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Running Wilde |OT| of Hurwitz, Cross, and Arnett do good for nothing

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big ander

Shanadeus said:
I agree, so many shows on that list that should be canceled before Running Wilde:

Modern Family
Big Bang Theory
Mike & Molly
Cougar Town
Shit My Dad Says

I've been enjoying the show so far but not as much as these shows. And I would probably bold Cougar Town if I watched it. BL just had to choose that as a name.

Also, Raising Hope is excellent.
Just watched episode 5.......which was clearly episode 2.

Why the fuck must Fox air shows out of order?

It's how you know a show is good.

Does it lack promotion? Check.
Does nobody know about it? Check.
Is it being aired out of order? Check

= Great show.

Orgy dome :lol

big ander

jamesinclair said:
Just watched episode 5.......which was clearly episode 2.

Why the fuck must Fox air shows out of order?

It's how you know a show is good.

Does it lack promotion? Check.
Does nobody know about it? Check.
Is it being aired out of order? Check

= Great show.

Orgy dome :lol
Creative team chose to air it out of order. Episode has some meta-commentary on Fox's suffocation of the show.


Every time I see this thread bumped I fear that it's an announcement of the show's cancellation. :-\

Unfortunately, it seems pretty inevitable at this point.


Oh man, I love this show so much. It's the only one on tv which makes me think about the bits durring the commercials.


Serafinowicz singing was the highlight of this episode for me! :lol I just hope this gets a full season at least.
Jax said:
so unfunny. wtf happened? was AD a fluke?

I doubt it.

The problem here is a) trying to appeal to Fox's sensibilities and b) not a Mitch Hurwitz original production. He just came on to help with something Will Arnet was already doing.

I really want this show to get good though. Fa'ad is such a great character.

jax (old)

humour is off

daughter is annoying (very)

cast (arnett/felicity) feel 1 dimensional

the latest medieval fest episode = not 1 laugh. The comedy feels really dry and I think its because arnett's and felicitys lead have ZERO chemistry and lack that xfactor. It doesn't have the easy comedic feel of modern family and raising hope. Everyone on the show seems uncomfortable to be there.

I think I'm done with it. Watched every episode to date but its just not doing it for me.
What they should have done:

Puddle narration cut by 85%
Puddle only talks to Steve, revealed to be extremely cunning

Mr. Lunt is revealed to be evil or at least always wants things to backfire for drama

Andy needs to feel like less of a plot device and more like a character on the show.
KibblesBits said:
What they should have done:

Puddle narration cut by 85%
Puddle only talks to Steve, revealed to be extremely cunning

Mr. Lunt is revealed to be evil or at least always wants things to backfire for drama

Andy needs to feel like less of a plot device and more like a character on the show.

Get this man a writer's slot on the show!


"I'll have a romance novel written about two star-crossed lovers who want to be together, but can't. Not unlike ourselves, but less premise-heavy."
The party is over.

The Futon Critic reports that Fox has pulled Running Wilde off the schedule for the final two weeks of the November sweeps period (Nov 16, 23) and will air Raising Hope repeats instead. Running Wilde is still scheduled to return with new episodes on November 30 (which is outside of the ratings sweeps period).

Running Wilde, with its woeful ratings, has been certain to be cancelled when its run ended for quite some time.



I really enjoyed last night's episode. Fa'ad really is a great character and the songs were fantastic. The whole joust scene killed me. The main problem with the show is that Keri Russel's character is so annoying and the back and forth between her and Arnett completely falls flat.

big ander

Yeah, the relationship between Arnett and Russel is nothing special at all. It's just boring.
The show's still decently funny though. And I thought the "BUYME" gag with that book was pretty funny.
Ah well. I just hope Hurwitz finds a quick job so he has enough money to make the AD movie.

big ander

czartim said:
Will we ever even get to see that episode?
It's possible we won't. Only 6 episodes have aired and they're already holding it back, and the dad isn't supposed to come in until much later in the season. Who knows.
big ander said:
It's possible we won't. Only 6 episodes have aired and they're already holding it back, and the dad isn't supposed to come in until much later in the season. Who knows.

Im sure theyll eventually air.

Most likely, theyll air in December/January when fox usually just airs repeats.

Second option is the Sit Down treatment, Saturdays at midnight.

Third option is the AD treatment, 4 episodes in one night.

They also have Sundays at 7pm available, now usually animation repeats.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
KibblesBits said:
What they should have done:

Puddle only talks to Steve, revealed to be extremely cunning
Based on most of the pilot, this is how I expected it to go, then they immediately did the full reveal.

Anywho, I actually thought the last episode was quite solid, but if the show doesn't come back I won't miss it.
I watched the first 3 eps, but it was definitely missing something. I think the cast was fairly weak and Gob is probably not a good lead character.

Also the premise is too narrow. Is it basically just about Gob proving to Felicity that he's really a good guy and other antics about how a rich boy needs to grow up?

AD worked because there were at least 4-5 characters who had interesting story-arcs. It was an ensemble cast, not just 1-2 main characters alongside 4-5 one-dimensional cardboards. The AD episodes they could devote a 1/3 of the show to any one character because each character was that good.

Also I don't like how with Running Wilde, they have to beat you over the head with a particular joke. Sometimes the jokes would have been funnier if they didn't actually try to explain why it was funny. I'm guessing FOX didn't want to have too many implied comedy bits.

Anyway, too bad it's getting canceled so soon, but I'm not really going to miss it much unfortunately. I still have two unwatched episodes sitting on my DVR.


The Chosen One said:
I watched the first 3 eps, but it was definitely missing something. I think the cast was fairly weak and Gob is probably not a good lead character.

Also the premise is too narrow. Is it basically just about Gob proving to Felicity that he's really a good guy and other antics about how a rich boy needs to grow up?

AD worked because there were at least 4-5 characters who had interesting story-arcs. It was an ensemble cast, not just 1-2 main characters alongside 4-5 one-dimensional cardboards. The AD episodes they could devote a 1/3 of the show to any one character because each character was that good.

Also I don't like how with Running Wilde, they have to beat you over the head with a particular joke. Sometimes the jokes would have been funnier if they didn't actually try to explain why it was funny. I'm guessing FOX didn't want to have too many implied comedy bits.

Anyway, too bad it's getting canceled so soon, but I'm not really going to miss it much unfortunately. I still have two unwatched episodes sitting on my DVR.

Fox pretty much was the reason RW was nothing like AD. I should try and find that interview, but MItch said straight out he was doing absolutely anything and everything they asked of him. And they asked a lot. He said if any of his quirky humor came in, they'd tell him to make it simpler.

Edit: here it is


TheOddOne said:
I have no beef with The Good Guys getting cancelled, but Running Wilde? Fucking Fox ruins everything for me.
And Lonestar :(

I think I can no longer trust Fox enough to invest in their new shows.
RDreamer said:
Fox pretty much was the reason RW was nothing like AD. I should try and find that interview, but MItch said straight out he was doing absolutely anything and everything they asked of him. And they asked a lot. He said if any of his quirky humor came in, they'd tell him to make it simpler.

Edit: here it is


Mitch needs to go to cable stat.

I'm a little sad to see RW go... I really want all these characters to return in a glorious semi-remake. But puddle can stop talking to her mother. Or doing narration.
czartim said:
And Lonestar :(

I think I can no longer trust Fox enough to invest in their new shows.

Yeah, it's just crazy the way Fox abandons shows that nobody watches.

Repeats of Raising Hope get higher ratings than Running Wilde. It's no surprise that it got killed.

big ander

dead souls said:
Yeah, it's just crazy the way Fox abandons shows that nobody watches.

Repeats of Raising Hope get higher ratings than Running Wilde. It's no surprise that it got killed.
Shows like Lonestar unfortunately deserved to be canceled.

RW deserved to be canceled the way it is, but as that article shows it was heavily interfered with by Fox. We'll never know if Hurwitz and Co could have created a better show and we'll never know if that would have gotten great ratings.

I'm mostly disappointed because this was how they were going to be able to do the AD movie. Now it'll be even longer until it begins to begin.
I would've preferred to see what RW would have been like without Fox interference, but I bet it still would have done poorly in the ratings.

The more time that passes that more skeptical I am about the prospect of the AD movie. I'm worried that it will tarnish the legacy of the show. I'll still be there opening night if it ever actually gets made, of course.


dead souls said:
The more time that passes that more skeptical I am about the prospect of the AD movie. I'm worried that it will tarnish the legacy of the show. I'll still be there opening night if it ever actually gets made, of course.
I doubt it ever gets made. The momentum is long past gone.


listen to the mad man
czartim said:
I think I can no longer trust Fox enough to invest in their new shows.

As opposed to NBC (The Black Donnellys, Journeyman, Freaks and Geeks, Kings, both Andy Richter shows), CBS (Jericho, Moonlight), ABC (The Nine, Pushing Daisies, Better off Ted)... and that's just fan favourites that show up on "OMG CANCELED TOO SOON" lists in the last ten years :p

Networks can underperforming shows. There isn't a single network anywhere on television that "invests" in new shows that underperform. All four interfere creatively in pretty much equal measure, all four shitcan great shows in pretty much equal measure. Even cable does it--John from Cincinnati, Rubicon, Deadwood...

If some networks seem to cancel less, it's either because a) they don't greenlight risky shows to begin with, b) their overall ratings are so bad that they can afford to keep some clunkers, or c) their pilot crop sucks and so they order fewer than normal to series.


Yeah, I'm just saying that as I get older, I'm less trusting to watch new shows. I watched all but two of the ones you listed.

Now days I wait a bit to see if they stick around and then catch up.


listen to the mad man
czartim said:
Yeah, I'm just saying that as I get older, I'm less trusting to watch new shows. I watched almost everyone you listed.

Now days I wait a bit to see if they stick around and then catch up.

Well the good news is that technology has really helped with this. If a show gets canceled, it's--almost, where the fuck is Carpoolers?--certainly going to come out on DVD. If a show gets canned and the remaining episodes get burned off on some wacky schedule, you can still catch them on Netflix. Cable networks like Lifetime (saved Medium), DirectTV (saved Damages, Friday Night Lights), and the cable subsidiaries of the major networks (USA saved Law and Order: Whatever Subtitle) make it easier to shunt programming over to more agile business operations that can profit off lower profile shows. And if all else fails, between Youtube and fan sites you'll be able to see your favourite clips. That's not even counting Family Guy and Futurama; two cases where direct-to-DVD movies caused the shows to be revived (one for the better, one for the worse)

I would hazard a guess that one-season shows from 2005-2010 are vastly better "preserved" than one-season shows from any other point in history. I was reading some TV encyclopedia stuff a few months ago and I was amazed that I couldn't identify virtually any single season show from before 2000 despite being an avid TV watcher my whole life! And yet I can probably tell you every single scripted show a major network has aired since then! And I own most of them on DVD!

So while shows are always going to get canceled prematurely, you're in a better position than ever to avoid getting burned, and a better position than ever to feel satisfied if you do invest in a canceled show. Yay!


It's definitely better than ever before, but I can't help but wonder if networks are shooting themselves in the foot because of it. Each year there are less and less new shows on network television that appeal to me. And the ones that do are so niche that they almost always get canceled. It all comes back to the age gap I guess. It seems to me like networks shouldn't even bother picking up shows like Running Wilde and Lonestar; they'll never hit it big with middle America. Let cable have them.

They've created a gruesome cycle. People don't watch shows because they're afraid they'll be canceled, so they get canceled because no one watches them. In the end, the only people watching TV are the ones who don't really care what they're watching.


listen to the mad man
czartim said:
It seems to me like networks shouldn't even bother picking up shows like Running Wilde and Lonestar; they'll never hit it big with middle America. Let cable have them.

Absolutely agree. And basic cable provides an excellent in between for the intellectual, niche appeal content on HBO and the mindless pap on networks--look at something like Burn Notice. It's breezy, it's light, but it's got an intelligence and wit that wouldn't work on networks. Running Wilde would have been a great basic cable comedy.


In ten years TV will be great. I wouldn't be surprised if sites like Hulu, Amazon, and iTunes overtake regular television. It will suddenly be about the content providers instead of the overall packages of netrworks. It may be bad business for Hollywood, but the consumer will greatly benefit.
czartim said:
In ten years TV will be great. I wouldn't be surprised if sites like Hulu, Amazon, and iTunes overtake regular television. It will suddenly be about the content providers instead of the overall packages of netrworks. It may be bad business for Hollywood, but the consumer will greatly benefit.

I kinda hope that will happen... i have no idea how the advertising rates will be affected though. We might be seeing a lot of very small budget shows if that happens.


czartim said:
In ten years TV will be great. I wouldn't be surprised if sites like Hulu, Amazon, and iTunes overtake regular television. It will suddenly be about the content providers instead of the overall packages of netrworks. It may be bad business for Hollywood, but the consumer will greatly benefit.
Well in the short term is gonna be great for the consumer, but in the long run we're just as bad off as the networks.

big ander

There's actually a new episode in ~20 minutes. "Mental Flaws." Blurb: Steve asks Emmy to a charity ball, Emmy tries to teach Steve that there is more to a woman than her appearance.
I feel like we've seen similar plots to this before. :p

big ander

One of the best episodes of the show tonight. That's not saying a ton, but I enjoyed it. You just have to realize it's NOT Arrested Development and it's actually okay.
The Emmy-Steve development is starting to make sense. Puddle was barely in the episode.
The 30 Rock thing was weird and kind of funny, but I thought the 30 Rock, from the Sun jokes were pretty good.


I thought it was a pretty poor episode. There were a few funny parts, mostly with Fa'ad and Migo as always, but the back and forth between Emma and Steve absolutely blows. If you took a drink every time she said the word superficial, you'd have been hammered by the end of the show. Just the same exact argument from week to week, and for at least 10 minutes of this episode. We. Get. It.
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