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Revolution Thanksgiving 2006


there is joy in sucking dick


Mama Smurf said:
You don't even know what you're replying to, do you?

Dude, you were jumping up and down and focused on only one part while ignoring the others.................

Oogami said:
And they even took in someone like Kuju and N-Space, while giving Rare and Factor 5 and SK the boot.

That's the lack of quality control too. Which was my point.

Plus when did I say that they published Quest 64 and Superman 64? Read. Letting those games to appear on your console is an example of lack of quality control.

So calm down, I know all Nintendo fans are all very angry in this thread. Everyone should.


Kuju's efforts appear to be on a par with Sk's and Factor 5's at least. And judging by Rare post N64 era - Them too.


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The word freestyle is used to describe a sport or other activity where the participant is free to choose a style at will. It is also used to describe a version of a sport which is slightly more lenient than the sport it descended from.

* In Sweden the word freestyle is synonymous with a portable cassette tape player.

Nintendo Freestyle - the Walkman of the 21st century. :lol
It's nice to know that it'll be at least as powerful as the gamecube. But really, if they don't overprice the system, there is no reason for me not to get it regardless of lack of horsepower.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Oogami said:
Plus when did I say that they published Quest 64 and Superman 64? Read. Letting those games to appear on your console is an example of lack of quality control.
okay.... so i guess you weren't being sarcastic earlier. That's a shame... for you.


Plus when did I say that they published Quest 64 and Superman 64? Read. Letting those games to appear on your console is an example of lack of quality control.

You do realise that the "nintendo seal of quality" is and always has been just proof that the game has passed nintendos submission process right? its never been any sort of guarantee that the product is fun!


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Zerodoppler said:
there is no reason for me not to get it regardless of lack of horsepower.
Good attitude, it's all about value, it's all about the games.
We know nothing yet, let's wait for E3. Then we'll talk with fundations.


Nintendo SOQ :
Nintendo on Metal gear 3 : WTF is this crap!
Kojima : WTF?
Nintendo : but for lets say 100.000 we will give it a SOQ
Kojima : Fuck you! im going to sony

Nintendo on some EA shit : This game is garbage!!
EA : ?WTF??
Nintendo : But for lets say.. 60.000 we will give it a SOQ
EA : Ok.. but allow us to put mario in it

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Oogami said:
That's the lack of quality control too. Which was my point.

...no it wasn't. I can't believe I have to explain your own point to you here! This is ridiculous.

Your point was that you think Nintendo's decision not to publish that game is in some way a new quality control that didn't exist during their previous system's releases, and that it's hurting Nintendo to do that. But it's no different. Nintendo aren't stopping that game coming out on their system, just like they didn't stop Superman 64 and Quest 64. They are simply passing up the chance to publish it. If another publisher picks it up and wants to being it to the Revolution, Nintendo will let them!

I repeat, as far as we know there is no difference between the way Nintendo are handling games coming to Revolution and the way they did on the last couple of consoles.

Plus when did I say that they published Quest 64 and Superman 64? Read.

You didn't you freak! But when you compare Nintendo turning down PUBLISHING a game to Nintendo allowing a crap game to be released on their system, it's an obvious and sensible thing to point out that the game can still come out without Nintendo publishing, just like the N64 games you mentioned!

Letting those games to appear on your console is an example of lack of quality control.

Yes, it is. That wasn't your point though, no matter how much you want to change it.

So calm down, I know all Nintendo fans are all very angry in this thread. Everyone should.

I think you'll find my posts and most people's were perfectly civil before you started bringing your retardedness into it.

You know, I should just put you on ignore, but the accidental hilarity you bring to threads is just too good to miss too often.


It's nice to know that it'll be at least as powerful as the gamecube. But really, if they don't overprice the system, there is no reason for me not to get it regardless of lack of horsepower.

Well keep in mind GCN right now is $100 with a free game. What price should the Revolution be in then if it's just a bit more powerful than the GCN?

You do realise that the "nintendo seal of quality" is and always has been just proof that the game has passed nintendos submission process right? its never been any sort of guarantee that the product is fun!

Then why did they publish Geist and Battalion Wars and Star Fox Adventures, which were not fun?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Oogami said:
Then why did they publish Geist and Battalion Wars and Star Fox Adventures, which were not fun?

I just don't know. I want to believe no one could be so utterly stupid as to not be able to follow a simple point from one post to their own, especially when the quote is right there above their reply...but you know, I've been to gamefaqs.

So joke character? Or Shadow the Hedgehog buyer? It's so hard to choose.


Look Mr 25,000 copies of Animal Crossing, I'll give you Geist, but Battalion Wars and to a lesser extent, Star Fox Adventures, were decent games,


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Oogami, you may end up buying a Revolution if it's really good. You wouldn't want to get Doobutsu no Owned again, would you?


Mama Smurf said:
Yes, it is. That wasn't your point though, no matter how much you want to change it.

It was my point and I didn't try to change anything. bah.

I think you'll find my posts and most people's were perfectly civil before you started bringing your retardedness into it.

You know, I should just put you on ignore, but the accidental hilarity you bring to threads is just too good to miss too often.

Umm I'm putting you on ignore first! Nice talking to Nintendo fans...........:(

Enough derailing the thread anyway.


there is joy in sucking dick
Someone over at B3D brought up a really good point. If these specs are real Revolution specs, portability from games made on the 360 or PS3 will almost become impossible unless that game gets a serious downgrade. Most developers probably won't even bother porting anymore.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Umm I'm putting you on ignore first!

Oooooh I see. He's 11. It all makes more sense now.

He's not a typical joke character if he is one. Normally people who make them don't go in for making themselves look so stupid. But when someone outright tells him that the Nintento seal of quality is no guarantee a game is fun, and he replies with:

Then why did they publish Geist and Battalion Wars and Star Fox Adventures, which were not fun?

You have to start to wonder. You might as well have said food is edible and have him reply "Then how come carrots aren't edible?" for all the sense he makes. It's something you'd epect even the most retarded of people to be able to follow, unless they were delibrately going out of their way not to.


Then why did they publish Geist and Battalion Wars and Star Fox Adventures, which were not fun?

Its your opinion, there are people in this insane world that enjoy 50 Cent bulletproof and Shadow the hedgehog. Completely ignoring games like Castlevania and Resident evil 4.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
That third party port thing was brought up ages ago BT, but I don't blame you for not seeing, the thread is huge.


there is joy in sucking dick
Mama Smurf said:
That third party port thing was brought up ages ago BT, but I don't blame you for not seeing, the thread is huge.

Ahhh ok. I figured this massive thread had to have brought up that issue :lol


the smegma spreader
theres no way im reading this whole thread .... can someone sum up the GAF reaction, which i imagine was like,

"ZOMGGgGgGgg hohohoo xbox1.5 ^o^ kekekekeke"



Sweedishrodeo said:
theres no way im reading this whole thread .... can someone sum up the GAF reaction, which i imagine was like,

"ZOMGGgGgGgg hohohoo xbox1.5 ^o^ kekekekeke"


Read Page 7, where Drinky comes out of the closet.


Sweedishrodeo said:
theres no way im reading this whole thread .... can someone sum up the GAF reaction, which i imagine was like,

"ZOMGGgGgGgg hohohoo xbox1.5 ^o^ kekekekeke"


Red Corner - "It's the controller that counts", "It says nothing about the FINAL version of Rev", "Who knows who these so called developers are anyway?"

Blue/Black/Green Corners - "Nintedooooomed!", "ahahahaha", "Nintendo haven't got a clue".

You know, The usual.


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
My point is that there is no evidence seeing Nintendo ever changing their stances on 3rd parties whatsoever. They flatout decline to publish a game for a 3rd party even when said 3rd party *wants Nintendo to give them money to finish their game*
Fixed that up for you there.

3rd party *publishers* are not going to matter much on the Rev is my prediction. People can get multi platform games on the 360 or ps3. Instead, Nintendo is going to fund a crapload of 3rd party *developers* and publish the games themselfs. They have the cash and that way there will be plenty of unique games. They can do it because dev costs will be lower than on the other platforms.

They already started doing this on the DS. Meteos, ouendan, trace memory, etc etc.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Sunski said:
Red Corner - "It's the controller that counts", "It says nothing about the FINAL version of Rev", "Who knows who these so called developers are anyway?"

Blue/Black/Green Corners - "Nintedooooomed!", "ahahahaha", "Nintendo haven't got a clue".

You know, The usual.
Nice said:lol


Milhouse31 said:
Nice thread guys. Drinky post sums up my feeling quite well.

PS3 + Rev FTW

I'd tend to agree, I'm going to miss Silicon Knights and Xbox Live arcade, but I can not afford all three consoles this time around.


Milhouse31 said:
Nice thread guys. Drinky post sums up my feeling quite well.

PS3 + Rev FTW

Sony + Nintendo is the way I've gone the last two generations, don't plan on changing anytime soon. :p


Grug said:
I can not afford all three consoles this time around.

Woah.... you have at least 3-5 years to go, before you can say that matey. Those who say they can't afford it, need to remember that you don't have to purchase everything within a 2 month period.


The damage control from the Nintendo fanboys and the trolling from the Sony/Xbox ones is really awful in this one. I'm not taking any sides because I'm getting a PS3 *and* a Rev regardless because I need my Metroid/Zelda/Metal Gear/GTA/Mario/ICO Team fix.

While I knew it was impossible from the start, I would have liked for the Rev to be in between the X360 and PS3 in terms of power because then you'd get games that use the revmote and competing graphics. Still, I can deal with having graphics that are slightly better than this gen with a consistant 60FPS (if the console and additional controllers are cheap). I know in 2010 the Rev will look very dated and no HD will be a bigger factor but then that's what I'll be using my PS3 for.

The only people who lose out of this are people who only have a Rev and people who don't buy a Rev because of the alledged inferior graphics.


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
koam said:
The damage control from the Nintendo fanboys and the trolling from the Sony/Xbox ones is really awful in this one. I'm not taking any sides because I'm getting a PS3 *and* a Rev regardless because I need my Metroid/Zelda/Metal Gear/GTA/Mario/ICO Team fix.
I disagree, it isn't really that bad compared to other threads. The fact that we have a bit more info now helps.

It's just a matter or preference and people stating that.


there is joy in sucking dick
elostyle said:
I disagree, it isn't really that bad compared to other threads. The fact that we have a bit more info now helps.

It's just a matter or preference and people stating that.

I actual think that this thread has been a little more on the civil side. A large percentage of the posts have more than 2 sentence "wise snaps" remarks about Nintendo. I've thrown a jab here and there but out of jest, nothing serious (i'm seriously intrigued by the Rev's controll scheme). Other than that, its just people voicing their opinions.


Gabriel Knight
Odysseus said:
And I submit that Nintendo isn't going to bring these people into the fold. People that don't play video games aren't going to be wooed by a new, dumbed down control mechanism, as they could positively not care. The virtual console aspect is something that might appeal to those that gamed when they were younger, but not at a $200 pricetag. There are two places for them to go: (1) complete bargain bin, low frills and low cost a la Atari controller that plugs right into the TV or (2) go with what's perceived as the best or most popular. Revolution will not meet either requirement, Revolution am bomb total. The middle of the road never wins. See: PSP (for now). Can't compete in the kids' handheld gaming market, can't compete in the teen/young adult MP3 player market. See: 89 Octane gasoline. Really, what's the point of it? 87 or 93 ftw.

It will sell to those that would buy the GameCube successor anyway. It's not going to win back many old fans, and it is not going to introduce gaming to the unwashed masses. It will just continue the trend of selling less than the system before. At least that's what I found out when I got my DeLorean up to 88 miles per hour.
Nintendogs disagrees with you..
and before you speak for all those new people that will not be wooed by Nintendo, at least try the controller for yourself


elostyle said:
Instead, Nintendo is going to fund a crapload of 3rd party *developers* and publish the games themselfs. They have the cash and that way there will be plenty of unique games. They can do it because dev costs will be lower than on the other platforms.

They already started doing this on the DS. Meteos, ouendan, trace memory, etc etc.

That's exactly Nintendo *not* doing. They don't want to fund and publish the game in the article I posted.
koam said:
The only people who lose out of this are people who only have a Rev and people who don't buy a Rev because of the alledged inferior graphics.

This is a good point. However, what about people who wanted to play Nintendo franchises with "next-gen" visuals (I know that's subjective, but you know what I mean), they lose out, right?. Business wise there are plenty of justifications for Nintendo's direction, but personally as a long-time gamer I feel disappointed they won't bring us Mario and Zelda with some modern visuals. I know I'm not the target for the system, but I wonder if many on this board are the target and what the implications of that is.

As I've said many times, I think this will go over big in Japan, but I wonder about it's future in the West. Will Western developers put resources into Rev games? More importantly, will Nintendo internally develop some games (either 1st or 2nd party) that cater more to Western interests. More than a new control scheme, I think it is crucial for Nintendo to gain more Western support to be successful in NA and EU. I wonder if this will do it, or if Nintendo even cares greatly about the success of Rev in the West.

Those who are saying it will be a second console and will be successful that way are looking at it the wrong way, IMO (given the overall lack of multi-console ownership among casuals). Nintendo has to become a first console choice among the so-called "non-gamers" in order to be successful (in the West). I think they proabably have to launch at 149 to have a chance at that.


Oogami said:
That's exactly Nintendo *not* doing. They don't want to fund and publish the game in the article I posted.

Maybe because apart from some nice concept art, the game concept may have been total ass.

It doesnt mean they are going to publish every bit of homebrew that gets sent their way.


GitarooMan said:
This is a good point. However, what about people who wanted to play Nintendo franchises with "next-gen" visuals (I know that's subjective, but you know what I mean), they lose out, right?.

What about people who want to play Microsoft franchises with a motion sensing controller?


If the Revo is barely going to be more powerful than the Xbox, it better be $150 or less and come with two revmotes.

I don't know who I'm kidding though because I'll still line up 14 hours before launch to buy one even it it's 300 bucks. But at least I'll be bitter about it.
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