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Sausage Party: Review Thread

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88% on Rotten Tomatoes so far. Sounds like the best movie of this summer.

There are a few points where Rogen and company go way too far, but even in those cases, you may find yourself trying hard not to laugh and failing miserably. There are enough solid jokes that even if you don't understand a few of them, you'll still have fun.

Hollywood reporter
Sausage Party, billed as a work-in-progress screening, was, unlike similar events here, actually that. As Rogen said in his intro, this was not some practically-done studio feature where "they haven't color-timed it or some shit. You will very quickly see this is not semantical trickery — it's not f--king done yet." True enough, several scenes were still in one crude animatic stage or another; a couple barely had any movement at all. But even in this state, it was clear that the film plays strongly enough to deserve the outrages it perpetrates in its final scenes, when an all-out war on human consumers gives way to a pansexual orgy any pornographer would be proud to have imagined.

All of which suggests, with “Sausage Party” following “This Is the End” (which he also co-wrote with Goldberg), that Seth Rogen may be the most subversively sincere religious allegorist working in movies today. Better still, he can be pretty damn funny while spiking freewheeling zaniness with food for thought.

Sure, Sausage Party lasts a little too long and feels slightly strained at its conclusion, but it's worth it for its final joke and tease. Plus, when you're having the most fun that you'll have in a cinema this year, you won't mind an extra few minutes of gut-wrenching hilarity and depravity. It's seriously that much fun.


there is joy in sucking dick
I spoiled myself on the ending but aint even mad. Makes me want to see this in theaters even more, for the reaction


i am very excited to see this thursday night and sit next to like 5 small children probably because some parents are fucking morons. same thing happened when i saw Ted.


The reaction to the WIP screening at SXSW was super positive so not surprised this is reviewing well. Can't wait to see it.
In a summer with stinkers like Suicide Squad, Ghostbusters and even Jason Bourne, I must say I didn't expect Sausage Party to buck this trend.


i am very excited to see this thursday night and sit next to like 5 small children probably because some parents are fucking morons. same thing happened when i saw Ted.
I once caught a theatrical screening of Species with little kids in the theater.
Anything is considered an improvement in responsible parenting after that.

Everything good was animated.

Damn it would be nice to see a truly decent movie this Winter.
Go watch Hunt for the Wilderpeople before it leaves theaters. You'll thank me later.


Trucker Sexologist
I think the negative reviews are the ones that will validate this film. They didn't go far enough if everyone loves it.
I'll be honest, after The Interview, I thought this was gonna be terrible, especially given the title and content.



Seth Rogen did it, lads! He truly did it. Great reviews.

It doesn't surprise me at all. Seth Rogen is like some kind of secret genius. If there was a guy to pull this off well, it's him and his camp. I know a lot of people hate him because he's goofy and high or whatever, but he works his ass off. I think Preacher is amazing, this looks amazing, he has been in some of my favorite comedies of all time... he was on Freaks and Geeks!

The guy is prolific if nothing else.

edit: dammit Marty!

Well, now that I'm editing I would also like to add that I really love his appreciation for some good violence. Even his funny movies have surprising levels of violence sometimes.


Alright, another funny movie to watch! Definitely looking forward to this one!

The trailer before SS fucking killed me to be honest so I'm glad the reviews are positive.


I was going to see it regardless, but the reviews are nice to see. This is the End was hilarious, hopefully they hit that same kind of level.


Sausage Party is obviously the product of diseased minds, and I love it.
SAUSAGE PARTY is what would happen if everyone at Pixar had syphilis.

These 2 quotes alone on RT sold me on seeing it opening weekend. I'm overdue for a movie to just turn my brain off and enjoy some crude humor.


So are they limiting it to talking food or just talking everything? Because I saw talking toilet paper in the last trailer.
I don't know why, I but have loved almost every Seth Rogen movie ever. I'm amazed at the level he has sustained since what? Knocked Up 9 years ago? What other comedic actor/writer has sustained this level of success?

I've been excited to see this since I heard the concept.


I thought the trailer was funny, but wasn't sure the concept would be able to sustain an entire film. I'm glad it turned out well. Going to see this tomorrow night.


Subete no aware
I only know what they've shown in the trailer, but if processed foods can talk in this universe, does that mean animals can talk as well?

Is a talking sausage the same person as the pig that the meat came from?



I'm happy to see a major animated film do something different than family entertainment.

Of course, people will get the wrong idea, again, and make animated comedy movies with crude humor instead of realizing it is possible to make a non family animated movie and have it sell, as long as it's done correctly.

Not my brand of humor, but I still found parts of it funny. I may watch it in the theater, but will probably wait for it to come out on video.
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