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Silicon Valley investors call for California to secede from the US after Trump win

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Good luck with the water situation.

That's why they have to remember to include Colorado in this plan and find a way to get us access through UT or AZ. We will dam the Colorado River and fuck them over if they leave us and NM out, surrounded by red states.
Kinda like a U.S. territory such as Puerto Rico or Guam?

I'm admittedly not too familiar with the particulars of how US territories work outside of voting, but I don't think it would go that far. I'm thinking more along the lines of, even if the federal government makes gay marriage illegal, California will still recognize it. Or if the EPA is dismantled, California will have its own variation. Economically, it will more or less be business as usual.


Seceding is a terrible idea, but I've been thinking it's possible for California and some other states to form a block that acts in unity regarding issues such as minority rights and the environment, perhaps even healthcare, regardless of what the federal government does. Still part of the United States, but with a greater degree of independence than states typically demonstrate.

Kinda like a U.S. territory such as Puerto Rico or Guam?

Should educate yourself on the US Constitution, what powers are given to the federal, state, local and territories.


If congress and a majority of the other states don't care it can be done. Sure why not?

Economic impact would be unimaginable, there's literally no way in hell the Federal government would allow it. Then there would be a mass exodus of Californians who don't actually want to lose their US Citizenship. Then there is the water problem. Then there's the stock impact on all those tech companies leaving the stability of the US economy for a far more volatile one. Etc, etc, etc. The reasons stack up for days. Not to mention, y'know, the whole historical precedent. There's more chance of turtles flying out of your ass than this happening, it's a bunch of salty rich dudes spitballing nonsense.


I'd like to see them fucking try it.

As a liberal-as-the-come east coaster, I'd support the most vindictive exit/trade/border policies possible. You want out? You'll be the fuck out.


If California succeed then company registered there will no longer need to pay global income tax. This means Apple and Google can freely bring back their oversea profit home and reinvest there. Canada is fairly open to a trade deal by the way.

This will weaken the US, but it will also make GOP win election much more easily. Politicians are all about personal greed and never care about their people (according to Trump supporter) so Trump may support that.


Even disregarding the logistical impossibilities, it's immoral. Red policies and bullshit will dominate other states even harder, and there are people who can't so easily up and move to one of the highest cost of living states in the nation.
Huh, well Silicon Valley was actually one of the reasons why California shouldn't secede, if the tech valley is in agreement, well, all we really need is military support. I'm looking at you Camp Pendleton and San Diego.

Where would you get your food from?

Wait... I have family stationed at Camp Pendleton. Let's not.


It is really a lot like Brexit. Bad polls, hate crimes, Farage and people wanting to split the country.


This actually can't happen. I mean, I guess California could try declaring war against the United States.

I don't understand this, surely if it's a union of states each party has the right to withdraw when they want through a referendum? Or does it not work like that in America?


For you.
I don't understand this, surely if it's a union of states each party has the right to withdraw when they want through a referendum? Or does it not work like that in America?

Let's just say that "United States" name doesn't actually reflect reality.
I don't understand this, surely if it's a union of states each party has the right to withdraw when they want through a referendum? Or does it not work like that in America?

They would get destroyed like South Carolina did back in the day. SC technically had the right to secede but well the North didn't agree and took the South back by force. California would be taken over by the military and martial law put into affect.
They would get destroyed like South Carolina did back in the day. SC technically had the right to secede but well the North didn't agree and took the South back by force. California would be taken over by the military and martial law put into affect.

It's been quite a while since the Civil War, and a lot has changed:

1. It is in no way practical to occupy or even take a landmass the size of California with as many denizens as California has in modern warfare. We couldn't even really manage taking and holding all of Afghanistan, and that was with the full US military plus NATO allies.

2. Prosecution of a modern war is enormously more expensive, both in terms of the actual war materials and the potential infrastructural damage, by an entire order of magnitude.

3. The public will to wage a purely political or resource war is almost non-existent in this day and age. There's a reason we had to wag the fuck out of the dog with the "War on Terror" to generate even the half-assed cassus belli we mustered together for our foreign wars in the Middle East.

4. The international community is not even remotely the same as it was during the era of the Civil War.

And so on and so forth. Basically, saying "There's no way someone could do that because of the Civil War!" has about as much logical bearing as saying "Trump can't be president because the Senate assassinated Caesar!"
California can't secede without war.

Sure that's precident; but surely if the people of California truly wanted it and they called a referendum on the matter that went in that direction, the rest of the USA wouldn't be able to do shit about it. At that point, it's just democracy, and if the USA ignores the will of those individuals, then they would be worse than the dictatorships they claim to be against

Not to mention, take into account today's modern and interconnected society. Would people really feel comfortable going to war with themselves to fight their own friends and family.


Convince Washington State and Oregon to tag along and y'all can become part of Canada. We got water for ya.

WA, OR, CA link up to BC.

NY, VT, etc. link up to QC/ON. Just have that NH divide to deal with.

Plenty of water up here.

Shame it can't actually happen. It'd be pretty awesome.


If Trump ends all free trade deals he wants to end and the newly formed republic of Cali pick them up, it will become the richest nation on the planet.

Sure that's precident; but surely if the people of California truly wanted it and they called a referendum on the matter that went in that direction, the rest of the USA wouldn't be able to do shit about it. At that point, it's just democracy, and if the USA ignores the will of those individuals, then they would be worse than the dictatorships they claim to be against

Not to mention, take into account today's modern and interconnected society. Would people really feel comfortable going to war with themselves to fight their own friends and family.

No, that's why they would send drones to kill everyone from the air without nobody needing to pick up a gun and actually fight their own friends and family.
As much as I'd prefer 'Cascadia', 'Pacifica', or almost anything besides 'New California', I mostly hope they're amenable to being a slightly larger nation then just the current state lines. Most my friends in Washington have said they'd be a-ok with being North California.


This stuff has been all over my social media feed today, in my dream world sure lol



Libs are the new tea party. I'm now worried about 2020, seems like we did not learn shit since Trump won.
How about they invest in getting rid of the electoral college?


Silicon Valley is nothing but shitlords that have openly admitted they just want their own little bubble so they can get rid of the poors and other undesirables. They are no better than Trump except they hide behind their supposed progressiveness.. Meanwhile their biggest complaint is the US Government limits how many Americans they can fire and bring in cheap foreign replacements for.

Its those poors and undesirables that work the fields that make California that Agricultural Power House.
This stuff has been all over my social media feed today, in my dream world sure lol


I am really curious if this can become more than just a pipe dream.

I mean, yeah, I'd love it, but I know how crazy it is.
For years I've always thought we should let Texas do their own thing. Forcing states to remain seems somehow wrong. Maybe I'm naive or overly idealistic.

Guess we will see what happens.
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