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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Gamer98 said:
Lmao shit is sad.

More than sad... Jack Tretton said this back in 2007:
I think the PS3 is the Surf 'n Turf, the PS2 is your favorite burger restaurant... [Wii] is a lollipop, and I'm too old for lollipops. And the [Xbox 360] I get sick from once in a while because the cook isn't always reliable.


And the Move looks just like a lollipop.
Pocks said:
I don't think each controller will have a 6" touchscreen. I think one 6" tablet will be included with each system. The tablet will have a stand, and it's designed to sit on your coffee table. The camera will be on a swivel, so that it can be used for video chatting, AR, and possibly biometrics [...]

Seamless inventory management, constant display of secondary information, and easy access to OS features would be strong points of the coffee-table tablet.

Holy shit I really like this idea!

And the idea of it being an interface for the Wii 2 that sits on your coffee table would even tie into the Café codename.

The Wii Menu was simple enough, point at a Channel and press A to load it, but this would be one step further... an All-In-One remote for your Nintendo. Imagine being able to load games on your home console from a list in the palm of your hand, tweak options, choose music tracks, play videos, browse websites like YouTube quickly and easily in front of the whole family; the site displayed on both tablet and screen, using the tablet to type etc. The front facing camera would be good for video chat and importing your image into games -- it would probably be able to create a Mii from your photo much like the 3DS too.

Pocks said:
I also think there is a decent chance that the screen will be 3D. Iwata talked about including a 3D screen with the Gamecube, but it was cost prohibitive at the time. Perhaps this is the other surprise to be unveiled at E3.

Again an interesting theory! I don't see you being a Junior for long...
On the one hand, it might detract from the gorgeous HD visuals on the TV and make people without a 3DTV wish they had one... on the other, why not? They're already buying heaps of the parralax barrier LCDs, maybe they have struck a deal to get even more..
DECK'ARD said:
Of course a 6" handheld device that you can play when the TV is in use is treading on the toes of the 3DS. Also, the television is the focus of a console, that's the point of it. As is the social aspect of family play which Nintendo couldn't have been pushing more. They aren't going to do a 180 and make the emphasis of their new HD console that it's a solitary experience played on a 6" screen.

Game-streaming will 99% not be happening anyway, for reasons that have been detailed already.

And Nintendo embracing video-conferencing is even less likely than Nintendo fully embracing online. A camera watching your kids? Your kids getting a penis in the face? Yeah, like that's likely to happen.

By your logic, the primary reason people would invest in a 3DS is to play at home when their parents/significant other are hogging the only TV? I don't believe this. Nintendo just want to take the next logical step from the pick up and play games which already exist on Wii. I don't expect blockbuster titles to be streamable, but something like Boom Blox? Sure.

We also have quotes from Iwata/Miyamoto expressing how they want to overcome the barrier of having to go through the whole process of turning on your HD entertainment system. And there is another quote where they state that whether a game be created in HD or SD should be taken in a case by case scenario.

And on video conferencing, Nintendo aren't as patronizing as you imply. Pokemon B/W has it already! Wii Speak exists. By your logic, they never would have created the device for fear little Jimmy hears a dirty word.Picture sharing exists. As long as they keep Friend Codes in place ala 3DS and include parental controls, they will feel that they've done their part.


Fernando Rocker said:
More than sad... Jack Tretton said this back in 2007:


And the Move looks just like a lollipop.

Fucking idiots they deserve the shit sales for Move. People should know better not to buy that shit. Got damn, bunch of losers.


SuperJay said:
I don't get the vitality sensor fandom. It was so obviously hastily cobbled together to fill in the gaps of a lackluster presentation. They didn't even demonstrate any software. Does anyone honestly think there will ever be more than one, maybe two games that will utilize it effectively once (if) Nintendo finally releases it? It's another wiispeak waiting to happen and they know it.

The Vitality Sensor itself was stupid and ugly, but the concept for such a device is pretty interesting to a lot of people. Which is why a lot of people want to see it make a return just in a better form.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Gamer98 said:
Fucking idiots they deserve the shit sales for Move. People should know better not to buy that shit. Got damn, bunch of losers.

Lol Gamer is that really you?


The Amiga Brotherhood
radioheadrule83 said:
Regarding the 6" screen, it is still the one part of the rumours that I find hard to believe. It does seem as though multiple sources are now corroborating that rumour. In any case, I don't think it represents any clash with 3DS as some here have suggested...

  • What if Nintendo has data suggesting that the gaming done on most iPads and NGPs will be done in the home? Indeed, they may have data that will show a lot of gaming on their OWN handhelds will be done in the home.
  • What if they also forsaw that creating a super high powered handheld would be a blood bath and the resulting component costs would reduce their flexibility in pricing their handheld at mass market acceptable prices?


  • 3DS launches 8 months ahead of NGP and can be reduced in price as competition necessitates, it has 3D as a key differentiator for marketing purposes.
  • Wii 2 launches next year and can stream incredible graphics to a 6" screen you hold in your hands - much like Remote Play PS3/PSP. With an added slice of Nintendo ingenuity and keeping the parts as cheap as possible, buyers of Wii 2 get Nintendo HD home console AND a high end portable that can be played in the home for the price of one.
  • The link between the two provides inherent and as yet unforseen gameplay opportunities that help differentiate the console from the competition
  • ...such opportunities might include experiences that hark back to their connectivity experiments on Gamecube. Multiplayer games in the living room may become more like online games, with an element of surprise, in that each player would have a game screen to themselves.
  • Other aspects of the main controller or compatibility with legacy controllers gives the console the more traditional inputs needed for hardcore gaming.

So Nintendo, known for keeping costs down, is now going to bundle an expensive handheld device with their expensive HD console? Replicating the functionality of dedicated handhelds and tablets, but without the freedom that is the reason for their portability. All this is completely nonsensical.

Nintendo, who are incredibly fussy about controls, are not going to push a device which will have lag. You are not going to get game-streaming, its lag will be worse than PS3/PSP Remote Play. You will still have scaling/compression/decompression and need hardware in the device to do it, adding even more to its cost.

Connectivity was not a success, and that was less to do with what you needed to set it up but more to do with its applications are extremely limited. The DS/3DS can connect wirelessly and do everything you suggest more effectively, even if they bundled a 3DS with the Wii 2 you still wouldn't see many applications of it.

What did work well was the Wii's style social gaming, getting people to play together, the strength of a console. Nintendo will stick to what works, and with the jump to HD they will make damn sure the television is the focus of it. Otherwise, why go HD at all?

There is no compelling reason to make the Wii 2 a pseudo-console/handheld hybrid without the strengths of either, and with the extra costs that it would involve to do so.
This shit doesn't make sense to me. A 6" LCD screen on the controller? Thats going to make them expensive. How capable would the screens on the controllers be? Its going to look like shit compared to whats on the TV screen. I just don't see it.


Instro said:
The Vitality Sensor itself was stupid and ugly, but the concept for such a device is pretty interesting to a lot of people. Which is why a lot of people want to see it make a return just in a better form.

Maybe the Vitality Sensor is what is being refereed to with this touchscreen rumor. Maybe a touch/pressure sensitive grip that is 6 inches long that is integrated into the controller. I find that more possible then an actual screen. That might be more durable as well.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Yeah it would bit quite a bummer to find out that the Wii 2 ddn't have the Vitality Sensor's abilities built into the controller or the system in some form or fashion.
I'm inclined to agree with you actually Deck'ard... I step back from my earlier comments. I was imagining the device as basically a screen and very basic processing units that deal with streamed images and inputs/outputs... I hadn't really considered Lag and such.

I think Pocks suggestion that I just quoted is interesting though... what say ye? Does that sound any more plausable?

Not so much the biometrics aspect - as I think that would be a very ambitious leap - but certainly a single interim tablet device that sits between user and console as an interface and form of control intended for all users, and intended to rest on the coffee table...


Skiesofwonder said:
Yeah it would bit quite a bummer to find out that the Wii 2 ddn't have the Vitality Sensor's abilities built into the controller or the system in some form or fashion.

Depends on what else it does.
Pocks said:
I don't think each controller will have a 6" touchscreen. I think one 6" tablet will be included with each system. The tablet will have a stand, and it's designed to sit on your coffee table. The camera will be on a swivel, so that it can be used for video chatting, AR, and possibly biometrics (retina/pupil). It has built in IR (or new motion sensing tech) that allows you to interact with it via the Wiimote.

Seamless inventory management, constant display of secondary information, and easy access to OS features would be strong points of the coffee-table tablet.

The biometrics portion is particularly interesting, especially if the tablet includes both a pulse oximeter and retinal / pupil detection.. Those are the exact two biometric features that Gabe @ Valve mentioned regarding the new generation of consoles.
This is the best idea based on these crazy rumors that I've seen in this thread. That sounds like a surprisingly pleasant way to implement the tablet device.


Krev said:
There's obviously a lot of cross-over between those concepts and Move, but the actual technology is quite different. For one, that thing is not a pointer and it doesn't feature any internal motion sensors. I don't think it should be too controversial to say that the Move we ended up with is based much more on the Wiimote than those 10 year old demos.
Motion control isn't a unique concept. Nintendo, Sony, and ficiton wanted it to be a reality for years. All controllers have the same basic concept. What's practical is practical. A pointer that responds like a mouse by motion control is an obvious task to achieve. If you decide on handheld hardware, a device for each hand makes a lot of sense. You see it on the 2000 demo, Wii, and Move.


NEW Rumors:

All we can say so far is: don’t believe everything you read online. Other than from us, of course. May hear solid details next week…

(details are) significant enough that we can’t reveal what they are.

(console will be) a combination of everything you would expect from Nintendo and yet surprising at the same time.

Nintendo has sold more handheld consoles than anyone. Why have a controller with a screen in? Why not use DS?

Nintendo is a Japanese company. Why would a secret project have a French name?


From Nintendo Life tweets posted at that Going Nintendo site.


Pocks said:
I don't think each controller will have a 6" touchscreen. I think one 6" tablet will be included with each system. The tablet will have a stand, and it's designed to sit on your coffee table. The camera will be on a swivel, so that it can be used for video chatting, AR, and possibly biometrics (retina/pupil). It has built in IR (or new motion sensing tech) that allows you to interact with it via the Wiimote.

Seamless inventory management, constant display of secondary information, and easy access to OS features would be strong points of the coffee-table tablet.

The biometrics portion is particularly interesting, especially if the tablet includes both a pulse oximeter and retinal / pupil detection.. Those are the exact two biometric features that Gabe @ Valve mentioned regarding the new generation of consoles.


I also think there is a decent chance that the screen will be 3D. Iwata talked about including a 3D screen with the Gamecube, but it was cost prohibitive at the time. Perhaps this is the other surprise to be unveiled at E3.


This actually makes more sense
So basically an extra tablet that goes on your coffee table, that acts as the ultimate remote control or extension from the games/apps you play on the TV. The thing that still doesn't make sense is a controller with dual analogs, buttons and etc. As well as a controller that has motion that is better than Move.

I find it hard to believe the system will come with
-Traditional controller with dual analogs
-6" Tablet

Wouldn't they be bundling too much shit, I guess the costs can be kept down if the system is only a bit more powerful than 360.
radioheadrule83 said:
I'm inclined to agree with you actually Deck'ard... I step back from my earlier comments. I was imagining the device as basically a screen and very basic processing units that deal with streamed images and inputs/outputs... I hadn't really considered Lag and such.

I think Pocks suggestion that I just quoted is interesting though... what say ye? Does that sound any more plausable?

If you're dropping your argument, I'll take it up, haha! I thought it was damn good.


Instro said:
The Vitality Sensor itself was stupid and ugly, but the concept for such a device is pretty interesting to a lot of people. Which is why a lot of people want to see it make a return just in a better form.

The Wii Relax game concepts look exactly like what Ubisoft is now doing with Innergy.



This is also interesting...looks like Samus:


If Nintendo's going to make any kind of Wii 2 announcement this month, then next week seems like it will be the time. It has an investor's meeting in Japan on April 26th.
KAL2006 said:
This actually makes more sense
So basically an extra tablet that goes on your coffee table, that acts as the ultimate remote control or extension from the games/apps you play on the TV. The thing that still doesn't make sense is a controller with dual analogs, buttons and etc. As well as a controller that has motion that is better than Move.

I find it hard to believe the system will come with
-Traditional controller with dual analogs
-6" Tablet

Wouldn't they be bundling too much shit, I guess the costs can be kept down if the system is only a bit more powerful than 360.

The problem I see with the coffee table tablet idea is that its going to be hard to put sensors in that thing. It will be in very close proximity, to the players, and its constantly getting put away, and then put out again. Doesn't that mean a lot of recalibrating? It won't work in a group setting.


GregLombardi said:
Those seem like new "general statements" that could be constructed by anyone.

True, but by that logic, then what that french site leaked could also be "general statements".

-"On par or more powerful than the 360?"
-"At least 512 MB of RAM?"

That sounds like completely logical assumptions.


Gamer98 said:
Fucking idiots they deserve the shit sales for Move. People should know better not to buy that shit. Got damn, bunch of losers.

Innovating is cool, but there is nothing wrong with copying, Sony have copied analog stick but improved it with dual analogs that are clickable. Sony have copied shoulder buttons but added extra L2/R2 buttons. Sony copied trophies and online features of Live but still managed to keep it free. Sony have copied WiiMote but made the motion better and not just waggle. Sony copied gyro, multitouch from iPhone and added it to NGP, but improved it by adding more stuff like a back touch as well as traditional controls.

I don't see a problem with this.



I give up. I almost finished shopping together a picture of how I thought it would be, and then I realized the whole design on mine falls apart if you have to throw a condom over it.

So assuming Nintendo would never go back to condomless Wiimotes, I give up. Maybe they are creating a single Frankenstein controller and ditching Wiimote like pointing.

ReyVGM said:
NEW Rumors:


From Nintendo Life tweets posted at that Going Nintendo site.

That's like the worst job of bullshit-say nothing you could possibly come up with. And they can't even benefit from site hits, because they're overloaded. LOL
TheRagnCajun said:
The problem I see with the coffee table tablet idea is that its going to be hard to put sensors in that thing. It will be in very close proximity, to the players, and its constantly getting put away, and then put out again. Doesn't that mean a lot of recalibrating? It won't work in a group setting.

I'm sure pointer technology has come a long way since Nintendo designed the original Wii. By my (admittedly uneducated) reckoning, all they would have to do would be to put a better camera on the pointer capable of capturing a wider angle. Or put the IR beams closer together on the tablet.


Super Member
KAL2006 said:
Sony have copied WiiMote but made the motion better and not just waggle.

I don't see a problem with this.
It would be easier to swallow if they didn't try to half-ass it with Sixaxis


ReyVGM said:
NEW Rumors:


From Nintendo Life tweets posted at that Going Nintendo site.
Lol. So everything is bunk, we've all been punk'd, and these reporters confirming with their "sources" are terrible at their jobs. Well played.
ReyVGM said:
True, but by that logic, then what that french site leaked could also be "general statements".

-"On par or more powerful than the 360?"
-"At least 512 MB of RAM?"

That sounds like completely logical assumptions.
Oh I agree, believe me. Right now the only things that appear to be a lock are High Definition, and the fact that the system appears to be headed for some sort of reveal in some sort of fashion. I'm just saying that all the other stuff they talk about is very general.
GregLombardi said:
Those seem like new "general statements" that could be constructed by anyone.

Also the name doesn't have to be Japanese. Other project names weren't Japanese. Dolphin?
Nitro, Revolution, Reality. They're not French thats for sure...that said Cafe is a loan word that is used in Japanese (maid cafes anyone?), makes me wonder if the othe...oh yeah reality.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I rather like that idea Pocks. The 6ii (6 inch Wii) screen being there to look at and watch you as you point at it with the improved Remote and Nunchuck. Only thought of all these combined ideas, minus the hooves, that I can picture them using.
I still want to see more of the crazy concepts I can't imagine them using though, great ideas all the same.

Nintendo is a Japanese company. Why would a secret project have a French name?

Because France and Japan have a good history together and French words, clothes, music (they love that Daft Punk), and seen as "cool". Plus it's a damn code name. It's not like Nitro is a Japanese word either.
Also I have no idea who that site is, first time hearing about them.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
ReyVGM said:
NEW Rumors:


From Nintendo Life tweets posted at that Going Nintendo site.

I hope the console being "surprising at the same time" means a huge leap in graphics.

Or, probably, this entire article means nothing at all.


KAL2006 said:
Innovating is cool, but there is nothing wrong with copying, Sony have copied analog stick but improved it with dual analogs that are clickable. Sony have copied shoulder buttons but added extra L2/R2 buttons. Sony copied trophies and online features of Live but still managed to keep it free. Sony have copied WiiMote but made the motion better and not just waggle. Sony copied gyro, multitouch from iPhone and added it to NGP, but improved it by adding more stuff like a back touch as well as traditional controls.

I don't see a problem with this.

Give me a break the Move is waggle. Move is just a, hey me too!!!! product really. And Kinect has no games.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Fourth Storm said:
By your logic, the primary reason people would invest in a 3DS is to play at home when their parents/significant other are hogging the only TV? I don't believe this. Nintendo just want to take the next logical step from the pick up and play games which already exist on Wii. I don't expect blockbuster titles to be streamable, but something like Boom Blox? Sure.

The complexity of the game makes no difference to the feasibility of streaming. Lag kills all realtime aspects, Nintendo would never embrace it.

If you are saying simple things could be downloaded to the device, then it would have to be a standalone unit rather than a dumb display. This is *massively* increasing costs, and you are bundling an expensive HD console and standalone portable device together in one purchase. This is madness.

We also have quotes from Iwata/Miyamoto expressing how they want to overcome the barrier of having to go through the whole process of turning on your HD entertainment system. And there is another quote where they state that whether a game be created in HD or SD should be taken in a case by case scenario.

Miyamoto has also said he'd like the living room to be the game with holograms. I don't think that will be happening this time round either ;)

The solution to barriers is to make things more accessible, removing whole items of the equation such as the television is a rather inelegant solution to it. Especially when you are going to the expense of making your console HD to be appreciated via the television.

And on video conferencing, Nintendo aren't as patronizing as you imply. Pokemon B/W has it already! Wii Speak exists. By your logic, they never would have created the device for fear little Jimmy hears a dirty word.Picture sharing exists. As long as they keep Friend Codes in place ala 3DS and include parental controls, they will feel that they've done their part.

Even if you think Nintendo are suddenly going to go all Apple with Nintendo Facetime video-conferencing just isn't a selling point for Nintendo. Even less so on a device that can't even leave the home. Other companies do it better on devices more suited to it. Nintendo's focus will be on the games, the focus of their console will still be on the social interaction of people in the same room. You know, in the same way as they cleaned up this generation.

People are just creating wishlists of every possible thing that could be stuffed in something without thinking of their actual real world benefits, the feasibility, the downsides, or what Nintendo have to actually gain from it.


TheRagnCajun said:
The problem I see with the coffee table tablet idea is that its going to be hard to put sensors in that thing. It will be in very close proximity, to the players, and its constantly getting put away, and then put out again. Doesn't that mean a lot of recalibrating? It won't work in a group setting.

This is where the touchscreen part comes in handy. The tablet can also rest on your lap, and you can interact with it via touch controls. Regarding recalibrating, it depends on what the motion technology is. One source is saying that the motion tech is better than Move, so who knows what to expect in that department.
Fourth Storm said:
I'm sure pointer technology has come a long way since Nintendo designed the original Wii. By my (admittedly uneducated) reckoning, all they would have to do would be to put a better camera on the pointer capable of capturing a wider angle. Or put the IR beams closer together on the tablet.

I don't know man. Think about how far away you have to stand from kinect. Now imagine if your TV screen was 6" while trying to play kinect.

I think the concept of having a remote 6" shared screen, and integrating sensors into it, are diametrically opposed things. Theres no way to make it work in a group setting, unless the sensor tech is very basic and innaccurate which i doubt is the direction Nintendo is going..


ReyVGM said:
NEW Rumors:


From Nintendo Life tweets posted at that Going Nintendo site.
Fuck their shit.

Tell me if the graphical capabilities are better or worse than already rumored or fuck off with your dick teasing.


KAL2006 said:
Sony have copied WiiMote but made the motion better and not just waggle.

Move does everything the WiiMoton+ already does. And waggling is something devs choose to implement. It isn't something that Move "prohibits" or something.
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