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Revised DS4 Included with PS4 Slim

Oh great, even more stuff to drain our controller's battery. This is not something we wanted. It probably serves some sort of function for VR because if this was just to add "aesthetic", that's just stupid.

There better be an elite controller coming soon cause that's all I wanted out of Sony outside of Neo.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Yes, its this controller here, and it has the same battery as the original one. No info on the lights on the manual tho

and it has the same battery as the original one

the same battery

Like I said in the other thread.

As if people didn't hate the light on the original DS4 enough already.

Sorry, I had to reply before reading all 4 pages:

Why do people hate the lightbar? Don't like the capability to track the controller? My kids have got a lot of use out of Playroom, which needs the DS4 tracking. I think the tracking in Battlezone where the DS4 appears in-game has been positively received. There's an argument that it should be switched off if the game isn't using it, but hatred? You think the system would be better off without it?


Oh great, even more stuff to drain our controller's battery. This is not something we wanted. It probably serves some sort of function for VR because if this was just to add "aesthetic", that's just stupid.

There better be an elite controller coming soon cause that's all I wanted out of Sony outside of Neo.

It's the same light so it won't drain the battery any more than it does now.


They're just letting you see the light so that it makes sense to use it as an indicator in games. Previously you couldn't see it, it's a cool improvement.
And if it's just a transparent slice on the touch pad it's the same light, no added battery consumption (which might also be improved, who knows).

Some people are trying so HARD to have excuses to overreact to things without even knowing :D
Oh great so now with this "transparent slice" there's light shining up towards my eyes and face. Like hitting my TV wasn't enough.
I just don't want that light flashing up towards my eyes when the current lightbar already has the annoying habit of reflecting off my monitor.

Who the hell looks on their controller all the time while playing.

Also so smartphones must suck because we look at them all the time and they produce light on their display.


what if this is just fake?

The YouTube channel has comparisons of real vs. fake Playstation 4 controllers in another video. I'd say wait and see but I don't think that's the case.

Worst case scenario is someone made a convincing trackpad mod for the PS4 controller.


Gamers need to stop trying to act like they are offended by every single thing. The only shitty thing that happened today was probably the PS+ price being increased to it's competitor (Xbox live) which has had that price for YEARS. If people can't pay for something they enjoy spending a LOT of time on then I guess you don't have to buy it if you don't want to. As for the PS4 Slim, I think it's the perfect form factor, stylish and sexy and will sell like hot cakes regardless.
A second light bar is no big deal, just get out the electrical tape again. Just need to make sure you're controller is plugged in at all times because those lights need their juice.


I guess combined with sixaxis the additional outside-in tracking of another light bar adds better tracking of the controllers orientation

ps3ud0 8)


Ugh.. The light bar already is one of the worst parts of the DS4. What the hell is Sony thinking when adding yet another one to it??


I don't understand the design choice here. It's not like people can't see the light hitting their index fingers (if Sony made this tweak to overcompensate for players not knowing who's who in local multiplayer).

Ummm what?
It's the opposite.

The light bar was meant for motion tracking. Since that feature will basically be used just for VR it ended up being pointless.
They tried to use it alternatively as a light indicator for games but it's not really comfortable because you can't see the light.
Looking at the reflex on your fingers as you suggest isn't exactly an intuitive and comfortable solution :D

Now they have fixed the problem so that the light bar can be truly used as light indicator in games. The design choice is pretty motivated and if accomplished through a transparent slide it is also pretty smart.

Oh great so now with this "transparent slice" there's light shining up towards my eyes and face. Like hitting my TV wasn't enough.

You can't see such light unless you're holding the controller frontally and it won't be reflected by anything unlike the shoulder light.


Wait, it has the same battery? Well then, I'll just stick with the controller I have. At least it does not flash the light through the touchpad into my face.
No one even notices the light and hasn't for a long time. People are just bringing up old bs talking points about it now.

I doubt the light will shine in your face any more than the Xb1 controller logo shines in your face.

Come on GAF. I know we're one for hyperbole but this shit is getting borderline crazy.

.. or they could just offer an option to turn it off completely.

It serves NO purpose for me. I have zero interest in VR, I can't see the light because I'm actually looking at my TV, it's a drain on the battery even if its minimal, etc.
I just got a new Uncharted 4 controller when U4 launched and now they come out with a new one. I hope it has better battery life and better thumbsticks.


Who the hell looks on their controller all the time while playing.

Also so smartphones must suck because we look at them all the time and they produce light on their display.

Its not like that. It depends on how you play. I had a xbox one controller and in the night if i was lying down the light from the guide button was extremely annoying.



The blue ray of light from the light bar is proof of 4K Blu-ray in the next FW update you say?


Glad to see you know everyone's seating position and how their TV reflects light.

I don't, but this isn't a common complaint. It's only a big complaint on this forum and even then it hasn't been talked about until this thread.

You had people in the slim reveal going overboard about the "look" of the console as if people buy it based on that.

And now you have people going crazy over a tiny sliver of light from the same light source as if it's going to blind you. IT's probably no brighter than the light up logo on the Xb1 controller and that shit isn't a problem.

This forum has really gotten an extreme when it comes to opinions. No nuance. It's either shit or the best thing ever. Tell me there aren't posts in here overreacting like this is going to change the way you play video games in a negative way.


I'm sure its fine as long as it isn't blinking and changing colours and being a dick all the time.

But then again technically, TECHNICALLY the Wii U gamepad does this. So it might not matter


.. or they could just offer an option to turn it off completely.

It serves NO purpose for me. I have zero interest in VR, I can't see the light because I'm actually looking at my TV, it's a drain on the battery even if its minimal, etc.

Now this is something they could do and we should have that option.


I would gladly pay £100 for a DS4 Elite (no light bar, no touch pad) with the same build quality as the Xbox Elite pad.


The blue ray of light from the light bar is proof of 4K Blu-ray in the next FW update you say?

Time to get out the jeff_rigby decoder (patent pending) and set it to work. It should unscramble the release date for the 4K patch from that GAF code post.
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