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Running Wilde |OT| of Hurwitz, Cross, and Arnett do good for nothing

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big ander

Lazslo said:
Just found this show on Hulu- Amazing. In a perfect world NBC would replace Outsourced with this and Parks and Rec would be run after this. How does a show like outsourced get picked up and Running Wilde is about to get cancelled? This show has so much potential, I really hope it stays on the air.
Well yeah as czartim said they're on completely different networks for one, and also they won't extend their already two-hour comedy night another half hour. Especially when they have The Apprentice in that slot.


I like that this show seems to be getting better with every episode. It's too bad that the ratings aren't all that great. :(


Really good episode, loved the Arnett-Richter chemistry. The narration really kills the mood for me, being captain obvious all the time.


How many viewers did this episode get? Will Arnett's been trying to pimp it out on Twitter and sounding pretty desperate.

Phoenix's Rage

Neo Member
How many viewers did this episode get? Will Arnett's been trying to pimp it out on Twitter and sounding pretty desperate.

3.534 million total viewers. 1.5 million fall within the 18-49 age demographic (what advertisers target).


czartim said:
The Alan Alda bit killed me. This quickly becoming my favorite comedy on TV. :lol :lol

His Alan Alda was spot on... I was crying when he started doing that impression.

last night's episode was awesome.


listen to the mad man
Charles said:
How many viewers did this episode get? Will Arnett's been trying to pimp it out on Twitter and sounding pretty desperate.

Episode 1 - 2.5/7
Episode 2 - 1.9/5
Episode 3 - 1.7/5
Episode 4 - 1.4/4

First number is number of Nielsen 18-49 "points". A point is 1% of the eligible viewing audience. Second number is share. Share is the percentage of the viewing audience that's currently watching TV that chose to watch this program over alternatives.

You be the judge.

Phoenix's Rage said:
3.534 million total viewers. 1.5 million fall within the 18-49 age demographic (what advertisers target).

1.4; overnight adjustment was down 0.1, and only total viewers are given in millions, demo/ratings numbers are given in points.


I don't love this show but you can tell that everyone involved is having a blast making it. So MAYBE that counts for something?

This past episode was pretty amusing, though. I must admit I love the ol' Three's Company misunderstanding gags. And anything with Andy Richter is a plus.

Bizarre tidbit of the day: this show has the same DP as Breaking Bad and Rubicon. No wonder it looks so good.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Mifune said:
I don't love this show but you can tell that everyone involved is having a blast making it. So MAYBE that counts for something?
Mitchell Hurwitz sure doesn't sound like he's having fun in those recent interviews he gave. He sounds super deflated and has surrendered completely to doing whatever the network wants, and it's not even getting him ratings.


Dan said:
Mitchell Hurwitz sure doesn't sound like he's having fun in those recent interviews he gave. He sounds super deflated and has surrendered completely to doing whatever the network wants, and it's not even getting him ratings.

That's sad to hear. They seem to be doing a good job of faking it, then.


Dan said:
Mitchell Hurwitz sure doesn't sound like he's having fun in those recent interviews he gave. He sounds super deflated and has surrendered completely to doing whatever the network wants, and it's not even getting him ratings.
I think he's more concerned about the lack of a big sucsess under his belt so that he can do whatever he wants. Dude needs to move to cable.
Dan said:
Mitchell Hurwitz sure doesn't sound like he's having fun in those recent interviews he gave. He sounds super deflated and has surrendered completely to doing whatever the network wants, and it's not even getting him ratings.

Hurwitz makes no apologies that he utterly sold out. It's just a shame that selling out has resulted in a show that gets even worse ratings than Arrested Development and will never get any accolades. The problem with network notes is that you can always see them a mile away - the horrible idea of having the little girl narrate and explain all the jokes, the conventional romantic interest of a charismatic, humorless woman (and Arnett can't do conventional romantic comedy anyway - it has to be pretty fetishistic for him to make it work), some jokes that clearly had their balls cut off before they finally got in the final draft, etc.

It's a shit show but the cast is mostly good and I can see how it could have worked in its original concept. The shame is the wasted potential. Why couldn't Hurwitz have taken this or any other idea to something like FX or IFC or Showtime or something? They would all probably sign him in 5 minutes, and though the paycheck would be worse, it'd probably last longer and with none of the disappointment of having two shows that were generally considered shitty (not to mention the failed pilot).
Holy shit that episode was AMAZING. Will wiping the "jizz splat" soap off his lower back had me rolling :lol :lol

Though with all the AD references they pepper in there, I am shocked, SHOCKED that he didn't say "COME ON!" when the door was locked at the end of the episode.


listen to the mad man
D4Danger said:
is 3.5m viewers not good then?

seems like a lot for this type of show.

No, that's not a lot at all (in fact, those ratings are so bad they essentially guarantee imminent cancelation), but like I mentioned above, networks don't care about viewers, they care about 18-49 year old viewers.

This week's comedies listed in the format show - 18-49 Nielsen points - Overall viewer numbers:
Glee - 4.7 - 11.356 million
Modern Family - 4.7 - 11.344 million
Two and a Half Men - 4.5 - 13.474 million
Big Bang Theory - 4.1 - 12.59 million
Mike & Molly - 3.5 - 10.722 million
How I Met Your Mother - 3.5 - 8.480 million
The Office - 3.5 - 6.95 million
Cougar Town - 3.2 - 7.298 million
Shit My Dad Says - 2.9 - 9.77 million
Outsourced - 2.5 - 5.22 million
Raising Hope - 2.5 - 6.015 million
The Middle - 2.4 - 7.937 million
Better With You - 2.1 - 6.498 million
30 Rock - 2.1 - 4.90 million
Chuck - 1.9 - 5.325 million
Community - 1.8 - 4.20 million
Running Wilde - 1.4 - 3.280 million

A few notes:
Running Wilde is screwed.

CBS has an enormous number of viewers, but they're mostly old (see how their two flagship comedies spank everyone else on viewers but have lower demo numbers than Glee/MF--see how Shit My Dad Says has a weak demo number but huge viewership numbers)


Weenerz said:
Outsourced does not deserve the viewers it gets. Damn you!
I agree, so many shows on that list that should be canceled before Running Wilde:

Modern Family
Big Bang Theory
Mike & Molly
Cougar Town
Shit My Dad Says


Shanadeus said:
I agree, so many shows on that list that should be canceled before Running Wilde:

Modern Family
Big Bang Theory
Mike & Molly
Cougar Town
Shit My Dad Says

We were friends until you listed the ones I have bolded. Now we are enemies and you shall die!


Weenerz said:
We were friends until you listed the ones I have bolded. Now we are enemies and you shall die!
Hey, if it's between them and Running Wilde then I must do that sacrifice.
Running Wilde is the bastard love child of AD, and I'd do anything to make it successful.


Aristotlekh said:
Hurwitz makes no apologies that he utterly sold out. It's just a shame that selling out has resulted in a show that gets even worse ratings than Arrested Development and will never get any accolades. The problem with network notes is that you can always see them a mile away - the horrible idea of having the little girl narrate and explain all the jokes, the conventional romantic interest of a charismatic, humorless woman (and Arnett can't do conventional romantic comedy anyway - it has to be pretty fetishistic for him to make it work), some jokes that clearly had their balls cut off before they finally got in the final draft, etc.

It's a shit show but the cast is mostly good and I can see how it could have worked in its original concept. The shame is the wasted potential. Why couldn't Hurwitz have taken this or any other idea to something like FX or IFC or Showtime or something? They would all probably sign him in 5 minutes, and though the paycheck would be worse, it'd probably last longer and with none of the disappointment of having two shows that were generally considered shitty (not to mention the failed pilot).

You're very ignorant. First of all, this show is part of Arnett's development deal with Fox. Hurwitz just came on board to help him.

Second, even if the show wasn't bound to Fox from the beginning, it's not like Hurwitz could just market a script around and be choosy. They'd be lucky anyone chose it during pilot season, let alone a network.

Fuck your selling out bullshit.
Clevinger said:
You're very ignorant. First of all, this show is part of Arnett's development deal with Fox. Hurwitz just came on board to help him.

Second, even if the show wasn't bound to Fox from the beginning, it's not like Hurwitz could just market a script around and be choosy. They'd be lucky anyone chose it during pilot season, let alone a network.

Fuck your selling out bullshit.

Even if Hurwitz came on to help, he's stated in interviews that he's doing every single thing he can to please Fox instead of doing whatever he wanted to (like he did with AD).
Clevinger said:
You're very ignorant. First of all, this show is part of Arnett's development deal with Fox. Hurwitz just came on board to help him.

Second, even if the show wasn't bound to Fox from the beginning, it's not like Hurwitz could just market a script around and be choosy. They'd be lucky anyone chose it during pilot season, let alone a network.

Fuck your selling out bullshit.

He's said that he sold out. He said he's being the network's lackey and taking every single note they give him. I'm miffed about it. I don't believe a guy whose show won a bajillion Emmys and is considered one of the best sitcoms of all time couldn't get a deal with cable. Showtime directly offered him to work for them, and given the chances FX is taking on comedy, they'd probably work with him too without even a pitch. He'd get creative freedom and a much lower chance of cancellation.

By staying with FOX, he gave up his creative stamp and he couldn't even get a back 9 out of it.
I thought that a lot of the show was funny but I stopped watching because the narration made me want to put a nailgun to my head.

I really, really thought they were just going to have it for the first episode
Shanadeus said:
I agree, so many shows on that list that should be canceled before Running Wilde:

Modern Family
Big Bang Theory
Mike & Molly
Cougar Town
Shit My Dad Says
:lol :lol

I only bolded the most outrageous ones. This is a crazy list outside of Mike & Molly, Outsourced and Shit My Dad Says.


Well, that was the episode Mitch mentioned I that interview. It really ruined my enjoyment of it since I kept thinking how much funnier it would of been with the homeless plot. I also am piqued that they aired the episode out of order.


Shanadeus said:
I agree, so many shows on that list that should be canceled before Running Wilde:

Modern Family

Big Bang Theory
Mike & Molly
Cougar Town
Shit My Dad Says

What are you talking about? :lol I'd even almost bold Cougar Town.


The interview posted a page ago said:
The second episode, we were kind of instructed to do a very, very simple episode. And yet I put some big twists in it. Will was going to throw a party for rich people but dress them up like hobos and pretend they were homeless. At the same time, he had to have another party going, but now he was all out of rich people. So he hired all these homeless to dress in tuxedos — right? And I had this whole thing where he was helping but it was all twisted, and it kind of made great points about the flaws with both characters’ arguments.

I got, “You’re doing that Arrested stuff. Let’s just have a nice party. Let’s see these two and how they function at a party.” And on that one, I was aware of, “This is not turning out as interesting as I’d hoped.” The note kept being “Minimize the conflict,” because the feeling at that point based on testing was that [Keri Russell's character] Emmy is striking people as shrill and shrewish. And we ended up with an episode that we’re pushing back because, as expected, it’s not that interesting.

Wait — so no hobo joke?
I know! Rich people as hobos — it’s a funny idea, isn’t it? But now I think we’re getting back to a place where, if we get numbers in the next couple of weeks, we’ll start getting more and more ambitious. We’ll see.

This quote was about this week's episode. This one wasn't so good. And I like the show. Being "safe" killed this show before it started. Fox doesn't know what the hell it's doing.


This is the best episode thus far, just pure fun and no bullshit. This is like the second episode that was also great, just skip all the other bullshit and focus on making a fun show.

man of science

Neo Member
Great episode this week! I'm loving the call backs to earlier episodes already. "Like horses."

I don't know why they had to air it out of order.
More people need to watch this.

I only found out that the show existed from the Community thread, because Community had the wilde logo for an oil spill.

Someone please rename the title to " GOB and Tobias present: Running Wilde"
So I finally got around to watching this show when I noticed it was on netflix in Canada, and I can see why it's not doing great.

Which is not to say I am not enjoying it, I find it pretty good so far with some really golden moments of television.

It's just that, a while ago I remember hearing about an upcoming Will Arnett vehicle called Running Wilde that I told myself I'd keep an eye on. Then I never really heard about it again until I saw it on Netflix, 4 episodes in. I still don't actually know what network it's on or what time (yes it's easy to find out, but my point is I haven't really noticed any promotion).

Despite this, a Will Arnett show with David Cross making appearances, created by Mitch Hurwitz is like, the ultimate selling point for me. So if a rabid Arrested Development fan was mostly unaware of the show, what chance would it have of garnering an audience?
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