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Silent Hill arcade? Tekken 6 to be shown tomorrow?


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
FTWer said:
Yeah DOA 360, at first it looked like a small graphical update to the Xbox DOA games.
Then VF5, a arcade port with minor graphical upgrades over the original arcade VF4.
Now Tekken 6, looks worse then VF5 & DOA4.
That small graphical update in DOA4 isn't looking too small right now.

No hope at all for a ground up 3D fighter to take advantage of the hardware confirmed.

This is the riduclous part. VF5 was made for a 6800GT and it still looks the best. :lol

"Next gen" is like a roundhouse kick to the head. Or a knee to the groin...


That's odd, I didn't know this game was close to release. I thought it was coming to arcades near the end of this year. That would give it 8-10 more months in the oven. I suppose there's a remote possibility it might look better in that time. Maybe.... PEACE.
"So Heather, what do you think of Silent Hill: The Arcade!?"

Mooreberg said:
This is the riduclous part. VF5 was made for a 6800GT and it still looks the best. :lol

"Next gen" is like a roundhouse kick to the head. Or a knee to the groin...

because lately, SEGA > NAMCO in graphics (and gameplay as usual)
Sorry for bringing up that E3 cg-bullshot again, I'm still a little sore about 2005's "promise of next gen" and what we actually got. I never for a second thought Tekken would look that good, but I thought the PS3 and 360 were much more capable than anything we've actually gotten yet. I fully realize that the games will look better over time, but damn do I get bummed every time a game that looked too good to be true in 2005 turns out to actually be that way. All the talk about individually modeled hairs on a characters head, etc, it's all bull. As you can imagine, I fully expect RE5 to look somewhere between RE4 and the announcement video.


Shinobi said:
Sorry, that doesn't cut it. A $600 game machine shouldn't be spitting out something that's merely "good enough". That's what the $250 Wii is for.

I don't expect every game released on a system to push it to its limits. It looks nice and is "good enough" for me. Sure, the AA isn't there and there doesn't appear to be any self shadows (yet), but I don't think it looks bad by any means. It looks nice for a PS3 game, and unlike you I plan to get more than just Tekken. So I guess I can see where you are coming from, not wanting to buy the console just for one game, but I, on the other hand, am willing to drop the money on a PS3 because I plan on getting more than one game on the console.


the androgyne said:
wtf is with the twisted right arm on this pic?! Nice modelling!

WTF is up with another guy that looks like a Chick? Seriously, I didn't even know he was male until I saw that he was named LEO.


a Master Ninja said:
Sorry for bringing up that E3 cg-bullshot again, I'm still a little sore about 2005's "promise of next gen" and what we actually got. I never for a second thought Tekken would look that good, but I thought the PS3 and 360 were much more capable than anything we've actually gotten yet. I fully realize that the games will look better over time, but damn do I get bummed every time a game that looked too good to be true in 2005 turns out to actually be that way. All the talk about individually modeled hairs on a characters head, etc, it's all bull. As you can imagine, I fully expect RE5 to look somewhere between RE4 and the announcement video.

I knew a long time ago that both MS/Sony were promising much more than they can deliver, espcially Sony. I'm always upgrading to the newest videocards so I'm pretty familiar with what kind of performance you can expect with the hardware that you have. The stuff that MS/Sony were promising with this generation go way beyond than simply optimizing for a closed platform. You can't expect the CG stuff that you were talking about if Gears of War and Resistance are already only running at 30FPS at 720P. Making games that look like those target renders would require the systems to perform several times better than they did with Resistance/GOW.


gutter_trash said:
after 24 hours of this character's revealing.. I think he's a she

Maybe we'll get a surprise ending that is equivalent to Metroid's. :) My guess is that the Williams sisters' competition to become the best woman in their family just got a new contender.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
FTWer said:
Yeah DOA 360, at first it looked like a small graphical update to the Xbox DOA games.
Then VF5, a arcade port with minor graphical upgrades over the original arcade VF4.
Now Tekken 6, looks worse then VF5 & DOA4.
That small graphical update in DOA4 isn't looking too small right now.

No hope at all for a ground up 3D fighter to take advantage of the hardware confirmed.

DOA4 was built on the Xbox, then basically ported over to the 360, with a few graphical enhancements.
funny thing is, I saw on TechTV in 2003 an exec (maybe the CEO) of Activision I think, and he said that the next generation systems would offer this: bump mapping on everything with basicly unlimited draw distances at 60fps. now I think within that limited amount of info, the Xbox 360 and PS3 could do that without a sweat so long as developers don't go overboard to kill the framerate.
TheIkariWarrior said:
funny thing is, I saw on TechTV in 2003 an exec (maybe the CEO) of Activision I think, and he said that the next generation systems would offer this: bump mapping on everything with basicly unlimited draw distances at 60fps. now I think within that limited amount of info, the Xbox 360 and PS3 could do that without a sweat so long as developers don't go overboard to kill the framerate.

If we stayed in 480p, I think he would have been right. The Xbox was able to do a bang up job with Doom 3, thanks in part to the relatively low resolution it had to render the game at.


NinSoX said:
Holy shit! If that's the best Namco's got up their sleeves... Just, wow. VF5 has T6 trumped in the visuals department handily.

I think Tekken may just dethrone Killzone (and maybe even Madden) on the bullshot FMV versus reality debate.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Hopefully that new company SCEI and Bandai-Namco made will fix Tekken 6 and all Namco's other next-gen efforts.
like I said before, I hope NAMCO is pooling all of their efforts into Soul Caliber 4
and Ace Combat 6.

I'm a little tired of Tekken. but still, i hope it turns out okay. I did buy my PS1 in 1995 just to get my hands on a nearly exact port of the arcade.


bumpkin said:
Holy shit! If that's the best Namco's got up their sleeves... Just, wow. VF5 has T6 trumped in the visuals department handily.

I think Tekken may just dethrone Killzone (and maybe even Madden) on the bullshot FMV versus reality debate.

i dont think namco ever mentioned the 2005 stuff were real time. but then again. i could be wrong.


TheIkariWarrior said:
because lately, SEGA > NAMCO in graphics (and gameplay as usual)

Lately? :lol

a Master Ninja said:
Sorry for bringing up that E3 cg-bullshot again, I'm still a little sore about 2005's "promise of next gen" and what we actually got. I never for a second thought Tekken would look that good, but I thought the PS3 and 360 were much more capable than anything we've actually gotten yet. I fully realize that the games will look better over time, but damn do I get bummed every time a game that looked too good to be true in 2005 turns out to actually be that way. All the talk about individually modeled hairs on a characters head, etc, it's all bull. As you can imagine, I fully expect RE5 to look somewhere between RE4 and the announcement video.

Agreed...I knew some of the stuff shown in '05 was bullshit, but I figured we'd at least get close to that level within the next few years. Like Killzone doesn't seem that outrageous to me as a third generation game...maybe it'd only move at 30fps, but if it's blurred like PGR3 and has the same level of detail I think most people would be pretty happy with that. But we seem to be a long way from some of the other stuff, and some companies appear to be going backwards. I literally laughed out loud looking at the Spider-Man 3 shots...a four year old PC could run that shit.

I'm not sure what's up with 360 and PS3. I was willing to cut 360 some slack because developers had such little time to work with the final kits, but I'm still seeing sub-60fps on games that don't exactly scream "this couldn't have been done on the XBox". And for the price they're charging for these consoles ($400 and $600), that's just not good enough. Well, for me anyway.

It's possible that getting even somewhat close to the hyped up levels of a couple years ago means plowing a TON more dough into development, and a lot of companies simply don't see that as financially prudent. And in some ways, I suppose I don't blame them.

Anyway, the Wii is looking like a smarter move by Nintendo with each passing day. Though I have no interest in that platform, at least that machine will never be under pressure to punch above it's own weight. Compared to the overhype that N64 received, it's a pretty positive position for the big N to be in.


flinging feces ---->
CurseoftheGods said:
VF5 is running in 60 fps.

Oh....well then, I'll take back that statement.

I've played the game though, in the arcade. It didn't look like 60fps. Nor did the PS3 videos....I usually can discern between those two.....

BUt I did some research. Maybe I need to spend more time with the game (at Circuit City or something :D )


Jacobi said:
Um the VF5 enviroments looked even worse in the new 1UP show...

Mostly only big flat bitmaps
O rly? So DoA4 still the best looking next-gen 3D fighting game?

VF5 looks better IMO


XSamu said:
O rly? So DoA4 still the best looking next-gen 3D fighting game?

VF5 looks better IMO
Um, do only Japanese people make fighting games ?

Oh and VF5 doesn't look that bad, sorry, searched for some material and I guess the only showed the ugliest levels at 1up.


I'll say it again. This game is due in the arcades by the end of the year. Don't bring up VF5, since that was built on Lindbergh. Don't bring up DOA4, b/c that was pretty much a rush job. T6, at this point, doesn't look much worse than either of them. No, not really. Neither of them had particularly detailed character models. Leo already has some nice hair. Yeah, I know that sounds wierd to even type, but I'm just harping on the details. Does it look better than VF5? No. Better than DOA4? Meh, that's not anything to write home about just yet. But at least this title still stands a chance of seeing significant improvement.

Should the visuals not improve from this point, unleash the hounds. But unless I'm mistaken, this is taking jumping the gun to a whole new level. Months of development remain. Isn't there some reasonable doubt? Is the Tekken fan in me being too optimistic? Is this game FCKed already? PEACE.
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