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Roadhog get #$^*@% ! What's your favorite nerf?


There will always be a tank meta because soaking up damage is always going to be incredibly valuable.
Tanks will always be useful but the current 3 tank meta is only viable right now because of the crazy amount of burst healing that Ana can do with her grenade, which will definitely be nerfed in the next balance patch.
how about they nerf reinhardts shield

and dva

roadhogs greatest weakness is that he has no active mitigation like the other tanks, except for his heal, but that's not really good compared to the shield and matrix

Huh? Reinhardts' shield is like paper mache. If anything it needs a buff and I say that as someone who barley even uses him. I eat Reinhardts.
Nerf everyone I don't like: The thread. I can dig it!

For me, its whenever shotguns in games get nerfed. I hate them to their core.
Ana is the only nerf OW needs now. Getting pulled by a Roadhog hook when I've been around a corner for half a second always annoyed me. Glad they managed to fix it in a way that is neither a real buff or nerf. Just an adjustment.

The Undertaker nerf in Hearthstone was absolutely my favorite though. Game was unplayable at high ranks for a while. Or the AR and Shotgun nerfs in Destiny.

Widowmaker out of the gate was a big problem. The quick scoping made her just a little too good.

This might actually be it. Every pro game being decided by who had the better Widow picks was really, really boring.
The day when Zarya and her dumb bubble shield gets needed is the day I find my favorite

I've played against Zarya players where, I swear to god, the moment I start shooting at her, 95% of the time her bubble gets activated every time. And then I get obliterated. It's maddening.

And when that happens, I usually just switch to Pharah and go all in on her with a vengeance.


Unconfirmed Member
Sadly, in all my time playing Smite they dont understand balancing around the .01% of tourney players exclusively in conquest kills the rest of the game since nobody plays that metagame. So all the wrong characters get buffed or nerfed and it's fucking annoying.

Come on, Anubis has 3x the damage potential of every other character in the entire game. If he's going to be an extreme stun1 shot anything glass cannon he needs some huge drawbacks other than not having an escape. Lots of characters don't get escapes, but they cant stunlock and 1 shot even squishes without being hugely overleveled or survive it from him if they're tank =

How thats at all fair in Hi-Res's eyes...
The day the cancer known as Mei is removef from the game, I'll be happy. A hero that requieres 0 skill at all, has no place in a competitive MP game.
Or just nerf her to OBLIVION.


Mei needs a nerf.

I feel like her freezing ult and gun are just too good. If a guy knows whats what he can hold people down so much it gets depressing.


The day the cancer known as Mei is removef from the game, I'll be happy. A hero that requieres 0 skill at all, has no place in a competitive MP game.
Or just nerf her to OBLIVION.

Actually Ana being as good as she is brought Mei into the competitive meta.

Mei's really not a problem. People ignoring that Mei exists until she fucks your shit up is the problem.


Unconfirmed Member
When Mei gets a Symettra like rework to promote fun, that'll be my favorite nerf.

If anyone needs an injection of fun, it's Lucio.

Dude is an almost essential secondary healer in ranked but is so Fucking boring to play.
How about instead of complaining about a character being op, you either git gud or start playing as that "op" character.

I'm only half joking

not always an option in a 6v6 game where you're capped at one of the dude per team, though.

also clipping through walls is totally the kind of bug that should be fixed in a game still receiving patches. jeez that gif is so much worse than anything i've had inflicted on me in-game.


d.va is fine, a good zarya will shit all over her while having a better ult. Its one of the reasons why you dont see a whole lot of d.vas at the very top of competitive play. Shes everywhere else though.


Dva is good right now. Probably too good.

Lucio is who i want to see nerfed. He's beyond broken, there is literally no situation in which he would be a bad pick and his ult will single-handedly win teamfights. He just brings way too much to the table IMO.

Sombra is garbage. Though if they buff her too much she's going to shoot straight pass "good" and into a hotfix "please nerf this bitch" territory.

Symmetra is...aggravating. But at least she's a character now. She's like Mei, except now there is a flat 0% chance you're going to survive turning a corner where she's present

Widowmaker is either complete garbage or a god...until someone picks Winston or Dva and then she's back to being garbage. So IMO she's just garbage.


Huh? Reinhardts' shield is like paper mache. If anything it needs a buff and I say that as someone who barley even uses him. I eat Reinhardts.

...Buff Rein? How. Why.

Hating Mei is like an OW rite of passage. "I'm putting a rock in this one!".

i love her tho.


BUFF Winston's tesla gun damage by a few dps points to make it just edge out Mercy's healing. I hate killing a dude only to have a Mercy fly in on the last second and sustain my target. Mercy outheals Tesla gun so make it so tesla gun outdamages mercy's heal by 1dps.


Before nerfing Rein, nerf Ana. The reason why German man works so well is bionade.

He gets close to enemy, she throws the nade. It detonates and gives heals buffs to him and negates the enemy's. She can just heal Rein while he deals damage.

I love granny, but she's too strong atm


Ridiculous. His hook is fine given how far up Pharah can fly and Widowmaker climb. Also, Roadhog is not a hero many play with so there should be no whining.
Before nerfing Rein, nerf Ana. The reason why German man works so well is bionade.

He gets close to enemy, she throws the nade. It detonates and gives heals buffs to him and negates the enemy's. She can just heal Rein while he deals damage.

I love granny, but she's too strong atm

I think her healing darts are too good as they are without the grenade, just keep shooting someone from behind and they keep their health up as easily as someone using mercy on them would, but from a distance.

I love ana's toolset it's just too good at healing, it makes lucio look like a chump and mercy is just there for the res ult nowdays.


in order to get us out of this tank blizzard needs to rework Zenyatta's orb to be 50% damage buffed while still being more balanced than before and nerf the healing buff on Ana's bio-grenade
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