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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Skiesofwonder said:
Nintend knows that their online offerings have been severly lacking. Iwata, Reggie, and Miyamoto have all stated that they are working on it.

Even looking at the 3DS now, we can tell the online system will at least be considerably better. Then we have Nintendo's May 3DS Update and, if rumors from trusted sources are to be believed on what it offers, I think it's safe to say Wii 2 will have at least a servicable (if not strong) online service.

Any rumored new features that are going to be introduced with the May update?
Refreshment.01 said:
Well you shouldn't and i dont understand how some people expect Nintendo´s new console to come with PS3/360 level graphics because it doesn´t make any sense.
I don't care about graphics like that, so 360 level is fine with me. I would rather have more new and unique ways to play great games, as that is what I personally value most...not graphics and a traditional controller. Don't get me wrong, if I can have nintendo's polish on some cutting edge horse power AND get some great innovations in control input and gameplay then I would jump at it in an instant. I get over graphics rather quickly though, so all that is left for me to enjoy is the art style and framerate/animation. Most studios don't focus on those things though.


EatChildren said:
I'm just going to assume if the 6" screen is true, it's nothing more than a third wireless part of the controller package.

Nunchuck + Remote + Tablet/Screen

Three means of interacting with the system.

Going to to tough to interact with all three at the same time. Use your toes to control the touch screen.
abstract alien said:
I don't care about graphics like that, so 360 level is fine with me. I would rather have more new and unique ways to play great games, as that is what I personally value most...not graphics and a traditional controller.
One thing do not excludes the other :D Like you just said, great looking games that play in unique ways... thats a worthwhile goal. Plus hardware specs not necesaily means = prettier presentation, they can be harnessed to aid gameplay mechanics.


I just hope they have a (TV)play-mode lighting system on the controller screen.

Theres nothing worse than playing in the dark and having another source of light distracting you from the TV screen.

I thought the blue light on the Wii looked awesome and considered fucking around with homebrew to keep it always on. Yeah, that didnt work well :/

I want it to be barely noticable when i have to concentrate on whats going on in the big screen.


Boney said:
I'll believe it when I see it. When brought up in interviews, it was like a mindblowing revelation.
Some day you might be able to play Mario Kart by just inviting people to play, that's some 2045 tech right there Konno.

Oh man, he totally fucked up and they brought him in to fix things.
Didn't Iwata talk all this smack about needing to differentiate themselves from the rest of the mobile gaming world (like iOS) and all that. This Wii 2 business sounds like it's doing the opposite. Not only are they going with this tablet thing or whatever, you can guarantee your ass that shit will have some sort of app store, or they'll sell app-like things in their current store.

Sounds like giving in not differentiating. Could be totally wrong come E3 though.


brochiller said:
This is Nintendo. It wouldn't include anything if it weren't to be used for gaming purposes.

Then why would it be touchscreen? Going to be able to interact with in it some way.


The Amiga Brotherhood
EatChildren said:
I'm just going to assume if the 6" screen is true, it's nothing more than a third wireless part of the controller package.

Nunchuck + Remote + Tablet/Screen

Three means of interacting with the system.

This is more realistic than integrating the screen into the controller, or having one to attach to it, because either option would mean abandoning the form-factor and functionality of the remote. Which would be madness. For a start the remote's pointer *is* your touch functionality, but adapted to a console environment. It was a stroke of genius.

So you have to ask why would Nintendo bundle such an extra expense with every system?

If it's standalone it becomes even more expensive and awkward, needing to be rechargeable, and people's expectations of the tablet would be to be able to take it out of the house. Which would make it ridiculously expensive. And all this expense is taking resources away from the console itself, which with the jump to HD and 3rd parties to consider is far more important.

The 6" screen rumour just doesn't add up in any shape or form to me. All it's doing is blurring the line between handheld and console in a way that plays to the strengths of neither. Taking the focus away from the TV and the social aspect of the console experience which Nintendo did so well with the Wii.


brochiller said:
This is Nintendo. It wouldn't include anything if it weren't to be used for gaming purposes.

Oh, come on... admit it. You've always wanted to play F-Zero while streaming Seinfeld episodes on your controller.
Refreshment.01 said:
One thing do not excludes the other :D Like you just said, great looking games that play in unique ways... thats a worthwhile goal. Plus hardware specs not necesaily means = prettier presentation, they can be harnessed to aid gameplay mechanics.
If only more developers actually did this. There focus is mostly in a different place, so instead, we get games that look spectacular in screen shots and run like shit on hardware that is more than capable of handling it. I don't think Nintendo would ever do this, but most of the third parties that want the extra power will do just that :^/


apana said:
Tablet is there to scan your credit card information.

Finger and face scan
Nintendo is connected to the sex offender database. If you show up, no Star Power-up for you in Mario Kart.

If you have Cheetos in your fingers, it will brick and only power up once Wii Fit Returns is inserted.
abstract alien said:
If only more developers actually did this. There focus is mostly in a different place, so instead, we get games that look spectacular in screen shots and run like shit on hardware that is more than capable of handling it. I don't think Nintendo would ever do this, but most of the third parties that want the extra power will do just that :^/

Developers that aproach game design that way will end releasing the same stinker, but just with bad graphics due to the poor hardware throughput.

Since Nintendo have adopted a higher price structure they have a little more room to breathe. So they can release a new interesting interface and also a decent hardware above 360/PS3 now craptacular graphics. So lets be positive and hope they see the light.
Some kind of scroll form.


Not out of the question the touch screen could be on the opposite side to the buttons, but I doubt it.


The Amiga Brotherhood
robor said:
Or to manage apps/e-books/netflix movies etc etc etc.

Iwata has said he wants the console to be more of a gateway to all types of content and information. The Wii already made a big step in that direction, so Wii 2 will continue it. But it's a massive jump from that to then also having a portable device you can consume that all on as well.

Nintendo aren't ones for spending money unnecessarily. They aren't going to launch not only their first HD console, but also a tablet/Frankenstein's controller at the same time that would have incredibly limited functionality compared to standalone devices.

It would not only be very costly, but also make zero sense.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Graphics Horse said:
Some kind of scroll form.


Not out of the question the touch screen could be on the opposite side to the buttons, but I doubt it.[/QUOTE]

Yes, that is totally out of the question.

"Billy! Put down those scissors and stop cutting up the Nintendo Controller!"


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Sadist said:

CVG said:
And what is Wi-Fi messaging?

Sad news: PictoChat is dead. Good news: it's been replaced with a true online chat forum. Messaging gives you the same doodling/writing capabilities as those in PictoChat, only this time you communicate with online friends. Now you'll be able to tell your mates exactly what you thought of that Mario Kart blue shell on the finish line.

They later removed it from the Q&A article. It is heavily rumored that this will be included in the May Update along with other added goodies for the online gaming/communication system.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Caramello said:
You could be on to something here


Seriously? Let us all pray for a press-release from Nintendo before this thread ends up totally in fantasy land.

Someone post Star Wars chess.


Maybe the 'big secret' is that it can actually make coffee. Like for the social part of gaming and stuff. Microsoft and Sony would shit bricks as Sakamoto sips away.
[Nintex] said:
Maybe the 'big secret' is that it can actually make coffee. Like for the social part of gaming and stuff. Microsoft and Sony would shit bricks as Sakamoto sips away.
You think that phases Sony? They just about released a console that could second as a grill.


DECK'ARD said:
Yes, that is totally out of the question.

"Billy! Put down those scissors and stop cutting up the Nintendo Controller!"

"Billy! Please stop cutting children holding hands into the $400 controller!"


DECK'ARD said:
Iwata has said he wants the console to be more of a gateway to all types of content and information. The Wii already made a big step in that direction, so Wii 2 will continue it. But it's a massive jump from that to then also having a portable device you can consume that all on as well.

Nintendo aren't ones for spending money unnecessarily. They aren't going to launch not only their first HD console, but also a tablet/Frankenstein's controller at the same time that would have incredibly limited functionality compared to standalone devices.

It would not only be very costly, but also make zero sense.

No no, I was thinking along the lines of this:

EatChildren said:
I'm just going to assume if the 6" screen is true, it's nothing more than a third wireless part of the controller package.

Nunchuck + Remote + Tablet/Screen

Three means of interacting with the system.

where the tablet/screen by itself would be used as a component for content other than games etc.

I actually agree with you about the screen not making any sense at all with all the coagulated rumors.
Vinci said:
Oh, come on... admit it. You've always wanted to play F-Zero while streaming Seinfeld episodes on your controller.

This would be awesome, but would not bode well for my ability to be a competent driver.
DECK'ARD said:
Yes, that is totally out of the question.

"Billy! Put down those scissors and stop cutting up the Nintendo Controller!"

lol, well I did include a wooden one.

I don't think their creation of the Wii remote excluded them from developing a brand new modern hardware design, it was more of a way of saving money and 'quickly' getting something out after the Gamecube. They need some good selling points, and a lot of their audience will be asking 'why would I want another Wii' like some are asking 'why would I want another DS'
[Nintex] said:
Maybe the 'big secret' is that it can actually make coffee. Like for the social part of gaming and stuff. Microsoft and Sony would shit bricks as Sakamoto sips away.
So im outside Nintendo target audience, cause i got my expresso machine already.

Fernando Rocker said:
Maybe Nintendo is trolling us and these are fake specs released by them just to confuse us.
Totaly possible.


Tablet is to keep contact with Nintendo HQ. If you have a complaint you can send it directly to Miyamoto, and then he'll ask for your credit card information.
It's pretty obvious what the controller actually is, and why it has a 6 inch screen and a camera.

It's basically going to be just like Face Raiders on the 3DS. The camera takes a picture of your environment, and the games have you interacting with objects flying at you in your own living room or a different environment, it doesn't matter.

The main part is that you look at the world through the controller and you can easily angle the controller in a different direction to see a different perspective. It would essentially be like a VR headset, but with the headset screen being held in your hands rather than being attached to your head with a helmet.

The VR theory is mostly a joke but I"m serious about this. I think that's what the 6" screen is for. For essentially a console version of Face Raiders.


The Amiga Brotherhood
robor said:
No no, I was thinking along the lines of this:

where the tablet/screen by itself would be used as a component for content other than games etc.

I actually agree with you about the screen not making any sense at all with all the coagulated rumors.

Yeah, but at best you'd have a dumb iPad that couldn't be taken out of the house. Or with very limited functionality indeed, anything else would be way too costly. So it would automatically go against people's expectations of what they could do with it, to the point it would not justify the extra expense of bundling it with the system.

The cost of the components in the Wii 2 are going to be critical, the screen rumours not only takes resources away from the console itself but also would take the entire focus away from the console and the television. Just when you are making the jump to HD with the focus on the television.

It does indeed make no sense.


Graphics Horse said:
How did I end up trusting rumours from IGN anyway, dammit.

Maybe we can expect a new designed controller rumour every month a few hours before NPD.

Yea but it has been fun. This one of the many reasons why GAF rocks.

DECK'ARD said:
Yeah, but at best you'd have a dumb iPad that couldn't be taken out of the house. Or with very limited functionality indeed, anything else would be way too costly. So it would automatically go against people's expectations of what they could do with it, to the point it would not justify the extra expense of bundling it with the system.

The cost of the components in the Wii 2 are going to be critical, the screen rumours not only takes resources away from the console itself but also would take the entire focus away from the console and the television. Just when you are making the jump to HD with the focus on the television.

It does indeed make no sense.

Yea....see, I'm just clutching at straws for sure. The more light being shed on these possibilities really helps to bring out how impossible and/or redundant they truly are.

I give up, Nintendo wins.


Stephen Colbert said:
Face Raiders HD and AR Games HD will be launch titles.

That's what the screen is for, to bring the face raiders 3D interactive experience to consoles.

I'll go with it.


Nah I'm bailing it.
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