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Rotten Watch: STAR TREK (Directed by J.J. Abrams) RT says it's better than TDK (96%)

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XiaNaphryz said:
It's all random rumor mongering at this point. Khan may not even be in the next film, which I hope is true - you've rebooted the damn thing, at least make one attempt to create something mostly original.

I agree with this. New Nemesis in the same franchise races would be nice. Not rebooted old story plot courses anmd it's associated specific characters from 20 years ago.


DrForester said:

So apparently those rumors from the earliest times of finding out Abrams was doing a Star Trek movie were true, kind of.

Matt Damon was approached to play Kirk, George Kirk, but he declined. Guy they got was great, but would have been interesting to see Damon in the role, think he would have fit well.

I'm happier with what they did. It would have taken me out of the movie to have Matt Damon playing what amounts to a cameo in the beginning, only to be killed off.
omg rite said:
I'm happier with what they did. It would have taken me out of the movie to have Matt Damon playing what amounts to a cameo in the beginning, only to be killed off.

As much as I would sex up Matt Damon, I agree with this post.
saw it today and enjoyed it greatly wow :D

Spock getting the woman is really a nice change

please tell me they have another movie in the works with the same cast


Just saw it myself last weekend, and was pleasantly surprised. When it originally came out, I was a bit put off by the approach they seemed to be taking with the franchise. While I'm not really a huge fan of Trek, it just seemed like they were trying too hard.

I probably ended up enjoying it more than any of the recent Trek movies, though. While I'm sure that the whole
Spock Prime
thing was all over the internet, I managed to somehow avoid it until I saw the movie and enjoyed the reveal.

Only thing that really bugged me was the glare that seemed to be constantly going on. According to the behind-the-scenes feature, this was actually intentional (they were shining flashlights into the camera), but I just found it distracting.


I want a tag give me a tag
Vlad said:
Just saw it myself last weekend, and was pleasantly surprised. When it originally came out, I was a bit put off by the approach they seemed to be taking with the franchise. While I'm not really a huge fan of Trek, it just seemed like they were trying too hard.

I probably ended up enjoying it more than any of the recent Trek movies, though. While I'm sure that the whole
Spock Prime
thing was all over the internet, I managed to somehow avoid it until I saw the movie and enjoyed the reveal.

Only thing that really bugged me was the glare that seemed to be constantly going on. According to the behind-the-scenes feature, this was actually intentional (they were shining flashlights into the camera), but I just found it distracting.

Found some of the behind the scenes features really interesting, (I'm sure it's been discussed here!) but the whole side story with the romulans and the prison thing was kinda interesting, and it was nice to know WHO that kid was young kirk drives past as it had been bothering me since i saw it in the cinemas, always just assumed it was a friend or something, but to have something that fleshed out for me to watch was nice


Just saw this last night.

Utterly fantastic.

I'm what you would call a big 'ol Trek nerd, and I was worried that they'd mess it up, but that was a great Trek movie. The casting and characters were nearly perfect, especially Spock and McCoy.


Htown said:
Just saw this last night.

Utterly fantastic.

I'm what you would call a big 'ol Trek nerd, and I was worried that they'd mess it up, but that was a great Trek movie. The casting and characters were nearly perfect, especially Spock and McCoy.

Urban as Bones was great. Of all the characters he felt the most natural. The cast was good but urban as Bones was just the perfect call


I was watching the blu-ray extras, there was originally going to be Klingons in that movie, but they were a very minor part and they were disguised, you didn't see their faces but you would recognise the Klingon language.


Tobor said:
Seriously. There had better be Klingon's in all their evil glory. I have less than 0 interest in a Khan remake.
Yea we've had 2 movies in a row with bald romulans. Time to bring back the Klingons!
I watched this 6 times in the last 7 days on blu-ray. I just thought it was good when I saw it theaters, but damn is it so much better than I thought. After MI:3 then this Abrams is the master of the blockbuster.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Watched it on my blu-ray. Was amazing, and the only commentary of a film I've actually enjoyed.


My only complaint about the behind the scenes bits (which are fantastic, and all in HD on the blu-ray set) is not enough bits on the visual effects side.



"GAF's biggest wanker"
No Khan for the sequel, or any sequel, pls. Done too well by previous cast and needs to RIP. I just don't see a remake bringing anything significantly better to that story.

Klingons maybe, but I'm almost rooting for one of ST's patented giant unknown alien entities, like V'ger or whale probe.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Nice. I like the fact that veteran Star Trek fans don't want to see a re-hash of old Star Trek. Basically shows that this reboot has their blessing. It's awesome. Because new fans like me can feel like they aren't missing out too much.
Jibril said:
Nice. I like the fact that veteran Star Trek fans don't want to see a re-hash of old Star Trek. Basically shows that this reboot has their blessing.
I don't think that's valid. I'm a bigger fan of old (ancient 80s/90s) Trek than the new Trek, but neither part of me wants to see more Khan. The part of me that doesn't care for the new Trek doesn't want to see a story that was already told well 25/40 years ago done in a new screwy way. The part of me that accepts this is all the live action Trek I'm getting for now wants to at least see something original after a 3 year wait.
On one hand I don't want a new Kahn, partly because I'm not a huge fan of STII (I enjoyed VI more!) and partly because I just want them to concentrate on new stuff. However I do think the subjects touched on, things like genetic manipulation, are so much more relevant today than they were back then, offering greater scope for social commentary.


I don't want new Khan. Even if they did it better, to be locked into a Connie vs Miranda fight with some space hobo for the whole movie would be a waste of an opportunity.

I thought the next film would focus on the federation-klingon war?


Zenith said:
I thought the next film would focus on the federation-klingon war?
That's one possibility that's been bandied about. It would make sense to me - they're going for a reboot of the whole franchise, and the traditional enemy from TOS has always been the Klingons yet they weren't really involved in the last movie since it was mainly an origin story.


I'm surprised this was never posted here:

The Star Trek 2009 Scene Written For William Shatner

Spoilering for now as it's an alternate version of the end scene.

Putting Shatner into Star Trek (2009)
TrekMovie received the scene below from one of our trusted sources and it has been verified to be the scene written for Shatner (but never shown to Shatner). The “Alternate Scene B” actually creates alternative versions two scenes from the end of the movie:
the moment between Spock Prime (Nimoy) and Spock (Quinto) in the hangar, plus the award ceremony with Kirk (Pine), Pike (Greenwood) and the Commandant (Tyler Perry).

Shatner would have played Kirk, but would have appeared as a recording. The timing of the recording is not stated, but would have have been before Star Trek Generations and therefore not violate the canon that Kirk was killed in Generations. JJ Abrams has often noted that dealing with Kirk’s death was one of the hindrances of including him in the new Star Trek.

Here it is…



Then I ask that you do yourself a
favor… put away logic, and do what
feels right. The world you’ve inherited
lives in the shadow of incalculable
devastation… but there’s no reason you
must face it alone.

And from around his neck, he removes the PENDANT that
until now, we’ve only caught glimpses of. Places it on
the table beside his younger self. The feeling in his
eyes is profound…

This was a gift to me. Representing…
a dream. One we were unable to fulfill.
The way you can now.

And moves to the door. Stops. Offers the VULCAN SALUTE:

As my customary farewell would appear
oddly self serving, I will simply say…
good luck.

Their eyes hold. Spock turns, disappearing into the
corridor. Young Spock stares at the empty doorway a
beat, his mind a jumble of thoughts. Looks to the
pendant… and realizes it’s a HOLO-EMITTER. After
considering a beat, he hits an activation button and a
MOVING HOLOGRAPHIC MESSAGE materializes before him:

brash, wry, confident — and SINGING:

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to
(stops, grins)
I know I know, it’s illogical to
celebrate something you had nothing to do
with, but I haven’t had the chance to
congratulate you on your appointment to
the ambassadorship so I thought I’d seize
the occasion… Bravo, Spock — they tell
me your first mission may take you away
for awhile, so I’ll be the first to wish
you luck… and to say…
(beat, emotional)
I miss you, old friend.

… and we’re PUSHING IN on Young Spock, taking in the
image of Kirk’s future self, the message, but above all —
the clear, unquestionable friendship these two men had…


As Spock Prime walks off down the corridor, he passes
right by a man conferring with a nurse — the man pauses,
turns… it’s SAREK. Suddenly overcome by a feeling that
the stranger who’s just passed him is… oddly familiar.

I suppose I’d always imagined us…
outgrowing Starfleet together. Watching
life swing us into our Emeritus years…


MUSIC BUILDING — glass walls reveal THE ENTERPRISE at
dock, UTILITY CRAFTS floating around it, repairing.
Standing at attention in rows, THE ENTERPRISE CREW —
over four hundred of them wearing DRESS UNIFORMS — TRACK
DOWN the faces, all proud:

I look around at the new cadets now and
can’t help thinking… has it really been
so long? Wasn’t it only yesterday we
stepped onto the Enterprise as boys?
That I had to prove to the crew I
deserved command… and their respect?

And we STOP ON YOUNG KIRK. Composed, focused, proud. A
man. And to every fan’s delight, finally wearing his

This assembly calls Captain James
Tiberius Kirk…

Kirk breaks from formation, pivots, marches down the
hangar — past UHURA… SULU… CHEKOV… SCOTTY. All
Beaming. Notably absent, is Spock. Kirk ascends the
stairs, snaps to attention:

Your inspirational valor and supreme
dedication to your comrades are in
keeping with the highest traditions of
service and reflect utmost credit to
yourself, your crew, and the Federation.
By Starfleet Order 28455, you are hereby
directed to report to Commanding Officer,
USS Enterprise, for duty as his relief.

Kirk turns. Walks to… PIKE. In a wheelchair now,
wearing an ADMIRAL’S UNIFORM. Overnight, his hair’s
turned totally grey — but despite his trauma, his
pride’s overwhelming. They SALUTE each other:

I relieve you, Sir.

… I am relieved.

He opens a BOX in his lap — glorious in repose, a MEDAL:

And as Fleet Admiral, for your… unique
solution to the Kobayashi Maru, it’s my
honor to award you with a commendation
for original thinking.

Pike containing a smirk, pins the medal to Kirk’s

(a touch choked)
Congratulations, Captain.

Thank you, Sir.

Kirk turns to the crowd. Eyes shining. WILD APPLAUSE.
OUR MUSIC SOARS. Bones leans in to Sulu, rolling his

… Same ship, different day.

As Kirk rejoins his crew for hugs and congratulations, we
go to the BACK of the hangar… SPOCK PRIME. Watching.
Moved beyond words. He turns and leaves them to it… as
he goes…

I know what you’d say — ‘It’s their turn
now, Jim…’ And of course you’re
right… but it got me thinking:


Our montage comes full circle as we END on Kirk’s

Who’s to say we can’t go one more round?
By the last tally, only twenty five
percent of the galaxy’s been chartered…
I’d call that negligent. Criminal even —
an invitation. You once said being a
starship captain was my first, best
destiny… if that’s true, then yours is
to be by my side. If there’s any true
logic to the universe… we’ll end up on
that bridge again someday.

Stops, grins. Because this is the part he needs to say

Admit it, Spock. For people like us, the
journey itself… is home.

Young Spock’s face. Lost in feelings that flood through


But would Bill have done it?
Even if the Abrams team had decided to go ahead with this scene, there is no guarantee that Shatner would have done it. He had stated he “does not do cameos” and the above scene appears to fall into the cameo category. Abrams had also stated that this “no cameos” position of Shatner’s was part of their decision process not to include him in the film. Now that the scene is public, maybe Bill will make another one of his video blogs about it. One thing is for sure, this is not the last word on Shatner and the new Star Trek…there is still the sequel.


It was posted as a new thread.

As for future movies: Keep Shatner (and even Leonard Nimoy) out of them please. DO NOT WANT.


I am Korean.
XiaNaphryz said:
That's one possibility that's been bandied about. It would make sense to me - they're going for a reboot of the whole franchise, and the traditional enemy from TOS has always been the Klingons yet they weren't really involved in the last movie since it was mainly an origin story.
Their fleet was wiped out by a mining ship. Between their rebuilding and Starfleet's, there really shouldn't be a Klingon Federation war in this timeline. (You'd also think that Spock Prime could warn the Klingons that their moon's gonna explode soon and get in their good graces that way.)
I was so sad when I read that scene the first time around because I think that it actually does a lot to tie the movie together. I wish that it had been there. I would agree that I don't want any more cameos in the future, however.


Freshmaker said:
Their fleet was wiped out by a mining ship. Between their rebuilding and Starfleet's, there really shouldn't be a Klingon Federation war in this timeline. (You'd also think that Spock Prime could warn the Klingons that their moon's gonna explode soon and get in their good graces that way.)
A fleet was destroyed, not necessarily the only fleet. And the bulk of the Federation is in the Laurentsian system.

Full on Federation/Klingon war or GTFO, Abrams!
Freshmaker said:
(You'd also think that Spock Prime could warn the Klingons that their moon's gonna explode soon and get in their good graces that way.)
Yeah, having it be an alternate reality where one guy knows the future opens up a can of worms like that. Actually, reading on trekmovie.com, one of the first novels set in the new timeline is supposed to deal with various forces trying to get ahold of Spock Prime for this reason. :lol

On the other hand, maybe Spock noticed things like the Enterprise being crazily different and Chekov being several years too old and figures Praxis can be safe, too.


I am Korean.
Tobor said:
A fleet was destroyed, not necessarily the only fleet. And the bulk of the Federation is in the Laurentsian system.

Full on Federation/Klingon war or GTFO, Abrams!
They lost 70 ships. In any other timeline, that's a massive loss. The Federation lost a ton of ships (and an important planet) too. Neither force should be in any real position to go to war. (But then, since Abrams and his writers don't seem to really care about plot holes or continuity, this probably won't matter.) If you were trying to write the timeline somewhat realistically, bald Romulans could easily sweep in and cause massive problems for one side or the other or both.

The only way that could possibly be balanced out is if they all had future tech developed and/or reverse engineered to the degree that the new tech rendered all the other competing interests moot.
Sir Fragula said:
To be fair, fleet battles in DS9 were between thousands of ships...
Well, hundreds of ships (for the most part). For the larger battles, when counting ships of both sides, the number rises into the thousands.


Freshmaker said:
They lost 70 ships. In any other timeline, that's a massive loss. The Federation lost a ton of ships (and an important planet) too. Neither force should be in any real position to go to war. (But then, since Abrams and his writers don't seem to really care about plot holes or continuity, this probably won't matter.) If you were trying to write the timeline somewhat realistically, bald Romulans could easily sweep in and cause massive problems for one side or the other or both.

The only way that could possibly be balanced out is if they all had future tech developed and/or reverse engineered to the degree that the new tech rendered all the other competing interests moot.

It was 47 Klingon ships. Uhura mentions it specifically. The Federation lost 7 or 8 ships filled with cadets in training. I'm not buying your argument.

I could easily see a them teaming up with the Romulans to take advantage of a Vulcan-less Federation, not that the Vulcans ever provided any military might to the Federation anyway.


It was pretty clear in TOS and the TOS movies that Starfleet didn't really have a lot of ships. The loss of any of them was a pretty big deal, and there was pretty much no such thing as a fleet battle. And yet Starfleet and the the Klingons were locked in a stalemate. It stands to reason that neither had a huge number of ships.


maharg said:
It was pretty clear in TOS and the TOS movies that Starfleet didn't really have a lot of ships. The loss of any of them was a pretty big deal, and there was pretty much no such thing as a fleet battle. And yet Starfleet and the the Klingons were locked in a stalemate. It stands to reason that neither had a huge number of ships.
I never got that impression. /shrugs

Either way, retcon it up and give me a war.


War is not something that even belongs in Star Trek. The Dominon War was very nice in Deep Space Nine, but even then, the focus of the show wasn't so much on the war itself, but how it was affecting everything else. Just having a two-hour movie about a huge war between Klingons and the Federation isn't very Star Trek, at least to me.

The one thing I'm wondering is what kind of Klingon are we going to see? The quasi-human looking Klingons or the later generations?


I am Korean.
Sir Fragula said:
To be fair, fleet battles in DS9 were between thousands of ships...
Not really. (At least on any given side there weren't nearly that many.) Even then, that was after Starfleet started a buildup in anticipation of another Borg attack.


God I hope if they come up with a humanoid Klingon don't make them too much like the ones in TOS. Maybe a hybrid of the next gen and TOS would be fine, something new.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Skip 3-4 yrs into the future from events in ST09 for the next movie and both sides will have replenished their fleets for the most part. Largish scale war possible, problem solved.


Freshmaker said:
Not really. (At least on any given side there weren't nearly that many.) Even then, that was after Starfleet started a buildup in anticipation of another Borg attack.
Well, Memory Alpha lists "Operation Return" as being between ~600 Federation/Klingon ships and 1200 Dominion...

And re: TOS era ship numbers, the Enterprise was NCC 1701.


For a Rottenwatch thread, the actual Rottenwatch part was never updated with the final tallies.

95% fresh (92% for Top Critics), 260 fresh reviews and 15 rotten.


The combined fleets of Starfleet, Romulan, Klingon, and Cardassian fleets were finally a match against the Dominion and Breen.
Medalion said:
The combined fleets of Starfleet, Romulan, Klingon, and Cardassian fleets were finally a match against the Dominion and Breen.
The final battle must've involved thousands of ships, at least a thousand from the Federation itself. Otherwise, they wouldn't have pressed forward to Cardassia.

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