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Resolution: Which game is next?


Didn't one of our insiders mention something about an 'unannounced game' that will have a higher resolution on the PS4?

Hmm, wonder what it is?


For now, but in 2015 and later will be a whole different story

2015 is going to bring an even greater disparity in my opinion.

Every single first party title from Sony's Worldwide Studios is 1080p except for The Order: 1886 (1920x800) for artistic vision. Guerilla games in addition to other developers has stated that they have just scratched the surface because it will have potential to grow with the additional GPGPU resources as well as the faster ram and the smaller OS footprint.

The Xbox One on the other hand is a different story entirely. It's resolution disparity is across the board with even their first party talent unable to consistently reach 1080p. What we're seeing is growing pains for sure, but when the console is showing such drastic difficulties so early on it doesn't bode well for the future.

Take for instance BF4. The Xbox One has a lower resolution but it also cuts corners in other area's such as lighting, AA, and texture yet it still has worse frame rates.

Resolution should not be the be all end all, but when one console is seemingly brimming with potential (PS4) while the other seems like it's already hitting its performance ceiling don't be surprised when nearly every single third party title is better on the PS4. It doesn't matter if it's small or large, better is always better and MS only ace in the hole is the Kinect functionality and that hasn't been shown as a game changer as of yet.

Games are subjective but performance is not. If the games you like for are on the One, get it, enjoy it. Every game will be playable but understand that the other console will have the better version unless it's an exclusive.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
If xbox one has better effects enabled due to the 720p, i would play that one personally

So, i still do not know which version is the best looking
the decrease in resolution in there to enable the console to run the game with standard effects not make room for better effects
why do people keep assuming this?


AC4 Xbone res hasn't been confirmed? Then I'll be watching that game, lol. Destiny is also quite pretty . . . damn this is fucked up hahahaha.


Gonna guess Rivals (though less of a shit storm as it's not as big of a property as AC4/BF4/Ghosts). The developer has said that it looks better on one of the next gen platforms.

After that, it could be Destiny, though there's zero factual information to base that on right now.


It doesn't matter because 720p upressed to 1080p looks better than native 1080p.

So true, I sit 10ft away from my 55" screen and I don't notice the difference, everything looks like a blurry mosaic painting which belongs in a museum.

Who said video games isn't ART?


It doesn't matter because 720p upressed to 1080p looks better than native 1080p.

Agreed. And given the strong industry trend of people buying smaller and smaller TV's (I'm thinking of upgrading my 60" to a 20") and sitting further away from them, means consoles that are balanced around 720p are a good buy.
I seriously doubt it. Is the PS3 haunted by all of the games that ran better on 360? Nope.
Of course it was.

Do you think that the PS3 didn't lose out on multiplat sales due to being the poorer versions?

Word of mouth also spread that the 360 was the best console for mutliplat games; it sold consoles.
Of course it was.

Do you think that the PS3 didn't lose out on multiplat sales due to being the poorer versions?

Word of mouth also spread that the 360 was the best console for mutliplat games; it sold consoles.

All the while the PS3 has always had the higher cost of entry as well. PS3 owners were always jealous of the better ports. I have known people that blame Sony's internet services for laggy P2P COD games when it was more because of a poor port job. This time the differences aren't going to be as subtle and we are talking a $100 difference. The fascinating thing is imagine if the online experience on X1 gets tarnished because of these differences.

Like others have said this extends far beyond resolution. If a game like Destiny, which is heavily reliant on online MP, fails to offer the same experience on Xbone as the PS4 some people will start to say PSN is better than Live. Wrong or not.


2015 is going to bring an even greater disparity in my opinion.

Every single first party title from Sony's Worldwide Studios is 1080p except for The Order: 1886 (1920x800) for artistic vision. Guerilla games in addition to other developers has stated that they have just scratched the surface because it will have potential to grow with the additional GPGPU resources as well as the faster ram and the smaller OS footprint.

The Xbox One on the other hand is a different story entirely. It's resolution disparity is across the board with even their first party talent unable to consistently reach 1080p. What we're seeing is growing pains for sure, but when the console is showing such drastic difficulties so early on it doesn't bode well for the future.

Take for instance BF4. The Xbox One has a lower resolution but it also cuts corners in other area's such as lighting, AA, and texture yet it still has worse frame rates.

Resolution should not be the be all end all, but when one console is seemingly brimming with potential (PS4) while the other seems like it's already hitting its performance ceiling don't be surprised when nearly every single third party title is better on the PS4. It doesn't matter if it's small or large, better is always better and MS only ace in the hole is the Kinect functionality and that hasn't been shown as a game changer as of yet.

Games are subjective but performance is not. If the games you like for are on the One, get it, enjoy it. Every game will be playable but understand that the other console will have the better version unless it's an exclusive.

Goes without saying that expect most games to look better on PS4

But in similar conditions (same frame rate and resolution)

I do not expect a game that runs in 1080p/60fps on PS4 to look as good as a 720p/30fps game on xbox one though, the difference in hardware is not that big

the decrease in resolution in there to enable the console to run the game with standard effects not make room for better effects
why do people keep assuming this?

That is not what i assume. I never said that the purpose is to enable better effects, just that by having to drop to 720p may just leave some room to enable a few extra effects.

Probably those that are resolution dependent and would be exponentially taxing in 1080p.

The argument was that by droping to 720p may give more frames per sec than the required 30 with the standard effects and thus have some room left for extra effects.


It doesn't matter because 720p upressed to 1080p looks better than native 1080p.

1080p has too many pixels. Devs have to stuff each frame with spare pixels to pad it out. 720p is how the designers meant the game to be played, with each pixel carefully laid in place by an artist.


Curious about The Witcher 3. Due to the fact that MS did an exclusive DLC deal with them I believe. Or am I mistaken?


Junior Member
well if you wanna go there, the ps4's cpu isn't exactly something to write home about ... the xb1's isn't much better but it's still better
The Xbox One's CPU is irrelevant at this point. It hasn't made a shred of difference thus far. The GPU is responsible for almost all the graphical grunt work.


works for a research lab making 6 figures
Goes without saying that expect most games to look better on PS4

But in similar conditions (same frame rate and resolution)

I do not expect a game that runs in 1080p/60fps on PS4 to look as good as a 720p/30fps game on xbox one though, the difference in hardware is not that big

That is not what i assume. I never said that the purpose is to enable better effects, just that by having to drop to 720p may just leave some room to enable a few extra effects.

Probably those that are resolution dependent and would be exponentially taxing in 1080p.

The argument was that by droping to 720p may give more frames per sec than the required 30 with the standard effects and thus have some room left for extra effects.

Then why is the one version of bf4 running without ao and effects of the ps4 version at a lower overall fps? I doubt the devs dropping to 720p means the one just runs amazingly and is given more effects as a consolation prize. Nothing we've seen indicates what you're proposing to be at all true.


1080p has too many pixels. Devs have to stuff each frame with spare pixels to pad it out. 720p is how the designers meant the game to be played, with each pixel carefully laid in place by an artist.

WHAT!?! Do you even know what you're talking about?? Native 720p is too precise, too clinical.

You need a sub-HD, 4x3 aspect ratio feed, like MGS4's 1024x768, and anamorphically stretch it to 720p, set your console to output 576i (to bypass any HDCP, use S-Video or co-ax if available), and let the TV's hardware upscaler resolve it to 1080p.

The TV's upscaler is designed to work on the manufacturer's pixels; Your console doesn't know if you're using OLED, LCD or plasma, so the TV knows best.
How many of next years titles do you think will get the Resolution treatment?

Metal Gear Solid 5?
Witcher 3?

Ton of games hitting in 2014 that will be pushing a whole lot harder then these launch third party titles that is for sure.

If they are unable to get away from 720p in 2014's titles, then you can just kiss any thought of it " getting better eventually " goodbye.

And these days I am having a hard time knowing if these folk and their 720p talk are being serious or just playing with my head. My brain can't take much more of this idiocy. It could explode all over my morning coffee at this rate.


1080p has too many pixels. Devs have to stuff each frame with spare pixels to pad it out. 720p is how the designers meant the game to be played, with each pixel carefully laid in place by an artist.
It's also well known that on PC, where they have too many pixels, graphics are really angular. At 720p, the angles are much more balanced.


Have any of the following been shown anywhere ever on Xbone?:

NFS Rivals - Last I heard from Polygon, PS4 looked "better than PC"
NBA 2K14 - Shown to press on PS4 last week
FIFA 14 - Really have no idea
Assassin's Creed 4 - Shown on PS4, but could be attributed to marketing
CoD Ghosts - Resolution confirmed, but have we seen it?

My answer to OP would have to be NFS Rivals.

NBA 2K was confirmed 1080p, but I can't remember whether I heard that magic word "native".


Kind of curious to see if there will be major discrepancies with Square-Enix games, especially FF15 and KH3. But that's waaaay down the line from now.


Do the people who are so quick to point out that the One has no issues with sports and racing games being 1080p really believe that one level in a game such as COD or BF is equivalent to one soccer or football field for sake of an example?

Do they not realize those genres they are so fast to point out are in 1080p are for very specific reasons?
Curious about The Witcher 3. Due to the fact that MS did an exclusive DLC deal with them I believe. Or am I mistaken?

Don't think that was for DLC, I think at E3 they were talking about 'exclusive features' on Xbox One in the game, specifically referring to Kinect shit being in it. I could be remembering wrong admittedly, but I really don't recall any Witcher 3 DLC being mentioned there.

Witcher 3 is certainly going to be an interesting case to watch though. Once the serious demanding titles start arriving on these machines I dread to think how much of a gulf between versions we'll end up seeing.
I don't think AC4 will have any issues getting to 1080p on the Xbox One. The next gen versions have better textures and some weather effects but the game isn't doing something more commonly regarded as next gen like dynamic lighting. It doesn't have to get to 60fps either.

My guess is NFS Rivals, Watch Dogs and Destiny are more likely to have issues running at sub 1080p on the Xbox One.


The question is going to turn to which multiplats actually are 1080p on Xbone, very quickly. Sub 1080p is going to be the norm. If you care about image quality, you won't be buying any multiplats on Xbone.

As I have been saying for nigh on 2 years now. Every single multiplatform game throughout the generation will have noticeably better graphics and/or performance on PS4. Every title, there won't be any exceptions.

I know what you're saying but you might be held word for word. If I've over thought your post apologies.

Never underestimate the ability of humans to screw something up.

There may 1 or 2 games that may look comepletely indistinguishable this new generation. If this happens it would be used to show parity between the consoles despite a billion other face offs won handily by PS4.


I have no doubt PS4 is more powerful.

But isn't it entirely possible that the disparity will be largest now? I mean first party doesn't have the issues hitting 1080p with nice visuals. I am thinking the esram or whatever might be something to work through, while PS4 gets there easier.

Something similar but not as extreme as this gen. Where PS3 went from way janky and horrible for 3rd party to nearly on par.

Don't mega flame me. I do think the PS4 is the better designed console from all appearances and plan to get one first (sometime next year).
I mean first party doesn't have the issues hitting 1080p with nice visuals.
But they are having trouble hitting 1080p, even with their first party published titles that don't need to target multiple platforms.

Killer Instinct is 720p.
Powerstar Golf is 720p.
According to cboat, Titanfall is 720p.
Ryse is 900p.
Dead Rising 3 is using some sort of unspecified dynamic resolution.

This isn't something isolated to Battlefield 4 and Ghosts.


At the end of the day they're all 1080p. What kind is just arguing semantics



Just chipping in on the exclusive part. Well, console exclusives include Bayonetta, RDR etc which are better on 360 this generation? Those are the ones I care more about on consoles, rather than PS or XB only games. So the argument isn't redundant unless these games hit the PC somehow.
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