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Silent Hill arcade? Tekken 6 to be shown tomorrow?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Night_Trekker said:
If you don't understand why loyal SH fans feel personally insulted by this, nobody can explain it to you.
Yeah exactly, because it's an emotional reaction and not logical.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Oldschoolgamer said:
:lol :lol

From what I read of Sporsk's initial impressions, the third strike is that it will probably play like crap too.
Well there ya go then... if true, screw SH The Arcade

Until next time, when Zelda Pinball Land is announced for DS. THAT'S NOT IN THE TRUE SPIRIT OF ZELDA?!!!!


I think the real reason there's outrage everytime something Silent Hill is talked about these days that's not a real Silent Hill, is because there's really no indication that Team Silent is even still together. If Silent Hill 5 was actually in development and there is an announcement, people won't mind so much. The truth is, Silent Hill is probably dead and doomed to only being milked and outsourced as a brand.
BocoDragon said:
Yeah exactly, because it's an emotional reaction and not logical.

What's wrong with being emotionally attached to something? To me this is like watching the only thing you love getting kicked and beaten and poked at with sticks by a bunch of idiot ten-year-olds. And you can't do anything about it.

It's a stupid example, I know, but it's all I could think of.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
disappeared said:
What's wrong with being emotionally attached to something? To me this is like watching the only thing you love getting kicked and beaten and poked at with sticks by a bunch of idiot ten-year-olds. And you can't do anything about it.

It's a stupid metaphor, I know, but it's all I could think of.
I love SH too, but the only way it pisses me off is if the game sucks.

I love it when they take a concept and spin it into something new. I love SH so why wouldn't I want to see it in new unique forms?

Gun games really don't seem that off base for SH.... Imagine a spinoff story with a couple of characters dodging their way through SH, through various shocking scenarios. There could even be a simple plot in there somewhere (like a terrible secret is revealed for the main characters at the end). Seems like almost a no-brainer to me... not an affront to the SH concept at all.

If it sucks to play though, screw it.
Tain said:
Christ, what an attitude.

I told you not to call me that in public... and can you forget about that time @ Waffle House already? Man... even sometimes I forget to wear a condom...


But it's not a 'new' concept. :) It might be 'new' in the SH franchise, but so would be making a beach volleyball game located on Toluca Lake.

I understand that you have an open mind about this. That's great. I actually envy you and wish I was so easy to please. If you recall, when Y2Kev and brandon where calling this game "shit" before we even knew anything about it, I had an open mind. I thought "hey, maybe Konami could make this work? Maybe this will legitimately be something unique?"

But look at the pics, man. It looks like generic dogshit. It doesn't even have good graphics to fall back on. sp0rsk also didn't seem favorable about how it played, which doesn't surprise me at all (meaning the game being garbage, not sp0rsk's impressions being predictable, which they aren't :D)

I'm also surprised you are having such a difficult time realizing why some of us are disappointed by this. *shrug*

I didn't realize I typoed 'rail shooter' as 'rain shooter' in my original post. Doh!


Chief Rain Shoot


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
duckroll said:
I think the real reason there's outrage everytime something Silent Hill is talked about these days that's not a real Silent Hill, is because there's really no indication that Team Silent is even still together. If Silent Hill 5 was actually in development and there is an announcement, people won't mind so much. The truth is, Silent Hill is probably dead and doomed to only being milked and outsourced as a brand.

GodDAMNIT ducky, it is only real if you SAY it!

I'm going to go cry now.


duckroll said:
I think the real reason there's outrage everytime something Silent Hill is talked about these days that's not a real Silent Hill, is because there's really no indication that Team Silent is even still together. If Silent Hill 5 was actually in development and there is an announcement, people won't mind so much. The truth is, Silent Hill is probably dead and doomed to only being milked and outsourced as a brand.

That's what Konami gets for being overambitious with its brand. Face it, the Silent Hill games were never really blockbusters. The first three sold nicely but even the GameCube RE games performed better than all of them (especially RE4). I think the fandom that developed for Silent Hill back in 1999 and again in 2001 really skewed most people and made for highly unrealistic expectations. The fact people actually believe in the virtues of "Team Silent" is laughable. I've heard the team itself isn't even really a team, just a PR front.

Going back to Silent Hill 2 style isn't going to save the series. Etc. etc.


Dali said:
I suppose when all those other titles (Ico, Onimusha, Shenmue, etc) began development on the Saturn or PSX, the developers had no idea DC and PS2 were right around the corner? I think it is possible that Tekken 6 was originally a PS2 project, and for you to rule that out as a possibility is foolish.

So why was that Tekken demo shown two years ago? For shits and giggles?

Automatically assuming that T6 is a PS2 port up to cover up Scamco's lack of skill is even more foolish as far as I'm concerned. At least the idea of the visuals simply early has a bit more weight to it.


BocoDragon said:
This looks like something I can play with my girlfriend after a movie. It's a funhouse ride. Terminator The Ride, or some shit.

That's exactly why the fans are unhappy. That concept goes against everything the series has stood for so far, including the movie.

Now, saying that there's nothing wrong with taking something and giving it a different spin. I can agree, to an extent. But taking an emotional, serious, depressing, intelligent, thought provoking work of art and shoe horning it into a roller coaster laugh a second arcade 'ride', is just plain wrong in every regard.

Us fans aren't crying into our beards or anything here. But it is recognised by people who feel emotionaly tied to the series as being the beginning of something very bad. IP cash in jobs that devalue the meaning.

Then again. Who knows. Maybe they'll make an idiot out of all of us and release something that sticks to the same atmosphere. But somehow I don't think Johnny and his girlfriend are going to keep spending those quarters when they see the main character commit suicide and the monsters they were killing were the good guys.
GreggTheGrimReaper said:
IMO tekken 6 doesn't look anywhere near as good as the E305-video.

It's doesn't look as good as pre-rendered video of Jin and his sweat steaming off his body? Really? Really really?
Shogmaster said:
It's doesn't look as good as pre-rendered video of Jin and his sweat steaming off his body? Really? Really really?

yeah, please don't flame me for that - just my personal opinion. and btw. i'm planning to purchase a PS3 so don't call me biased. but to be perfectly honest, i'm a little bit disappointed by what we've seen so far of what has been marketed as "next gen".
GreggTheGrimReaper said:
yeah, please don't flame me for that - just my personal opinion. and btw. i'm planning to purchase a PS3 so don't call me biased. but to be perfectly honest, i'm a little bit disappointed by what we've seen so far of what has been marketed as "next gen".

I was gonna flame you for stating something so damn obvious. :lol


GreggTheGrimReaper said:
yeah, please don't flame me for that - just my personal opinion. and btw. i'm planning to purchase a PS3 so don't call me biased.
Are you even being serious? Being sarcastic?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
TheJollyCorner said:
But it's not a 'new' concept. :) It might be 'new' in the SH franchise, but so would be making a beach volleyball game located on Toluca Lake.

We need a photoshop of that. SH nurses in bikinis.

TheJollyCorner said:
But look at the pics, man. It looks like generic dogshit. It doesn't even have good graphics to fall back on. sp0rsk also didn't seem favorable about how it played, which doesn't surprise me at all (meaning the game being garbage, not sp0rsk's impressions being predictable, which they aren't :D)

It does look like shit, yes. It's a shooter, it might not matter, but yeah, everything we have to go on now is not inspiring.

If I think it looks crappy though, then I'm not denouncing it for the same reason most people seem to be. I don't think the SH lightgun concept is terrible at all, though the execution might be.

TheJollyCorner said:
I'm also surprised you are having such a difficult time realizing why some of us are disappointed by this. *shrug*

Not so much surprised as I am opposed to it. My first comment in this thread was something like "typical nerd reaction" which was quite a hit obviously. I can understand the reaction, but I guess I am surprised that I am possibly the only one to have said anything in the arcade concept's defense.

The more I think about a SH lightgun game, the more I think it's an okay idea. Yes, you can surely make a SH experience without relying on the "slow buildup" that SH is known for.... it's not all quiet corridors. It's often loud Akira Yamaoka noise and screeching monsters. SH3 pretty much just tosses you in the middle of this kind of loud insanity, and it's an atosphere that would lend itself well to a gun arcade cabinet. There would surely be plenty of oppportunity to cut the soundtrack and plunge you into eerie quiet situations anyway.

Unfortunately, when I think of the potential, the screens I've seen so far don't live up to it either, so in a roundabout way I might come to agree with you....
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