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Revolution Thanksgiving 2006

Grug said:
What about people who want to play Microsoft franchises with a motion sensing controller?

Your point? Sure that's true, but I would bet there are more of the former and less of the latter. Obviously everyone is not going to like everything....I'm just pointing out that not everyone is going to be entirely happy with Rev, even if they own a PS3/360 too...
elostyle said:
I think you are underestimating the number of people dreading current FPS controls on consoles.

I think you're probably overestimating, given the number of casual Halo 2 players >>>>>>>>> hardcore PC FPS fans. I agree it's an issue, but I think "dreading" is a bit strong.


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
Add in casual PC fps players, account for an unknow number of players off the record due to rampant piracy and then factor in people that dread upgrading their PCs yearly as much as current console fps controls.

PS: I don't give up easily ;)
GitarooMan said:
This is a good point. However, what about people who wanted to play Nintendo franchises with "next-gen" visuals (I know that's subjective, but you know what I mean), they lose out, right?. Business wise there are plenty of justifications for Nintendo's direction, but personally as a long-time gamer I feel disappointed they won't bring us Mario and Zelda with some modern visuals. I know I'm not the target for the system, but I wonder if many on this board are the target and what the implications of that is.

As I've said many times, I think this will go over big in Japan, but I wonder about it's future in the West. Will Western developers put resources into Rev games? More importantly, will Nintendo internally develop some games (either 1st or 2nd party) that cater more to Western interests. More than a new control scheme, I think it is crucial for Nintendo to gain more Western support to be successful in NA and EU. I wonder if this will do it, or if Nintendo even cares greatly about the success of Rev in the West.

Those who are saying it will be a second console and will be successful that way are looking at it the wrong way, IMO (given the overall lack of multi-console ownership among casuals). Nintendo has to become a first console choice among the so-called "non-gamers" in order to be successful (in the West). I think they proabably have to launch at 149 to have a chance at that.

That is a very, very good point. With the Gamecube, I think it's undeniable that third party games have severely underpreformed, partly due to most gamers preferring the other systems (and online play in some cases). Are western developers going to be willing to spend the extra amount of time and money to downgrade their games and add controller uses to games that most likely won't sell well anyway? We all know developers are supporting the PS3 and Xbox 360, and that is going to be expensive. After supporting those systems, which will most likely have higher user bases imo, I don't see developers porting their games to Revolution in large numbers.

Nintendo is going to need exclusive, unique titles for the Revolution to do well. So far, we know of a few, such as another Grasshopper (Killer 7) game, an exclusive Kojima game, a couple Ubisoft first person shooters for instance. If Nintendo wants to make this work, they're going to need this kind of support from western developers.

With respect to being "everyones" second tier system...I don't see that happening, unless (once again) people are given a reason to buy the system. If all the Revolution has is Nintendo's games, it'll wind up being another Gamecube. I can't help but believe that the Revolution is going to have a very hard time selling in the west. In Japan, it could wind up winning.


If Revolution is a succes in japan more japanese developers will make games for the systems. Western developers will follow.


[Nintex] said:
If Revolution is a succes in japan more japanese developers will make games for the systems. Western developers will follow.
So western devs, whose games really don't sell well in Japan to begin with, are going to make more games if Rev is a success in Japan?


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Sleek design + low price + unique games + advertising showing the revmote in action + retro library appeal + DS connectivity + another secret = western success not out of reach. Actually it could even be huge. All it will take is some killer apps.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
If Revolution is a succes in japan more japanese developers will make games for the systems. Western developers will follow.
PhoenixDark said:
Like the DS?
Hopefully, DS success has nothing to do with its subpar western developpers games.
Could be the same with Revolution, though we can expect more good FPS games on it.


marc^o^ said:
Sleek design + low price + unique games + advertising showing the revmote in action + retro library appeal + DS connectivity + another secret = western success not out of reach. Actually it could even be huge. All it will take is some killer apps.
No offense, but save for the "DS Connectivity" all of that sounds just like one of those shitty "tv games" systems with a bunch of old games built into a controller you just plug straight into the tv. Paintball! *dives across couch while firing*

Rev needs great games, bottom line, and hopefully Nintendo understands this and doesn't slack off with their 1st party efforts like last-gen (GC).


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
raYne said:
No offense, but save for the "DS Connectivity" all of that sounds just like one of those shitty "tv games" systems with a bunch of old games built into a controller you just plug straight into the tv. Paintball! *dives across couch while firing*

Edit: I agree with your edit.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
raYne said:
So you agree it sounds shitty? :eek:

:lol :p

You edit too fast for me :D
Great games is what sell consoles. Revolution is a highly promising machine, which needs great games, moreso than x360 and PS3. With great disruptive technology comes great responsability.


Haleon said:
If the Revo is barely going to be more powerful than the Xbox, it better be $150 or less and come with two revmotes.

I don't know who I'm kidding though because I'll still line up 14 hours before launch to buy one even it it's 300 bucks. But at least I'll be bitter about it.
:lol :lol


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
BlueTsunami said:
Someone over at B3D brought up a really good point. If these specs are real Revolution specs, portability from games made on the 360 or PS3 will almost become impossible unless that game gets a serious downgrade. Most developers probably won't even bother porting anymore.

Holy shit! Was his name Captain Obvious?
marc^o^ said:
Hopefully, DS success has nothing to do with its subpar western developpers games.
Could be the same with Revolution, though we can expect more good FPS games on it.

Well the DS isn't doing so great in the west recently, is it?

Without a stream of solid, consistant software, the Revolution will fail. It will fall even harder without western support. Right now, everyone is saying the Revolution will have unique games that appeal to everyone, including amazing FPS. But, isn't that the exact same thing Nintendo promised with the DS? So far, we've gotten some great innovative titles, but where is the western support or the heralded FPS Nintendo talked about, last year? We've gotten GoldenEye. Wow. Metroid Hunters will be out in March, but that will mean it took more than a year to finally get a good FPS on the DS. Nintendo can't do that with the Revolution and expect to do well. They're going to need a good online FPS at lauch. Whether it's MP3 or Ubisoft's game, it needs to happen.


Keep in mind that developers are still going to be porting to the PSP, which is reasonably comparable to the GCN in performance. So it isn't as though people will completely avoid porting to the Rev - you just won't see the graphical masterpieces from PS3 and X360 showing up intact.


Console Market Analyst
BlueTsunami said:
People wonder why threads fail. Posts should be added to your tag to

I'm sure no offense was meant. This was just covered in the early pages of the thread. At great length. And is mentioned in the feature itself...


Bob White said:
I got banned for saying this a few months ago.
It's like when Galileo Galilei got thrown in jail by the Catholic Church for saying the Earth isn't the center of the universe.

Don't mock Nintendoism.


there is joy in sucking dick
Goreomedy said:
I'm sure no offense was meant. This was just covered in the early pages of the thread. At great length. And is mentioned in the feature itself...


Yeah, I haden't realized at first that this would be an issue with porting then seeing that I was like, "oh shi..that right".

Bah...this thread is to long to read. The article on the other hand...

*goes and re reads it


Scotch said:
It's like when Galileo Galilei got thrown in jail by the Catholic Church for saying the Earth isn't the center of the universe.

Don't mock Nintendoism.

Or like when Giordano Bruno got burned at the stake in Rome for insisting on heresies tied to his belief that the earth traveled around the sun, rather than remaining motionless in the center of the universe as the Bible suggests.

Don't mock Nintendoism.
It's amazing how pretty scetchy info can lead to conclusions from boths sides. This thread is funny.

One side using the article as fact as to why the Rev will be way below 360
One side using the ibm/ati card as fact as to why it will be jusr as good.

Lets face it we know fuck all really

Although I'm still buying one. Controller 4teh win
Scotch said:
It's like when Galileo Galilei got thrown in jail by the Catholic Church for saying the Earth isn't the center of the universe.

Don't mock Nintendoism.

Well he was wrong. Clearly the earth revolves around Kyoto.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Goreomedy said:
I'm sure no offense was meant. This was just covered in the early pages of the thread. At great length. And is mentioned in the feature itself...

Yeah what he said....



Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
PhoenixDark said:
Well the DS isn't doing so great in the west recently, is it?
Define great and recently. In my books, DS has been doing great in the west recently.

And I agree with the rest of your post: the more games , the better. Though DS success has nothing to do with western developpers games. And it could be the same with Revolution.


Still Tagged Accordingly
capslock said:
BlueTsunami said:
Someone over at B3D brought up a really good point. If these specs are real Revolution specs, portability from games made on the 360 or PS3 will almost become impossible unless that game gets a serious downgrade. Most developers probably won't even bother porting anymore.
Holy shit! Was his name Captain Obvious?
I'll start laughing at this just as soon as I finish laughing at Oogami's continued self-ownage... :lol :lol :lol


Doubutsu no OWNED indeed.

Okay, I'm ready now... :lol
puck1337 said:
Keep in mind that developers are still going to be porting to the PSP, which is reasonably comparable to the GCN in performance. So it isn't as though people will completely avoid porting to the Rev - you just won't see the graphical masterpieces from PS3 and X360 showing up intact.



Never forget! I'm Dumb!
Oogami said:
That's exactly Nintendo *not* doing. They don't want to fund and publish the game in the article I posted.
That's no indication. There is and INFINITE amount of people willing to make games for you if you bring the money. Heck, send me enough money to fund my company and I'd make a game for you too. Their problem was *publisher* support, not developer support.

I'm sorry to say this, but you got trolled by that post those devs made. Making it public is probably not going to help them getting signed by nintendo or any other publisher for that matter.


I'm 100% sure it'll be noticably more powerful than the original Xbox. It won't be HD but it'll do alot of cool effects on 480i/480p and it'll not only be a cheap development alternative for game makers, but it will attract lots of developers who want to try unique/original things with it.


I think Ninty should keep the "Revolution" name. I mean, a next generation console with last generation technology...that's Revolutionary indeed. </sarcasm>

In an industry where Tony Hawk and Madden (the bastion of all that is wrong with this industry) still sell millions of copies, original games will fall by the wayside. Nintendo will learn this the hard way. Nintendo's vision is too good for the industry as it stands now. If I were Nintendo, I'd just wait for the inevitable industry crash to hit and then revitalize it.

This industry works like a forest. The big trees form a canopy over the forest that doesn't allow light to pass through and nurture the smaller foilage that the animals feed on. So they die. So the forest floor is left with dry, dead foilage that's no good for anyone. Then a lighting storm comes, strikes a tree and the whole forest burns down. This revitalizes the forest and allows for new growth. The foilage comes back, the animals feast and all is good until the trees get too large again and the whole cycle starts again.

We have a few big trees like EA, Ubi Soft, Activision, Square-Enix, Namco, Konami, et. al. that steal all of the sunlight from the smaller developers who make the most revolutionary stuff. However, if it's not Tony Hawk or Madden, it gets no advertising dollars and therefore no exposure and stays in the niche. However, the industry needs these new ideas to survive. However, these smaller devs are choked out and either close their doors or get on the cookie-cutter-shit bandwagon. Then the industry gets dry and stale and eventually collapses. That's going to happen soon, I don't know when, but soon. People are going to get sick of playing the same old shit over and over again.

Maybe Nintendo realizes this and Revolution could possibly ride out the eventual collapse of the industry and take it in a new direction. Fuck the establishment. Perhaps we're all dead fucking wrong. Perhaps it has nothing to do with better visuals, better sound or better physics. Perhaps it has everything to do with game mechanics and ideas. Perhaps its the way we think about games that need to change. Nintendo's vision is that the next generation has little to do with having better graphics. However, that's how our jaded asses have been programmed to think over the years. Shit, if a console doesn't have better graphics, better sound, and better physics then it's not "next gen" in our view. However, the shit that we fail to realize is that the thing that seperates games from music and movies is that we "PLAY" them. It's the interaction that distinguishes games from the other mediums. So why has graphics become the benchmark in a medium where GAMEPLAY is the unique identifier? Who knows. Graphics should be the benchmark for movies and sound should be a benchmark for music. How backwards have we become?

Do we judge a music album based on the music video? Hell no, that doesn't make sense since it's the SOUND that matters. Do we judge a movie by how good the soundtrack is? Hell no, that doesn't make sense since it's the VISUAL PERFORMANCE that matters. Do we judge games primarily by how good the GRAPHICS are? Yes we do. In a medium where graphics should take a backseat to interactivity, the majority of us have been trained like Pavlov's dogs to salivate at graphics and put gameplay in the backseat. Case in point: The whole MGS4 "unveiling" (or the whole PS3 unvieling for that matter). Like little trained monkies we jumped up and down at these graphics and claimed that "The next generation is here!" That's stupid. I'm stupid. We're all stupid. We've all been duped. Now most of us are all but ready to write-off a console that could be just what this stale fucking industry needs just because it doesn't meet our bastardized benchmark of what constitutes a "next generation" console, namely better graphics. We're a bunch of marketing tools for lazy developers who'd rather get rich by just improving visuals, animation and physics while giving us the same gameplay experience as the Playstation.

That's like McDonalds adding one more piece of bread to the Bic Mac and calling it the "Next Generation of Burgers." Then they brainwash consumers into believing that a real next generation burger is taller than the rest. No matter that it tastes the fucking same as the regular Big Mac...it just looks better. That's the way the game industry has trained us. We now believe that next generation games are games that primarily LOOK BETTER than previous games. The evidence is that companies like Sony get away with showing reels and reels of game movie footage (whether or not they are real-time or not is moot) and we get excited as if graphics are the foremost benchmark of a next generation console. It's a fucking joke and this thread proves it.

But then again, it's called VIDEO games. So I guess the visual aspect of it all does play an important part. But should it be more important than the interactive aspect. It is called video GAMES, you know GAMES that are played on a video screen. However, it seems that Sony/MS main aim is to make game VIDEOS.

So I guess this is what seperates the next generation of consoles. We have Nintendo with it's VIDEO GAME machine and Sony and MS with their GAME VIDEO machines. Let's just agree to create that distinction so that we don't confuse ourselves.


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
Me and millions of solitaire/minesweeper/pocap players agree with you. Sales for the latest tony hawk were terrible for instance while brain training is selling a million in japan alone. Something's up, UP!
Arsynic said:
I think Ninty should keep the "Revolution" name. I mean, a next generation console with last generation technology...that's Revolutionary indeed. </sarcasm>

In an industry where Tony Hawk and Madden (the bastion of all that is wrong with this industry) still sell millions of copies, original games will fall by the wayside. Nintendo will learn this the hard way. Nintendo's vision is too good for the industry as it stands now. If I were Nintendo, I'd just wait for the inevitable industry crash to hit and then revitalize it.

This industry works like a forest. The big trees form a canopy over the forest that doesn't allow light to pass through and nurture the smaller foilage that the animals feed on. So they die. So the forest floor is left with dry, dead foilage that's no good for anyone. Then a lighting storm comes, strikes a tree and the whole forest burns down. This revitalizes the forest and allows for new growth. The foilage comes back, the animals feast and all is good until the trees get too large again and the whole cycle starts again.

We have a few big trees like EA, Ubi Soft, Activision, Square-Enix, Namco, Konami, et. al. that steal all of the sunlight from the smaller developers who make the most revolutionary stuff. However, if it's not Tony Hawk or Madden, it gets no advertising dollars and therefore no exposure and stays in the niche. However, the industry needs these new ideas to survive. However, these smaller devs are choked out and either close their doors or get on the cookie-cutter-shit bandwagon. Then the industry gets dry and stale and eventually collapses. That's going to happen soon, I don't know when, but soon. People are going to get sick of playing the same old shit over and over again.

Maybe Nintendo realizes this and Revolution could possibly ride out the eventual collapse of the industry and take it in a new direction. Fuck the establishment. Perhaps we're all dead fucking wrong. Perhaps it has nothing to do with better visuals, better sound or better physics. Perhaps it has everything to do with game mechanics and ideas. Perhaps its the way we think about games that need to change. Nintendo's vision is that the next generation has little to do with having better graphics. However, that's how our jaded asses have been programmed to think over the years. Shit, if a console doesn't have better graphics, better sound, and better physics then it's not "next gen" in our view. However, the shit that we fail to realize is that the thing that seperates games from music and movies is that we "PLAY" them. It's the interaction that distinguishes games from the other mediums. So why has graphics become the benchmark in a medium where GAMEPLAY is the unique identifier? Who knows. Graphics should be the benchmark for movies and sound should be a benchmark for music. How backwards have we become?

Do we judge a music album based on the music video? Hell no, that doesn't make sense since it's the SOUND that matters. Do we judge a movie by how good the soundtrack is? Hell no, that doesn't make sense since it's the VISUAL PERFORMANCE that matters. Do we judge games primarily by how good the GRAPHICS are? Yes we do. In a medium where graphics should take a backseat to interactivity, the majority of us have been trained like Pavlov's dogs to salivate at graphics and put gameplay in the backseat. Case in point: The whole MGS4 "unveiling" (or the whole PS3 unvieling for that matter). Like little trained monkies we jumped up and down at these graphics and claimed that "The next generation is here!" That's stupid. I'm stupid. We're all stupid. We've all been duped. Now most of us are all but ready to write-off a console that could be just what this stale fucking industry needs just because it doesn't meet our bastardized benchmark of what constitutes a "next generation" console, namely better graphics. We're a bunch of marketing tools for lazy developers who'd rather get rich by just improving visuals, animation and physics while giving us the same gameplay experience as the Playstation.

That's like McDonalds adding one more piece of bread to the Bic Mac and calling it the "Next Generation of Burgers." Then they brainwash consumers into believing that a real next generation burger is taller than the rest. No matter that it tastes the fucking same as the regular Big Mac...it just looks better. That's the way the game industry has trained us. We now believe that next generation games are games that primarily LOOK BETTER than previous games. The evidence is that companies like Sony get away with showing reels and reels of game movie footage (whether or not they are real-time or not is moot) and we get excited as if graphics are the foremost benchmark of a next generation console. It's a fucking joke and this thread proves it.

But then again, it's called VIDEO games. So I guess the visual aspect of it all does play an important part. But should it be more important than the interactive aspect. It is called video GAMES, you know GAMES that are played on a video screen. However, it seems that Sony/MS main aim is to make game VIDEOS.

So I guess this is what seperates the next generation of consoles. We have Nintendo with it's VIDEO GAME machine and Sony and MS with their GAME VIDEO machines. Let's just agree to create that distinction so that we don't confuse ourselves.

Sadly your post may be true, but the Revolution won't mean much if can't garner enough support from the developer(publisher) community and gamer community.


Gabriel Knight
Arsynic said:
I think Ninty should keep the "Revolution" name. I mean, a next generation console with last generation technology...that's Revolutionary indeed. </sarcasm>

In an industry where Tony Hawk and Madden (the bastion of all that is wrong with this industry) still sell millions of copies, original games will fall by the wayside. Nintendo will learn this the hard way. Nintendo's vision is too good for the industry as it stands now. If I were Nintendo, I'd just wait for the inevitable industry crash to hit and then revitalize it.

This industry works like a forest. The big trees form a canopy over the forest that doesn't allow light to pass through and nurture the smaller foilage that the animals feed on. So they die. So the forest floor is left with dry, dead foilage that's no good for anyone. Then a lighting storm comes, strikes a tree and the whole forest burns down. This revitalizes the forest and allows for new growth. The foilage comes back, the animals feast and all is good until the trees get too large again and the whole cycle starts again.

We have a few big trees like EA, Ubi Soft, Activision, Square-Enix, Namco, Konami, et. al. that steal all of the sunlight from the smaller developers who make the most revolutionary stuff. However, if it's not Tony Hawk or Madden, it gets no advertising dollars and therefore no exposure and stays in the niche. However, the industry needs these new ideas to survive. However, these smaller devs are choked out and either close their doors or get on the cookie-cutter-shit bandwagon. Then the industry gets dry and stale and eventually collapses. That's going to happen soon, I don't know when, but soon. People are going to get sick of playing the same old shit over and over again.

Maybe Nintendo realizes this and Revolution could possibly ride out the eventual collapse of the industry and take it in a new direction. Fuck the establishment. Perhaps we're all dead fucking wrong. Perhaps it has nothing to do with better visuals, better sound or better physics. Perhaps it has everything to do with game mechanics and ideas. Perhaps its the way we think about games that need to change. Nintendo's vision is that the next generation has little to do with having better graphics. However, that's how our jaded asses have been programmed to think over the years. Shit, if a console doesn't have better graphics, better sound, and better physics then it's not "next gen" in our view. However, the shit that we fail to realize is that the thing that seperates games from music and movies is that we "PLAY" them. It's the interaction that distinguishes games from the other mediums. So why has graphics become the benchmark in a medium where GAMEPLAY is the unique identifier? Who knows. Graphics should be the benchmark for movies and sound should be a benchmark for music. How backwards have we become?

Do we judge a music album based on the music video? Hell no, that doesn't make sense since it's the SOUND that matters. Do we judge a movie by how good the soundtrack is? Hell no, that doesn't make sense since it's the VISUAL PERFORMANCE that matters. Do we judge games primarily by how good the GRAPHICS are? Yes we do. In a medium where graphics should take a backseat to interactivity, the majority of us have been trained like Pavlov's dogs to salivate at graphics and put gameplay in the backseat. Case in point: The whole MGS4 "unveiling" (or the whole PS3 unvieling for that matter). Like little trained monkies we jumped up and down at these graphics and claimed that "The next generation is here!" That's stupid. I'm stupid. We're all stupid. We've all been duped. Now most of us are all but ready to write-off a console that could be just what this stale fucking industry needs just because it doesn't meet our bastardized benchmark of what constitutes a "next generation" console, namely better graphics. We're a bunch of marketing tools for lazy developers who'd rather get rich by just improving visuals, animation and physics while giving us the same gameplay experience as the Playstation.

That's like McDonalds adding one more piece of bread to the Bic Mac and calling it the "Next Generation of Burgers." Then they brainwash consumers into believing that a real next generation burger is taller than the rest. No matter that it tastes the fucking same as the regular Big Mac...it just looks better. That's the way the game industry has trained us. We now believe that next generation games are games that primarily LOOK BETTER than previous games. The evidence is that companies like Sony get away with showing reels and reels of game movie footage (whether or not they are real-time or not is moot) and we get excited as if graphics are the foremost benchmark of a next generation console. It's a fucking joke and this thread proves it.

But then again, it's called VIDEO games. So I guess the visual aspect of it all does play an important part. But should it be more important than the interactive aspect. It is called video GAMES, you know GAMES that are played on a video screen. However, it seems that Sony/MS main aim is to make game VIDEOS.

So I guess this is what seperates the next generation of consoles. We have Nintendo with it's VIDEO GAME machine and Sony and MS with their GAME VIDEO machines. Let's just agree to create that distinction so that we don't confuse ourselves.
great fuckin post!!!so true.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Arsynic said:
I think Ninty should keep the "Revolution" name. I mean, a next generation console with last generation technology...that's Revolutionary indeed. </sarcasm>

In an industry where Tony Hawk and Madden (the bastion of all that is wrong with this industry) still sell millions of copies, original games will fall by the wayside. Nintendo will learn this the hard way. Nintendo's vision is too good for the industry as it stands now. If I were Nintendo, I'd just wait for the inevitable industry crash to hit and then revitalize it.

This industry works like a forest. The big trees form a canopy over the forest that doesn't allow light to pass through and nurture the smaller foilage that the animals feed on. So they die. So the forest floor is left with dry, dead foilage that's no good for anyone. Then a lighting storm comes, strikes a tree and the whole forest burns down. This revitalizes the forest and allows for new growth. The foilage comes back, the animals feast and all is good until the trees get too large again and the whole cycle starts again.

We have a few big trees like EA, Ubi Soft, Activision, Square-Enix, Namco, Konami, et. al. that steal all of the sunlight from the smaller developers who make the most revolutionary stuff. However, if it's not Tony Hawk or Madden, it gets no advertising dollars and therefore no exposure and stays in the niche. However, the industry needs these new ideas to survive. However, these smaller devs are choked out and either close their doors or get on the cookie-cutter-shit bandwagon. Then the industry gets dry and stale and eventually collapses. That's going to happen soon, I don't know when, but soon. People are going to get sick of playing the same old shit over and over again.

Maybe Nintendo realizes this and Revolution could possibly ride out the eventual collapse of the industry and take it in a new direction. Fuck the establishment. Perhaps we're all dead fucking wrong. Perhaps it has nothing to do with better visuals, better sound or better physics. Perhaps it has everything to do with game mechanics and ideas. Perhaps its the way we think about games that need to change. Nintendo's vision is that the next generation has little to do with having better graphics. However, that's how our jaded asses have been programmed to think over the years. Shit, if a console doesn't have better graphics, better sound, and better physics then it's not "next gen" in our view. However, the shit that we fail to realize is that the thing that seperates games from music and movies is that we "PLAY" them. It's the interaction that distinguishes games from the other mediums. So why has graphics become the benchmark in a medium where GAMEPLAY is the unique identifier? Who knows. Graphics should be the benchmark for movies and sound should be a benchmark for music. How backwards have we become?

Do we judge a music album based on the music video? Hell no, that doesn't make sense since it's the SOUND that matters. Do we judge a movie by how good the soundtrack is? Hell no, that doesn't make sense since it's the VISUAL PERFORMANCE that matters. Do we judge games primarily by how good the GRAPHICS are? Yes we do. In a medium where graphics should take a backseat to interactivity, the majority of us have been trained like Pavlov's dogs to salivate at graphics and put gameplay in the backseat. Case in point: The whole MGS4 "unveiling" (or the whole PS3 unvieling for that matter). Like little trained monkies we jumped up and down at these graphics and claimed that "The next generation is here!" That's stupid. I'm stupid. We're all stupid. We've all been duped. Now most of us are all but ready to write-off a console that could be just what this stale fucking industry needs just because it doesn't meet our bastardized benchmark of what constitutes a "next generation" console, namely better graphics. We're a bunch of marketing tools for lazy developers who'd rather get rich by just improving visuals, animation and physics while giving us the same gameplay experience as the Playstation.

That's like McDonalds adding one more piece of bread to the Bic Mac and calling it the "Next Generation of Burgers." Then they brainwash consumers into believing that a real next generation burger is taller than the rest. No matter that it tastes the fucking same as the regular Big Mac...it just looks better. That's the way the game industry has trained us. We now believe that next generation games are games that primarily LOOK BETTER than previous games. The evidence is that companies like Sony get away with showing reels and reels of game movie footage (whether or not they are real-time or not is moot) and we get excited as if graphics are the foremost benchmark of a next generation console. It's a fucking joke and this thread proves it.

But then again, it's called VIDEO games. So I guess the visual aspect of it all does play an important part. But should it be more important than the interactive aspect. It is called video GAMES, you know GAMES that are played on a video screen. However, it seems that Sony/MS main aim is to make game VIDEOS.

So I guess this is what seperates the next generation of consoles. We have Nintendo with it's VIDEO GAME machine and Sony and MS with their GAME VIDEO machines. Let's just agree to create that distinction so that we don't confuse ourselves.
Despite its size, this deserves a reading so I'll quote it all.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Mario Monks return!?!?!

Seriously, you make a lot of sense but you will be laughed at and called an "natrd" or "nbot" here at GAF. SHit yiu might banned for that post.


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
Between this one and drinky's post there should be no reason to dismiss this thread anymore.

One thing I'm wondering though, while the movie industry is in a slump, it has never really collapsed because of the whole crappy FX heavy "blockbusters". Then again, the yealy sequel model died a quick death there with halloween and friday the 13th or whatever and was never as bad - despite movies being a much shorter experience than games.

I find it sad that when I think about improvements that happened in the action adventure genre not related to presentation between the PS and the PS2, the first thing I think of is having to hold or trigger a button in god of war to open a chest instead of with a single button press. >_<
Arsynic said:
In an industry where Tony Hawk and Madden (the bastion of all that is wrong with this industry) still sell millions of copies, original games will fall by the wayside. Nintendo will learn this the hard way. Nintendo's vision is too good for the industry as it stands now.

The new Tony Hawk just bombed because people are sick of the shit, and its just become more and more broken and repetitive. Madden sales well because football is the biggest sport in the US and its the only viable franchise. But lets not pretend Nintendo's innocent in this whole milking scheme, not when they've got the Mario Party franchise shooting out every year. IGN said they could've used the review for Mario Party 6 with Mario Party 7 and no one would've known better.

Arsynic said:
Maybe Nintendo realizes this and Revolution could possibly ride out the eventual collapse of the industry and take it in a new direction.

Uggh, another "the industry is doomed without a Revolution" bit. Haven't people learned from spouting this shit generation after generation while the industry continues to get bigger?

Arsynic said:
Case in point: The whole MGS4 "unveiling" (or the whole PS3 unvieling for that matter). Like little trained monkies we jumped up and down at these graphics and claimed that "The next generation is here!" That's stupid. I'm stupid. We're all stupid. We've all been duped.

Oi vey

Arsynic said:
But then again, it's called VIDEO games. So I guess the visual aspect of it all does play an important part. But should it be more important than the interactive aspect. It is called video GAMES, you know GAMES that are played on a video screen. However, it seems that Sony/MS main aim is to make game VIDEOS.

Well, unlike some people they realise that there's more power than better graphics. Once next gen gets going you'll start seeing alot of physics heavy games. Something that could bring alot of new ideas to gaming. You don't need a radically different controller just to get an innovative product. Look at the DS and how often people complain about how mediocre the touchscreen or the 2nd screen use is in alot of games. Doesn't it help? Sure but its not automatically going to make every single game this ultra innovative product. And even if it did, it seems like alot of people think "innovation = fun", which it by no means does.

Arsynic said:
So I guess this is what seperates the next generation of consoles. We have Nintendo with it's VIDEO GAME machine and Sony and MS with their GAME VIDEO machines. Let's just agree to create that distinction so that we don't confuse ourselves.

Wasn't that what Nintendo was pushing to gamers for the Gamecube this gen since they didn't allow DVD playback on the machine?


A junior member just made 99% of this forum look like a bunch of retards. That is definately post of the year right there.
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