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Sony dismisses downgrade rumour as "ridiculous"

bigfurb said:
I think you have these guys confused with somebody else, but if you can point us in the directions of the threads they made those statements then more power to you

Yeah most likely, I apologise.

I went from memory and I do remember Gofreak and SSX being two of the most vocal Sony damage control members, I cant atribute specific claims though.


The saddest thing about GAF and gamers in general is how pathetically immature and antisocial the mostly 20 to 40 year old male demographic can be. It's awful that people that ENJOY playing games have to contend with both fanboys and haters alike...haters being equally as bad. Even the most seasoned of GAF veterans can sometimes fall into these categories. Why must everyone sink so low?

Can we please revert back to the days where people just ignored PR hyperbole like normal human beings with other interests do? You don't see people writing on forums and sub-journalistic websites about how OXY CLEAN doesn't get out those pesky grass stains like it claims on the infomercial! This industry and its patrons need to seriously grow the **** up.

GAF isn't real life.
DCharlie doesn't really exist.
and in real life, i'm not this much of a prick.


actually, other than that, i agree - i'm a prick poster , no doubts. But outside of gaf, it's not the same. honest ... guv.
Razoric said:
How can anyone say Fishie is in the Xbot camp? Did you not read his impressions before E3 2005? He knew 360s showing was going to be total shit.

He IS the playa haters ball. He is an equal opportunity hater for everything that is and ever was (with the exception of all and everything which is SEGA...Shadow the Hedgehog included, probably).


Fishie flop oog said:
I went from memory and I do remember Gofreak and SSX being two of the most vocal Sony damage control members, I cant atribute specific claims though.
Whats new :lol Can we get back on topic please?


The first page of this thread went okay. Page two on - hell in a handbasket.

As usual.

I don't trust Sony's claims until finished product ships.
DCharlie said:
GAF isn't real life.
DCharlie doesn't really exist.
and in real life, i'm not this much of a prick.


I'm sure you're not...but a lot of gamers are, which is really, really sad. And it generally is reflected in the tone of internet forums and associated media.
Moderation Unlimited said:
He IS the playa haters ball. He is an equal opportunity hater for everything that is and ever was (with the exception of all and everything which is SEGA...Shadow the Hedgehog included, probably).

Which pretty much eliminates that equal opportunity thing.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Moderation Unlimited said:
He IS the playa haters ball. He is an equal opportunity hater for everything that is and ever was (with the exception of all and everything which is SEGA...Shadow the Hedgehog included, probably).

Holy... this is the best post of this thread!
Moderation Unlimited said:
He IS the playa haters ball. He is an equal opportunity hater for everything that is and ever was (with the exception of all and everything which is SEGA...Shadow the Hedgehog included, probably).

QFNT(Quoted For Nearly true)

I hated Shadow.
I have no problem admiting it when a Sega game sucks.
Sometimes there is so much damn evangelism and preaching going on in the gaming world (in every direction) that I fear it is hopelessly doomed. Why don't people just focus on and converse about what they enjoy rather than dwelling endlessly on what they feel is lacking or deem as 'deceptive'?


I'm sure you're not...but a lot of gamers are, which is really, really sad. And it generally is reflected in the tone of internet forums and associated media.

someone somewhere (GAF) said "boy, am i GLAD i backed the right horse" once in reference to them deciding to "support" Sony over Sega at the start of this gen, and i think for most people this sums up the situation.

Sony have provided over 10 years of guaranteed fun, and for people who like sony i dont' see any particular reason for swaying from that course (beyond the price, but lets ignore that)

however, there are alternatives for others to explore, but i think part of the problem is that the price of hardware is still prohibitively high that most users have to make a choice. Given that the financial choice is significant, then you need to be committed that you ARE making the right choice - that the $499 or whatever you lay down IS the best choice for you.

in some ways, i feel this insecurity about the product puchased spills over into console evangelism and hence we end up with threads like this.

of course, this theory does some discredit to people who are hard core fans of what sony have done, and the stark reality (as shane pointed out) that a large percentage of games are PS3 bound.

so um... yeah... not really sure what my point was, it's late already!
SolidSnakex said:
Which pretty much eliminates that equal opportunity thing.

Shadow the Hedgehog is crap on a stick, and I have disclosed my dislike for the title on gaf/neogaf several times before.
Meanwhile you say of PS3 games that look like shit and which you have never witnessed in person stuff like Im sure it looks good in motion.

Who is the fanboy then SSX, who is the fanboy?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Fishie flop oog said:
Guys like you and SSX were saying crap like...
This is the part that always amuses me about the Sony Fanboy Hunters like yourself, DCharlie, Jonnyram, TheDuce, etc - you all clearly are bothered by things Sony fanboys say more than other fanboys, given how much you go on and on about them, yet you can't seem to keep straight who said what, and often end up attributing more extreme comments to posters who are actually much more moderate in these debates. In fact, the people you actually want to rail against are often not even present in the same threads where you're attributing their comments to someone else.

You're not in a position to bitch about historical revisionism, Fishie, because you rely heavily on it yourself.
DarienA said:
Holy... this is the best post of this thread!

No but this is: Hate hate hate hate hate hate

Man it sucks that I only can see Chapelle in those webclips or when I visit the US.
Sucks we never got his show here.
kaching said:
This is the part that always amuses me about the Sony Fanboy Hunters like yourself, DCharlie, Jonnyram, TheDuce, etc - you all clearly are bothered by things Sony fanboys say more than other fanboys, given how much you go on and on about them, yet you can't seem to keep straight who said what, and often end up attributing more extreme comments to posters who are actually much more moderate in these debates. In fact, the people you actually want to rail against are often not even present in the same threads where you're attributing their comments to someone else.

You're not in a position to bitch about historical revisionism, Fishie, because you rely heavily on it yourself.

Point it out where I did that please ktnx


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Fishie flop oog said:
Point it out where I did that please ktnx
The part I just quoted the beginning of from your comment...the part you just had to apologize for when challenged on it.
kaching said:
This is the part that always amuses me about the Sony Fanboy Hunters like yourself, DCharlie, Jonnyram, TheDuce, etc - you all clearly are bothered by things Sony fanboys say more than other fanboys, given how much you go on and on about them, yet you can't seem to keep straight who said what, and often end up attributing more extreme comments to posters who are actually much more moderate in these debates. In fact, the people you actually want to rail against are often not even present in the same threads where you're attributing their comments to someone else.

You're not in a position to bitch about historical revisionism, Fishie, because you rely heavily on it yourself.

That sounds awesome. :lol
Fishie flop oog said:
Yeah most likely, I apologise.

I went from memory and I do remember Gofreak and SSX being two of the most vocal Sony damage control members, I cant atribute specific claims though.

I have no idea about SSX. But Gofreak is a master Sony Defense Force member, just to be clear. His feelings towards other consoles are hazy, however.


his is the part that always amuses me about the Sony Fanboy Hunters like yourself, DCharlie, Jonnyram, TheDuce, etc - you all clearly are bothered by things Sony fanboys say more than other fanboys, given how much you go on and on about them, yet you can't seem to keep straight who said what, and often end up attributing more extreme comments to posters who are actually much more moderate in these debates. In fact, the people you actually want to rail against are often not even present in the same threads where you're attributing their comments to someone else.

You're not in a position to bitch about historical revisionism, Fishie, because you rely heavily on it yourself.

this is absolutely true to be quite honest, but the problem is all you sony fan boys are massive ****s!


DAMN! i JUST CALLED YOU ALL C U N T S ... can you please perma ban me now?

to clarify , you , ypo , stealth trolls etc .. you are all c u n t s !

but damn, i'll miss you all! ;)
DCharlie said:
someone somewhere (GAF) said "boy, am i GLAD i backed the right horse" once in reference to them deciding to "support" Sony over Sega at the start of this gen, and i think for most people this sums up the situation.

Sony have provided over 10 years of guaranteed fun, and for people who like sony i dont' see any particular reason for swaying from that course (beyond the price, but lets ignore that)

however, there are alternatives for others to explore, but i think part of the problem is that the price of hardware is still prohibitively high that most users have to make a choice. Given that the financial choice is significant, then you need to be committed that you ARE making the right choice - that the $499 or whatever you lay down IS the best choice for you.

in some ways, i feel this insecurity about the product puchased spills over into console evangelism and hence we end up with threads like this.

of course, this theory does some discredit to people who are hard core fans of what sony have done, and the stark reality (as shane pointed out) that a large percentage of games are PS3 bound.

so um... yeah... not really sure what my point was, it's late already!

I don't think we've seen all of Sony's plan unfold as of yet. I think, for better or for worse,
they are actively moving away from just a gaming box and into the realm of a convergence device. This is, as is natural, garnering resistance from avid gamers, as they view the console as mainly a game box. The may feel alienated, which is acceptable at this stage in my opinion. I would at least give Sony a chance to put what they have to offer out on the table before you choose to scoff at the idea of what you perceive they are going to offer at some point in the future. The overall experience may be a new one albeit somewhat familiar, akin to something like what the Ipod provided when it first strolled in. It could turn out to be a dud. It could turn out to be the next great thing. Sony may feel that it is justified in losing 20% marketshare of the gaming market in order to introduce a number of new distribution channels for content delivery...that's a business decision as you all know. It's not something you may like, but it is something you better get used to.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
kaching said:
;) I figured it be a good foil to all the SDF tags that have popped up recently.

Time for a photoshop with that guy from the Crocodile Hunting Show....


;) I figured it be a good foil to all the SDF tags that have popped up recently.

deserved though -

sony "we are going to spunk in your face!"
fans " ... did i ever mention how much i like being spunked in the face ?"



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
DCharlie said:
deserved though -

sony "we are going to spunk in your face!"
fans " ... did i ever mention how much i like being spunked in the face ?"


I finally just have to straight up break down and ask what the hell is going on with you lately? Did you have a nervous breakdown a bit back and didn't tell anyone?


I finally just have to straight up break down and ask what the hell is going on with you lately? Did you have a nervous breakdown a bit back and didn't tell anyone?

just out and out ****ing BORED.
DarienA said:
I finally just have to straight up break down and ask what the hell is going on with you lately? Did you have a nervous breakdown a bit back and didn't tell anyone?

Reminds me when *** started snapping.
DCharlie said:
deserved though -

sony "we are going to spunk in your face!"
fans " ... did i ever mention how much i like being spunked in the face ?"


QFT. i don't understand all the masochists on this board.
kaching said:
;) I figured it be a good foil to all the SDF tags that have popped up recently.

You know what's funny about the SDF tags? The people who get them never bitch or whine about them...they tend to lightheartedly let it go and actually might possess the ability to laugh at themselves. I can't say that about many of the Xbox fans. Most of them have a stick up their butt...or so it seems. Nintendo fans, quite hilariously, seem to euphorically deluded, but regardless, avidly loyal (all the more power to them).


Gold Member
I wish Sony would do something about the 128 bit memory bus. Crippling. Same for the 360, too. Both machines could be so much more capable.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
DCharlie said:
deserved though -
I don't think most of the people actually labelled as SDFers at this time have ever denied their preference. Meanwhile, the guys that go after them do have a tendency of trying to portray themselves as more "fair and balanced" than they really are...

sony "we are going to spunk in your face!"
fans " ... did i ever mention how much i like being spunked in the face ?"
That's stuffs got heaps of protein in it! Keeps your skin looking youthful!


kaching said:
This is the part that always amuses me about the Sony Fanboy Hunters like yourself, DCharlie, Jonnyram, TheDuce, etc - you all clearly are bothered by things Sony fanboys say more than other fanboys

I honestly dont mind fanboys. Every single active poster here is biased, some more than others. Im just bothered by people who refuse to admit they are biased. Especially the ones who act like they are some kind of champion of truth rather than a raving fanboy who spends hours on 6 different message boards running damage control.


well, beyond the stars - yeah, just bored. Bored of GAF. :/

there is a finite limit you can argue over stuff, and a finite number of times your wife/gf can say "what the feck are you doing wasting yer time talking pish when you can be playing games ?" without eventually goin' "**** YES! after a hard day being a prick at work, why would i want to spend time being a prick on gaf ? having a go at SSX, or Go Freak, or Bebpo for whatever... i mean... wft?... i could be... i dunno.. doing shit"

I don't think most of the people actually labelled as SDFers at this time have ever denied their preference. Meanwhile, the guys that go after them do have a tendency of trying to portray themselves as more "fair and balanced" than they really are...

not really, i believe you described yourself as the middle ground recently - although that might have been SSX all yous are the same! ;)

sony "we are going to spunk in your face!"
fans " ... did i ever mention how much i like being spunked in the face ?"
That's stuffs got heaps of protein in it! Keeps your skin looking youthful!

i keep swallowing it, hence my stomach lining is very youthful.

anyways, to be clear, joking and madness aside i don't have anything against any of yous in real life no matter what i say but i really REALLY need to get away from GAF. I need a break. So might see yous all later.
Moderation Unlimited said:
You know what's funny about the SDF tags? The people who get them never bitch or whine about them...they tend to lightheartedly let it go and actually might possess the ability to laugh at themselves. I can't say that about many of the Xbox fans. Most of them have a stick up their butt...or so it seems. Nintendo fans, quite hilariously, seem to euphorically deluded, but regardless, avidly loyal (all the more power to them).

If you are in an underdog position you automatically become more paranoid, its easier to shrug of things if you are in a position of power.


The only thing that cracks me up about the SDF is that they don't really seem to care about ANY game that's not Sony exclusive. Like, multiplatform stuff, MS stuff, Nintendo stuff, they don't care. But click on a thread about ANY ps3 exclusive, and sure enough there's the same 5 or 6 guys talking about how great it's gonna be.

So what's funny is usually people are fans of a type of game. Like, you find a guy who's in all the RPG threads, or all the fighter threads, or all the racing threads, etc. etc. But some of these Sony guys, it's like they don't even care. If Barbies Horse Adventure 2 became a PS3 exclusive, you'd find these same guys talking about how realistic the manes are and how the hoofprints in the ground are generated by real time physics with CELL.
Draft said:
The only thing that cracks me up about the SDF is that they don't really seem to care about ANY game that's not Sony exclusive. Like, multiplatform stuff, MS stuff, Nintendo stuff, they don't care. But click on a thread about ANY ps3 exclusive, and sure enough there's the same 5 or 6 guys talking about how great it's gonna be.

You might want to check lists out for other system fans. You'll see it dominated by exclusive (or timed). Why? Because alot of the times those end up being the best games on the system.
Fishie flop oog said:
If you are in an underdog position you automatically become more paranoid, its easier to shrug of things if you are in a position of power.

I mean you speak as if gaming has the same weight as the sociological paradigms of race and creed. How ridiculous is that, Fishie?

This is all in good fun, right? (At least it should be from the consumer perspective.)
Draft said:
If Barbies Horse Adventure 2 became a PS3 exclusive, you'd find these same guys talking about how realistic the manes are and how the hoofprints in the ground are generated by real time physics with CELL.

:lol :lol :lol :lol
SolidSnakex said:
You might want to check lists out for other system fans. You'll see it dominated by exclusive (or timed). Why? Because alot of the times those end up being the best games on the system.

That doesn't make someone such as GoFreak or whoever any less ridiculous for NEVER saying one negative thing about Sony. I have chosen to start Next-Gen with a Wii, and I support Nintendo. But I'm not going to support them if they do something stupid [for example, putting Smash Bros. online and then using friend codes]. Some of you peeps never criticize Sony.
TheKingsCrown said:
That doesn't make someone such as GoFreak or whoever any less ridiculous for NEVER saying one negative thing about Sony.

Now really, what does that have to do with what I said or replied to?
Moderation Unlimited said:
I mean you speak as if gaming has the same weight as the sociological paradigms of race and creed. How ridiculous is that, Fishie?

This is all in good fun, right? (At least it should be from the consumer perspective.)

Urm it does though, the same social waves, the same psyche goes trough the world of videogame fanboyism as it goes trough the world of religious or political believes, as it goes trough moral and personal believes.
We are simple creatures who live trough simple easily defineable psychological and moral waves, no matter what subject we are talking about.

As a species we havent evolved much past primal instincts that define our behavioral patterns yet.

I mean, why do men mostly like big tits and a big ass?
Because our primordial psyche tells us a big ass means wide child bearing hips and big tits means whatever that pops out of those big hips will be able to be fed well and survive.

We are stupid and silly creatures who havent evolved nearly enough yet and yes that priomordial will to survive interspears our behaviour and believes on every ****ing level, including console loyalty.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
TheDuce22 said:
I honestly dont mind fanboys.
You could have fooled me. Most of your posts in Sony related threads seem to be little more than petulant one-liners making blanket statements about Sony fan hypocrisy.

TheDuce22 said:
Im just bothered by people who refuse to admit they are biased.
Then explain why you've been having a go at GoFreak recently when he has never hidden his preference and no one has any question about it, yet you've been acting like you're doing everyone a favor by outing his bias.

DCharlie said:
having a go at SSX, or Go Freak, or Bebpo for whatever... i mean... wft?... i could be... i dunno.. doing shit"
Wouldn't it be great if MS awarded you XBL Marketplace points for arguing with Sony fans? ;)
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