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Skullgirls DLC Character vote | The Campaign united us, The Voting will destroy us



Should I throw in a question in tonight's poll asking if we should abort the second character vote, and let the team pick a character instead?

With some the things people are saying, I'd like to think that people are just being irrational and over-competitive, and this will all go away when the vote's over. But I'm not entirely sure of this.
No. You shouldn't bend to the demands of these people, and they're not going to be happy if you mercy-kill the character vote, and pick your own character. They're not going to be satisfied, and they won't stay quiet over a character that the team has picked. Never mind all the accusations that you 'lied' to us :)lol), people will be salty enough to throw shit at you guys for 'bending' to one particular sub-group or the other. It won't matter if it's true, they'll spew it anyways. If you think the (eyerolling) 'MOE KAWAII GARBAGE IS RUINING MY MANLY VOTE' rhetoric is bad now, it's going to get worse if you guys get involved personally in the decision.

People funded the campaign for Squigly, Big Band, and a vote on two community-chosen DLC characters. Things will only get worse if you compromise there. Just let the vote happen.

Hmm, guess I'll flip a coin to choose between Minette or Annie.

I wonder how the next vote will turn out...
As a fellow member of #TeamBlackDahlia, I implore you to vote Annie.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.

Should I throw in a question in tonight's poll asking if we should abort the second character vote, and let the team pick a character instead?

With some the things people are saying, I'd like to think that people are just being irrational and over-competitive, and this will all go away when the vote's over. But I'm not entirely sure of this.

This really seems like it'd fan the flames moreso than stem the tide of rage to me. I could easily see people getting all "My character didn't make it into the final four and I don't get to vote for a second round? *gnashes teeth* *shakes fist at uncaring heavens* *calls credit card company*"

Speeding up the round 2 voting still feels like the best solution to my mind. I think dragging it out if people are seriously getting ornery enough to pull some dumb shit ain't gonna help anybody.

Sorry you're having to put up with this by the way. The hyperbolic campaigning is fun and all, but it's a shame people are getting testy about it.
I am guessing either Minette or Annie will win because they would look good on pillows.

Well I'm done with this game. Enjoy continuing to alienate the majority. I wish I could take my money back.

Precisely how I feel. I won't be voting this round.

I'll check back in next time there's a vote or anything... or no, no I honestly probably won't.

I seriously hope everyone has a ton of fun with who get's put into the game, this is just obviously not for me.


Shit, if Stanley was put in the game I would have bought this.

Oh well. Guess I just saved myself 20 something bucks.

Enjoy your waifus guys.

this makes me feel alive

Peter, you'll always get haters.... just ignore them and stick with the plan, you promised something and you're delivering.


Yeah, I don't really think this is a good idea, but given the idiotic "fuck democracy" sentiment some people are displaying, I thought it might be worth exploring.
Maybe in the future, but for now I think it might be better to just try to be patient. I know it's difficult (democracy is difficult), but through a lot of trials, a better community can emerge.

Honestly, it's encouraging that the first round top 4 is full of ladies.




I'm glad the fanbase didn't allow Skullgirls to be compromised.

No male characters please.



OK, so everyone seems to universally agree that aborting the second vote is a bad idea.

How about changing the rules, then?

Maybe something like this...

1. One vote per round
2. 11 rounds, 2 days each

Round 1: All 30 characters
Round 2: Top 20
Round 3: Top 10
Round 4: Top 9
Round 5: Top 8

One character is eliminated every round until one character has more than 50% of the vote.​

I just don't like the round voting. I think it really should just be all characters, 1 round, most popular is in.

This is the best way to piss off the most people.
OK, so everyone seems to universally agree that aborting the second vote is a bad idea.

How about changing the rules, then?

Maybe something like this...

1. One vote per round
2. 11 rounds, 2 days each

Round 1: All 30 character
Round 2: Top 20
Round 3: Top 10
Round 4: Top 9
Round 5: Top 8
Round 6: Top 7
Round 7: Top 6
Round 8: Top 5
Round 9: Top 4
Round 10: Top 3
Round 11: Top 2​

This is the best way to piss off the most people.

I like thiiis, I'm fucking serious keep it! one round every 2 days means constant trolling, PLEASE PETER


I never thought this was a good idea.

But a lot of people are saying that they think having a vote at all was a bad idea, and this is the only resolution to that.

I think there's a bad side and good side to every result considered in this. The crowdfunding has been spectacular and it shows the community is tightly knit but unfortunately this kind of bickering that people are having in turn is just kind of inevitable y'know? That's always the flaw of having people choose most things that should appear, but it's still a fair involvement in which the majority will have spoken, and people just have to accept that beyond what you guys put down in stone, they can't expect it to revolve purely around themselves. That's just selfish, this is a community effort.

Personally I've always been of the thought that I trust you guys more than anything to do the right thing regardless of outcome. I say go through with your promises. I'm a Minette supporter myself so there's some heat I feel for a lot of people judging each other for her getting so far, but in the end I consider it pretty great for each and every character to have gotten this far, so keep doing what you do best. In the end I'm satisfied with whoever gets in because at the very least it would have been what a lot of people would like.
Except Aeon, she better not win dammit.


I honestly can't believe Aeon made it. I seriously can't. Eliza and Annie were a pretty much confirmed as top contenderds from the start, Minette was always strong but AEON?! Jesus Christ.


Just make the numbers public next round Ravidrath. :p

Ignore the salty anyway, if people are genuinely mad that they can't vote for a male character, that's their problem. I dislike Aeon, but the other three characters are all characters I think deserve a spot.

EDIT: Oh, changing the rules?

Just do it via Alternative Vote. Everyone orders their characters from most wanted to least wanted. Collate everyone's first choices. Does one character have over 50%? If so, they win. If not, eliminate the loser. Take the loser's second choice and redistribute their votes to those second choices. Eliminate the loser of the second round and redistribute. If it's still not at 50% wanting one character, keep eliminating the bottom character until one character gets 50% of the votes.

This is the most democratic way of doing a vote. You only need one round of voting too.


Updated the rules proposal...

1. One vote per round
2. X rounds, 2 days each

Round 1: All 30 characters
Round 2: Top 20
Round 3: Top 10
Round 4: Top 9
Round 5: Top 8

One character is eliminated every round until one character has more than 50% of the vote.​

People probably figure something like "but Big Band isn't a >real< male character he's practically a big coated robot with instruments".

It takes exactly one syllable from Rich Brown to dispel any questions about Big Band's masculinity.
top 8 had 4 girls and 4 guys, that was surprising as fuck. I voted Annie/Minette but I would have been perfectly fine with Issac.

Updated the rules proposal...

1. One vote per round
2. 11 rounds, 2 days each

Round 1: All 30 characters
Round 2: Top 20
Round 3: Top 10
Round 4: Top 9
Round 5: Top 8

One character is eliminated every round until one character has more than 50% of the vote.​

It takes exactly one syllable of Rich Brown to dispel any questions of masculinity.

you have no idea how much better that is than the retarded 4 rounds we got. I LOVE THE IDEA OF ONE VOTE PER ROUND, DO IT! It would mean we can't push all the similar characters because we can only vote for one.
Updated the rules proposal...

1. One vote per round
2. 11 rounds, 2 days each

Round 1: All 30 characters
Round 2: Top 20
Round 3: Top 10
Round 4: Top 9
Round 5: Top 8

One character is eliminated every round until one character has more than 50% of the vote.​
The first thing to tackle is the number of total days this thing will go on. The setup we used feels fine. The part that sucked was dragging it out for an entire 30-31 days. It needs to be 14 days at the very highest. The number of rounds and eliminations is up to you.


tagged by Blackace
...Not to mention it was never the intention of the devs.
Intentions don't mean much when you decide to you name your game Skullgirls and the public perception is rightfully skewed accordingly. Kinda only leads to one assumption, especially with a single gendered base cast.


Wait, how can people exploit chargebacks for this?
Is it that easy to chargeback? I thought there'd be at least some investigation involved. Lab Zero hasn't done anything it didn't promise.
I really hate that people jump to conclusions when top 8 had four guys and most of us knew about Panzerfaust before some of you guys even heard about the game.

Enough people in this thread have said it that i wanted to voice that. I'm not as annoyed with the top 4 as i am with some of the attitude about how they were "vindicated" about skullgirls being only girls when a lot of us are bummed losing people we liked. I don't know, im just bummed about losing a lot of favorites, and that shit just got to me.


Man, I really feel like pulling back my money. Listen Ravi, I love this game but frankly the lack of dick disturbs me. Hope you don't mind 5k missing.
If only I did donate 5k :p

But I feel like I'll vote Eliza. Annie is pretty cool, but something is lacking. As for Eliza, aside from being freaky and cool at the same time, plus mature. She's also as close as we'll get to an arab rep so yeah.
My updated top two after thinking over the move potential is Annie and Isaac. Looks like it could be difficult for Isaac to ever get voted in though. Beowulf fell out of my top 2 because of a lack of new info on what he could do. Rounding out the top 5 is Beowulf, Scythana, and Eliza.

If Annie wins this round though, I hope Isaac, Beowulf, or Panzerfaust wins the next round.

Really sucks that people even have the ability to do chargebacks at this point, let alone that anyone is terrible enough to do it when everything was done as promised.
Updated the rules proposal...

1. One vote per round
2. X rounds, 2 days each

Round 1: All 30 characters
Round 2: Top 20
Round 3: Top 10
Round 4: Top 9
Round 5: Top 8

One character is eliminated every round until one character has more than 50% of the vote.​

I prefer this, makes things faster and forces people to start picking their favorite character from the beginning instead of "strategizing" the votes.
Intentions don't mean much when you decide to you name your game Skullgirls and the public perception is rightfully skewed accordingly. Kinda only leads to one assumption, especially with a single gendered base cast.
Yeah... Alex talked about flipping the traditional gender ratio, but I'm pretty sure it hasn't been 100-0 in a long time lol.
Enough people in this thread have said it that i wanted to voice that. I'm not as annoyed with the top 4 as i am with some of the attitude about how they were "vindicated" about skullgirls being only girls when a lot of us are bummed losing people we liked. I don't know, im just bummed about losing a lot of favorites, and that shit just got to me.
I'm gonna be honest. A lot of these "all girl" types are brand new faces around here. Trust me because I run the OT and I've followed this game way too closely for my own good lol. It is what it is and chances are that the second vote will be heavily flipped once folks get one of their favorite ladies in the game.

Nyoro SF

I don't like the once per day voting. I feel like we'll reach the same conclusion especially since it is all done blind. I would just speed up the existing voting process.


@ravidrath, I hope you don't feel that I or others think it's not cool for you guys to give fans a say in which characters are in the game or not. I can only speak for myself, but I think it's quite unique to have such control as fan. Your favorite might not win, but you have a vote. That is cool. Why I think the whole vote was/is a bad idea, is those guys that ask for their money back now that their character has not made the cut. By asking their money back they have tainted the voting process in my opinion, but that's just me. So, maybe the vote was not a bad idea, just the fact that voters can ask for a refund when their choice doesn't make it.


Pretty sure that this IndieGoGo campaign proved that the game doesn't need the FGC, or a competitive scene in general, for the game to thrive. Would it be cool? Sure. But the fan base is big enough already that it's not exactly necessary like some people want to make it out to be.

You're overestimating the importance of the FGC. I say this as a dude who has organized SG sessions at Next Level and is in the process of trying to set up a future tournament.

dunno about that, fgc extends a games life span.

Even convinced themselves that mvc2 wasn't a horribly put together broken mess for over a decade.


I gotta say that I'm loving the Idea of everyone just getting one vote. The old system seemed like a good idea but I don't think it worked out well in practice.

I also like the idea of making everyone really think about who they want in the game.
The results of this round will likely ensure more males in the next round as a reaction against it.

I don't get this logic. If Minette/Annie win it's likely their voters will all migrate to the other moe, and the issue with men was that so many made it through to the last round which divided the vote (as Ravi said Beo was 8 votes away, it's extremely likely he would have got those if he wasn't competing with another 3 males).

I really wish they'd release the numbers though, would be interesting to see if anybody actually stood a chance other than Annie/Minette and if they were the clear front runners in every round.


Updated the rules proposal...

1. One vote per round
2. X rounds, 2 days each

Round 1: All 30 characters
Round 2: Top 20
Round 3: Top 10
Round 4: Top 9
Round 5: Top 8

One character is eliminated every round until one character has more than 50% of the vote.​
This is interesting and evil. Hmmmm.
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