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Shitty games that your dumb ass paid full price for


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I got all you motherfuckers beat.

I bought Hellgate: London at full price + the Lifetime Subscription.


Very few things will top this.

lol I tried to sell my security locker on ebay and some dude wanted to buy it off me for 2 dollars. I just changed my mind and put some pc stuff in it like cords and etc.

Hopefully living in the UK works in my favour. I'm not sure if the UK got a CE like the USA did.
That was with this hideous thing right?


Yeah it is and guess your fingers are broken by the end :p

Yep, that's the one. I played it enough to FC the first 3 (?) setlists and then never played it again and switched over to Rock Band. I never touched the portable entries of either series after that.



What a total let-down this game was.

Jaw-droppingly lame in all categories.

My car actually broke down on the way to the mall to get it and I had to ride back home in the tow truck cab toting this piece of shit.

The tow fee was $235 [I broke down an hour and 20 minutes from home] and Then I played the game.

Bad day all around. The game is so bad that the car break-down and tow fee were not even the worst part of my day - it was that game!

:( I wanted this game so badly as a child. I remember the hype commercials for it and the Gamepro ads showing it off. The game came and expectations dropped like tears. The game was miserable as hell.

Along with this piece of shit



Ace combat assault horizon.

I canceled my pre-order once, but for some reason I ordered it again..

And FF 13.
All impressions where negative but I still bought it.
Dropped it after 10 hours.
Heavy Rain

i now have a rule: wait for SP games to drop in price to at least $40. only buy full price MP games if I want to be there day one.


Duke Nukem Forever. Even though I knew it was going to be bad, I pre ordered it. What an idiot.

FF13, no reason to explain.

Kinda disappointed with Bioshock Infinite. I enjoyed it at the beginning but then it got repetitive, boring and the story was a mess.

And of course, Civilization Beyond Earth. Was hoping Firaxis would make a good game after developing the expansions of Civ5. Boy, I was so wrong.
Mass Effect 3

I should've known where they were heading with the series with the transition from 1 to 2 but I could've lived with the base game if they hadn't fucked up the ending so badly

I should add that since then I've bought a number of far worse games at launch but never for full price to the best of my recollection


I forgot one more game. Destroy all humans: Path of the furon. Compared to the first two games of the series, it had the weakest ending and the dialogue/graphics were laughable.

This game single handedly stopped me from pre-ordering and buying games at full price before a quality check.

Never again will I be burned like that.

Splash damage will always get the stink eye from me, regardless of what type of game they make.
Destiny Ghost Edition. Box came damaged too. Played the game...found it meh, but I loved the community so I kept playing it for that aspect.

The 1st DLC was basically a "fuck you for playing this game since day 1" so I dropped the game soon after that. Not sure if I'm going to play the 2nd one even though I already redeemed it.
This peice of trash was the first straw that broke my love of JRPGs around the time it was released.

Before this I would play almost any JRPG but this one was such trash that I started to be skeptical of most non-final fantasy entries. Such a dumb, ripoff game.


More recently:

PS4 launch hype made me want to buy this game along with the other few launch games I got. It was boring repetitive tripe, a lego game ripoff with boring characters and not even that good looking.


I asked for this shitty game for christmas the first year i got my playstation. I should have gotten dark forces instead.



Playstation All Stars Battle Royale.

I saw the signs, but I bought it anyways because I wanted so badly for it to be good :(


Assassin's Creed Black Flag. Not objectively awful, but so far away from my tastes. At least I gave the series a try.
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