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Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (PS3/4/Vita/360/XB1/WiiU/PC) Kickstarter [800K/400K Funded]

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So I'm new to Shantae, should I wait for this to be the first game I play? or what do you guys recommend for the first one to start with?

The first game is big and has a well designed world. Movement takes a bit to get used to and hit detection is problematic. In fact, dealing with enemies in general is a pain as Shantae's attack range is so short (and like I said, brutal hit-detection). The dungeons are super well designed. Also traversing the overworld can become a pain since it's so big (and so full of enemies that are hard to hit). It's an okay game that could have been an excellent game. Also, crazy tech for GBC. Definitely a showcase title in that regard.

The second game, all the movement and attack problems are fixed. Controlling Shantae feels really good and her attack range is lengthened and there aren't any hit detection problems. Only problem with this game is that it's a lot smaller than the first. I'm actually approaching the end of the game myself right now and there have only been two dungeons and only a scant few places on the overworld. Game also looks really good.

So whichever of those sounds more appealing to you.


I like WayForward. I like Shantae. I think this is neat. I think this will be a good game. I am glad that it is going to be funded.

That being said, I feel like they also deserve a good deal of criticism. They put Shantae: RR up on Greenlight with an iOS video. They didn't do any updates, show any PC assets, or do anything to work on their pitch or get involved with the community. At no point did they ever suggest that they had even begun a PC port of Shantae: RR. It's not really fair to all the great games struggling to make it on Steam that a larger developer is trying to trade on their brand rather than put effort into the process. I get that it's too risky to spend and make the whole finished port if they couldn't be guaranteed a spot on Steam, but a good start would have been to show example high res assets and at least videos produced specifically for Greenlight as opposed to just iOS promotional videos repurposed.

After a year, they finally get Greenlit. They ignore the fact that they've gotten greenlit, which is a pretty transparent slap in the face to fans who worked hard to vote for them and get the word out. There is no mention whatsoever, not even "We'll be commenting on this publicly next week, look forward to it."

Then a half a week later they launch a countdown for big news. The big news turns out to be asking fans for money so they can make a new Shantae game for PC. Despite the 4 day countdown, things seemed a little rushed with the campaign. The skin tone stuff clearly caught them off guard, and they handled it poorly when they tried to explain it. They didn't mention Inticreate's involvement until nearer to the end of the funding (I'm guessing this is a contractual quirk related to Mighty No 9 and not just a total omission on their part).

The Kickstarter includes a ton of super ambitious stretch goals including additional levels. For a lot of Shantae fans, it feels like they paid for half of a game on DSiWare, then waited ages and now they get to pay for the other half of the game on 3DS and then there's another game that they may or may not get all of.

I don't think this means WayForward are jerks or that they're counting fat stacks of money and abusing fans, I just think this entire process was not handled in an ideal way. It's too late to take it all back now. But if it was possible to do it again, I hope they'd know that they're capable of doing better.

Eh, not sure I'd call Wayforward a 'larger developer'. Maybe compared to some lone guy coding in his basement.

Which IMO mostly explains your other points: they probably just didn't have the time/budget to do more.


Yay, it got funded, Hoping they can reach some more stretch goals.


I like WayForward. I like Shantae. I think this is neat. I think this will be a good game. I am glad that it is going to be funded.

That being said, I feel like they also deserve a good deal of criticism.
Yeah, I like WayForward too, but the phrase "Good, but could be better" describes most of their output.
Eh, not sure I'd call Wayforward a 'larger developer'. Maybe compared to some lone guy coding in his basement.

Which IMO mostly explains your other points: they probably just didn't have the time/budget to do more.


Yay, it got funded, Hoping they can reach some more stretch goals.

I was wondering how many people were employed by WF and all I could find was this page; don't know how much credit I can give it, though.

(incidentally, I found this too; particulary of interest is "Some disorganization with upper management")

Anyway, I think Stumpokapow is pretty fair in his criticism (all his points) and, more importantly, I wonder how their poor handling of both the greenlit and the KS campaigns might have hurt the latter funding. Yet, I'm willing to believe it was caused by constraints of time and/or budget. I hope the better for this new episode of Shantae !


Media Create Maven
I haven't played the Shantae games before, but I'm happy this got funded nevertheless. Let's see whether they can hit at least 1 stretch goal. In all honesty though, the only stretch goals I'm really interested in are the bonus stages...
Really glad to see it funded.

From Matt Bozon:
"(this is Matt Bozon) Thank you everyone for making this happen! We're going to post a video as soon as we can get it uploaded. We're so excited and grateful for your generosity and support. It's amazing that you guys were able to raise $400K by getting behind this project and showing your support and endless enthusiasm. THANK YOU! "



listen to the mad man
Eh, not sure I'd call Wayforward a 'larger developer'. Maybe compared to some lone guy coding in his basement.

Context; the sentence is about lone guys in their basement trying to get on Steam versus a larger developer trading on a pre-existing brand but not making any serious effort to do a high quality pitch or engage with the community.


Context; the sentence is about lone guys in their basement trying to get on Steam versus a larger developer trading on a pre-existing brand but not making any serious effort to do a high quality pitch or engage with the community.

My point was that while they're larger than some dude in his basement, they're ultimately still a small developer.

Seeing how they got through Greenlight anyway without having to put any resources into it, I guess you could say they made a smart business decision. :p

I'm so sad this goal most likely won't be met =/

New character goals are the best.
Looking at the current list of stretch goals, I'd like to see them hit 800k, because I love alternate costumes in games and that second bonus chapter character looks boss (redhead + pigtails = woo). That seems pretty crazy though given their current momentum. I don't follow many game Kickstarters, but I do recall that Shovel Knight's funding went insane in its last week and they destroyed all of their stretch goals when it had looked like they would barely get through half of them when I put my pledge in.


Looking at the current list of stretch goals, I'd like to see them hit 800k, because I love alternate costumes in games and that second bonus chapter character looks boss (redhead + pigtails = woo). That seems pretty crazy though given their current momentum. I don't follow many game Kickstarters, but I do recall that Shovel Knight's funding went insane in its last week and they destroyed all of their stretch goals when it had looked like they would barely get through half of them when I put my pledge in.

Also they'll be able to accept PayPal donations now.


Sucks the game won't get near those stretch goals :( Would be awesome to get all those playable characters and extra chapters.

I also think the KS was bad timing. I think they could have waited until Pirates Curse launched first.

Oh well. hope we get the costumes, other characters, and chapters as DLC in the future. Hope they show more gameplay ideas and transformations too. Still think Pirates Curse looks more appealing.


Aw man, I want those extra characters but that's more than double the initial goal.
The new stretch goals look great, but the first two don't seem all that interesting. I'd love to see them all met, and I'm pretty glad that the game is now funded, since it will probably now make some stretch goals, but I just wonder, since there is another traditionally funded game coming soon, if people will care enough to continue pumping in money now that it's funded. I really hope so, since the stretch goals seem to be what will make it stand out from the other games in the series, and they sound really original and fun.
Would have loved to see more chapters, but at this point I'm just grateful it met its goal and the game will happen!

This and Mighty No. 9. The hard part is waiting! *cry*


Clearly, WayForward coasted on their brand and history, but I think to a certain extent, we shouldn't necessarily be criticizing them for that. They earned it by making those IPs into games that people remembered and cared about, and they've been around for 20 years. I think that should count for something. If we are comparing what a dev who's paid their dues so to speak with a one or two man start up with no portfolio of work, I think I'd place way more scrutiny on the latter. That said, I guess we then end up going back to that discussion of whether established devs should be allowed to do crowdfunding in the first place.

I think this KS will be a make or break for me with any future WayForward attempts at crowdfunding. If Half-Genie Hero ends up failing as a game in any of the ways they promised in the KS, then I think they will deserve more criticism. My half cent of nothing...


What? Half of a game on DSiware? Why do you feel like that?

Back when when everyone thought they could make an episodic game just because it was the new buzzword, Risky's Revenge was originally going to be Episode 1. If you play it, it's pretty obvious that it wasn't intended to be the complete story, and it's why Pirate's Curse is suck a direct continuation.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Back when when everyone thought they could make an episodic game just because it was the new buzzword, Risky's Revenge was originally going to be Episode 1. If you play it, it's pretty obvious that it wasn't intended to be the complete story, and it's why Pirate's Curse is suck a direct continuation.

They claimed that they added the rest of the content to the DSi game when they switched off of episodic. I'm skeptical considering Shantae GBC is roughly twice as long.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Good. It got funded. Never a good thing to see a Kickstarter fail.
Most of the time


Wayforward fan here, happy this got funded. Also I dl that Shantae on iOS, and I hate it, it's those darn touch controls...they ruin everything they, uh, touch...


I get the feeling once paypal is a thing for this that we'll hit a few more streach goals.

Costumes are one thing but I really want those chapters and, if not streach funded than through DLC or summit.
I'm pretty sure Bozon said that they could do the stretch goal content as DLC on Sup, Holmes?, so don't freak out yet. It would just take a while since they would have to fund the development themselves by working on more licensed games. The situation would have been the same for this whole game. Nothing stops the Shantae train, you can only slow it down.
Did WayForward ever publicly address the whitewashing?
It seems to have been fixed now, but I don't recall seeing them say anything about it.


Aw, the costumes are at 700k? Probably a bit optimistic at this point. Bummer, I'm a sucker for em even if they're just visual.
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