. Pointy said:
Also, fuck everyone who wants run-n-gun in RE5.

I don't think anybody has said they wanted run-n-gun in RE5. Also, even if Capcom added the ability to walk (very) slow while aiming, none of you who love the RE4 controls would have to use it. I mean, would it kill you if I could walk while aiming while you were stuck to the ground? Is that why some of you don't want to see it included?

I can live with the current controls. Hell, I even think they're fine. But I just know I would enjoy the game so incredible much more if they just added you-know-what.


well, just finished playing the demo for a while, tried a bunch of times to beat the first level online with some random dudes and every time we died at the same spot...

it doesn't seems that fun to play anymore... at all... :|


I don't see why they don;t just add the walking which would be slow to begin with. When you walk you obviously can't aim as well which would be the tradeoff, when ammo isn't the most plentiful you want your aim to be as steady as it can.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
jett said:
Shooting chainsaw guy in the head does nothing...
Shoot him twice, in the head. He goes down MUCH quicker with two competent humans.


Manp said:
well, just finished playing the demo for a while, tried a bunch of times to beat the first level online with some random dudes and every time we died at the same spot...

it doesn't seems that fun to play anymore... at all... :|
i blame the controls.


formerly cjelly
Downloaded over 1.8 million times:
Over the weekend, download figures for the Resident Evil 5 Demo on Xbox LIVE surged past 1.8 Million, wrapping up the first week on Xbox LIVE.

With the January 26th release, more than 1.3 million Xbox LIVE members around the world downloaded the demo of the hotly anticipated “Resident Evil 5” in just the first three days, placing it among the top Demo launches on the service. The Demo was first available exclusively to Xbox LIVE Gold members for the first three days and then for all Xbox LIVE members worldwide on January 29th. The demo also reached new heights with its Japanese release in December under the “Biohazard 5” title, being downloaded by over 53% of Xbox LIVE Gold members in Japan.

The release allows fans to get their hands on new “Resident Evil 5” features including two new levels of single- and two player co-op play, characters, weapons and environments. In this latest installment of the renowned survivor-horror franchise, returning “Resident Evil” hero Chris Redfield is joined by new partner Sheva Alomar to take on the frightening effects of the latest bioterrorist attack in the depths of Africa.

Xbox LIVE provides players with the ability to have their pick of who they want to experience the terror with. Whether it’s a close friend or one of the more than 17 million members around the world, on Xbox LIVE it’s easier to know when friends are online, playing “Resident Evil 5”and available to catch up over voice- or video-chat.

The demo’s success, comes in the same week as “Resident Evil” fans were asked to help unlock the secrets of Kijuju first through Xbox-LIVE and Xbox.com. For the most up to date news on the title, fans have also been flocking to Xbox LIVE and Xbox.com to check out first looks at exclusive game trailers and videos. On March 13th, Resident Evil 5 will move to its new home on Xbox 360.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I wonder how many of those 1.8 million are still buying the game.


Where comes this disappointment..

well its simple

RE 1 through 3 incl. CV and 0 controlled like shit..

RE 4 reinvented the controlls and those were probably the best back in 2005

After RE4 did 3rd Person shooting right a lot of games adopted the controll scheme.. especially gears took that controlls and improved them a lot with small tweaks..

Capcom proved once again that they can improve their controlls with RE 4 wii edition..

Now its 2008 ... And we get.. RE 5 that controlls like RE 4...

So yeah.. the world.. and even Capcom themselves have improved... and now they go back to 2005..


Manp said:
well, just finished playing the demo for a while, tried a bunch of times to beat the first level online with some random dudes and every time we died at the same spot...

it doesn't seems that fun to play anymore... at all... :|
Let me guess... you died inside the house after the axe guy arrives?


The Inside Track
farnham said:
After RE4 did 3rd Person shooting right a lot of games adopted the controll scheme.. especially gears took that controlls and improved them a lot with small tweaks..
Small tweaks? How is strafing (and thus not turning like a tank) and being able to shoot while moving "small tweaks"? Gears of War (and others) play like a FPS in 3rd person. RE4 played like well... Resident Evil with "small tweaks" ;)


You don't even need to kill the axe-guy. The first level is pretty lame, you just have to run around waiting for your copter-buddy to rescue you. Enemies will spawn endlessly.

alr1ghtstart said:
Rifle to the head, melee when he drops to one knee, rinse & repeat. He should go down in about 10 shots.

I guess I'll retry...I swear I shot him twice in the head and he didn't drop.


I've played enough to conclude that this is the Final Fantasy 11 of the Resident Evil franchise. Just as I've feared.

I'm a huge RE fan, but this game is so uniteresting with all the action going on and the second character kills it for me too.

Shame. I hope RE6 is better and focused on the singleplayer alone.

Sale -1


Teknoman said:
To whet people's appetite for the game? The ONLY demos that really give you a true impression of the game are the ones that damn near let you play the first half of the game's intro areas. Think Dragon Quest VIII, Bioshock, older PC shareware and/or demos, fighting game demos, etc.

Also how has Capcom sucked this gen? Dead Rising was awesome, Resident Evil 4 Wii edition was awesome, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Lost Planet (well the MP was tons of fun), SSFIITHD remix, Devil May Cry 4 (that game was really fun despite the area back tracking).

Dont see what you mean by enemies being shot not looking that way. Shoot em in the arm, arm flails back. Weapon? It either breaks or is knocked out of their hand and can possibly inflict damage on them. Legs/ankles? They kneel abit. Headshot? Boom, and left over mid stage plagas parasites hanging from whats left of their neck.

The facial animations themselves are already really visceral and rage filled. Just try getting grabbed by a Majini and see their eyes and the way they try to attack with the split mouth.
Okay....so they're whetting people's appetite for a game with a demo that doesn't really reflect what the game is going to be like? Interesting way of going about it. Does anyone really believe that the game isn't going to look and play like what we've seen in the demo?

Dead Rising was terrible (all the worse for having tons of potential...yes I know GAF loves it for some strange reason), Lost Planet was worse, DMC4 was a big disappointment (lessor version of PS2 games with terrible level design) and Capcom only published Bionic Commando and SSFIITHD (the former was great and I haven't played the latter due to its PSN problems). Capcom hasn't made a single great game this generation, AFAIC.

You shoot someone in the arm and he comes at you looking untouched. Shoot someone in the head...sure you get an animation, but if he wasn't killed, he keeps coming at you and looks as though he was never shot in the first place. Everytime I see this crap (which is 95% of the time you shoot someone in that game) I think "WTF, didn't I just shoot that guy?" Particularly annoying when there are a group of enemies getting mixed up. Impossible to tell who is hurt and who isn't.


Second said:
I've played enough to conclude that this is the Final Fantasy 11 of the Resident Evil franchise. Just as I've feared.

I'm a huge RE fan, but this game is so uniteresting with all the action going on and the second character kills it for me too.

Shame. I hope RE6 is better and focused on the singleplayer alone.

Sale -1

Dont think the second scenario is anything like standard RE fare? The first section played just like the first 3 RE4 timed survival areas.

Decado said:
Okay....so they're whetting people's appetite for a game with a demo that doesn't really reflect what the game is going to be like? Interesting way of going about it. Does anyone really believe that the game isn't going to look and play like what we've seen in the demo?

Dead Rising was terrible (all the worse for having tons of potential...yes I know GAF loves it for some strange reason), Lost Planet was worse, DMC4 was a big disappointment (lessor version of PS2 games with terrible level design) and Capcom only published Bionic Commando and SSFIITHD (the former was great and I haven't played the latter due to its PSN problems). Capcom hasn't made a single great game this generation, AFAIC.

You shoot someone in the arm and he comes at you looking untouched. Shoot someone in the head...sure you get an animation, but if he wasn't killed, he keeps coming at you and looks as though he was never shot in the first place. Everytime I see this crap (which is 95% of the time you shoot someone in that game) I think "WTF, didn't I just shoot that guy?" Particularly annoying when there are a group of enemies getting mixed up. Impossible to tell who is hurt and who isn't.

Eh, Dead Rising is just fun to me. Seems like good ol beat em up fun with the addition of zombies. And to be fair, I cant think of any game that shows damage, especially survival horror...except maybe Silent Hill Homecoming (which only shows melee damage) and Dead Space (which is mostly dismemberment from what i've seen).

Not even Killzone 2, Gears 2, or Resistance 2 as advanced as they are technically show body damage unless its fatal.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Decado said:
Okay....so they're whetting people's appetite for a game with a demo that doesn't really reflect what the game is going to be like? Interesting way of going about it. Does anyone really believe that the game isn't going to look and play like what we've seen in the demo?

Dead Rising was terrible (all the worse for having tons of potential...yes I know GAF loves it for some strange reason), Lost Planet was worse, DMC4 was a big disappointment (lessor version of PS2 games with terrible level design) and Capcom only published Bionic Commando and SSFIITHD (the former was great and I haven't played the latter due to its PSN problems). Capcom hasn't made a single great game this generation, AFAIC.

You shoot someone in the arm and he comes at you looking untouched. Shoot someone in the head...sure you get an animation, but if he wasn't killed, he keeps coming at you and looks as though he was never shot in the first place. Everytime I see this crap (which is 95% of the time you shoot someone in that game) I think "WTF, didn't I just shoot that guy?" Particularly annoying when there are a group of enemies getting mixed up. Impossible to tell who is hurt and who isn't.
We get it, you don't like the game. Everyone is happy for you.

I, and many others, like the play style. You don't. That's the beginning and the end of the conversation.


I still don't understand the problems people have with the controls, just accept that it's a Resident Evil game and no FPS game or Dead Space. Set the controls to type A and adjust the turning speed to fastest. For starters I think it controls smoother than Resident Evil 4 did on the GC.


Teknoman said:
Dont think the second scenario is anything like standard RE fare? The first section played just like the first 3 RE4 timed survival areas.

I've never played a RE with so many zombies running at you. This time it's just ridiculous. They've added a second character, and that's why they added more enemies on screen too. I expect the game to always have hordes of enemies attacking you, URGH!!

No RE had mindless action in it like this one. Not appealing to me at all. The worst part in RE4 was the part where you had to fight the zombie invasion in the house. RE5 is like that all the time, if I go by the demo...


Second said:
I've never played a RE with so many zombies running at you. This time it's just ridiculous. They've added a second character, and that's why they added more enemies on screen too.

No RE had mindless action in it like this one. Not appealing to me at all.

Well it wont be mobs all the time. That im sure of. Just in the more populated areas/set piece events. Shanty Town doesnt have that many zombies in it. A few at the start, maybe more with the sniping. But its really not any more than RE4 would throw at you.

Now Public assembly, i'll agree is one too many :lol


[Nintex] said:
I still don't understand the problems people have with the controls, just accept that it's a Resident Evil game and no FPS game or Dead Space.
That's like saying "Ignore the fact that everyone is telling you there's no Santa Clause". After playing other games that are similar and have logical controls RE5 feels like a huge step back.
What you're saying is that they should label the box "be aware that this is a RE game and thus may have confusing and convoluted controls, only people who have played previous RE games know what we mean here".

Capcom is doing themselves a huge disservice by not refining the controls into something a lot more intuitive.


Second said:
The worst part in RE4 was the part where you had to fight the zombie invasion in the house. RE5 is like that all the time, if I go by the demo...
That part was actually awesome, teaming up with Luis, that's why I love this demo. I'm sure there'll be plenty of areas where you don't have to fight a horde of zombies but enemies that require a different strategy, like the Regenerators from RE4.
That's like saying "Ignore the fact that everyone is telling you there's no Santa Clause". After playing other games that are similar and have logical controls RE5 feels like a huge step back.
What you're saying is that they should label the box "be aware that this is a RE game and thus may have confusing and convoluted controls, only people who have played previous RE games know what we mean here".

Capcom is doing themselves a huge disservice by not refining the controls into something a lot more intuitive.
I think everyone knew what the game would control like before this demo. It always looked like Resident Evil 4 gameplay in HD. They already added some different control types. Maybe they've tweaked it a bit for the retail release after these comments. I never had problems with the RE4 controls though, and I didn't have any problems with this demo either.

You just can't shoot and aim, it's just a rule of the game. Running away from enemies instead of running towards them guns blazing is what makes this game "survival horror".


pr0cs said:
That's like saying "Ignore the fact that everyone is telling you there's no Santa Clause". After playing other games that are similar and have logical controls RE5 feels like a huge step back.
What you're saying is that they should label the box "be aware that this is a RE game and thus may have confusing and convoluted controls, only people who have played previous RE games know what we mean here".

Capcom is doing themselves a huge disservice by not refining the controls into something a lot more intuitive.

You would think Capcom would want to expand their fan base with the costs behind a game like this.

Hell Kojima could have used the same damn controls and camera for MGS4 but he moved on with the times. Capcom I expect you to do the same.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I just loaded up Public Assembly and tried Control Style D, by myself in Single Player mode, just to make sure I wasn't crazy.

Nope, I'm not. I still had a shitload of fun holding down the house for as long as possible, before running around the environment using all my weapons and grenades and killing ol' axey.

I didn't realise it before, but when you're grabbed, if you press Circle/B, and Sheva is in range, she'll help you out. She sometimes automatically does it sometimes, but it works 100% of the time this way.

I have no problems playing with the AI either. But then I'm so hyped for the game at the moment, that my opinion is probably skewed. I guess we'll have to wait and see until a month after launch or so, when the hype dies down, if I still like it as much.

But for all intents and purposes, right now, I fucking love this thing.


Decado said:
Okay....so they're whetting people's appetite for a game with a demo that doesn't really reflect what the game is going to be like? Interesting way of going about it. Does anyone really believe that the game isn't going to look and play like what we've seen in the demo?

Dead Rising was terrible (all the worse for having tons of potential...yes I know GAF loves it for some strange reason), Lost Planet was worse, DMC4 was a big disappointment (lessor version of PS2 games with terrible level design) and Capcom only published Bionic Commando and SSFIITHD (the former was great and I haven't played the latter due to its PSN problems). Capcom hasn't made a single great game this generation, AFAIC.

You shoot someone in the arm and he comes at you looking untouched. Shoot someone in the head...sure you get an animation, but if he wasn't killed, he keeps coming at you and looks as though he was never shot in the first place. Everytime I see this crap (which is 95% of the time you shoot someone in that game) I think "WTF, didn't I just shoot that guy?" Particularly annoying when there are a group of enemies getting mixed up. Impossible to tell who is hurt and who isn't.

Don't beat me up GAF, but I actually agree with this guy. Ok I'm out now, by.


Wish this was on Wii. I found the blind of Gears/re4 controls to be completely terrible and by the time I switched to Type A I was already so messed up I couldn't get my head around it.

I also don't like the shanty town setting. I found that the village in 4 was much more appropriate for a survival horror setting.

Also split screen is terrible.

Unfortunately Sales -1


Teknoman said:
Well it wont be mobs all the time. That im sure of. Just in the more populated areas/set piece events. Shanty Town doesnt have that many zombies in it. A few at the start, maybe more with the sniping. But its really not any more than RE4 would throw at you.

Now Public assembly, i'll agree is one too many :lol

I hated shanty town. The first part was okay. But the part where I had to save Sheva with my sniping (just after the part with the million enemies in the shack) was horrible. I quit the demo when I saw what I had to do.

I hate those scenarios in games. And I don't expect that one to be the last one. I just want to save myself and do things on my own. Don't want to bother with the other character and her crazy assist moves.

Now if there was a way to get rid of Sheva somehow and reduce the amount of enemies, now that would be better IMO.


One thing that really puts my off is how cramped it is. I felt like I couldn't even move out of the first area. The village was actually pretty open in 4. I would run from building to building instead of just getting stuck in an alley.

It just wasn't fun.


Threi said:
i blame the controls.
well... probably, it doesn't certainly help that enemies comes from everywhere and the character controls like a tank.
not sure if you're trying to be sarcastic but after dying a bunch of times (and not always was my fault since i was playing coop) i felt like the people i was playing with had the same problems with the game... after a while it wasn't fun anymore.

Sectus said:
Let me guess... you died inside the house after the axe guy arrives?
nope, the first thing i do after the axe guy comes in is going outside trying to not get trapped but somewhat one of the players always get surrounded.


Davey Cakes

Well, I'm pretty sure that most, if not all RE fans will buy the game, regardless of the demo. And, I'm sure most of those 1.8 mil downloads were from fans.


never left the stone age
Ugh, the demo.

Did not like the partner, sharing ammo and stuff sucks.
Weapons feel really really weak, I mean, it doesn't feel like you're firing a gun at all and I'm not too fond of the sunny African setting, doesn't really fit.

And this might just be because it's a demo but there were like, fewer enemies on screen than in RE4 and they weren't as agressive, again, probably demo easy mode or something.

But the guns, ugh, such weak sounds. No OOMPH.
Didnt have any issues with the controls though, I used the RE4 style Mode A, felt good and it is a really pretty game.


As someone already mentioned judging enemy distance with the knife is pretty hard. Half of the time you'll be swapping at air. This game is all kinds of wrong.


I do wish the controls were better (but that is a waste of time) yet I am having quite a bit of fun with the demo and will very likely grab the game day one.

One thing which disturbs me is the ease with which you can avoid Axe Man in Public Assembly merely by jumping on top of the bus.

In fact, the whole scenario is really simple when you just get on the bus and blast off all attackers.


I think the problem with this game is that it can't decide what it wants to be. Dead Space took a stand, and it worked for that game. This game is trying to please all, and it's failing.
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