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Should we boycott Shadow Complex?


NeoGAF: my new HOME
acm2000 said:
so did all you people boycott monkey island? and tales of monkey island? (reused old jokes) orson scott card wrote the insult sword fighting stuff in those

...wait, what?

EDIT: Well (lol) Wikipedia backs this up to a certain degree...


Wrestlemania said:
I'm really, really glad I'm not one of the people who have to defend themselves against idiots like this who haven't bothered reading the thread.

TheHeretic said:
Its not just the fact that he has an opinion. Hes a vocal bigot, supporting the discrimination of homosexuals.

I have read the thread the point is why should we punish a large group of people for the actions of one person who basically had nothing to do with the game at all. The answer is we shouldnt. If it was something only effecting the bigot who you are protesting then thats fair enough.


Unconfirmed Member
tahrikmili said:
I read it. I still fail to see how punishing the other dozen people who worked on the game for the ideas of one man is not stupid. Especially when the ideas are not even remotely relevant to said game.

Feel free to boycott it and see how far you go, however. I don't have enough time to fight windmills on the interwebs.
Thank you! It seems KHarvey thinks anyone who doesn't agree with him either hasn't read/fully understood the thread, or is an idiot.

Thread is most likely 'stupid' because it doesn't have much to do with gaming at all. OP is fortunate he didn't just get flooded with 'No's.


aries_71 said:
Ohhh boy! Now we are all dead. Orson Scot Card in Secret of Monkey Island's credits too!

This thread will be miles and miles long.

Games Credited

The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (2009), LucasArts
Advent Rising (2005), Majesco Entertainment Company
NeoHunter (1996), Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Inc.
The Dig (1995), LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC
Loom (1990), Lucasfilm Games
The Secret of Monkey Island (1990), Softgold Computerspiele GmbH
Star Control (1990), Accolade, Inc.

sorry peeps, youre gonna have to get in your time machine and go back to boycott some pretty classic games


Fuck Cancer
Wrestlemania said:
I can see why he'd be frustrated, they clearly haven't read any of his arguments.

Most people wont change their opinion just because some random internet dude tells them how wrong they are. Calling them idiots will not help you in getting your point across, instead it could make you look as ignorant as your opponent.


Coins said:
Do you realize how much pull Card had as a very vocal Mormon and helped the gay marriage vote that was recently done in California go the way it did, thus ensuring more people were denied rights to marry than the amount of people that worked on this game.

You want to boycott then go ahead. I'm not gay therefore I give a rats ass about gay marriage and I sure as hell wouldn't miss out on a great game because the guy has a opinion that he has a right to.
Jackson said:
I'm boycotting highways. Hitler and his nazi party were the ones to to put national highways into use in Germany. Eisenhower loved them so much when he was that that by the time he became president he made sure USA would have them too!

Local roads ftw!

I'm not being very helpful. :(
I was just a boy when Orson Scott Card's books came to my village in their cardboard shipping boxes. The hatemonger fired at the minorities and they teared up like the eyes of a scorned child. Burning prose rained down from the pages and ice-burned everything it touched. I could only hide myself and cry as my dude-lovin' buddies were consumed by the icy cool hate speech. In the midst of the chaos, I could swear that I heard my non-hetero pals screaming for help. As quickly as they had come, the books were gone. It was on that day I put a boycott on them. And if you don't believe it, then you'd better kill me now, because I'll put a boycott on you, too.


It's not like the game is promoting said thoughts, sheesh. What's next, are you not going to pay your taxes either because Obama is anti-gay marriage?


acm2000 said:
Games Credited

The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (2009), LucasArts
Advent Rising (2005), Majesco Entertainment Company
NeoHunter (1996), Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Inc.
The Dig (1995), LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC
Loom (1990), Lucasfilm Games
The Secret of Monkey Island (1990), Softgold Computerspiele GmbH
Star Control (1990), Accolade, Inc.

damn, i better buy shadow complex
that is one talented homophobe
web01 said:
I have read the thread the point is why should we punish a large group of people for the actions of one person who basically had nothing to do with the game at all. The answer is we shouldnt. If it was something only effecting the bigot who you are protesting then thats fair enough.
What about the hundreds of other games I don't buy that are released every year? Am I wrong for "punishing" the people who worked hard on those games by not buying them? How about buying second hand games?
kamorra said:
Most people wont change their opinion just because some random internet dude tells them how wrong they are. Calling them idiots will not help you in getting your point across, instead it could make you look as ignorant as your opponent.
He's not asking them to change their opinion, I think he'd just like to at least respond to the points he's making rather than creating nice little straw man arguments for themselves.
Wrestlemania said:
What about the hundreds of other games I don't buy that are released every year? Am I wrong for "punishing" the people who worked hard on those games by not buying them? How about buying second hand games?
Obviously, it's about intent behind choosing to not purchase something and not simply the act of not purchasing something.
ggnoobIGN said:
It's not like the game is promoting said thoughts, sheesh. What's next, are you not going to pay your taxes either because Obama is anti-gay marriage?

That's like saying if Hitler owned a book store it would be ok to buy books there because he didn't use those particular books to beat any Jews to death.

I'm particularly proud of Microsofts usually super-vocal marketing / PR presence doing the old 'ignore it and hope it goes away', trick

And hell, why not... "Ya know, people have opinions"


Segata Sanshiro said:
I was just a boy when Orson Scott Card's books came to my village in their cardboard shipping boxes. The hatemonger fired at the minorities and they teared up like the eyes of a scorned child. Burning prose rained down from the pages and ice-burned everything it touched. I could only hide myself and cry as my dude-lovin' buddies were consumed by the icy cool hate speech. In the midst of the chaos, I could swear that I heard my non-hetero pals screaming for help. As quickly as they had come, the books were gone. It was on that day I put a boycott on them. And if you don't believe it, then you'd better kill me now, because I'll put a boycott on you, too.
Three types of people in this world Segata. You got yer dicks, yer pussies, and yer assholes.
Wrestlemania said:
What about the hundreds of other games I don't buy that are released every year? Am I wrong for "punishing" the people who worked hard on those games by not buying them? How about buying second hand games?

so... what? you buy every game that comes out, in order to support the people that make them.

It fine to say you don't want to buy a product because the business in question has supported a cause that has a negative impact.

in this case the high profile involvement of OSC, i would say, is reason enough not to buy it...

If OSC was this outspoken about black people, for instance, would we be even having this discussion? No... Know why? because MS would not have signed off on his involvement.

but hey, who gives a damn about a few faggots?

As a faggot is reserve the right to be completely disgusted by this double standard.

Where is the MS policy on equality i wonder? I'm pretty sure it will preclude supporting causes that lobby for inequality

MightyHedgehog said:
Obviously, it's about intent behind choosing to not purchase something and not simply the act of not purchasing something.
So what's wrong with making the personal decision to not put money towards something if you feel that a portion of that may be going to someone who is using his money to fund an agenda they are particularly opposed to?
Nobody is saying that everyone should be doing the same thing, but the people barging in and saying "DURRR THE GAME ISN'T PROMOTING HOMOPHOBIA, STUPID THREAD! IMAGINE BOYCOTTING A GAME BECAUSE SOMEONE INVOLVED DISAGREES WITH YOU ABOUT SOMETHING!" really should think before they post.


Wrestlemania said:
He's not asking them to change their opinion, I think he'd just like to at least respond to the points he's making rather than creating nice little straw man arguments for themselves.

I think in order to respond to the "points" he's making most would have to care about his cause. Most people here are not gay so they don't feel very strongly about his cause.

For instance let me give you a example. He may very well make valid arguments about Orson Scott Card being anti-Gay. However I don't care if he is anti-gay. Most people here don't care if he is anti-Gay, I've already bought the game, and if I knew he was anti-gay then I would of still bought the game.

Does that mean I hate gay people? NO it does not. It just means I don't care if other people do because it doesn't effect me and I would certainly not punish myself missing out on a great game because he offends someone else.
NinjaFusion said:
so... what? you buy every game that comes out, in order to support the people that make them.

It fine to say you don't want to buy a product because the business in question has supported a cause that has a negative impact.
No, I totally agree. I'm just saying that the "unnecessarily punishing the other people involved" argument is silly.
Shamrock said:
I think in order to respond to the "points" he's making most would have to care about his cause. Most people here are not gay so they don't feel very strongly about his cause.

For instance let me give you a example. He may very well make valid arguments about Orson Scott Card being anti-Gay. However I don't care if he is anti-gay. Most people here don't care if he is anti-Gay, I've already bought the game, and if I knew he was anti-gay then I would of still bought the game.

Does that mean I hate gay people? NO it does not. It just means I don't care if other people do because it doesn't effect me and I would certainly not punish myself missing out on a great game because he offends someone else.
They're coming for you next.

tell no one

Baby Milo

laesperanzapaz said:
Not buying a high quality game X that you would otherwise have bought.....because its developer did business with a guy whose views you really abhor

Yeah, and those tens or hundreds of guys under Chair who worked their ass off, and who DIDN'T partake in the decision to hire OCS? "IM SORRY FOLKS, I JUST WANT TO 'MAKE A POINT' TO CHAIR, SUCKS FOR YOU GUYS"

That's rich
this argument right here is fucking hilarious to me
Shamrock said:
You want to boycott then go ahead. I'm not gay therefore I give a rats ass about gay marriage and I sure as hell wouldn't miss out on a great game because the guy has a opinion that he has a right to.

If every white person thought like you blacks would still be sitting in the back of the bus.

(full disclosure: I did not boycott this game)


Shamrock said:
I think in order to respond to the "points" he's making most would have to care about his cause. Most people here are not gay so they don't feel very strongly about his cause.

For instance let me give you a example. He may very well make valid arguments about Orson Scott Card being anti-Gay. However I don't care if he is anti-gay. Most people here don't care if he is anti-Gay, I've already bought the game, and if I knew he was anti-gay then I would of still bought the game.

Does that mean I hate gay people? NO it does not. It just means I don't care if other people do because it doesn't effect me and I would certainly not punish myself missing out on a great game because he offends someone else.
You know, a lot of Germans felt the same way during the early 1940s.


I am pro-gay marriage, but personally I don't feel enough passion towards it to fight OSC in this abstracted fashion.

If you want to boycott it, good for you. And if you want to say that OSC is a bigot, shout it from the rooftops, but don't try to pressure me into boycotting it and don't you dare try to make me feel guilty.
McBacon said:
I am pro-gay marriage, but personally I don't feel enough passion towards it to fight OSC in this abstracted fashion.

If you want to boycott it, good for you. And if you want to say that OSC is a bigot, shout it from the rooftops, but don't try to pressure me into boycotting it and don't you dare try to make me feel guilty.
You are scum. Big fat McBacon scum.
McBradders said:
Can I get fries and a Coke with that?
Yes. It also comes with a free toy manufactured by Chinese two-year olds.

Oh, but be careful with the toy. It's a choking hazard so you absolutely should not let it anywhere near anyone under the age of 3.
web01 said:
I have read the thread the point is why should we punish a large group of people for the actions of one person who basically had nothing to do with the game at all. The answer is we shouldnt. If it was something only effecting the bigot who you are protesting then thats fair enough.
I bought the game and I don't regret it. That wasnt what I was saying.
Wrestlemania said:
What about the hundreds of other games I don't buy that are released every year? Am I wrong for "punishing" the people who worked hard on those games by not buying them? How about buying second hand games?

So not buying a game that doesn't deserve a purchase is punishment? Excuse me but that is just rational consumer behavior. What you are suggesting is that we punish someone because we HAVE TO be as sensitive to a political issue as you are, otherwise we are ignorant idiots.

In that regard you are no less a vocal bigot than OSC.
tahrikmili said:
So not buying a game that doesn't deserve a purchase is punishment? Excuse me but that is just rational consumer behavior. What you are suggesting is that we punish someone because we HAVE TO be as sensitive to a political issue as you are, otherwise we are ignorant idiots.
No I'm not! At all! Jesus christ. All I'm saying is that if someone wants to avoid paying money for a product if it appears that their money will in some way end up funding a cause they strongly oppose then they are well within their rights to do so, and that the argument that by doing so they are unfairly "punishing" people who worked on the game who do not share his views is just silly.
Nobody in this thread is suggesting that everyone should boycott the game.
Wrestlemania said:
No I'm not! At all! Jesus christ. All I'm saying is that if someone wants to avoid paying money for a product if it appears that their money will in some way end up funding a cause they strongly oppose then they are well within their rights to do so, and that the argument that by doing so they are unfairly "punishing" people who worked on the game who do not share his views is just silly.
Nobody in this thread is suggesting that everyone should boycott the game.

Bullshit. Your first reaction to my refusal to join your petition was to assume I hadn't read it and would need a dictionary to understand this thread. You refused to acknowledge that I am entitled to thinking this petition is stupid, therefore you labeled me an ignorant, uneducated idiot. Your attitude is an obvious implementation of the minority demagogue: "Let's support the (minority) and bring social stigma to bear on those who don't, they'll come around." You know what? You put OSC to shame when it comes to vocal bigotry.

But of course, since you are more vocally pro-gay, we should ignore this and cheer you on.

Yes, this thread is stupid.


wow, this thread is still going?

hey guys, boycott EVERYTHING made in China. i heard they're against human rights in general and they are also against gay marriage. burn everything you have with the "Made in China" stamp. kthxbye.
tahrikmili said:
Bullshit. Your first reaction to my refusal to join your petition was to assume I hadn't read it and would need a dictionary to understand this thread.

Like I said, you are no less of a vocal bigot than OSC. But of course, since you are more vocally pro-gay, we should ignore this and cheer you on.

Yes, this thread is stupid.

Firstly, it's not my petition. I haven't even signed it, so thanks.

Secondly, how on earth am I a bigot for suggesting you read someone's argument for their personal boycott more thoroughly? The point is that some people have chosen to boycott it on the basis that OSC actually funds a cause they are strongly opposed to, therefore by using their money to pay for something he stands to profit from they may be partially funding this cause. This is not just about the fact that he holds views that they disagree with.
This is the point people seem to be ignoring or simply missing, which is why it comes across that people such as yourself may not have read the thread.

Do you genuinely think that makes me a bigot? I haven't even said I agree with those people, just that I can completely understand their decision. For all you know I could be just as anti-gay as OSC.


McBacon said:
I am pro-gay marriage, but personally I don't feel enough passion towards it to fight OSC in this abstracted fashion.

If you want to boycott it, good for you. And if you want to say that OSC is a bigot, shout it from the rooftops, but don't try to pressure me into boycotting it and don't you dare try to make me feel guilty.

I agree with you.

Jay Sosa

Segata Sanshiro said:
Well, to start with, absolutely no Nintendo games. Or games on Nintendo systems, cuz they'll get royalties. That company's owner is so mixed up with the Yakuza you'd have to be completely without conscience to support them.

No Dragon Quests either. The composer of the series has some very bizarre attitudes.

Oh, and don't support Trip Hawkins. Not that he has any objectionable attitudes, he's just generally a douche.



McBacon said:
I am pro-gay marriage, but personally I don't feel enough passion towards it to fight OSC in this abstracted fashion.

If you want to boycott it, good for you. And if you want to say that OSC is a bigot, shout it from the rooftops, but don't try to pressure me into boycotting it and don't you dare try to make me feel guilty.
This would have been my stance as well, especially since the issue is a non-issue in Canada. Sure, OSC is an idiot, but he's just another idiot in a sea of idiots.

The only reason I haven't bought the game yet was because I ran out of MS points. After the demo, though, I don't feel that strongly about the game that I need to absolutely play or else I'll miss out on some phenomenal gaming experience.

I probably would have bought it sometime down the line, though. NOW, I'll hesitate before doing even that. I don't feel an absolute need to boycott the product, but maybe I feel even less strongly about the game. Guess the thread indirectly worked, and purchase is indefinitely on hold! I'm just a moderate scum.
LiK said:
wow, this thread is still going?

hey guys, boycott EVERYTHING made in China. i heard they're against human rights in general and they are also against gay marriage. burn everything you have with the "Made in China" stamp. kthxbye.
This argument gets more original and intelligent every time it's posted.


Wrestlemania said:
No I'm not! At all! Jesus christ. All I'm saying is that if someone wants to avoid paying money for a product if it appears that their money will in some way end up funding a cause they strongly oppose then they are well within their rights to do so, and that the argument that by doing so they are unfairly "punishing" people who worked on the game who do not share his views is just silly.
Nobody in this thread is suggesting that everyone should boycott the game.

Just a point that I keep seeing brought up and keeps getting responded to with "read the thread" or "ignorant" or "stupid" in the case of the bolded part.

You can use any semantics you want to, any phrases you can make up to try and make yourself feel better or try to seperate yourself from being in a position of "punishing people" all you want but the end consequences are the same. You can say you are not punishing people and you can say to all your hearts content all you want to do is keep whatever unknown amount OSC is even making off of all this from going into his pockets but it doesn't change the fact that if you HAD the intention of buying the game based on it being a good game and then decided not to because of OSC then the end result is the developers not getting that money for the work they put in the game. Period. End of story. Stop with word games people, that is that.

It's your choice to boycott, but for crying out loud accept the TOTAL consequences of your actions both good and bad and stop telling people "they don't get it" just because they don't want to play your little words games to make yourselves feel better.


Shamrock said:
You want to boycott then go ahead. I'm not gay therefore I give a rats ass about gay marriage and I sure as hell wouldn't miss out on a great game because the guy has a opinion that he has a right to.

Im not black! I could give a shit about minority equality!!

Im not gay, either. I still care.
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