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Rise of the Tomb Raider 20 Yr Anniversary Edition |OT| Hello from the other side


Why did they address it in PS4 and not XB1? The input lag never bothered me but it bothered lots of XB1 folks. *shrug*

Guess Crystal Dynamics didn't go through with it for whatever reasons, since they were the ones responsible for the XB1 version. Good for Nixxes to fix it for the PS4 version.

Edit: Yeah as already said.


Biggest issue I'm having is the fact that you don't have a permanent crosshair up when in combat scenarios. Makes lining up shots from behind cover impossible and you take tons of damage before getting off a panic shot.

Unless that's a difficulty thing (Survivor).


All the DLC is free in the PS4 version right?

So PS4 players don't have to worry about buying / not buying certain DLCs. But you may be wondering if you should bother to play certain DLCs.

I just want to say how much I loved the Cold Darkness Awakened DLC, as a lover of puzzle/adventure games. Here is a post I made back in the original XB1 OT:

I just finished Cold Darkness. Wow that was incredible! I absolutely did not expect a mode relegated to the crappy challenge / score attack system could be so fun. I guess it helps big time that Cold Darkness actually has save files / save points. You can quit at any time and resume.

More importantly, the puzzles are what impressed me the most. I don't think I've ever in my life playing video games seen such a neat implementation of If > Then puzzles... For example, "If the fuse boxes have less than 6 red fuses, then perform task Y. If not then perform task X."

What was so lovely was Nadia's voice acting too. I loved how she's reading from her manual, giving you the precise If > Then instructions, and then goes "No-no-no-no stop Lara! Stop I was reading the wrong page! Let me restart!" Heh, it was great. I loved the nervousness in Nadia's voice. Whenever you ask her to repeat the If > Then instructions, she says "What? Again? Okay let me pull up the page again..."


Hats off for Nixxxes, they actually listened our feedback and fixed it real quick. Tried the new patch before and the latency is much more reduced, aiming and moving the camera feels so fine now

Bad thing is that I'm already in the final section of the game, so I will only enjoy the fixed version of the game for 1 hour max :(


All the DLC is free in the PS4 version right?

So PS4 players don't have to worry about buying / not buying certain DLCs. But you may be wondering if you should bother to play certain DLCs.

I just want to say how much I loved the Cold Darkness Awakened DLC, as a lover of puzzle/adventure games. Here is a post I made back in the original XB1 OT:

Yep PS4 folks get all of it right off the bat.

And yeah CDA was pretty cool. A decent size area to mess around with and explore, and the towers are pretty enjoyable puzzles. The last bit of the mode is kind of a clusterfuck through.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I don't think I've seen Cold Darkness in the PS4 menu. Maybe it unlocks later or its in a sub menu.


I don't think I've seen Cold Darkness in the PS4 menu. Maybe it unlocks later or its in a sub menu.

Cold Darkness Awakened is not part of the main story. I'm not in front of my Xbox right now but I believe you have to access it by going to the Score Attack mode, then flipping to the right through all the different Score Attack levels until you see Cold Darkness Awakened.



This is a really weird problem. I can't explain why some people don't experience it and some do. I never had any problem but occasionally in the XB1 OT (from last year) you'd get people reporting problems.

Well Nixxes is the one true Lara Croft dev, heheh.

Everyone experienced it.

Some people didn't mind, God knows how.
Fuuuuck my life. 100% completion but the challenges trophy glitched

Ugh, I just checked this. I've completed all the side missions but the trophy didn't get unlocked. WTF?! No idea if it's the same for the challenges as I haven't completed them all but EUGH!

Anybody know a work around for this? I don't wanna redo everything again and just encounter the same glitch again.

Surprised the patch didn't adress these issues.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Some of her core animation is fantastic, and some of it is so dopey.

Her feet look like clown feet when she's running (not sprinting -- that animation is good) because for whatever reason her toes are angled outward. How does no one making this game notice that? Also her clamber animation (when she lifts her whole leg up onto things) looks terrible, and you see it over and over. The original knee-up clamber from the OG game (on PS One) looks better. It's just a much better animation. It looks like how an athletic gymnast would climb onto something. This leg-up animation in Rise looks like how Donut Drake would climb onto something.

Her hand over hand (feet hanging) is awful too.

There's a lot of good too, but I think overall... they didn't do enough through animation to make her feel like Lara Croft. And in some ways they've even regressed a bit since their last few games. Where's the confidence? The posture is all wrong for Croft. She should be fearless and athletic crossing a beam, like a trained gymnast, not flailing her arms and close to falling, like some noob's first time on the balance beam. Overall, animation in Rise: B-
Also her clamber animation (when she lifts her whole leg up onto things) looks terrible, and you see it over and over. The original knee-up clamber from the OG game (on PS One) looks better. It's just a much better animation. It looks like how an athletic gymnast would climb onto something. This leg-up animation in Rise looks like how Donut Drake would climb onto something.

Hated it on the first one, hated it on this one. I can't believe so many animations are basically just a copy and paste. Specially this one. And they have other climbing animations, I don't recall it being shown in this one but probably but in the first one after she gets through the first part of the game, out of the collapsing cave there's this "scripted" moment where she climbs up a ledge, going towards the woods, and she has the same animation as the PS One days... which is so much better. Now it feels like she struggles and it's also awkard to look at. Hate it!

The transition between certain animations are just awkward as well and not well made. It's like Tomb Raider Underworld all over again.


Great patch; the aiming, while still not being perfect, is much improved. Still hellish to kill rabbits though!


Wow, they actually fixed the lag on PS4!? That's great! I mean, it was never a deal breaker for me, but gameplay will no doubt feel much improved without it. The only thing that sucks is that I've already completed the game 100% and finished all the DLC. I really don't think I'll be going back anytime soon either. Oh well...

nel e nel

Post patch definitely feels less sluggish, but the reticle still seems to snap back to 0,0 when you let down your aim.

Quick question for folks that have already played: what items are worth purchasing with the ancient gold coins? At first I was saving up for the crafting tool to make better upgrades to weapons, but then I got it through normal gameplay. Are all the items in the shack by the communication tower earnable through normal gameplay?


Everyone experienced it.

Some people didn't mind, God knows how.

I noticed it a bit on the X1 but it was my first X1 game,one of the reason I bought the console so maybe I thought it was a controller thing or whatever but it didnt bother me to the point of saying it was unplayable,ajusted to it and enjoyed the game...its one of the first game that started people complaining about input lag from games on HDTV's and all though and finally they fix it...

Lady Gaia

At first I was saving up for the crafting tool to make better upgrades to weapons, but then I got it through normal gameplay.

Each crafting tool unlocks one more level of upgrades, so having more than one is still valuable. I don't think he sells anything that is completely useless or utterly necessary. I bought
the ascender and crafting tool

It feels like I must be getting close to the end of the game and I've really enjoyed it. The environments and exploration have been phenomenal. Only one or two areas feel like unnecessarily restrictive mazes, everything else works well as a natural piece of the game. It's wonderfully sprawling, the tombs are a step up from the 2013 reboot, and the plot is honestly slightly better than I had feared. Not great, but competent enough.

The combat is somewhat sloppy feeling. It rewards creative use of earned skills and environmental elements more than it focuses on raw skill, and that's fine by me. I often found that a change of strategy made a bigger difference than a carefully placed headshot, so even the original laggier controls weren't a deal breaker for me. I'm glad I bought the game and I'm looking forward to seeing it running on my Pro in 19 days.
Finding it kinda difficult to clean up at the
Flooded Archives
feels like it's impossible to backtrack in this area.

Also the
boss fight again the chopper was probably the worst boss fight in a TR game. Trash all around.


The aiming feels a lot better after the patch. I went in guns blazing to some fights last night to really test it out. Big improvement.
Finished this yesterday. Enjoyed it from start to finish. Although I thought TR2013 was okay, this one felt like a much more well rounded experience. The progression is satisfying, use of your weapons + gear as tools for traversal is still fun, art direction and lighting are great, and combat is fun (more so after the patch). Tombs are also a lot more visually interesting and memorable, even if they're still not as layered and grandiose as I'd like. Good stuff.

On the other hand the narrative is still pretty bland, and Lara's personal story and characterization are still uninteresting. I really hope for the 3rd game she's over her "demons" and we can get back to straight up tomb raiding and saving the word just for the sake of it. The game is at its strongest when you're exploring, platforming, solving puzzles, and being a vengeful force against The Organization on behalf of Nature and The People. Just keep it intense and simple. And bring back the flashy gymnastic flips.

Had a great time with it. Honestly liked it more than UC3 and UC4.

Also, Lara's a BEAST




Its kinda weird having all the dlc for your first run through. I leveled up by going through a bunch of guns that I randomly had in my inventory, and I did
that witch queatline
as soon as I got it.

Like, it's not even really a complaint. It just feels weird having all these bells and whistles when I am like 15 percent through the campaign
Can't play this out of principle due to the exclusivity deal. No way crystal dynamics would get my money for this game, having already decided to take a fee from Microsoft for the sole purpose of denying me playing the game for a year.

I'm disappointed others have bought it as it means such 3rd party practices will remain in place.
Wow at the Voice of God Challenge Tomb!

Can't play this out of principle due to the exclusivity deal. No way crystal dynamics would get my money for this game, having already decided to take a fee from Microsoft for the sole purpose of denying me playing the game for a year.

I'm disappointed others have bought it as it means such 3rd party practices will remain in place.



Can't play this out of principle due to the exclusivity deal. No way crystal dynamics would get my money for this game, having already decided to take a fee from Microsoft for the sole purpose of denying me playing the game for a year.

I'm disappointed others have bought it as it means such 3rd party practices will remain in place.

I think you're taking videogames a little bit too seriously.

Lady Gaia

Finally finished the campaign. Wow, is that post-credits sequence ever a strange addition.
The whole "two weeks earlier" things is incredibly confusing, because after that you expect it to take place before the main game at first and then it turns out it's inserted between the game and the wrap-up they've already shown. What the heck was that about? Why did they bother?
That score attack thing is boring as hell and I can't believe you need Gold score in all of them to get the platinum.

Maybe I won't even bother.

Also that Baby Gaga DLC is probably one of the worst DLCs I've ever played. Utter trash.


Any chance the X1 version was patched as well? I've had the game sitting on my shelf for so long. I plan on playing it eventually but everything I've read about the shooting has put me off.
Beat this tonight. The story was okay, I guess. Nothing super special, but not really bad or anything. Jonah didn't have much of a purpose though, and I feel character development for everyone could've been a bit better. The gameplay was great though! I really loved exploring and combat was pretty fun, minus that
terrible helicopter fight
. Thank god for the patch that fixed the aiming cause that lag was driving me crazy, haha. I still need to play Blood Ties and Cold Darkness, but overall I liked the game. It was pretty fun; just wish the story was better.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Reminder to use the bolt action rifle, because generally unscoped bolt action rifles in games are the most fun weapons.


Can't play this out of principle due to the exclusivity deal. No way crystal dynamics would get my money for this game, having already decided to take a fee from Microsoft for the sole purpose of denying me playing the game for a year.

I'm disappointed others have bought it as it means such 3rd party practices will remain in place.
There are phones out there that will kill you. They will burn you alive in your sleep.

Just play the game. You'll be fine.


Can't play this out of principle due to the exclusivity deal. No way crystal dynamics would get my money for this game, having already decided to take a fee from Microsoft for the sole purpose of denying me playing the game for a year.

I'm disappointed others have bought it as it means such 3rd party practices will remain in place.

Step outside and grab some fresh air...


Was so close to impulse buying this when I stopped in Best Buy last night but they didn't have it for some reason. :(

Will probably just order it before it gets too close to FF.
Aiming post-patch feels roughly in line with other 30fps games now, IMO. That is to say, I generally feel a sense of input lag increase at 30fps over 60fps+ experiences, but nothing super unplayable as long as the frame pacing is okay (a problem that does not exist in Rise of the Tomb Raider as far as I can discern). So yeah, maximum turning speed still seems throttled and a bit on the slow end, and input latency is still present, but to me it's not very different from other 30fps games like Uncharted or Destiny now (which both might feel smoother to some since their turn acceleration is faster and caps out faster than RotR).


Finished it and traded it.

The game gave a strong first impression but halfway through the first big map I got bored.

-Combat sucks big time. And it's not only about the lag. There is not a single interesting combat scanario. Just some soldiers with their backs turned in bland arenas. Melee feels glitchy, AI sucks and when the shooting starts you cannot aim.

-Characters and plot are atrocious. Lara in particular is so pathetic. Sad and whiny all the time.

-Collectables. Oh my God! Halfway through the game I started not caring even for the "important" ones like tapes. And it's not fun to collect them if they are just randomly placed in the level. Remember the secrets in the old games. Where you had to really think how to get them. I esp liked the ones that were right in front of your eyes but felt unreachable. But I'm asking too much at this point.

-The highlight of the game were the tombs. Some nice puzzles in there and beautiful levels too. The whole game should be like this. But they are short and optional... I mean let's not give the player a really good time. We'll get spoilt...

It's a pity really because there is the foundation for a really great game but it's like they hit a ceiling. I think the reboot was a bit better.

Next game should be 70% tombs or count me out.


Can't play this out of principle due to the exclusivity deal. No way crystal dynamics would get my money for this game, having already decided to take a fee from Microsoft for the sole purpose of denying me playing the game for a year.

I'm disappointed others have bought it as it means such 3rd party practices will remain in place.
Are you...this has got to be...this can't be real.


Can't play this out of principle due to the exclusivity deal. No way crystal dynamics would get my money for this game, having already decided to take a fee from Microsoft for the sole purpose of denying me playing the game for a year... .
That's right my friend - it's all about you.

It's a great game, you're missing out.
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