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Rumor: New Warcraft title incoming?

From 2P:
A new Warcraft title is coming - it's not a formal announcement but definitely official. The Warcraft Weibo (Chinese social network equivalent of Twitter) announces today that "I AM BACK!" Without telling what exactly the new title is, we know it will be Warcraft 4 or Warcraft 3 Remake for Battlenet.
Another clue is a Weibo update from Li Riqiang, vice presiedent of Netease (Blizzard's partner who operates all Blizzard games in China). He writes today "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.... One more (Dragon Ball) to summon Shenron."

The number 1 to 6 represents the 6 games featured at Battlenet, and the 7th is coming. What else it can be? No doubt that it will be a Warcraft game.
Eurogamer.it have also covered it.

Warcraft 4? Warcraft 3 remake?
It could be anything, perhaps just an exaggeration or misunderstanding. But I'm really hoping for Warcraft 4. The story though, where should they start from, the end of W3 or the current state of WoW?
Nonetheless, it's still a rumor from China.

Some predictions:
F2p Warcraft China only

They've been hiring for an unannounced Warcraft project on their job page for a bit, but I'm guessing this is just the Warcraft 3 Remaster (and maybe 1 and 2 as well) instead of whatever that new project was (since it wasn't tied to the main RTS team as far as I could tell).

It is preety obvious it will be wc3 updated for battle.net.

I mean we found some assets for this game on the bnet launcher several months ago.




Today Li Riqiang posted another update, shooting down the Warcraft 4 rumor. Now it seems that the new game is Warcraft 3 HD Remake.


I'd be happy with Warcraft 4 or a Warcraft 3 remake. Not sure I trust Blizzard to do either well these days, but still doesn't keep me from hoping for the best.



I want W3 and W3: FT remakes first, followed by W4.

Or maybe a Rexar campaign spinoff, which is loot based, like Diablo.


The Warcraft movie is supposed to be based on the events of the first game, right? Maybe they're remaking the original

What I'd like to see are Warcraft 1 and 2 and Diablo 1 all re-released, mostly untouched except for interface improvements and of course making them run on modern systems


hahha imagine if Blizzard somehow pulled some crazy time travel retcon stunt at the end of Legion that undid the entire WoW series and paved the way for WC4


They've been hiring for an unannounced Warcraft project on their job page for a bit, but I'm guessing this is just the Warcraft 3 Remaster (and maybe 1 and 2 as well) instead of whatever that new project was (since it wasn't tied to the main RTS team as far as I could tell).
hahha imagine if Blizzard somehow pulled some crazy time travel retcon stunt at the end of Legion that undid the entire WoW series and paved the way for WC4

They're just gonna reboot the franchise from the alternate Azeroth timeline at the end of Warlords of Draenor

There's two continuities now: the original one, and the one with Yrel, Durotan, Grommash, etc still alive.
They mentioned at Blizzcon a while ago they were working on remaking Warcraft 1-3 with a smaller team. This is most likely the result of that.

They've been hiring for an unannounced Warcraft project on their job page for a bit, but I'm guessing this is just the Warcraft 3 Remaster (and maybe 1 and 2 as well) instead of whatever that new project was (since it wasn't tied to the main RTS team as far as I could tell).

Ah, now I remember.
Remakes would be great.
Warcraft Trilogy remake in SC2s engine for release late next year/early 2017 (after the xpac basically) with part of the draw being that they'll (hopefully) be getting a lot of people interested after the movie so...why not draw them in to WoW and the originals...

it'll be nothing tho


I'd play through a Warcraft 3 remaster again.

The visuals have aged pretty well thanks to the artstyle and the gameplay wasn't really copied or revisited by other games. The story was also the last time Blizzard was at the top of their game.

I guess this'd be a day 1 purchase for me.

Also: Didn't some High Res Icons pop up a while back that pointed to a WC3 remake?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I'd be down for a WarCraft I and II remake in the SC2 engine. WC3 still plays fine and has a cohesive story that fits in with series canon (yes, I know, lolWoWlore) even though it looks pretty bad. WCI and II's story is basically all from retcons, supplemental material and the vague text crawls from the original games.

That said, I'd be down for any WarCraft RTS.


I'm down for any Warcraft RTS. Can't see it being WC4 but the remasters are definitely possible (and I'd love that too).
WarCraft 4 and as a bonus WarCraft 1 Campaign remade with the WC4 engine.

And Blizzcon is at November 6th -8th. So maybe we see some announcement there?
Personally, I just want Illidan and Evil Arthas back. WoW's lore is such a bore.
I want whatever it is they are selling.

What if they add a new race...

...and then split the five campaigns into their own games, with the final one releasing in 2030?


With their RTS team just finishing up the last StarCraft 2 expansion, I doubt they are far enough with a potential warcraft IV to announce something. I could see a remake from one of the older games happening though.


They've been hiring for an unannounced Warcraft project on their job page for a bit, but I'm guessing this is just the Warcraft 3 Remaster (and maybe 1 and 2 as well) instead of whatever that new project was (since it wasn't tied to the main RTS team as far as I could tell).
So it's confirmed that we will eventually be getting a Warcraft 3 update? That's huge. Hoping they manage to include true widescreen support, thwart map hackers, and introduce a party system for joining custom games.


I'm kinda hoping it's more loot-based RPG, like Diablo lol

The Rexxar campaign in WC3: Frozen Throne was the best part of the entire game.
The Rexxar campaign was awful compared to what modders were making even during year one of ROC. Some amazing custom RPG games came and went during the years WC3 was popular.


So it's confirmed that we will eventually be getting a Warcraft 3 update? That's huge. Hoping they manage to include true widescreen support, thwart map hackers, and introduce a party system for joining custom games.

Not 100% confirmed, but all signs point to yes on some kind of update for the game.


The Rexxar campaign was awful compared to what modders were making even during year one of ROC. Some amazing custom RPG games came and went during the years WC3 was popular.

There are mods for WC3?

Never played any, will have to check this out soon :3
Gawd, if they actually remastered WC3 and brought the editor up to date, it could be Blizzard again reviving Battle.net's custom content scene. But they'll probably muck it up with B.net 2.0 or Arcade nonsense somehow.

After SC2, I don't know that they've got the touch to pull it off again, honestly.
There are mods for WC3?

Never played any, will have to check this out soon :3
There's total conversations out there and thousands of custom maps. Some of it is absolutely amazing. There was a lot of innovation being done within Battle.net's mapping community.

Y'know DotA 2? DotA 1 was made in Warcraft 3's map editor.
I would really like to see a single player Warcraft RPG. Something like WoW with a party and pausing like Dragon Age. Or maybe some kind of Devil May Cry type of game where you play as people like Sylvanas and Thrall.


Been hearing stuff about a remaster of war3 for ages, maybe this is finally it (oh god please let this be it)


Gawd, if they actually remastered WC3 and brought the editor up to date, it could be Blizzard again reviving Battle.net's custom content scene. But they'll probably muck it up with B.net 2.0 or Arcade nonsense somehow.
If that means it being more like SC2's editor and less like WC3's World Editor--no thank you.
If that means it being more like SC2's editor and less like WC3's World Editor--no thank you.

Nah, it was too complicated and killed everything. I mean just bringing it wholesale to the modern era, with larger filesize limitations and stuff like that.

That 4 MB filesize limit is crazy to think of nowadays. It contained the map info and all custom content used on that map. It was only in the twilight of WC3's lifetime that they doubled it to 8 MB.

...I think I'd buy a remastered WC3. Dammit.
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