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Smash Bros Brawl Dojo Official Update Thread: Goodbye, Cherry-don

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Fry Daddy
Iam Canadian said:
Did you just take a shot at Kid Icarus?

I think you just took a shot at Kid Icarus.
I don't think it's "taking a shot" when it's an awful game!

That's also why Sakurai used Super Metroid instead of the bad original Metroid.


ProfessorLobo said:
Kinda Lame. We only get to play ten minutes of these old ass games because Nintendo wants to squeeze every dime out of their twenty year old games. Why not just release the full versions? Releasing these tiny demos is kinda pointless. Some people might be looking forward to this, but I'll pass. It's pretty gimicky.

If these trials convince any people to buy great-to-awesome games like Super Metroid, Kirby's Adventure, Earthbound, and Fire Emblem, it's all worth it in the end. This single idea is probably better advertising for Nintendo series than the whole of Nintendo has managed in any given period of five years.




Dammit. Only on the Japan site

Sakurai said:
At that point, I decided to ask Kazushige Nojima-san to help us since he had composed the scenarios for titles like Final Fantasy VII.




I didn't think he had any left for us, but wow, MEGATON indeed. Although I own a lot of those games already, there's still a few here and there that I'll be interested in trying out. I wonder if the list of games you'll be able to try out will grow as more are released for the VC? It would make sense, since a lot of franchise games aren't out yet...

Iam Canadian said:
Did you just take a shot at Kid Icarus?

I think you just took a shot at Kid Icarus.
guys i think he just took a shot at kid icarus.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
Crushed said:
I don't think it's "taking a shot" when it's an awful game!

That's also why Sakurai used Super Metroid instead of the bad original Metroid.

Hey, Kid Icarus has its flaws, I'll grant you that. It's not nearly as good as the top-tier NES games like Super Mario Bros. 3 or Zelda. But to group it in with the huge mountain of failure that is Ice Climber is just wrong.
One of the coolest parts of this is to think about all of the gamers who will own Brawl but never owned a NES, SNES, N64, Genesis, etc. Now they'll get to truly experience what made these characters so iconic in the first place, while the rest of us will be able to revisit the rest of the pack for free! Granted, some Wii owners have a shitton of VC games already, but I'd wager most of us don't...so this is a massive deal to that group of us!


Introduce old games to new audiences, add some more mileage to the game, AND some more cross-advertising for the VC service?

Sly Nintendo. Real sly.


I can understand not listing FE but how could they not list Earthbound? It came out in America! This does not bode well for us getting the VC release here.


Crushed said:
I don't think it's "taking a shot" when it's an awful game!

That's also why Sakurai used Super Metroid instead of the bad original Metroid.
The original isn't a bad game, it's just that it was surpassed by Super Metroid in literally every single way. Given that Super Metroid is the best game ever, that's still not too much of an indictment, I just wouldn't recommend it to anyone over Super Metroid. Kid Icarus does suck though.
ProfessorLobo said:
Only if you want to pay for it.
If you're not willing to pay $8 for Super Metroid I'm not sure why you're still gaming. It's one of the few games on the VC that is easily worth the price.

Oh man, Sakurai is going to convert everyone into speedrunners with the Super Mario Bros. time limit. I hope he is cruel and gives that game only 5 mins, knowing very well it is currently only possible to beat the game in 5 mins for a "perfect" game of Super Mario. Bros played by a human at this time...

Scribble said:
This feature is lost on me, since I've played most of the classics =(

Never hurts to spend a few minutes revisiting 'em, though. :) I know I'll have fun with this, a ton. Totally free, progressive scan, etc.


Oh, wow, that's just damnably clever. I mean, utterly useless to me since I've played all these games, and picked up the VC ones I want, but this'll be great for people who may have missed a few of them, or who may be new owners and picked up SSBB just because their friends all have it.

You win this round, Sakurai.


You know, I'm wondering if the inclusion of Lucas means a possible Mother 3 release on VC/DS.

Wait no, that'd make too much sense.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
Kusagari said:
I can understand not listing FE but how could they not list Earthbound? It came out in America! This does not bode well for us getting the VC release here.

You know, if Nintendo wanted to outdo SEGA in the "claim a game is a import when it's not" department, and charge 900 points for Earthbound, I'd still gladly pay it because Earthbound is that good.

But it won't happen. Earthbound will come out on the VC (and not as an import or anything silly like that). It's free money for them (because Starmen.Net has demonstrated time and time again how devoted Mother fans are) and will bolster the VC's RPG catalogue. Besides, it would be a damn crime if Nintendo dumped every first-gen NES sports game on there, but not the masterpiece of Earthbound.


Just watch there be a Pokemon Red/Blue demo and if you encounter missingno it corrupts your Brawl data and mixes up your trophy collection.


Kusagari said:
I can understand not listing FE but how could they not list Earthbound? It came out in America! This does not bode well for us getting the VC release here.

They don't want to detract sales from the Earthbound Trilogy Remake on the DS.



Crushed said:
Nah, it's pretty bad. Well, it's aged horrifically, but the original's design didn't help.
No. It's really not a bad game. It was an incredibly innovative game at the time, and while it does suffer from some poor design choices the foremost of those is that it was created for the NES, which really wasn't powerful enough for Yokoi's vision. Just because I wouldn't recommend it doesn't mean that it's bad, just that many better alternatives exist.
Dreavus said:
I've never played Kid Icarus... this is going to be amazing!
Yeah, that's what I thought, too. Then I actually played it.


Crushed said:
I don't think it's "taking a shot" when it's an awful game!

That's also why Sakurai used Super Metroid instead of the bad original Metroid.

You burn in hell.
Metroid is aweomse.
You burn in hell.
I don't care so much for this update. Seems kind of pointless to let us try levels of old games. If they update with different Sonic, Mario, and dare I say Metal Gear games, I'll be happy.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
What a weird fucking update. This came out of nowhere. I wonder if this is to tease us about English versions of Mother and Fire Emblem games then.


Scribble said:
This feature is lost on me, since I've played most of the classics =(
So have I, but as far as I'm concerned, this means more promotion for those classics and more gamers actually getting in on them. I don't think even a diehard Smash Bros. hater like Amir0x would criticize the idea of everybody being able to play a free trial of Earthbound and Super Metroid and experience greatness.

But then again, ProfessorLobo seems to hate this feature for some reason or other, so apparently anything's possible. :/


I've complained quite often that Nintendo has done a poor job of making casual Wii owners aware of the Virtual Console, and it's nice to see them finally getting the word out there on the service. Not only will Brawl's Masterpieces mode give newcomers a taste of some of the older Nintendo classics for the first time, but it'll also serve to introduce the Virtual Console service to a lot of people that have probably never checked out the Shop Channel at all. Good work Nintendo (Sakurai), keep it up.

Now off to read Volume 4!


I've actually been wanting to see what Ice Climber is all about, even though I heard it is quite poopies. So I shall use this feature and use it well.
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