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Sausage Party: Review Thread

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Just saw it.

Yeah it's definetly no smart movie. It's so strange seeing a movie playing swearing for laughs. Some of the laughs I had were just from how far they were willing to go, but I doubt it'll do well from repeated viewings. Seems like a one time crude humor fest. What a shock fest though lol.

As for the obvious religious satire... honestly it could have been worse. It could have been some preachy atheist "we told you so", but they play it mostly understandably. It's a clear case where faith is in the wrong place. And they even acknowledge that, yes, telling people they're wrong and shocking people rarely helps, and sometimes even when you're right to question people's beliefs, you have to frame it better.

I was ready to cringe at anti-relgion propaganda (pro religion propaganda has given me plenty to cringe about...), but it wasn't as bad as I expected. A bit ineloquent, but not particularly offensive at least to me. Made sense in the context.

Man the Israeli Palestine stuff though... Was vocally chuckling "oh no". At least one person is gonna get so offended by that. I'll at least admit the "enemies becoming friends" trope turning into
homoerotic love
is a new twist to say the least LOL.

Even I was thinking the 72 virgins thing might have been too far though, I get it's a stereotype for comedy's sake, but it implies at best a pretty shallow understanding of Muslims and at worse is openly hostile to them (the 72 virgins are generally not very supported by most Muslims, and more often used as propaganda against Muslims). But hey, this is a movie where vegetables fuck, so maybe I'm over thinking it.

One wonders if the
orgy scene
was Rogan's idea of an ideal no religion society or if he's pointing out that, hey, maybe a world without religion could get pretty gnarly. I'm guessing the former, but man, I'd point at the latter. So gross XD but hilarious.
As someone who really enjoyed This Is The End, I have to say this ended up being super underwhelming. Only had a genuine laugh towards the end, however I thought what they did with the premise was clever. It really felt like a nice novelty, and that's about it.


I'll be honest, after The Interview, I thought this was gonna be terrible, especially given the title and content.



Interview was great dude.


What the hell? Do parents just not look at the ratings for movies and the reasoning behind them?
Some people think animated films are automatically for kids.

A few months ago I had to explain to a father at an animation festival I was working at that maybe it wasn't the best idea to take his 6-year kid to a 30 minute Chinese animation about domestic abuse and rape. He didn't get it.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
The bagel being Ed Norton BLEW my mind. I always heard that he was a really serious "actor" type, did not think he'd be down for something like this.
Just got back from seeing it with the girlfriend.
Movie wasn't that funny. They relied on just being like "hey it's a hot dog saying fuck" that's funny right.
Full theater and only the occasional laughter from people.
Some good laughs to be has towards the end though and with the douche.
I'd give it like a 6.5 or a 7. I usually laugh my ass off when these guys do a movie and I barely did.
Kinda sad that this is the best reviewed movie I worked on hahaha.

Dude, if you ever get the chance or are allowed to, I would loooove to hear about the scenes you did and making some of the reference shots, especially if it's from the last bit of the film.
I liked the film, more than I thought I would. I'm about half n half on Rogan comedies but I was sort of compelled to go out and an American R rated film in theaters just cause. While in beginning I definitely felt the swearing as jokes got old fast, it definitely evens out thanks to the kinda interesting premise that evolves in the plot. Last act is just insane and honestly loved it.


Movie was hilarious and wasn't completely mindless, but was a reflection of society and the extreme views we have of each other. Funny, but also asked society why would you believe something contrary to credible evidence or make baseless conclusions? While people may believe in nonsensical things, you have to use compassion when pointing out reality.

My friends and I had such a good time. I plan to watch it again. Movie comes off as having complete creative freedom and that's what I appreciate about it the most. This is the Deadpool of CG movies and will surely have many to follow suit. I recommend it to those with an open mind and a sense of humor.


Saw this with the lady tonight, and fuck man, I spent at least a good 3/4ths of it laughing my ass off or with my jaw on the ground. An absolute riot in the best way really.

I just could not believe how far they took it.
When they started killing humans and shit, like fuuuuuccckkkkk. I expected it the take a more grounded approach in the end and wrap it up with like some sort of "religious lesson" or some shit, but no. No they just went HAM. They did a good job at looking at issues in society without really giving a fuck about them.
Very few movies make me feel like THIS IS TOO MUCH in a good way and surprise me like that anymore, but this one did.

It's not an Up or anything like that, but it is a hell of an experience that takes every opportunity it can to take things to insane levels that only animation can do. You can tell they had an absolute blast making this. It's definitely a lot of (good) shock value though, so I don't know how well it will hold up after repeat viewings.

Kids DO NOT need to see this AT ALL though. But I know they will, and that kind of sucks.


orgy scene
was one of the hardest things i've ever laughed at. like i could barely see what was happening because i was laughing so hard. my glasses were fogging up.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
As a big fan of Seth Rogen...I have to say although it wasn't really funny...it was incredibly entertaining. It's one of the most bizarre movies I have ever seen, and it just works. It's a really great artwork peice, and probably is the Deadpool of animation.
Lol ok this was pretty good. Not mind blowing but if its gonna be the first really successful hard-R mainstream cgi movie then it does a good enough job.

Nick Kroll playing a literal douche is like the best thing
im surprised people are surprised.

first trailer looked pretty fun and better than most of his films atleast...

I thought this movie was released a long time ago though... how long ago was tat first trailer???...........


The bagel being Ed Norton BLEW my mind. I always heard that he was a really serious "actor" type, did not think he'd be down for something like this.

I didn't even realize it was Edward Norton until they broke the fourth wall at the very end.

Apparently he's very good friends with Seth and they've smoked pot together, also he was the one who convinced Salma Hayek to be in the movie. Pretty cool.
saw it today and I like it. It's not LOL funny but more in a bizarre funny kinda way. It's violent, crude, and just fucked up in some scenes. This movie will offend some people. I noticed 2 guys sitting several seats away from me walked out halfway into the film.

That "climax" scene at the end reminds me of sex scene in Team America.

This movie is rated R. Do not bring kids to see this just because it's animated!!


Just got back from the theater.. oh man this movie was nuts in a good way lol.

My entire theater was pretty great. Those last 10 minutes everyone was looking at each other like wtf is happening right now and laughing our asses off. Good times.
Nick Kroll man.

Was by far my favorite character of the movie.

Then again, I absolutely loved Kroll Show and Bobby Bottleservice.


Will be passing on this due to the shit the company pulled with its animators.

I will have to wait until it hits TV. Shame as it actually looks good.


The bagel being Ed Norton BLEW my mind. I always heard that he was a really serious "actor" type, did not think he'd be down for something like this.

I read that Ed Norton asked to play Bagel Woody Allen and just blew Rogen and Goldberg away. Then went and got Salma Hayek to play in it. They said it was totally surreal how he helped get this movie done.


This movie was ridiculously hilarious and made me uncomfortable, but it was so funny that melted away. Lmao.

Shit got real when that dude's head came down lol. Kill spree! And that orgy at the end!
Definitely worth a watch if you want a bizarro and off the top animated comedy. I hope its success ensures we get more adult animated films, because there's definitely a place for them.

And yes, a group of parents and children walked out at my showing lol. You would think people would do research.


Incredibly Naive
I read that Ed Norton asked to play Bagel Woody Allen and just blew Rogen and Goldberg away. Then went and got Salma Hayek to play in it. They said it was totally surreal how he helped get this movie done.

Ed is extremely hands on with movies to the point that it has effectively derailed what should've been a legendary career. In his first few years as an actor he did primal fear American history x and fight club grabbing 2 oscar noms along the way. Roles dried up quickly for him. Read up on American history x. The director Tony Kaye essentially abandoned the movie and refused for a while to call the movie his own. In fact it was so bad Kaye wanted to credit the movie to Alan smithee, which is a made up persona in Hollywood for directors, actors, writers, etc. To abandon the movie and have their name taken off of it due to it being so bad. The character he played in birdman is essentially himself.

Wait what?

Supposedly they forced unpaid OT, blacklisted various people for not cooperating, terrible conditions, etc.


Saw this last night — I think I would have really enjoyed watching this when I was 12 or 13.

Will be interesting to see how this is regarded in a decade in terms of "adult" animation — a cheesy, over-the-top Heavy Metal or an embarrassingly racist Fritz the Cat.


I laughed a couple of times throughout but the last 10 minutes had me rolling. So fucking crazy. Would've never guessed the bagel was Edward Norton if they hadn't broken the fourth wall. There was a couple with a kid that looked about 7 years old. They didn't care lol.


Not as funny as This is the end.
Movie gets boring after they get to the mexican aisle. Boyfriend had a long nap during that time :|
The last ten minutes are funny, but other than the word-play on food, it was average.
I really liked Barry. He was so cute.
Majority of the movie was boring and lame. The constant religious and political nonsense was tiresome 5min in, But sadly stretched the entire movie. The last 10min was pretty great though. The theater ate it up pretty good.
I didn't really like this, and I like almost everything Rogen puts out.

The animation and character design was incredibly repulsive, I'm sure that was intentional but it just made the whole thing extremely unpleasant to watch, which is a problem because you are literally looking at it the entire time.

The jokes were alright, there were definitely some funny parts but on a whole it just felt mean spirited and crude? I don't know, I'm not above lowbrow humour, I loved This is the End, but it just didn't work for me here at all.
I loved this movie. So smart and poignant. I was scream laughing. Couldn't help myself. I can't remember the last time thats ever happened. I cannot reccomend this movie enough.

Edit: recommend


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Most of the movie rehashed the same jokes over and over, but there werezome pretty clever parts, too. I really enjoyed how they played up the stereotypes so much, specifically the Sauerkraut and bagel and lavosh. If you didn't die laughing at the last 10 minutes, though you are probably not a very funny person.
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