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Sony is removing Cyberpunk from PlayStation Store

It’s really depressing to see how ok people are with big corporations they love scamming them and doing really shady, disgusting things these days. Is it that they think the company is their friend? Is the company filling some void in their life?

These tweet replies are all among the top replies to CDPR’s refund tweet today. It’s sad to see how many likes they get.




(I especially love this last one about the minimum requirements when the main issues surround the consoles... how dense can you get?)

I think it’s more like some people are human beings who work for a living and have some sympathy for those fellow human beings enduring yet another internet pile on.

Do they know it’s Christmas?
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Ah ok, because a couple of crazies sent death threats when there was a previous delay, every fan is impatient and thus it’s their fault?

The CEO of CDPR said at the investor call this week that they felt NO EXTERNAL PRESSURE to stick to their Dec release. Jason Schrier also reported today that his sources in CDPR told him that devs warned management that the game was not ready and the deadlines were unreasonable and management ignored it.

This is CDPR management’s fault, end of story. That’s where the blame lies.
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I think it’s more like some people are human beings who work for a living and have some sympathy for those fellow human beings enduring yet another internet pile on.

Do they know it’s Christmas?
Nobody is blaming the devs and the devs don’t manage the Twitter account nor are even involved in the decisions regarding refunds etc.

This is MANAGEMENT’s fault, they are getting ALL of the heat and they are the ones who are currently trying to hold this situation together


I played skyrim on PS3 and it was really similiar or Cod black ops 1 on ps3.
they were same situtation but of course not it is 2020 and everything dictated by twitter corp - mobs
Nobody is blaming the devs and the devs don’t manage the Twitter account nor are even involved in the decisions regarding refunds etc.

This is MANAGEMENT’s fault, they are getting ALL of the heat and they are the ones who are currently trying to hold this situation together

Management are people too... Anyone can make a mistake, no need to get the guillotine out.

All I’m saying is for people to consider there is just a chance - even a small one - that this is another massive over reaction by the mob:messenger_tears_of_joy:
Management are people too... Anyone can make a mistake, no need to get the guillotine out.

All I’m saying is for people to consider there is just a chance - even a small one - that this is another massive over reaction by the mob:messenger_tears_of_joy:
In the real world, when you make really, REALLY bad decisions that compromise your company, you will get blamed for it, and you will have to take responsibility for it, and being human does NOT absolve you of that responsibility.
Intentionally defrauding fans and customers is a big no-no and they have received a proportional response, not an overreaction.


It's funny that Sony would rather remove the game from the store than offer refunds for bugs/performance.

"Its starts with Cyberpunk but WHERE DOES IT END, THIS SETS A DANGEROUS PRECEDENT of consumer rights".

So let CD Projekt complain. The sound they will make rattling their cages will serve as a warning to the rest *glares at Bioware*.
In the real world, when you make really, REALLY bad decisions that compromise your company, you will get blamed for it, and you will have to take responsibility for it, and being human does NOT absolve you of that responsibility.
Intentionally defrauding fans and customers is a big no-no and they have received a proportional response, not an overreaction.

I can understand the shareholders being mad, but not sure any of them are posting? If someone messed up and loses their job because of it, that’s not unprecedented...

If you bought a game, and it turned out not to be great (only in a certain circumstance mind you) but you still got a refund surely you just shrug your shoulders and move on with your day?

Everyone should put the pitchforks down and figure out what to spend their refund money on.
I can understand the shareholders being mad, but not sure any of them are posting? If someone messed up and loses their job because of it, that’s not unprecedented...

If you bought a game, and it turned out not to be great (only in a certain circumstance mind you) but you still got a refund surely you just shrug your shoulders and move on with your day?

Everyone should put the pitchforks down and figure out what to spend their refund money on.
No, you shouldn’t do that, because a precedent that “it’s fine to scam, defraud and fuck with people, once you apologise and give them their money back after you get caught and enough of a fuss is raised” is not what we want.

Also, that’s not what we started with. I started by posting tweets of people giving unconditional, unwavering support to CDPR and calling the people who wanted refund “entitled”, “spoiled”, saying they’ve “never worked hard in their life” etc, and you defended those tweets.


I played skyrim on PS3 and it was really similiar or Cod black ops 1 on ps3.
they were same situtation but of course not it is 2020 and everything dictated by twitter corp - mobs

So you think it was good that shit ports like Skyrim ps3 and Black Ops didn't offer easy refund options?

Unless you are on the receiving end of one... Amused that the rationale to disregard it is that it happens a lot :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Come on man. No big companies feel "pressured" to do anything because of random online death threats.
This "they got threats so people were basically forcing them to release it" might be valid if CDPR was a small local mom and pop company

Every well known business and personality with any sort of online presence would have collapsed in the last 10 years if random anonymous death threads was all that's needed to force them to do shit
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Whether this move's serving Sony two birds with a single stone (retaining their shitty refund policy and gaining positive pr at the same time) should be obviously noted, but looked at later, not at this moment.

The crux of this delisting should become an archetype for future Anthems, FO76's, AC Unity's and the Cyberpunks, trying to release a broken tier piece of shit console port going forward, by hiding the console version from public view / not giving out review codes / instructing outlets to not showcase console footage in the name of shady "embargoes" etc, and using social media influencers to talk only about the PC version.

Don't have a functioning, stable game? Not allowed for release on console, or PC or ANY platform. PERIOD. Hope this is the way ALL titles (irrespective if it's 3rd party AAA or indie trash like Black Tiger, which I hope gets out soon) are handled on consoles from now on.


Ah ok, because a couple of crazies sent death threats when there was a previous delay, every fan is impatient and thus it’s their fault?

The CEO of CDPR said at the investor call this week that they felt NO EXTERNAL PRESSURE to stick to their Dec release. Jason Schrier also reported today that his sources in CDPR told him that devs warned management that the game was not ready and the deadlines were unreasonable and management ignored it.

This is CDPR management’s fault, end of story. That’s where the blame lies.
The problem is that the game was too ambitious for the developers that made it. Remember that this game was announced in May 2012 with the first trailers being shown in January 2013. For reference, the PS4 was announced in February 2013. CDPR was forced to rush out cyberpunk since it started development before the PS4 was even revealed and was looking like it would likely even miss launching during the PS4’s life at all. This game was unambiguously in development hell, but everyone (including CDPR’s leadership) was too hyped to notice.

Management’s first problem wasn’t forcing out an unfinished game. The biggest issue here was failing to rein in the development of a game that had spun out of control years ago.
The problem is that the game was too ambitious for the developers that made it. Remember that this game was announced in May 2012 with the first trailers being shown in January 2013. For reference, the PS4 was announced in February 2013. CDPR was forced to rush out cyberpunk since it started development before the PS4 was even revealed and was looking like it would likely even miss launching during the PS4’s life at all. This game was unambiguously in development hell, but everyone (including CDPR’s leadership) was too hyped to notice.

Management’s first problem wasn’t forcing out an unfinished game. The biggest issue here was failing to rein in the development of a game that had spun out of control years ago.
That I completely agree with, the point being though that management is totally to blame for this entire fiasco, certainly not the fans or console owners as some are suggesting.


It's funny that Sony would rather remove the game from the store than offer refunds for bugs/performance.

"Its starts with Cyberpunk but WHERE DOES IT END, THIS SETS A DANGEROUS PRECEDENT of consumer rights".

So let CD Projekt complain. The sound they will make rattling their cages will serve as a warning to the rest *glares at Bioware*.

I'm pretty sure they removed it so people don't end up buying the game, playing it fully and then ask for a refund. People would abuse the hell out of this specific refund status this game is getting.


Bold move, but it was the right move from Sony. While im enjoying the game alot on PS5 with bugs and all. The state of the game on base PS4 and base Xbox One is simply not aceptable.

Good luck on CDPR building all that consumer friendly image and trust they took many years to build and just 1 week to destroy it.

I know next CDPR game they make will be a wait and see instead of day 1 purchase.


They messed up big by apologizing to this extent. Seriously, this would have been bad, but not 6:00 news bad, had they kept generally quiet and promised updates.

I'm not saying that is the morally correct choice to make, because customers deserve better than this, but I do believe they have worsened the situation for themselves.
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So I hope they will completely abandon these old gen versions and focus on the PC, PS5 and Serie X version ...

The damage is done for the old gen versions and it is impossible to correct this mess quickly in the end anyway not to recover the investment if they ever re-launch it later on Old gen ...


The problem is that the game was too ambitious for the developers that made it. Remember that this game was announced in May 2012 with the first trailers being shown in January 2013. For reference, the PS4 was announced in February 2013. CDPR was forced to rush out cyberpunk since it started development before the PS4 was even revealed and was looking like it would likely even miss launching during the PS4’s life at all. This game was unambiguously in development hell, but everyone (including CDPR’s leadership) was too hyped to notice.

Management’s first problem wasn’t forcing out an unfinished game. The biggest issue here was failing to rein in the development of a game that had spun out of control years ago.

please. why does everyone on this forum keep repeating like a parrot that the game was in development for 8 years. let me say it clearly 3 times and on all caps so it sticks

the game wasn't rebooted a hundred times. the game wasn't in development hell.
btw when the game was announced in 2012 cdpr was an indie developer. they had just released the witcher 2.

announcing a game is not the same as developing a game. TES VI was announced in 2018. yet bethesda is not working on it and they won't start until they ship starfield
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Ah ok, because a couple of crazies sent death threats when there was a previous delay, every fan is impatient and thus it’s their fault?

The CEO of CDPR said at the investor call this week that they felt NO EXTERNAL PRESSURE to stick to their Dec release. Jason Schrier also reported today that his sources in CDPR told him that devs warned management that the game was not ready and the deadlines were unreasonable and management ignored it.

This is CDPR management’s fault, end of story. That’s where the blame lies.
I listened in on the first conference call from a few days ago and the leadership team took responsibility for it and they themselves said they pushed out and did not react as they should have. Like you said, this is CDPR's management team that fucked up and they will have to fight tooth and nail to not only get the game in shape, but also gain the trust of not only consumers but a big part of their own workforce. I am sure those people that did all the coding, art or any part of the game worked their ass off and to see what they worked so hard to do being pushed out the door before it was ready must be really hard on them.


Good for Sony....CDPR promised a great game for PS4 and they delivered a crapy lazy effort. There are tons of shit games on PSN but they never promised a "breathtaking" experience.....


*Turns off bathroom light. Looks in mirror*

This game took 8 years to develop. This game took 8 years to develop. This game took 8 years to develop.


Lost among all the sound & fury is the fact that CDP is promising to refund owners of retail-bought copies out of their own pockets, if need be. Truly unprecedented, though it dovetails with the company's longstanding commitment to consumer-friendliness.

A lot is riding on the Dec 21 patch, which hopefully will improve performance on the base platforms.

On an unrelated note, if the CDP ADRs reach $15 a share, I am buying. Perfect time to dip in.,

Sony ain't about to sanction CDPR's buffoonery.


Oh, SonyGAF, never change.
Good. Hopefully this sends a message & games won't get released in such a crappy state again. Everyone stands to win when standards are enforced.

I keep on reading comments like this but I really don't see it (if you're indeed alluding to the social media woke people hating on CD Projekt Red influencing Sony's decision).

Cyberpunk is absolutely not some sort of anti-woke, eastern European nationalist product. It's not "transphobic" (whatever the hell that word means) either. In fact it's one of the only games I can think of which allows the star of the game (player character) to be a literal trans (genitals & all).

On the race issue, it's filled with a majority of Latinos, blacks & other non-whites everywhere. So CDPR went from Witcher III's "controversy" (remember when media outlets accused the game of racism because "too many whites!"?) to Cyberpunk where whites are few & far between. Hell, GTA 5 (still a bestseller) offers a far more acerbic & risqué social commentary about all races than Cyberpunk ever would (because it doesn't aspire to, i.e. it's just a dystopian science-fiction).

I only mention this because there's a section of people out there on both sides of the "culture war" who turn CDPR into something they're not & see Cyberpunk 2077 as something it isn't either.
Political in the sense that CDPR made Sony look bad and this is a reaction to that and not the quality of the product.
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