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Russia: most depressing place on Earth?

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What can you expect from a country that had one of the world's famous revolutions in which people demanded freedom and equality which resulted in one of the most broken, punishing, and at one point most brutal political systems ever created. Having that suffering being rewarded by becoming one of the two major world superpowers. Then to have a revolution that resulted in that being erased, and now being in a dictatorship that makes Hugo Chavez cream his pants just thinking about it, and an plutonomy that makes the Koch Brothers masturbate to the flag at night.

Also isn't Russia racist as fuck? Like Alabama pre 1960's racist?

Well sort of. It's not really a reaction against black people as much as it is against migrants from the neighboring nations and a lot of those people look white but they aren't "slavic". Of course black people are subject to just as much if not more discrimination than anyone else. Antisemitism and neo nazi movements were on the rise before recent crackdowns. Racist sentiments haven't made their way up through the government because Putin and other officials are in control but criminal elements have made up for that. Many nationalist gangs try and harass, intimidate, beat, and murder immigrants and then put it on tape in order to make a point. A little known fact is that a lot of the fuel behind Russian democratic movement has come from right wing nationalists.

To me one of the biggest issues seems to be the dysfunctional justice system. Almost 1/3 of all Russian police officers have serious psychological problems or are psychotic. Let's not forget though the incredible contributions of the Russian people to the world. I still think the future is ultimately bright if they can control the more negative elements.


The Light of El Cantare
The people saying Ohio are right, though how many of you only know the urban areas? Come live in rural Ohio for 20+ years like me and you'll know depths of monotony and bleakness that are leagues beyond anything Cleveland has to offer.

My childhood was getting to go to Cincinnati once a month. And I looked forward to it because it was just a bottomless carnival of excitement and wonder compared to home.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
More depressing:


Can someone please explain this norm of Gaf disliking things that would by normal standards be ideal? Is it some sort of Meme?

How can you dislike Kohls? It is one of the only retail stores in the crappy shopping areas that sells the actual FULL range of Levis products, without jacking up the price to the unthinkable. Cough Cough, UO.

I saw someone on here dis Chick Fil A also, for reasons I really can't fathom.
Well sort of. It's not really a reaction against black people as much as it is against migrants from the neighboring nations and a lot of those people look white but they aren't "slavic". Of course black people are subject to just as much if not more discrimination than anyone else. Antisemitism and neo nazi movements were on the rise before recent crackdowns. Racist sentiments haven't made their way up through the government because Putin and other officials are in control but criminal elements have made up for that. Many nationalist gangs try and harass, intimidate, beat, and murder immigrants and then put it on tape in order to make a point. A little known fact is that a lot of the fuel behind Russian democratic movement has come from right wing nationalists.

To me one of the biggest issues seems to be the dysfunctional justice system. Almost 1/3 of all Russian police officers have serious psychological problems or are psychotic. Let's not forget though the incredible contributions of the Russian people to the world. I still think the future is ultimately bright if they can control the more negative elements.

Some times when reading about Russia I'm like "Fuck, was the early 90's Soviet Union THAT bad for you guys?"


how are you, B!TCH? How is your day going, B!ITCH?
Communism sucks and Russia was communist not too long ago, so of course you are going to think it sucks.
I'm just saying that if most of the country is a frozen wasteland there's not much point in it being the biggest country on earth, i'm not saying arable land has any correlation with how depressing a place is (a quick look at the countries with the most arable land will dispell any notion of that)
russia has a tremendous diversity in wildlife, ecosystems, and vistas. it spans multiple oceans. even if half of it is a "frozen wasteland" there are thousands upon thousands of outstanding sites to visit. it's not like we're talking about antarctica.


I'm just saying that if most of the country is a frozen wasteland there's not much point in it being the biggest country on earth, i'm not saying arable land has any correlation with how depressing a place is (a quick look at the countries with the most arable land will dispell any notion of that)

That land may not be arable now, but it will at some point. Russia is strategically positioned to be the worlds breadbasket if climate trends aren't seriously addressed.


The OP has obviously never visited Somalia.

Russia is still a global powerhouse, and so its economic influence and status are apparent in its towns and its cities, albeit to various degrees.

However, you go to countries that have no money, no modern infrastructure, no sophisticated much less legitimate government, not even the pretense of democracy or civil liberties or human rights, then you'll see depression and hell in its purest form.


Yeah, with cities like St. Petersburg and Moscow having an abundance of extremely attractive, hedonistic women, who know how drink, Russia is indeed- hell on earth... ... So how long does it take to get a visa for hell?

For an American? Not long at all. You have to get a letter of invitation, which can be easily accomplished by booking a night at a hotel and asking them to send you one.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Save that Gif or you will regret it later.

Done. But fuck whatever Ohio = Somalia bullshit this thread is on. We already know that.

What we don't know is who that girl is. We need to know.

For an American? Not long at all. You have to get a letter of invitation, which can be easily accomplished by booking a night at a hotel and asking them to send you one.

EDIT: NVM, going to the source. Wish me luck!


English man living in Moscow right now.

Moscow is not a beautiful place and like most big cities in can be very easy to feel alone, however I wouldn't call it the most depressing place on earth. I like it.

St Petersburg is a very nice city, however I can imagine how those living outside of Moscow/St.Per. can feel depressed.

I like Moscow but then again when I read the news and hear how corrupt it is, it makes me want to stay here more (I also like seeing when I can see dozens of police offers just standing in a train station looking menacing).


Not even close, i don't know about the rest of the world, but i'd say Moldova and Ukraine are way worse when it comes to europe, at least Russia has a very diverse and mighty nature and some nice historical cities, like St.Petersburg.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Moscow most defnitely a beautiful city. And very architecturally diverse.

some muscovites hate this and for a reason. Because most times it looks like a mish-mash of old, new and soviet buildings with no consistency whatsoever.


I don't think you guys should take the thread title so literally, people are trying to get into Russia not out so of course it can't be the worst place in the world. I think what the OP is trying to get at is that the level of social dysfunction in Russia is high and the mood of the nation could be described as depressed. Besides one of the dominant images of Russia in news reports is as a grim, grey, and cold place, so that's why people use the word "depression".
I think so. Every crazy video I've seen comes from Russia: snuff, street fights, murders, etc. It's like the combination of bitter cold and vodka creates this ominous depression that permeates every inch of life in the country. Not to mention the decrepit, abandoned warehouses scattered everywhere.


A modern s***thole.




Wow that North Korea pic is amazing, I mean sure realistically depressing but it looks like something straight out of a fantasy book.

Also this thread has improved my opinion of Russia.


I read a really good National Geo article where a photojournalist took a long boat ride up and down the Kolyma River. A river that runs through some of the deepest parts of Siberia and where many of the infamous gulags once were.

It was interesting because these towns that dot the river were basically artificially erected to keep these gulags going and other token industries were propped up to keep people tied to the country. When the USSR went bust, all that work went with it. So, you have a bunch of people just stranded in these little towns with little else to do but pine for 'the good old days'.

Sounded really depressing even though the photos of all that unspoiled land were beautiful


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I think not.



Google: Kevin Carter Pulitzer Prize Photo
Google: Sudan Genocide
Google: Sudan Famine

Pre-edit: Realized these pictures might get me banned, replaced with pictures of lower impact.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
There's something to be said when people are literally drinking themselves to death in mass numbers (40,000 die of alcohol poisoning annually, men's average life expectancy is below Haiti at 60). Depressing indeed.

El Sloth


Because Chernobyl is in the Ukraine. And last I checked the Democratic Republic of the Congo is still the rape capital of the world. Both seem like way more depressing places to me.


some muscovites hate this and for a reason. Because most times it looks like a mish-mash of old, new and soviet buildings with no consistency whatsoever.

It's awesome, it's like walking through different time periods when you're there. You get a real sense of history. Never heard of any muscovites hating that, they have much bigger problems to worry about over there. I spent all my childhood there, amazing landmarks.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
It's awesome, it's like walking through different time periods when you're there. You get a real sense of history. Never heard of any muscovites hating that, they have much bigger problems to worry about over there. I spent all my childhood there, amazing landmarks.

I said some muscovites. Most people don't give a damn.


Whatever happened with Russia banning emo kids? They were nervous it would encourage depression and suicide. Was that even real or just a made up story?


For a Finer World
Russia is an amazing country, as are the Eastern European countries I've visited. Any country you can portray in a negative light if you try, or accept that most 1st world countries are pretty similar these days.
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