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Tears in the rain
Watching the clips released I didn't even feel a slight tinge of excitement. Or even anger like Rob Zombie's Halloween. At least that piece of shit, had some sort of vision. This looks like some sort of committee made film. Hopefully the reviews will tell us if they have kept the original's themes and philosophical richness.


I firmly expect this to be entirely adequate and bog standard, with me forgetting the film within an hour of seeing it.
Robocop is my number 1 film of all time. Dont know how I feel about the remake, im excited for it but also worried. Plus he looks crap in the black 'tactical' look.

Still day one though.

In the trailer, they made it black because Michael Keaton's character liked it and it served well for marketing purpose. But it means more than that (the best nuance part in the movie), you'll understand in the end ;).
Watching the clips released I didn't even feel a slight tinge of excitement. Or even anger like Rob Zombie's Halloween. At least that piece of shit, had some sort of vision. This looks like some sort of committee made film. Hopefully the reviews will tell us if they have kept the original's themes and philosophical richness.

Yes they did with less subtlety. Poked a lot of fun on one of the US military controversies in the past few years. The term "robophobic" and the trailers had already given away hints.


formerly "chigiri"
So is RSTEIN in the movie or not? :p


RSTEIN said:
I have a funny story.

A while ago they were shooting at a gas station right around the corner from my house. About a week or so before they started shooting I got a standard notice put in my mailbox that the street was going to be closed for a movie shoot (I live in the studio district in Toronto, so this is quite common). The cool part was that it was written on Omnicorp letterhead - no reference of Robocop or anything.

I went out for my nightly walk with my dog and noticed camera equipment, lights, etc., set up at the gas station around the corner. Much to my surprise, they were actually in the middle of shooting a scene! I decided to walk over with my dog to check it out.

The gas station sits between two streets that run north and south of it. I walk on the south side, going slowly to make sure I wasn't upsetting anyone. I proceed to go almost directly south of the gas station. Then a whole bunch of people start to scramble and it's clear they are going to start another take. A pretty young woman walks up to me and asks that I stand a bit down the street so I'm out of the shot. The weird thing is she told me not to stand where I came from but actually move down the road where I'm even more directly in front of the gas station.

I did what I was told and stood still with my dog. The sound and camera guys get into place and the the actors get to their marks. The shooting starts. A sweet car - I think the new Camaro - pulls into the gas station and an actor gets out. He starts talking with other people at the gas station. There's a woman, too.

So far the cameras are all pointed away from me. Now it makes sense to me that I was told to stand at this spot.

That is until the actors start to move and the cameras swing around to POINT DIRECTLY AT ME. I'm frozen, unsure of what to do. I look around, trying to find the young woman. Then I see one of the camera guys poke his head around his camera, looking at me. I can see he's thinking WTF is this guy doing standing here. The shooting goes on for another minute and then I hear "CUT!" A man runs towards me and asks me to move down the street. He then finds the girl and starts reaming her out. Clearly she made a big mistake.

So I proceed down the street away from the gas station. I loop north and go back toward the gas station to go home. Now I'm on the north side of the street... directly in front of the gas station again. This time nobody is here to direct me so I march on.

THEN THEY START SHOOTING AGAIN. I stand still, frozen again. They don't ask me to move, even thought the cameras are pointed right at me. I decide to walk slowly away.

So if you see a pug and an awkward looking guy in the movie, you know it's your fellow gaffer, RSTEIN.
I cant imagine this film being anything but all style and no substance (due to the PG rating).
But the style part looks pretty good to me, so I still wanna see it.




I saw the preview for this during American Hustle. At first I was like, "Great, another fucking anti-science/anti-robot movie". But then I saw it was for Robocop. Honestly, I think it has the potential to be pretty decent. It's just a pretty-boy kicks some ass flick, but that doesn't mean it necessarily has to be bad. I thought the preview looked good. That being said, if I had to gamble, I'd gamble that it's going to be terrible.
After DREDD pretty much being awesome movie I will be so bummed if this sucks.


Daffy Duck

I feel I made a grave error watching the original over the weekend.

May have ruined this film before I even get to see it.

I expect it to be an OK popcorn flick but no patch on the original.


Just to let Canada-GAF know that we're releasing the same day as the US...

Also, one of the key differences between now and the OG Robocop was that the OG was made in an era of ultra-violent hard-R films. That was the style of the era and those kind of movies won't sell well in our current generation.

I mean, it's kind of sad when those kind of movies are relegated to niche markets, but that's how things are these days :(
The "action" shown so far looks sterile and dull, a lot of noise and CGI jumping, but not much else. The clip of him taking on 3 Ed-209's with apparent ease didn't do much to help either...way to kill the thing as a threat to the main character.
I won't see it in a cinema, but will probably wait till it's on an on demand service...or maybe just even wait till it's on Sky Movies. The only thing making me see it at all is for comparison sake, and because of Michael Keaton and Sam Jackson. The rest of it looks PG 13-tastic....undemanding, safe, dull.
This has to be one of the most unnecessary remakes in Hollywood history.

Shits on the original, adds nothing new except VFX.

Also, one of the key differences between now and the OG Robocop was that the OG was made in an era of ultra-violent hard-R films. That was the style of the era and those kind of movies won't sell well in our current generation.

It's not just lack of violence(which I expect in this day and age). Worse plot, misses the themes of the original or adds nothing new in the same vein. Sounds like they couldn't even make a decent villain like Boddicker and Weller's performance is far and away better than whatever Kinnaman came up with.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Whatever haters I'm cautiously stoked. I too am bummed by the PG13 and the blacksuit, but it could still be good. It's not like there isn't plenty of contemporary material about police states for them to critique

it's going to suck isn't it


This has to be one of the most unnecessary remakes in Hollywood history.

Shits on the original, adds nothing new except VFX.

It's not just lack of violence(which I expect in this day and age). Worse plot, misses the themes of the original or adds nothing new in the same vein. Sounds like they couldn't even make a decent villain like Boddicker and Weller's performance is far and away better than whatever Kinnaman came up with.

By lack of violence do you mean lack of showing humans being harmed? Because there seems to be just as much "destroying things" (if not more so because plot has fallen by the wayside in many films now) as there always was. I agree about showing violence towards humans though.


As I've said in a number of the other threads about this film, I am eagerly looking forward to this owing to the interesting and engrossing interviews Jose Padilha. Here's a recent one:

I can understand why people are skeptical about this project but, IMO, it looks like he has pieced together a really interesting topical film. Here's hoping that this lives up to its potential.


This has to be one of the most unnecessary remakes in Hollywood history.

Shits on the original, adds nothing new except VFX.

It's not just lack of violence(which I expect in this day and age). Worse plot, misses the themes of the original or adds nothing new in the same vein. Sounds like they couldn't even make a decent villain like Boddicker and Weller's performance is far and away better than whatever Kinnaman came up with.

So, you've seen it?


Comics, serious business!
Damn, too bad I didn't make the film :p

Did the scene I describe even make the final edit?


This has to be one of the most unnecessary remakes in Hollywood history.

Shits on the original, adds nothing new except VFX.

It's not just lack of violence(which I expect in this day and age). Worse plot, misses the themes of the original or adds nothing new in the same vein. Sounds like they couldn't even make a decent villain like Boddicker and Weller's performance is far and away better than whatever Kinnaman came up with.

it sounds like you know nothing about this movie at all.


However, the original’s anti-capitalist message takes on new dimensions, for the new RoboCop doesn’t just take aim at organised crime, but also at the media, at Republican fear-mongerers and at the drone presence in the Middle East. While the 1987’s RoboCop wasn’t exactly subtle in its philosophies, here it is almost a little clumsy. Those who have watched the original will know the movie ends — except this time the idea that Murphy’s humanity triumphs is hammered home.

from the review, for the people thinking this is not Robocop movie in true sense.


After DREDD pretty much being awesome movie I will be so bummed if this sucks.

It's a PG-13 Robocop movie.

You know what other Robocop movie was PG-13? Robocop 3. Robocop is Robocop, it should be hard R and it should be full of disgustingly awesome violence and gore. It would be like making Rambo PG-13, nobody wants a PG Rambo.
It's a PG-13 Robocop movie.

You know what other Robocop movie was PG-13? Robocop 3. Robocop is Robocop, it should be hard R and it should be full of disgustingly awesome violence and gore. It would be like making Rambo PG-13, nobody wants a PG Rambo.

Paul Verhoeven didn't mess around with his films.
It's a PG-13 Robocop movie.

You know what other Robocop movie was PG-13? Robocop 3. Robocop is Robocop, it should be hard R and it should be full of disgustingly awesome violence and gore. It would be like making Rambo PG-13, nobody wants a PG Rambo.

I boycott this movie, if you are going to remake something that doesn't need to be remade, at least do it right. Right?
i don't like the message and the them of Pedilha's Robo.

The whole premise of getting consent from the family and having conjugal visits is ridiculous and the total opposite of original OCP branding Robocop as OCP property

The fact that there will be cringe worth segments with his son makes me not want to watch Peliha Robocop at all


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Oh God yes Padilha will rule the world.

This is going to be the greatest Robocop film ever.
I don't have any high hopes on the movie, but I'll watch it anyways since I've already got a ticket via the new Robocop 4K remaster blu-ray. The Asylum is releasing "Android Cop" tomorrow, just in case someone can't figure it out it's not the new Robocop.
from the review, for the people thinking this is not Robocop movie in true sense.

The last part of that quote is worrying....

Those who have watched the original will know the movie ends — except this time the idea that Murphy’s humanity triumphs is hammered home.

It didn't need to be hammered home in the original, it was obvious enough. If they feel the need to be ham-fisted with something as obvious as that...what will the rest of the satire be like? How broad will it be played?
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