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Sonic Wii impressions from near-final build

Scullibundo said:
Pfft. EVERY new Sonic game, every single Sonic game that has come out since SA2 has been hailed as 'A return to Sonic's routes'. It's never going to happen, stop dreaming.

Except this is different. While Sega themselves have been the ones claiming that this time it's the fans


Deku said:
This is strange. My friends was describing to me how Sonic and Mario were huge rivals back in the day which I never really understood until I read Steven Kent's book. But anyways if this game does turn out to be decent, its going to be strange having a Nintendo platform be home to 2 exclusive platformers one Sonic one Mario in one year (assuming Galaxy doesn't get delayed)

Ok that's a lot of assumptions but it's going to fun and one for the history books if it all works out.

Wow, your post just made me feel really really old. I mean wow.


No6 said:
Yeah, but that's about it. "Not as terrible as Sonic 360/PS3" isn't exactly glowing praise.

Too bad the impressions are more like "waaay better than Sonic 360/PS3", right?

BTW, Nintendo Power had interviwed the director and there is indeed that many levels (12 x 8 or whatever). Some are shorter than others but this game appears to be deeper than most originally thought.
Pud said:
Too bad the impressions are more like "waaay better than Sonic 360/PS3", right?

BTW, Nintendo Power had interviwed the director and there is indeed that many levels (12 x 8 or whatever). Some are shorter than others but this game appears to be deeper than most originally thought.

Actually I believe they said 'It's 10x as good as Sonic 2006'.

Let's just remember that 10 x 0 = 0.
terrene said:


**** you :lol


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Archie said:
Including Sonic would drag down the quality of SSBB.

True..to a certain extent. This current Sonic is definitely the type of person you wouldn't wanna invite to your birthday parties. But still, just for the sake of the old Ninty/Sega rivalry.

Btw, how come you don't post as much anymore, Arch?


No no, it's not just that site - everyone who's played it has said it's much MUCH better than the abortion of a game that had the "Sonic the Hedgehog" name.
As long as this game WORKS (as in it doesn't have broken controls, camera, gameplay, horrendous fetch-quests) it's going to get praise around here.

I mean, its Sonic running through cool-looking levels at high speed. Its simple, but whats really to complain about?


Jealous Bastard
underfooter said:
As long as this game WORKS (as in it doesn't have broken controls, camera, gameplay, horrendous fetch-quests) it's going to get praise around here.

I mean, its Sonic running through cool-looking levels at high speed. Its simple, but whats really to complain about?

but the things you outline above are definitely not givens; in fact, i'd say they're on the short end of the probability stick. when predicting the quality of sonic games of late, it's hard not to give the edge to "likely a piece of shit."

i don't really think the original sonic games hold up well. i would go so far as to say they feel pretty standard at this point. the good news is that this sonic looks like it may take the best parts of the sonic adventure games--that is, sonic running fast and through big fuggin' crazy levels--and expounding upon it.

but like i said, wait for the reviews.

trust no one.


VERY simplistic on rail game - it'll get praise simply for how basic it is. I'll rent it and share what I think as well.
beelzebozo said:
but like i said, wait for the reviews.

trust no one.

Ya but I choose to have faith. I'm actually really excited for this title and I really hope it is good. It just LOOKS really fun to play, and in all of the praise the wii has been getting for offering new types of gameplay, I really think this one is going to nail the hammer on the head.


Christopher said:
VERY simplistic on rail game - it'll get praise simply for how basic it is. I'll rent it and share what I think as well.

So let me get this straight... everyone on the forum TOLD you that Sonic PS3/360 was a horrible horrible game that wasn't worth the disc it was stamped on (let alone a purchase or rental).... and you went out and BOUGHT it and supported it, despite this fact. And yet, this Wii title with its nearly universal praise (because it's "basic" :lol ), is an incredibly simplistic on rails game that you will rent? I said "wow"


Pud said:
So let me get this straight... everyone on the forum TOLD you that Sonic PS3/360 was a horrible horrible game that wasn't worth the disc it was stamped on (let alone a purchase or rental).... and you went out and BOUGHT it and supported it, despite this fact. And yet, this Wii title with its nearly universal praise (because it's "basic" :lol ), is an incredibly simplistic on rails game that you will rent? I said "wow"

1.) I don't give a shit what these people on the forum say - I'm interested what I'm interested in.

- It was mostly n-things, and people who didn't like the Adventure gameplay to being with.

- shitty friends and "sonic wii looks better omg" don't classify as an actual agrument to why the ohter game was "bad", Dark101 actually had the game and gave it mixed impressions.

2.) The game wasn't bad besides the overall rushed feel of it, loading times, and some awkward gameplay controls. But I mean they can't screw up "tilting" the control left and right huh?

3.) You defend ANYTHING Wii/Nintendo so this isn't really a subjective argument.
gutter_trash said:
Nintendo fan boy quote of the day

SSBB is a party game, not a fighter

Huh? Off topic much? And completely wrong IEO. It's a fighter, doesn't matter if you don't like it but anyone who has played other fighting games should recognize it as a fighter, unless you want to be elitist


Christopher said:
1.) I don't give a shit what these people on the forum say - I'm interested what I'm interested in.

- It was mostly n-things, and people who didn't like the Adventure gameplay to being with.

- shitty friends and "sonic wii looks better omg" don't classify as an actual agrument to why the ohter game was "bad", Dark101 actually had the game and gave it mixed impressions.

2.) The game wasn't bad besides the overall rushed feel of it, loading times, and some awkward gameplay controls. But I mean they can't screw up "tilting" the control left and right huh?

3.) You defend ANYTHING Wii/Nintendo so this isn't really a subjective argument.

No, I don't defend things that I find bad. It could be on the Wii or the NGage for all I care... if something looks like ass, I will say it looks like ass. "NThings" like me enjoyed Sonic Adventure. Guess what? Sonic PS3/360 sucked all kinds of ass in every sense of the word, and yes I did play it for more than 10 minutes, as painful as that was. You said it yourself! " the overall rushed feel of it, loading times, and some awkward gameplay controls" means that it was a bad game! It was critically massacred because it deserved it. And the MAJORITY of those same critics are telling us that this game is pretty good. Why is that hard for you to swallow? Is it because it's not on the platform of YOUR choice?

I find it rather interesting that Sonic PS3 was worth the purchase, and this 'simplistic' game with 'only tilting left and right' is just worth a rental. If you had said "because I was so disappointed with Sonic PS3, I no longer trust ANY of the Sonic Teams, so I am only going to rent this" it would be different. But according to everything I've read and seen about this game, it could've been on the PSP (of which I sold) and it would make me want to purchase it! Is the crow too hard for you to swallow to admit that this game holds a bit of hope for the tired franchise?


Jealous Bastard
Christopher said:
1.) I don't give a shit what these people on the forum say - I'm interested what I'm interested in.

- It was mostly n-things, and people who didn't like the Adventure gameplay to being with.

- shitty friends and "sonic wii looks better omg" don't classify as an actual agrument to why the ohter game was "bad", Dark101 actually had the game and gave it mixed impressions.

2.) The game wasn't bad besides the overall rushed feel of it, loading times, and some awkward gameplay controls. But I mean they can't screw up "tilting" the control left and right huh?

3.) You defend ANYTHING Wii/Nintendo so this isn't really a subjective argument.

i think you mean objective argument.


I find it rather interesting that Sonic PS3 was worth the purchase, and this 'simplistic' game with 'only tilting left and right' is just worth a rental. If you had said "because I was so disappointed with Sonic PS3, I no longer trust ANY of the Sonic Teams, so I am only going to rent this" it would be different. But according to everything I've read and seen about this game, it could've been on the PSP (of which I sold) and it would make me want to purchase it! Is the crow too hard for you to swallow to admit that this game holds a bit of hope for the tired franchise?

The 20th Pud...the 20th...


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
I don't trust on Sonic series any more. I hope this game ends being good and changes my thoughts on Sonic and Sega. VC sega's games are gold.... but now a days...
Can you really blame those of us who have high hopes for this game?

Look, I realize a lot of you are pretty hardcore Nintendo fans, and some of you carry a lot of bitter resentment from the old 16-bit days.

But a lot of us really want to see the Sonic franchise succeed. It means a lot to me, personally. I used to be able to put it at the very top of the list of 'Best' video game franchises. The Genesis games were, and still are, great games. And many people continue to hold out hope that one day, a game will get created that at least matches the quality of those original 4 or 5 games.

The thing is, Sega can churn out bad game after bad game after bad game...but because of just how great the original games were, everybody is still going to remember those and have a small bit of curiosity for each new release. And it's because(most of us) really do want a great Sonic game again. It's been so long.

The last 5 years hasn't been especially kind on console platformers. For those of us who live by them...we have to hope.

It would be a really great thing for Sega to get this franchise back on track. It would fill a serious void in many gamers' libraries.
Does anyone else feel that Sega has shown way too much of Secret Rings? I mean... haven't we already seen... practically every level? >_>


bigmakstudios said:
Does anyone else feel that Sega has shown way too much of Secret Rings? I mean... haven't we already seen... practically every level? >_>

Not even close, according to the director :)


Christopher said:
VERY simplistic on rail game - it'll get praise simply for how basic it is. I'll rent it and share what I think as well.

I can only thank god you dont make videogames. Since the best you probably could come up with is generic trash. Atleast this game tries something different.


Probationsmack said:
I think they said 12 stages each for 8 levels

I think its bullshit

Probably 12 different missions among three stages for eight levels.

Eight World
Twelve mission each world (last one is the boss fight, first one is the classic "go to the goal" mission).


Is it still 30 fps.? In that case, no sale.
30 fps. in a game as heavily dependent on speed as a Sonic game, is just inexcusable!
Zoramon089 said:
Huh? Off topic much? And completely wrong IEO. It's a fighter, doesn't matter if you don't like it but anyone who has played other fighting games should recognize it as a fighter, unless you want to be elitist

replying to Archie's Sonic bash post on a Sonic thread and making it an Anti-Sonic jab on a Sonic thread :p

Sonic Defenses deflected the trolling


:lol Smash as a Party game...

Btw from IGNS interview

IGN: The art style is very different from most Sonic titles and almost looks like Prince of Persia. Why did you decide to go down this route?..

I think God of War may have been an influence because I like it so much. At one point I wanted Sonic to perform a move where he would jump off the back of a bird and start ripping its feathers out. But people thought it was too violent for a children's game, so I wasn't allowed to do it. I think they thought I had gone crazy! I'm really looking forward to playing God of War 2 though



Grecco said:
:lol Smash as a Party game...

Yeah QFT :lol If you have some regular friends and pick up a party game ( ala mario party or whatever ) they might be able to play that, but if they go against me in ssbm they will die.


SSBM is a pure fighter.


I really want this game...

Everyone is saying that this game is great, please... Knowing Sega, they're going to put the wrong code on the disc when they ship it and **** everything up.
Deku said:
But anyways if this game does turn out to be decent, its going to be strange having a Nintendo platform be home to 2 exclusive platformers one Sonic one Mario in one year (assuming Galaxy doesn't get delayed)

I felt something similar when SEGA announced they were going 3rd party and released those Sonic games on Gamecube.

The feeling passes quickly.


(more a nerd than a geek)
BlindN-Fan said:
.wouldn't you say it plays good in terms of gameplay..not "it looks good in terms of gameplay".

Actually, you could say that it "looks good in terms of gameplay" or that it "plays well" -- both carry a similar concept about playing well, although the first COULD be construed as to mean that the person hadn't actually played it. However, a person who had played PART of a game might well be justified as saying "(the game) looks good in terms of gameplay", and his/her early or incomplete impressions seem to indicate that the overall gameplay is good.

You can't, however, say "it plays good."


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'm really looking forward to this now. Was finally able to obtain a Wii after all this time (now I need to find a component cable). Can't wait!
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