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Rumored Chinese Forum Xbox720 specs: 8CoreCPU,8GB,HD8800GPU,W8,640GBHDD

If were talking about a linear shooter like 1313 the visuals of Watch Dogs wouldn't be that impressive, but as an open world game the game looks freaking fantastic and obviously couldn't be done on this generation of consoles with all the effects running.

I mean what open world game is comparable to this



The argument is that your code can be optimized to run more efficiently on the same hardware, there are usually better and always worse ways of achieving the same results.

That's an easier job for a fixed spec.


That is really the only thing that's of concern. HDMI 2.0 was supposed to be finalized in Q4 2012, so there's obviously been a delay ... though rumors seem to point to it being really close. So it probably won't be a problem. I expect it to be in large-scale production and other products around the time PS4 is expected.

Even if it isn't though, that may not be damning. Full-speed HDMI 1.3/1.4 (which is available) has enough bandwidth for 4k (even higher bit-depths), so the only concern would be if the new BD spec includes support for features that are too intensive (say 4k48p or something).

Plus Sony had surprising flexibility in the HDMI on PS3 - weren't they able to update it post-launch to support things like 3D? So perhaps they could do 'draft' 2.0 but not fully enable it until needed (if it is late)


Plus Sony had surprising flexibility in the HDMI on PS3 - weren't they able to update it post-launch to support things like 3D? So perhaps they could do 'draft' 2.0 but not fully enable it until needed (if it is late)

That seems likely to me, if the spec was supposed to be ratified by now it's likely it's pretty much set in stone and is going through final evaluation by the partners involved.

Mr Swine

If were talking about a linear shooter like 1313 the visuals of Watch Dogs wouldn't be that impressive, but as an open world game the game looks freaking fantastic and obviously couldn't be done on this generation of consoles with all the effects running.

I mean what open world game is comparable to this


Isn't that game made by Ubisoft? If so isn't that screen Bullshot? It looks good but not a "0MG ITZ N3Xt g3N!" Kinda good

Edit: what I mean is that I'm not so impressed by that screen


I don't think you understand how things work. TF are not the only metric we judge graphic cards by btw. However, if you are going to focus on that number- prepare to be disappointed. You are forgetting other things people have posted earlier:

A) Custom silicon
B) Three different hardware addition to assist with graphic work (ES RAM being one)
C) 8 GB of RAM

I can't wait to watch the meltdowns as the months roll by.

Three is a very specific number. If one is esram (what happened to edram?), then what are the other two?


On the 1313 vs Watch Dogs debate, I gotta say that I thought visually 1313 was the prettiest thing shown regarding the next-generation. As a game however, Watch Dogs has me the most hyped, it just looks awesome and everyone I talked to during and after E3 last year was buzzing about that game.

I think it just comes down to the person, for instance some people thought that Skyrim was a good looking game because of the fact that the world was so large, myself personally thought it looked horrible. That's why there isn't really any way to sway someone because it all depends on if a person just judges with their eyes or with their eyes and their brain. Some people can say look at how amazing Watch Dogs looks and add in the fact that it's open world, some people are just gonna judge the visuals by the one screen in front of them and that's fine.

Personally, as I said, I do fall in the Star Wars 1313 camp (visually) because it did look more like a CG movie to me, whereas Watch Dogs looked obviously like a video game being played in real-time. And yet, I still want Watch Dogs more because I think it looks like a great game. That's the way it will always be for me (I think) , the linear stuff will look a little bit better graphically, but the gameplay of an open world game will look more fun.
I still remember EPIC's Samaritan Demo at the 2011 GDC blowing my mind. It still looks pretty great... so Unreal 4 should be capable of some madness.

Also, although maybe not graphically superior, Gears 1 looks so much better than 2/3. What kind of locust infested world has so many pretty colors? The Gears vibe died after 1.


If were talking about a linear shooter like 1313 the visuals of Watch Dogs wouldn't be that impressive, but as an open world game the game looks freaking fantastic and obviously couldn't be done on this generation of consoles with all the effects running.

I mean what open world game is comparable to this


Useless to compare any game to this unreleased game. Unless we actually see it running on a PS4/XBOX8 there is no reason to believe it will/can look that. Except if you're one of those people who believe anything a developer says / shows you.


Useless to compare any game to this unreleased game. Unless we actually see it running on a PS4/XBOX8 there is no reason to believe it will/can look that. Except if you're one of those people who believe anything a developer says / shows you.

I don't see whats so hard to believe about that being next gen. It could be this gen with some of pretties scaled down a bit.


Here's where your post otherwise falls apart. There is no "magical console optimizations" that will double your performance... You know what console optimization is? Locking down your game to a fixed spec by dropping resolution, framerate, IQ, AA, AF, texture quality, texture resolution and many other smoke-and-mirrors tactics that will continue to be employed. They will still net you good results, but there is no computing power that is created by simple virtue of a differently shaped box.

There is no magic bullet that makes a 7770-equivalent into a 7970-equivalent (as an example of your numbers) in other words.
If it is a question of RAM bandwidth and/or latency then there might be. I can't believe PC GOUs have their shaders idle for 40% of the time (you'd think AMd and nvidia would try to address something that bad), but there may be some idleness going on.

What would be the difference in bandwidth and latency between an EDRAM solution and a GDRR5 one? Assuming a large amount of edram so your GPU could mostly be feeding on that with minimal trips to external ram, you could get much better utilisation


Sounds fantastic! The 360 and PS3 had GPU's that were hybrid versions of new architecture, so I'd imagine this 8800 will be similar. Should be a beast.
Do you look at Halo 4 and Killzone 3 on 2005 (!) hardware and go man, those look like shit?

Didn't think so. There you go.

I dont. I look at them and go besides maybe 720P lacking, those look great in the greater pantheon of graphics (meaning PC, iOS, whatever).

As someone accustomed to PC graphics, I actually did. I was watching my sister play Halo 4 and I thought about how horribly low res and jaggy the outdoor environment she was playing in looked.


Gemüsepizza;46270052 said:
I understand that head tracking would be really nice for VR headsets, but is there any advantage of head tracking for TVs? I mean our eyes must still rest on the screen?

Cockpit. 3 HDTV monitors. Forza 5.
Cockpit. Forza 5.

But there is no screen on my left side. And if I turn my head to the left, I still have to look at the screen in front of me.

Edit: Hm not sure if there are that many people who will use 3 monitors, that it would make Kinect a big selling point.


As someone accustomed to PC graphics, I actually did. I was watching my sister play Halo 4 and I thought about how horribly low res and jaggy the outdoor environment she was playing in looked.

But then you have games like this.


What PC racer in 2011 was pulling out absurd car details like that?

Gemüsepizza;46270112 said:
But there is no screen on my left side. And if I turn my head to the left, I still have to look at the screen in front of me.

Edit: Hm not sure if there are that many people who will use 3 monitors, that it would make Kinect a big selling point.

Then buy three of these monitors.



As someone accustomed to PC graphics, I actually did. I was watching my sister play Halo 4 and I thought about how horribly low res and jaggy the outdoor environment she was playing in looked.

Lol, this is some BS. Were you standing right up to the TV or something? At real world viewing distances most of Halo's textures look great, and aliasing wise, it's actually quite clean.

P.S, I have a high end gaming rig as well, and PC gamers talk up this stuff way too much.
Lol, this is some BS. Were you standing right up to the TV or something? At real world viewing distances most of Halo's textures look great, and aliasing wise, it's actually quite clean.

P.S, I have a high end gaming rig as well, and PC gamers talk up this stuff way too much.

IDK man, I agree with him. I was hyped when I bought Halo 4 after hearing how awesome the graphics look, but I was incredibly let down. The art is good, but it looks pretty jaggy and 720 just doesn't allow it to have that clean look I am used to. Nice for consoles, but I am spoiled by my 670.


IDK man, I agree with him. I was hyped when I bought Halo 4 after hearing how awesome the graphics look, but I was incredibly let down. The art is good, but it looks pretty jaggy and 720 just doesn't allow it to have that clean look I am used to. Nice for consoles, but I am spoiled by my 670.

When the Xbox 360 launched in 2005... Were you seriously expecting 1080p visuals?

Especially last gen on Xbox 1 where 720p was rare?

It's like buying a new laptop and being disappointed with the Xbox 360 IQ...
When the Xbox 360 launched in 2005... Were you seriously expecting 1080p visuals?

Especially last gen on Xbox 1 where 720p was rare?

It's like buying a new laptop and being disappointed with the Xbox 360 IQ...

Not sure where that question came from? I didn't even have an HD tv when 360 launched, 720 was fine for the time. It doesn't do anything for me anymore though.


Sounds too good to be true... and expensive (599 US Dollars!).

Feels like it's 2005 all over again. This E3 will be good.


Not sure where that question came from? I didn't even have an HD tv when 360 launched, 720 was fine for the time. It doesn't do anything for me anymore though.

The processing power to sustain a 1080p resolution with Halo 4 fidelity is just not possible on these current gen consoles. I don't even know what you were expecting. I always keep in mind the date this console came out, and why the later higher end console exclusives look the way they do.

What year the GTX 670 came out? Last year? Of course you would be spoiled by new hardware. It's natural.
Lol, this is some BS. Were you standing right up to the TV or something? At real world viewing distances most of Halo's textures look great, and aliasing wise, it's actually quite clean.

P.S, I have a high end gaming rig as well, and PC gamers talk up this stuff way too much.

Halo textures were great in Halo 3. It was one of the very few games where texture detail didn't deminish as you got closer to the textures. This, combined with amazing HDR lighting spawned website after website, dedicated to showcasing Halo 3's beauty. Halo: Reach was a slightly downgraded in this regard, but not distracting as it is in Halo 4.
But then you have games like this.


What PC racer in 2011 was pulling out absurd car details like that?

Hopefully pCARS:

Then buy three of these monitors.


yea and three xbox 360's :p

Edit: I just realised you meant in 2011. There wasn't any 'proper' racing game during that time that wasn't rFactor or iRacing I guess? Those arnen't very graphics heavy since they need to work on many configs, but in terms of simulation they far outshine the console racers.
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