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So finally the #MeToo hypocrisy is in full swing

There pendulum always swings, and will again.

It's odd to see people siding over staying at home parenting. It's a big balancing act. Childcare is expensive and impacts the child, but one parent working has its financial implications. Be rich and never care.
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I say we just let women have the entire workplace and become men of leisure while they bring home the bacon and raise the kids.

It's fine, as long as you don't ask for child support:

There pendulum always swings, and will again.
It's not always a pendulum though, e.g. % of educated people is (mostly) steadily raising.

Women saying two contradictory things at once?
So do men. I mean, different people have different opinions, why can't they be contradictory?
I might have missed contradictory opinion coming from the same person.
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So do men. I mean, different people have different opinions, why can't they be contradictory?
I might have missed contradictory opinion coming from the same person.
you put way too much thought into a drive by shitpost...
It's frustrating that there seems to be so much venom between the genders. (Granted, it's not everyone and maybe the extremists on both sides make things sometimes seem worse than it is.) The phrase "battle of the sexes" does seem to be more relevant than ever, though.


It's frustrating that there seems to be so much venom between the genders. (Granted, it's not everyone and maybe the extremists on both sides make things sometimes seem worse than it is.) The phrase "battle of the sexes" does seem to be more relevant than ever, though.

Do you leave the house?

I've literally never had a heated argument with a woman other than my wife...and that was over not emptying the dishwasher for 2 days.


In the USA most women work. It is not 1950 anymore, the cost of living is too high. Housewives barely exist.

Funny thing about that. The increase in the number of available workers also caused wages to go down hand in hand. Having more female employees cause everyone to get paid less, even though productivity is higher than it has ever been. If we took out half the workers companies would be forced to pay more because there would be more competition. So ladies have at it, I wanna be a trophy house husband with a sugar mama.
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Take Twitter out of the equation and let me know about your subsequent analysis.

Yes, I know that the bulk of the outrage is social media, but that has to be a reflection of something - if only the extremists shouting, perhaps.

Do you leave the house?

I've literally never had a heated argument with a woman other than my wife...and that was over not emptying the dishwasher for 2 days.

Sometimes. :p

And I get your point. My interactions with women haven't reflected the apparent anger coming from that side either, but it seems to exist on some level or capacity nonetheless. I guess it's easy to get lost in the digital noise.


Has this become a big enough issue where men legitimately feel this is the best way to move forward?

Grow a fucking pair you pussies.

I work in a field where it's always been dominated by men. It's just in the last 20/30 years we have started to work along side women and I think it's great. Diversity is great, be it gender, cultural, religious. When my wife started there 15 years ago she said it was tough and minor sexual harassment went on. She's the type of women to laugh, brush it off, or make a crude joke back. She said only once or twice it crossed a line where it wasn't acceptable. Was she upset to the point she wanted this guy's balls on a pike and he lose his job and lively hood? No. She took it more as a situation to show this fucker you can't do this shit anymore. Times are changing. Change with them for fuck off.

Everyones too damn soft these days. Everything offends everyone and if you offended me your whole life should be ruined and your a piece of shit that needs to rot in hell.
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Has this become a big enough issue where men legitimately feel this is the best way to move forward?

Grow a fucking pair you pussies.

I work in a field where it's always been dominated by men. It's just in the last 20/30 years we have started to work along side women and I think it's great. Diversity is great, be it gender, cultural, religious. When my wife started there 15 years ago she said it was tough and minor sexual harassment went on. She's the type of women to laugh, brush it off, or make a crude joke back. She said only once or twice it crossed a line where it wasn't acceptable. Was she upset to the point she wanted this guy's balls on a pike and he lose his job and lively hood? No. She took it more as a situation to show this fucker you can't do this shit anymore. Times are changing. Change with them for fuck off.

Everyones too damn soft these days. Everything offends everyone and if you offended me your whole life should be ruined and your a piece of shit that needs to rot in hell.

Anger is a resource, don’t waste it yelling at strangers.
My wife has mostly been stay-at-home, with only a few part time gigs here and there over the years, and then later teaching art just a few days a week at one of the kid's schools, which is ideal in that it coincides perfectly with their schedule. I grew up with a 100% stay-at-home mom, and all three of my sisters have stayed home or taught in the schools.

If you can manage it, it's a beautiful arrangement. But don't be misled by the image of home as a prison of boredom and lower station in life; that's a weirdly anachronistic concept that started once home life became so automated and isolated in the suburbs. For most of human history, women were indeed more closely associated with the life of the domestic sphere, but that didn't mean simply cleaning and watching soaps--it meant being the life at the center of local community, where much of the daily productivity happened which shapes our environment, and where many families and generations tended to interact actively with one another. The isolated and automated home is the real culprit which rather recently created the idea that "staying" home is somehow a lesser station in life, along with the gradual pull of the market as it tries to capture and monetize every kind of activity still outside its purview, when the most important daily labor of all usually took place outside of wages.
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The phrase "battle of the sexes" does seem to be more relevant than ever, though.
Curious, I've never seen it that way and am still not sure what you are referring to.
Men lack in-group bias (more likely to side with women) so that kind of fight isn't possible.


I think that if there is a shift in attitudes as suggested, it would have less to do with the movement, and more to do with the hang them and then try them later efforts of the resistance to Kavanaugh.


Gold Member
Has this become a big enough issue where men legitimately feel this is the best way to move forward?
The average guy see all these powerful and rich men being accused and having their lives destroyed. Valid accusations or not, if someone like that can barely defend them self's the average guy isn't going to be able to do anything about it.
Couple that with the "he said/she said" nature of some of the accusations, or that they are sometimes years old and you will get a group that feels the safest and easiest thing to do is not put them self's at risk and avoid being alone with women.

And this issue has become big enough that men are starting to refuse to perform CPR or use an AED on a woman because someone might accuse them of doing something inappropriate. A guy in Japan was accused of being a pervert and had the cops called on him for cutting the clothes off a unresponsive woman in order to apply the AED paddles.

Grow a fucking pair you pussies.
"A friend said to me, “Hey you need to grow a pair. Grow a pair, Bro.” It’s when someone calls you weak, but they associate it with a lack of testicles. Which is weird, because testicles are the most sensitive things in the world. If you suddenly just grew a pair, you’d be a lot more vulnerable. If you want to be tough, you should lose a pair. If you want to be real tough, you should grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding."


It's frustrating that there seems to be so much venom between the genders.

Its not so much that, its that people abuse the framework for their own (usually entirely selfish) reasons.

If you read that 'other' site, the common hot take (which should really be called shit take) is the line of reasoning of 'why cant men just stop being misogynistic rapists?'

That's not the issue, the issue has become people abusing the legal frameworks or narratives.

I have never seen anyone legitimately defend rapists, no one is okaying sexual assault, rape, inappropriate advances, abuse of power etc, this is about removinf the possibility of someone weaponising the narrative and keeping everything above board. The men that have become weary of this arent weary of being caught out doing something wrong, they are weary of false allegations where that can destroy their home life, career and reputation.

Unfortunately there are people on both sides of the equation guilty of doing the wrong thing (whether thats a inappropriate conduct or someone falsely accusing someone of inappropriate conduct) and so some are taking it to a point of nipping it in the bud altogether, and the means of doing that arent going to work favourably.

The concept of rape culture on universities is one area that has recently brought about a change where in court, legal prosecution lacks enough strength to convict someone of sexual assault, and so instead college campuses have their own investigation where the burden of proof is signicantly lower and as a result students have had been removed or expelled from the college in situations where a court would have found there to be not enough proof to convict anyone.

I watched a story recently where a young black man admitted to having consensual sex with another student, it went to court and the courts found the interaction to be consensual, but the college still expelled the student and has now left that student in huge debt and unable to finish their degree.

Thats the state of the times now, where one can be proven to be innocent or that there can be insufficient evidence legally, but institutions can still take it upon themselves to punish individuals with significantly less burden of proof


The biggest problem is people mixing business with pleasure and forgetting they’re at work. Be cordial to your colleagues and keep it at an acquaintance level, don’t get too personal. I don’t see how guys keep getting into trouble, just keep it professional and there won’t be any problems. We gotta stop thinking we’re all God’s gift to women and shoot our shot after working hours with people we DON’T work with.

I know there are folks that found love at work but that’s the exception, not the rule.


I'll be honest, I run a small business, and I will never get a woman to work for me, not cause I think woman can't work, but cause I don't want to get in trubble.
When you sped 8 to 10 hour a day with another person things get personal and the wrong word at the wrong time can become a huge deal.


I'll tell a story...

There was this golden boy at my first office job. It was a magazine that was pretty close knit but mostly women running the technology part of the business and press guys in another section of the building. I worked with the women mostly older but some milfs as well. They hated me because I stayed single and hit the strip clubs but the golden boy started dating this girl who started the same time as me. He disrespected her and cheated on her with another girl in the office. You know those women didn't say not one negative word against him. These were some old tuff gals they didn't hold their tongues but not so much as a peep. As for me on the other hand I went on this office boat trip and they literally cock blocked me from this girl who was interested.

I've literally lived that SNL sketch where James Franco was the victim of sexual double standard. It's fucking confusing and frustrating.


Gold Member
I'll be honest, I run a small business, and I will never get a woman to work for me, not cause I think woman can't work, but cause I don't want to get in trubble.
When you sped 8 to 10 hour a day with another person things get personal and the wrong word at the wrong time can become a huge deal.
Also, maternity leave. Might not as big of an issue in the US, but in Canada you get 52 or 78 week mat leave.

So you got to fill the gap with a temp worker or get other workers to cover for them. And then 1 week before she is scheduled to come back......... "Oh, hi boss. Just want to let you know I quit and not coming back. Thanks!"

Or you get the serial mat leaver..... mat leave.... come back to work and go on mat leave again after 6 months because she's already pregnant..... mat leave..... repeat.

I know 3 people who did it 3 times all in a row with roughly 6-7 month gaps. And then poof! I quit boss. One of them spent more time on mat leave then at the job and then she quit.
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Also, maternity leave. Might not as big of an issue in the US, but in Canada you get 52 or 78 week mat leave.

So you got to fill the gap with a temp worker or get other workers to cover for them. And then 1 week before she is scheduled to come back......... "Oh, hi boss. Just want to let you know I quit and not coming back. Thanks!"

Or you get the serial mat leaver..... mat leave.... come back to work and go on mat leave again after 6 months because she's already pregnant..... mat leave..... repeat.

I know 3 people who did it 3 times all in a row with roughly 6-7 month gaps. And then poof! I quit boss. One of them spent more time on mat leave then at the job and then she quit.

I've seen this first hand. I've heard girls openly discussing the timing of when to be pregnant and what jobs offer the best healthcare.

I'm not sure how I feel about it because some these companies are super rich but it's definitely fulfilling a stereotype and gaming the system.


Gold Member
I'll be honest, I run a small business, and I will never get a woman to work for me, not cause I think woman can't work, but cause I don't want to get in trubble.
When you sped 8 to 10 hour a day with another person things get personal and the wrong word at the wrong time can become a huge deal.
As one old boss told me..... if you want stability, hire:

- People who look like aren't rat racers or overqualified. Second they find something better, they will bolt

- People who you think aren't rich. If they have a big mortgage, they probably won't do anything stupid to jeopardize their job

- People who seem like a good culture and fit for your business. You don't want anyone crying to HR (you I guess) every hour because of such and such happened. Big companies many have no choice because they have lots of spots to fill so a company may have no choice but to hire people who fit and people who are arrogant asses because they have the right skills. You have a small business. You can be choosy
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Gold Member
I've seen this first hand. I've heard girls openly discussing the timing of when to be pregnant and what jobs offer the best healthcare.

I'm not sure how I feel about it because some these companies are super rich but it's definitely fulfilling a stereotype and gaming the system.
For sure. Any employee who asks or probes about mat leave coverage policies (ie. top up money vs. whatever the government gives) is looking to get preg and cash out.


I would also say this didn't happen by accident. The companies wanted more women to work, probably because they were asking for less money but as a trade they had to start offering better healthcare.
being married in this day and age :messenger_beermugs::messenger_moon:
14th Anniversary in a couple of days.
Without question, the very best decision of my life.

Sometimes i dont understand what the heck poeple think in this forum. We're in 2018, almost 2019 and we steel have a lot of misogynous dudes posting this kind of topic.

Of course we are having a lot of shit cases about this, our culture its just a bucked of shit. We born learning wrong. How to talk wrong, how to behave wrong and how to DONT respect woman.

You guys have to understand, even when we take care to not be misogeny, we still being in a lot of situation. Even woman are misogeny putting man in different places than her own gender. We are just the same and we should treat ourselfs this way, with the RESPECT always in first place.

Of course a lot of guys avoid womans, they dont even know to talk with a girl without this "NEW PROBLEMS", imagine all the unsafety after this.

The idea of "man" have to change from its core. We are all the same shit and we have to respect everyone the same way.

Enough of kids climbing on a woman's self-esteem.
You have a lot of internalised misandry.
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The biggest problem is people mixing business with pleasure and forgetting they’re at work. Be cordial to your colleagues and keep it at an acquaintance level, don’t get too personal. I don’t see how guys keep getting into trouble, just keep it professional and there won’t be any problems. We gotta stop thinking we’re all God’s gift to women and shoot our shot after working hours with people we DON’T work with.

I know there are folks that found love at work but that’s the exception, not the rule.

Isn't the problem that you probably spend so much time with coworkers especially if it is a 40 hour week that it ends up being less than acquaintances. The way half my coworkers act you'd think they were siblings or distant cousins (so not off limits). I've been thinking about this lately but a lot of folks spend most of their waking moments with their coworkers than their own families.


It's frustrating that there seems to be so much venom between the genders. (Granted, it's not everyone and maybe the extremists on both sides make things sometimes seem worse than it is.) The phrase "battle of the sexes" does seem to be more relevant than ever, though.
Feminists declared war on men long ago, it's just that men finally decided to start fighting back.


This #metoo faze we in is kinda getting out of hand, also I would love to stay home an take care of everything, would give me more time to play a lot more games.


Job I can do in my pajamas? Sign me up!

Been there, done that. It's good working in your underpants, but there are too many distractions in my house and my productivity suffers greatly. Great fun at first but eventually cabin fever sets in and you yearn for the stability of the office environment.


Gold Member
Been there, done that. It's good working in your underpants, but there are too many distractions in my house and my productivity suffers greatly. Great fun at first but eventually cabin fever sets in and you yearn for the stability of the office environment.
It's not too bad if you have a dedicated workspace and time to go out and interact with other people. If not it gets old fast, not that I would not do it again short term.


I get the point why men would want to distance themselves, it's way too easy to "misbehave" due to the line of tolerance being so extremely low. I get that there is sexual harrassment in workspaces but sometimes people definitely react overly sensitive....that's what makes the entire situation so difficult in my opinion....

i'm so glad i work in a non toxic environment where all of this is not an issue, we're pretty much a big family here. We make fun of each other, we make sexual references (like when i pick sth up from the ground my co worker would say "nice ass man" and she's a married woman) and we talk about all sorts of stuff which is usually private. There once was a guy who was clearly a perverted asshole but in my opinion it's easy to distinguish playful banter from actual harrassment. The guy was fired pretty quickly.


Also, maternity leave. Might not as big of an issue in the US, but in Canada you get 52 or 78 week mat leave.

So you got to fill the gap with a temp worker or get other workers to cover for them. And then 1 week before she is scheduled to come back......... "Oh, hi boss. Just want to let you know I quit and not coming back. Thanks!"

Or you get the serial mat leaver..... mat leave.... come back to work and go on mat leave again after 6 months because she's already pregnant..... mat leave..... repeat.

I know 3 people who did it 3 times all in a row with roughly 6-7 month gaps. And then poof! I quit boss. One of them spent more time on mat leave then at the job and then she quit.

Just yesterday a female coworker told me she wanted to be re-hired (she has a 1 year contract that expires in 1 week) this month so she could get a maternity leave in January. Man I've always been a leftist but this kind of behaviour makes me understand why some H.R people will never hire young women in favour of men.


Isn't the problem that you probably spend so much time with coworkers especially if it is a 40 hour week that it ends up being less than acquaintances. The way half my coworkers act you'd think they were siblings or distant cousins (so not off limits). I've been thinking about this lately but a lot of folks spend most of their waking moments with their coworkers than their own families.

Nah you can keep the two separate, that’s just them getting too comfortable. I’ve seen it at the companies I have been at. Everybody is buddy buddy until someone makes the wrong comment the wrong day, then it’s a business again and not a family. Been in my industry for 10 years and I’ve kept it the same way the entire time. That’s not to say I don’t have relationships above surface level with some folks but it’s extremely limited and those relationships were formed when we were younger and at the same level. With that said they’re still more professional than personal.
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