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Sony: PSP2 (NGP) will be affordable

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plainr_ said:
"I think if the quality's there, then the people will find a way to buy it, within reason..."

This doesn't sound good at all. Changing my prediction from $279 to $350.

He's talking about the 3DS price and actually defending. Given his console will be more expensive that's not surprising at all.


Y2Kev said:
Wouldn't you want everything to hit the top, like, on day 1...instead of dealing with shitty games for 4 years? I mean, I get that people like upward sloping curves, but this seems more habitual than actually beneficial.

I don't get this concern either. It's been foolish of Sony to make their systems so needlessly difficult to work with, not smart.


Sony's definition of affordable does not equate to the average person. Sony's pricing announcement track record reflects this.

However, I think they're going to start at $299.99. I don't see the NGP being more expensive than a PS3.


Hazelhurst said:
Sony definition of affordable does not equate to the average person. Sony's pricing announcement track record reflect this.

However, I think they're going to start at $299.99. I don't see the NGP being more expensive than a PS3.

One has nothing to do with the other.
Vinci said:
Seriously, Sony shouldn't talk about price anymore till they're ready to reveal what it really is. They sound like the same moronic idiots that dropped $599 on us years back. It's getting bad vibey in here.
Well. I don't think it was their intention to talk about the price, but it's kind of hard to keep sidestepping the topic, when tons of people are asking about your newly-announced device, and the question inevitably comes up, again and again. I think Jack handled it just fine. He acknowledged that affordability was definitely taken into consideration, which is a vast departure from Sony's attitude with the PS3. Unfortunately, his wording also made it seem like it's going to be beyond mainstream pricing.

I love Sony's penchant for delivering cutting-edge technology. The problem with that, is that it's hard to sell it at a price that consumers are accustomed to, within that product category, even if the tech justifies the cost.


George Claw M.D. said:
I love Sony's penchant for delivering cutting-edge technology. The problem with that, is that it's hard to sell it at a price that consumers are accustomed to, within that product category, even if the tech justifies the cost.

Interesting how a generation can change things. Before this generation, Nintendo delivered more cutting-edge tech than Sony, and yet... here we are.


PSP Go is £160 in the UK, so I expect this to be £260 in the uk, thats £60 more than 3DS (3DS price will drop to £200 by the time PSP2 launches)


Will QA for food.
I meant to post this in the affordable thread the first time..

Gamestop reveals reasonable pricing. (down on site now, but Google captured this)
They're trying to give people heart attacks.

Hazelhurst said:
Sony's definition of affordable does not equate to the average person. Sony's pricing announcement track record reflects this.

However, I think they're going to start at $299.99. I don't see the NGP being more expensive than a PS3.

My guess is 349 for 3G and 299 for wi-fi only.


KAL2006 said:
PSP Go is £160 in the UK, so I expect this to be £260 in the uk, thats £60 more than 3DS (3DS price will drop to £200 by the time PSP2 launches)

Has Nintendo ever price-dropped a system in the first year?


Phatcorns said:
If 299, day one somehow, I'll find a way. 350 no go because then I can't get a game. 400 definitely not because that's just too expensive.

Will get one regardless at some point. Just don't know where I'd find the money before a price drop.

Where have you looked? Jack says it is there somewhere.
g35twinturbo said:

while you say this. I personally think that the 3ds is still waaaay to overpriced :(

Oh, I won't argue. I'm just pointing out that at first the 3DS looked like an uncharacteristic move for Nintendo of late, but now that we've seen the NGP the 3DS looks a lot more in-line with their MO of the past 7 years.

It's a common misnomer that Nintendo shoots for "cheap." Remember that Wii is still their most expensive home system to date, and even the DS had an unprecedented pricetag for a handheld. What Nintendo specializes in is charging folks for what seems like expensive cutting-edge technology (dual/touch-screens, motion controls, glasses-free 3D) that will in-turn seem reasonable when compared to competitors that actually are expensive cutting-edge technology.

More on topic, I think a fair prediction is that Sony will offer a $399 3G SKU that will help subsidize a $299 WiFi SKU. They have to have some kind of sub-$300 option if they want this thing to sell as well as the original PSP.
linkboy said:
The N64 was also more powerful then the PS1 (and would have destroyed it if Nintendo had used CDs).

Yeah, maybe the N64. Definitely did better 3D than the ps1, but it was using those old school carts when the market had clearly moved on to CD. Certainly the DS and Wii were no where near the graphics beasts of their competitors and those were much more recent.


SonOfABeep said:
Honestly I would be happy with an ipod touch 4G 32GB that has buttons.

That's all I want. $250. Done. End of story.
Xperia Play could be up your alley then. Too bad it's a phone, or I'd be interested.
EvilMario said:
I meant to post this in the affordable thread the first time..

Gamestop reveals reasonable pricing. (down on site now, but Google captured this)
They're trying to give people heart attacks.

Don't worry, people will find a way.


I've noticed that when it comes to Sony pricing, the best case scenario is never what you're going to get. It's not going to launch at $250. It's probably not going to launch at $299 either. I predict $349 for the Wi-Fi model, $399 for 3G.


If the line up is great with a lot of Japanese titles, considering the specs on this thing, $299 wouldn't be so bad. That's the original price of the PS2. $299 for this is much more reasonable to me than $250 for the 3DS.


I'm going to guess $300 max, anything more will be a tough sell in the US. Surely they learned their lessen with the PS3.


Didn't one site suggest the NGP would have 16GB storage built in with SD slot for additional storage? A site that got all the rumored specs correct but I forget the name. If the device launches in the 2011 I say the base model w/ wifi and 16GB storage will be $299. If it launches in 2012 I can see $249.

From all the comments I've read from Sony execs they realize price is an issue with the PS3, and I don't see them making the same mistake again.
I have to commend Sony's pricing reveal strategy here vis a vis the competition. The NGP will be expensive. Sony knows it, we know it. However, by delaying the reveal of the final price for as long as possible, they avoid having potential buyers balk immediately at the price and going to the competition. Rather, they can draw them in and make people want it more (i.e. increase the product's perceived value), so that by the time they reveal the price, people have already made up their minds to buy it.

Also, it means that no value-to-dollars comparison between 3DS and NGP can be made in the minds of the average consumer for the first few months of the 3DS's life. They can build up hype without reality getting in the way. Essentially, they can attempt to do to the 3DS what they did to the Dreamcast.

I think building yet another Spruce Goose is a mistake, but given that as a fait accompli, they're handling the rest of their strategy masterfully.
^^^ That's not actually anything new. I mean, we knew about PS3 and that it would be expensive a year before they hit us with the price. It's just in that case the price was still higher than anybody would have ever imagined.


I suspect it'll be $349 - $399. Maybe an SKU with no 3G at $349 and the standard with 3G at $399. I'd like it to be $299, but I just don't see it happening. Not when you look at the prices for iPhones, Android Phones and the iPad, and most of those are price subsidized by phone contracts.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
I have to commend Sony's pricing reveal strategy here vis a vis the competition. The NGP will be expensive. Sony knows it, we know it. However, by delaying the reveal of the final price for as long as possible, they avoid having potential buyers balk immediately at the price and going to the competition. Rather, they can draw them in and make people want it more (i.e. increase the product's perceived value), so that by the time they reveal the price, people have already made up their minds to buy it.

I don't really know if that applies to the NGP at this point. When considering that people know Sony is going to announce the price at E3 (and if they don't... well... that's a whole other story entirely), all they're going to do is "eh, I'll wait until I hear the price" and put it out-of-sight, out-of-mind for the next few months. It would be different if the conference showed a plethora of games and support to plant the seeds in the minds of the audience, but with really standard stuff like Uncharted, Killzone, etc, most of the gamers aren't going to make up their mind until later. And the tech-people already had their mind made up when they heard the specs, so any bit of price isn't going to deter them.

With that said, they're in a Catch-22 as announcing a bad price this early will make them doomed out of the gate, but the price that Sony does know about is not something they can sugar-coat that easily, unfortunately.
Didn't the DS launch at a higher price than the GameCube? It's not really that unheard of for a handheld to be more expensive than the console that the publisher also makes.
claviertekky said:
Many of us who own electronic portables simply don't have as much time during the days to play unless you're a kid/tween/jobless adult. It's why games like Angry Birds are highly successful because they can provide fun in short amounts of time.

but more complex games can still provide fun in easily manageable units. Monster Hunter has no quests longer than an hour, so I know if I have 1 hour to play of an evening I know I can fit in a hunt. Nothing wrong with switching on Etrian Odyssey for a half hour crawl before bed. Short play sessions does not have to equal less complex games. I really enjoyed half-minute hero's balance of persistent upgrading (equipment etc) combined with short bursts of activity, and the ability to go back and unlock new paths/areas/equipment.
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
Didn't the DS launch at a higher price than the GameCube? It's not really that unheard of for a handheld to be more expensive than the console that the publisher also makes.
Wasn't the DS only 150 dollars? Maybe 179.99 (but that might be the DS Lite.)
Gamecube was 200.


For everything that's packed into this, I think $400 is probably a reasonable guess.

I'll totally be all over it if Monster Hunter is exclusive, otherwise, not too interested in carrying a PS3 around with me.
I doubt that Sony has actually settled on a final price at this point but I feel like if it were anything approaching reasonabilty they would have dropped more of a hint than "it will be affordable" in order to disrupt the 3DS launch. I'm thinking $399 for the baseline model and price determined by carrier for the 3G model.

And they'll probably be taking a major loss on each unit even at that price.
I love them for it though
KAL2006 said:
PSP Go is £160 in the UK, so I expect this to be £260 in the uk, thats £60 more than 3DS (3DS price will drop to £200 by the time PSP2 launches)

I'm not sure the 3DS can officially 'drop' in the UK - the price is up to retailers.

ShopTo, for instance, are already selling it for £200.
Lets see, sony says PS3 will be expensive so get a 2 job, and it was.

Now they say the NGP will be affordable, so with the PS3 as the caveat, I will believe them.
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