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Smash Bros Brawl Dojo Official Update Thread: Goodbye, Cherry-don

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M3wThr33 said:
Possibly. But it's more likely that it's Snake's stage and they're all around there.
Snake's stage is the Shadow Moses...place.

...it's been too long since I played MGS, but it was snowy and decidedly not a Donkey Kong Jungle Beat level.


WastingPenguins said:
Okay, so what exactly does this cypher thing do in MGS2? Is it some sort of hover device? If so, I'm guessing it's his up+B. I want more shots!


Are you like one of the 6 people who never played MGS2?

I'm..I'm..sorry. Anyways, they're floating security bots. Typically mounted with machine guns .


M3wThr33 said:

Are you like one of the 6 people who never played MGS2?

I'm..I'm..sorry. Anyways, they're floating security bots. Typically mounted with machine guns .
I haven't played it either. I've played the first 10 minutes of MGS and MGS3, but none of MGS2. I'm sure the games have lots of great qualities, but I can't get past the controls.
M3wThr33 said:

Are you like one of the 6 people who never played MGS2?

I'm..I'm..sorry. Anyways, they're floating security bots. Typically mounted with machine guns .

I played the first one, then realized I'd rather PLAY games than just sit and watch them for hours on end. Sorry. :lol


Unconfirmed Member
WastingPenguins said:
Okay, so what exactly does this cypher thing do in MGS2? Is it some sort of hover device? If so, I'm guessing it's his up+B. I want more shots!
The reports seem to say that he "hovers in before doing battle," so I'm taking that to mean that 1) intro animations are back, and 2) Snake rides the Cypher onto the stage as his intro animation.

So what do you think are the chances of Snake's profile appearing this week?


WastingPenguins said:
I played the first one, then realized I'd rather PLAY games than just sit and watch them for hours on end. Sorry. :lol
MGS1 was awesome, what are you talking about? Then again I guess I was kind of small when I watched someone else played it.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Sharp said:
MGS1 was awesome, what are you talking about?

Hes just saying he didnt like the story enough, which hes very much entitled to.

You could still skip the cutscenes though :p


M3wThr33 said:

Are you like one of the 6 people who never played MGS2?

I'm..I'm..sorry. Anyways, they're floating security bots. Typically mounted with machine guns .

I guess I'm one of the other six...

I've actually never played any of the MGS games. The only thing I know about them is from what I've seen in commercials. I keep meaning to pick up the Gamecube version (that's a remake of the first one, right?) one of these days to see what the fuss is about.

On the other hand, though, this...

I played the first one, then realized I'd rather PLAY games than just sit and watch them for hours on end. Sorry.

... kind of soured my enthusiasm a bit. I've found that I've got a rather low tolerance for overly-long and/or poorly-done cutscenes. They're part of the reason that I gave up on Final Fantasy X.
Vlad said:
... kind of soured my enthusiasm a bit. I've found that I've got a rather low tolerance for overly-long and/or poorly-done cutscenes. They're part of the reason that I gave up on Final Fantasy X.
Never played Xenosaga?


Calints Neos said:
Never played Xenosaga?

Nope. Got kind of burned out on RPGs after the SNES days (Chrono Trigger, FF 4/6, Secret of Mana, etc) and haven't touched one since. I got irritated with Final Fantasy X and tried Tales of Symphonia, but never got into that one.

I wouldn't say the cutscenes in MGS are bad. They're certainly well done. There's just a lot (LOT) of them.

Hmm. Might give it a shot someday if I see it cheap somewhere.

It should be an interesting experience, as I've got NO idea what kind of game it actually is. As near as I can tell from the few commercials I've paid attention to, it looks like some sort of military-based Devil May Cry type of game.


SantaC said:
so baseballbat and Mr. Saturn back = ness back?


Yes. :p
I don't know why everyone's not expecting Ness back.."Oh but the rumors..".."Oh, but NOA".. :p

By the way!

Yummy! XD
No one ever said there would be no Earthbound characters, people just expect Lucas to replace Ness.

Which there's still no confirmation about either way. If anything, the Franklin Badge was more confirmation that there are Earthbound characters than this picture.


Unconfirmed Member
Vlad said:
It should be an interesting experience, as I've got NO idea what kind of game it actually is. As near as I can tell from the few commercials I've paid attention to, it looks like some sort of military-based Devil May Cry type of game.
...How can you possibly be into video gaming and not know that MGS is a stealth action franchise? That's sort of like not knowing Mario is a platformer or Halo is a FPS.

Regardless, aside from the cutscenes being good and well put together (though a bit more ridiculous and over the top than necessary in the GC game), they're also skippable, if I remember right.
I never really liked MGS until I rented MGS3 on a lark. I consider it to be one of the best games I've ever played.

Your mileage may vary, but beating that game was one of the defining moments in my gamer...life? History? I can't think of a way to phrase it that does not come off as somewhat sad.


That stage there looks like some rooftops in Delfino Island; I don't recall having seen that stopping point for the floaty platform before.


MetatronM said:
...How can you possibly be into video gaming and not know that MGS is a stealth action franchise? That's sort of like not knowing Mario is a platformer or Halo is a FPS.

Regardless, aside from the cutscenes being good and well put together (though a bit more ridiculous and over the top than necessary in the GC game), they're also skippable, if I remember right.


It's just one of those games that, for one reason or another, sort of missed the boat on. I've just never happened upon any gameplay footage of it or anything, so all I knew was its reputation for excessive cutscenes and that all of the footage I saw on television commercials was sort of action-y scenes (I could have sworn there was one scene where the main character kicked/jumped off of a missile fired from a helicopter or something).

So, since I'm apparently missing out on so much, would the Gamecube version be a good place to start out?
Vlad said:
So, since I'm apparently missing out on so much, would the Gamecube version be a good place to start out?
It is not an awful place to start out. Keep in mind, once you move past it, you'll realize the GC controller is not very good for the game.
Ganondorf's TP model and Midna's transformed model especially

how could ganandorf's new model not be from TP?
wouldn't Midna's imp form along with Wolf Link (or even alone) be a far more interesting and unique fighter?

It is not an awful place to start out. Keep in mind, once you move past it, you'll realize the GC controller is not very good for the game.

to be honest, I didn't like Twin Snakes at all. I felt so... disconnected from the game while playing it. That might sound stupid, but I can't really think of a better way to describe it right now.


bigmakstudios said:
how could ganandorf's new model not be from TP?
wouldn't Midna's imp form along with Wolf Link (or even alone) be a far more interesting and unique fighter?
I tend to think she probably has the same abilities and powers in either form. >_>
M3wThr33 said:

Are you like one of the 6 people who never played MGS2?

I'm..I'm..sorry. Anyways, they're floating security bots. Typically mounted with machine guns .
I've only played very little of the first MGS. I've never touched any of the sequels.


ant1532 said:
I honestly don't understand you guys and how you talk like MGS is just some regular game...

I was so scarred by the story in MGS2 that I still haven't gotten to the third game. I'm kind of over the whole "confuse the crap out of the player for entertainment" phase that kicked off with Xenogears. So for me, it's just a regular game :p


why the fuck am I STILL not getting PMed when something Earthbound related is shown about Smash Bros.


Mr. Saturn? COME ON GUYS! That is major! Failures, the lot of ya.


ShockingAlberto said:
Hey wait

Have we talked about these?

Because it looks like the start of Snake's story mode...
Hmmm, I wouldn't think that they would just rip the art and screens from the Dojo...


Amir0x said:
why the fuck am I STILL not getting PMed when something Earthbound related is shown about Smash Bros.


Mr. Saturn? COME ON GUYS! That is major! Failures, the lot of ya.

I would've done it, but then I remembered it was something you loved.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Amir0x said:
why the fuck am I STILL not getting PMed when something Earthbound related is shown about Smash Bros.


Mr. Saturn? COME ON GUYS! That is major! Failures, the lot of ya.

I didnt know I was allowed to PM you.


zomg, so awesome. Peculiar that one of his moves (or perhaps, an item?) will be a Cypher.

Maybe that's it, guys! Maybe its not a move. For all we know, it could be an item that's used to float around in the air D:

...which makes no sense, though the gun turret cypher would be interesting.


I only played MGS: The Twin Snakes. I do remember my dad walking in on me playing and asking me if I was watching a movie since my controller was on the floor and I was watching a cutscene :lol

I've been meaning to play MGS2 and MGS3 but I have a backlog to work through... a backlog which includes those two games but oh well =(


Firestorm said:
I only played MGS: The Twin Snakes. I do remember my dad walking in on me playing and asking me if I was watching a movie since my controller was on the floor and I was watching a cutscene :lol

I've been meaning to play MGS2 and MGS3 but I have a backlog to work through... a backlog which includes those two games but oh well =(
Each game is fairly short and linear, I would suggest going and finishing them off.


Get Inside Her!
Linkzg said:
am I the only one who is bursting out of his pants because intros are back?

We don't actually know they are. There was no footage, I don't think. I think they just showed screens on the projector there, especially based on that bowser/bat one. The "snake glides in before battle" or whatever text is just a press interpretation of the screen, from what I gather. It could easily be Snake's up-B.
ShockingAlberto said:
No one ever said there would be no Earthbound characters, people just expect Lucas to replace Ness.

Which there's still no confirmation about either way. If anything, the Franklin Badge was more confirmation that there are Earthbound characters than this picture.
Ness is like the mascot of Earthbound, if were to put one character from Earthbound it would definitely be Ness.
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