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Sony teasing The Order sneak peak at 1pm PT today.

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That one screen just piqued my interest in something I hadn't even heard of before. Is it good?

I'm not sure yet. They are building something, so ask me after this season ends. First episode should be available for free to stream. However, everyone seems to love second episode. If nothing else watch it for wonderful Eva Green.

Oh, it deals with supernatural and famous penny dreadful stories (with a twist).


Next gen graphics, last gen gameplay. Nothing wrong with that necessarily. I love Gears and will likely get The Order on day one, but if you don't bring co-op or multiplayer, your solo game better be bonkers. It's hard to gauge that on 3 minutes of gameplay really, but what we saw looks like what we've been playing for 6 years or so, just super pretty. I'm hoping for more than that.

But hey let's see how it goes. Maybe we've got another RE4 on our hands here. We'll see.


Graphically it looks fantastic. If I were Microsoft making a new Gears of War, I wouldn't be too worried about losing out on the 3rd person, cover based shooter crown.


Still hoping for something as open and alive as this to be in the actual game.


If the E3 demo opens with a scene like this and then proceeds to have the werewolf monsters crash in, climbing on the sides of buildings etc. I think much would be forgiven...[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Some of this and my hopes would be redeemed.


There is something weird with the video. Like it's going up and down in speed at a set interval as if catching up to buffering or something.

The game itself is looking very good visually, gameplay is basically Gears in a new original setting.


Aiming looked a little weird but they're probably fine tuning that. Looks like a pretty TPS which means I'm there.

I know it's an old plea but I wish this had some form of MP. Some Victorian Gears on my PS4 could be a freaking blast. At least the SP should be somewhat replayable if it's decent.

Ready At Dawn is a technical powerhouse though.
From a marketing perspective, why release this footage right now? E3's coming in 2 1/2 weeks and this game is guaranteed to be spotlighted there.

I get doing a pre-E3 teaser but if you're going to do that why go about it in such a half-assed way? This looks like it was shot with a camera phone.

The best thing this game has going for it is the presentation/setting/atmosphere realized in what appears to be incredible graphic detail. So why is it that in every "peek" we've had at this game since the VGAs that detail has been obfuscated by terrible video quality? Give us a some well produced videos documenting the weapons, or the setting, or some cool graphics tech implementation. At the very least, gameplay footage should be direct-feed.

I'm sure we'll get that at E3, which is why I don't understand releasing this bootleg quality piece now.
I just went back and read the game informer article. The entire sequence (starting with the clips released a few months ago) has been described in detail. I really, REALLY hope that's not what they end up showing at E3. It has been out there since November!

Now if they want to end on that note for Tuesday's preview and have something different for E3, then I'm totally hyped for Tuesday. Because the next sequence involves
tons of half breeds pouring in and a certain call for air support

It's a 3-way conflict. They are just keeping the monster reveal tightly under wraps.

Ah thanks, I just hope the games combat leans more towards fighting cool monsters than regular humans when its finished.


Looks spectacular. Sadly also super lame when it comes to gameplay/combat. How can anyone get exited for this in 2014. Looks like a standard 2007 cover shooter but worse (again, talking about gameplay).

I don't know why in the world they would build a TPS that plays like a.....oh I don't know........a Third Person Shooter! This whole gameplay looks boring/generic comment is getting really old. If you have the secret sauce of making a TPS play like something else, I don't know, maybe you should be developing games. I'm excited for this the same way I'm hopeful and excited about a Halo 2 remake with gameplay from 2004, wow shocking I know.


Wouldn't be the first game to do so. Dragon's Dogma and Beyond Two Souls are recent examples of games that are presented in this style. It's to make it appear more cinematic, whilst at the same time it probably does give them some extra room to squeeze in nicer graphics/help performance.

The game will definitely ship like that. It's the style they're going for. And the image won't be stretched or anything like that so it's not like you'll be losing image quality.

I'm losing image quality with black bars on my screen though. Not to mention image retention/burn-in on my plasma.

I bought an adjustable projector screen for my media room just so I didn't have to deal with black bars when my wife and I watch movies. It's fucking asinine that a new game in 2014 forces its players to deal with that.

I'm truly dumbfounded. Nobody wants that "style." It's a performance cop-out and it's fucking offensive to me as a consumer of video games.


Next gen graphics, last gen gameplay. Nothing wrong with that necessarily. I love Gears and will likely get The Order on day one, but if you don't bring co-op or multiplayer, your solo game better be bonkers. It's hard to gauge that on 3 minutes of gameplay really, but what we saw looks like what we've been playing for 6 years or so, just super pretty. I'm hoping for more than that.

But hey let's see how it goes. Maybe we've got another RE4 on our hands here. We'll see.

Gameplay isn't defined by a generation.


I've read everything about this game and I believe you're misinterpreting.
It's a cinematic experience, filmic, linear and third-person action-adventure, basically something like TLOU or Uncharted. This is all they've said and with "filmic" Ru has always referred to visuals: lens distortion, aspect ratio, grain, lighting, chromatic aberration and so on.
The game as you describe it would be terrible and a huge disappointement from such a good team like RaD.. so yeah, let's hope E3 demo will show what we expect.

He said:


We really want people to understand that what we’re trying to build are cinematics that are interactive – seamless movement between cinematics and combat, and between combat to movement and into melee and back into cinematics. It’s that mix, and our pacing of it, that really is the game.

QTEs for us are a way of delivering a different type of emotional experience to the player. They give us the freedom to get much closer to the character and to see things you wouldn’t otherwise see through an in-game camera and tell that moment in a much better way. Our QTEs are different because they have branches to them. That means one player could see a moment occur one way, while a second player sees it a different way. Sometimes the result of the QTE itself is also different, but the storyline continues through that.

Now couple these stataments with the fact that they what they showed in February is a linear on rail shooting sequence in a street where you can only go forward, today they're showing an interactive cutscene where you're free to shoot enemies while they drag a guy in a safe place. I don't think they would show these things if they were not relevant to the mechanics of the game, although of course there will be many suprises and things we don't know yet.
But at the same time it really doesn't seem to me that they're trying to achieve something like TLOU.
My impression is that they want to make an interactive movie, plain and simple.
I know that that would be disappointing for many people, but if this is what they have decided to make, people complaining should have at least clear in mind what the game is about and what the developers are trying to accomplish.
To me it's not a problem at all since I like this genre although I would have preferred something with more freedom.
But again I guess that only a full on stage demo can definetly clear the message on this game.


Saint Titanfall
I don't know why in the world they would build a TPS that plays like a.....oh I don't know........a Third Person Shooter! This whole gameplay looks boring/generic comment is getting really old. If you have the secret sauce of making a TPS play like something else, I don't know, maybe you should be developing games. I'm excited for this the same way I'm hopeful and excited about a Halo 2 remake with gameplay from 2004, wow shocking I know.

It's because tps was the most played out genre last generation. Loads and loads of various versions.

It's not at all surprising that if a game in genre comes out without showing any significant difference people will call it out.


The graphics made me say "wow" out loud. Could be another Killzone - mediocre gameplay, gorgeous graphics. But like Killzone that still might be enough to make this a buy.


Graphics look awesome.

But the gameplay looks really "by the numbers".
Personally I have no issues with it being a cover shooter, but come on, give it some personality.

Hopefully they introduce creative enemies and weapons later into the game.
The game has 4xMSAA, it could obviously be full screen 1080p if they wanted it.

Which makes their decision not to all the more baffling.

Scope ratio does not suddenly legitimize your game as a 'cinematic' experience. How are they suppose to actually utilize the benefits of scope when the player has full control of the camera?

The guys in charge of these decisions to make the game cinematic really don't seem to have a terribly educated knowledge of cinema. Their motivations seem pretty superficial.


Crystal Bearer
From a marketing perspective, why release this footage right now? E3's coming in 2 1/2 weeks and this game is guaranteed to be spotlighted there.

I get doing a pre-E3 teaser but if you're going to do that why go about it in such a half-assed way? This looks like it was shot with a camera phone.

The best thing this game has going for it is the presentation/setting/atmosphere realized in what appears to be incredible graphic detail. So why is it that in every "peek" we've had at this game since the VGAs that detail has been obfuscated by terrible video quality? Give us a some well produced videos documenting the weapons, or the setting, or some cool graphics tech implementation. At the very least, gameplay footage should be direct-feed.

I'm sure we'll get that at E3, which is why I don't understand releasing this bootleg quality piece now.

I guess you weren't around for Killzone 2.
Looks wonderful, but this seems to be very similar to the footage they already showed...I don't really understand why this was released today. I love the fact that the AA seems absolutely superb. Reminds me a bit of Killzone 2 in the sense that the image quality is so good that it makes for a soft CG cinematic look, rather than something that looks aliased and takes you out of the immersion. Hope DriveClub fixes their AA issues. FXAA is garbage.

Gunplay also looks fantastic. But like most people here, I hope the game has its own elements and isn't jut a Gears clone.

TLOU did a fantastic job in regards to mixing things up, being a third person shooter but feeling fresh.


When they talked about the protagonists being a group of immortal monster hunters I was picturing something closer to max payne.
Let's take a timeline of how The Order was marketed and see if it has worked.

1.). Trailer showing main characters together in a carriage that is attacked by some sort of creatures. Look like werewolves. Timeline is obviously alternate universe as it is set in a real world city but with advanced tech for that period. Most think it is all CG

2.). Short trailer is seen showcasing the lighting a bit with our main characters together again but inside a house/building. Use of flashlights to brighten the area is scene but no action

3.). Another teaser inside a building where the characters seem to be investigating. Then you see the camera move behind a menacing sounding creature with gigantic claws. Felt very horror-esque. Main gripe at this point is still no gameplay seen yet, all probably CG

4.). RAD answers with a full gameplay showcase where 2 characters are walking atop a building and investigate the distance with binoculars, locate the target location and travel there jumping from building to building. When they arrive there is a firefight happening. We see real time gameplay throughout and find that holy shit, that old CG footage was real-time after all! That's how the game looks! We see a very short firefight inside an alley before the character chases an enemy, of a group whom is a mystery, where they engage in hand to hand combat. Player is given dynamic choices throughout the fight on what should be used during battle. Animations are insane, graphics are insane. Main gripe was the fact that the entire game was going to take place in an alley, the entire game was behind cover and all you could do in melee is in QTE.

5.). Sony releases another all real-time gameplay sequence showcasing the variety of weaponry. We see a tesla powered rifle. A chaingun that seems to release some sort of exploding substance. Explosions are dynamic and realistic, physics can be seen throughout with enemy reactions to shot placement, some destructible portions of the environment, etc. This time not in an alley but in an open road and inside buildings. Player has to carry a wounded solider to safety while firing at enemies. Main gripe is now only " generic "

So. They have showcased just enough each time to keep hype ongoing due to them keeping things unseen. They established it is the best looking game anywhere. They established there will be a very filmic presentation. They promoted that you will be fighting some mysterious human organization or band but at the same time you have this danger or menacing creatures you are fighting as well. Are they working together? Are they just after something? What's going on?

They have established your weaponry will not be relegated to the tech of that period but will be far more advanced. They have demonstrated the QTE system is dynamic with various changes that can be mAde that will effect the overall outcome of the fight. They have established there is an investigative element to the gameplay. They have showcased they are adding some horror elements to the gameplay.

What is left? Well, the last of what people are wanting which is a unique take on the gunplay seen so far.

And that, is most likely what will be showcased either Tuesday or at E3. But judging by how quickly these threads explode with opinion one thing is for certain. They are keeping everyone's attention.

That, is the essence of marketing. Keep them talking. Keep them interested. Keep them wanting more.
Which makes their decision not to all the more baffling.

Scope ratio does not suddenly legitimize your game as a 'cinematic' experience. How are they suppose to actually utilize the benefits of scope when the player has full control of the camera?

The guys in charge of these decisions to make the game cinematic really don't seem to have a terribly educated knowledge of cinema. Their motivations seem pretty superficial.

Let me guess, you're an expert?


I think it's kinda neat how the thermite gun works. The clouds of smoke left behind after the burst shots are detonated with a flare and while the clouds are burning, you can shoot more bullets and the thermite will continuously burn. That's a pretty unique weapon imo.


The gameplay looks absolutely *AWESOME*.

The sound is AMAZING.

The graphics: Best looking video game...EVER!

Let me guess, you're an expert?

Absolutely not, but I can at least realize that squashing your screen real estate a bit doesn't suddenly make your game more 'film-like'. Scope is for screens that are wider than 16:9, so that directors can use the wider aspect ratio for the composition of their image. You can't compose an image in a game when the player's moving the camera. Squashing the image into ~2.35:1 just hampers the player's field-of-view, and we already have games adopting ridiculously low FOVs as is. The whole idea is just so stupid and goes against the strength of games as an immersive experience. I realize they want to emulate films, but copying the scope ratio is a dumb way to go about that.


Which makes their decision not to all the more baffling.

Scope ratio does not suddenly legitimize your game as a 'cinematic' experience. How are they suppose to actually utilize the benefits of scope when the player has full control of the camera?

The guys in charge of these decisions to make the game cinematic really don't seem to have a terribly educated knowledge of cinema. Their motivations seem pretty superficial.
But the player doesn't always have control of the camera, and when they don't, RaD does, so scope makes sense if they favor that photography. You could argue they should just do it for the cutscenes, but to have the seamless transitions, the gameplay parts need to be scope too.


Absolutely not, but I can at least realize that squashing your screen real estate a bit doesn't suddenly make your game more 'film-like'. Scope is for screens that are wider than 16:9, so that directors can use the wider aspect ratio for the composition of their image. You can't compose an image in a game when the player's moving the camera. Squashing the image into ~2.35:1 just hampers the player's field-of-view, and we already have games adopting ridiculously low FOVs as is. The whole idea is just so stupid and goes against the strength of games as an immersive experience. I realize they want to emulate films, but copying the scope ratio is a dumb way to go about that.

Yet, many watch their Blu-Rays and DVDs, on their 16:9 televisions, with phat letterboxes.

I'm not convinced about it either, but that's because I've never seen it done before. You know what, I'm going to give it a fair chance, and see how much the immersive quality of the game suffers by playing it.


made this

Aside from the different clothes, the lighting is also different.

I actually really like the new version, although the other outfits had more spangles it would just look a bit silly for a firefight. The original I felt also looked a bit flat (atmospheric wise) but the darker version had more mystery to it and I feel makes it more aesthetically pleasing. Loving the game so far and uber hyped.


Disappointed that they didn't show any of the destruction/physics, but everything else looked solid. The gameplay bit made me think that they may have scaled back some of those things, hopefully not. Regardless, its not a deal breaker, the graphics look pretty amazing, plus the setting really appeals to me. Based on what I've seen so far, I'm hyped and cant wait to play it!
The game has 4xMSAA, it could obviously be full screen 1080p if they wanted it.

One of my wishes for this gen is for more customization options. Now that people are becoming more educated about resolution and frame rates, I think we should be allowed access to options to adjust resolution, framerate caps, AA, AF at the least. No more designer's "view" on how the game should run.


The gameplay looks absolutely *AWESOME*.

The sound is AMAZING.

The graphics: Best looking video game...EVER!


I agree that sound and graphics are good in this game.

But I geuinely don't see the appeal of the gameplay. He was just standing in cover for most of the video and peaking out to shoot fodder enemies who kept running out to the same 2-3 balconies over and over, It didn't look challenging or interesting as far as gameplay goes.

I'd love to hear concrete reasions why you or others think the gameplay on display in this video looks good.
Really hope this game has some boss battles, customization and progression systems...just something to spice it up instead of being a pop & shoot 8 hour cinematic ride

take some elements from some of the best games in the genre (RE, TLOU, etc), add your own twist
What's that, specifically?


The gameplay looks absolutely *AWESOME*.

The sound is AMAZING.

The graphics: Best looking video game...EVER!


This looks 100% AMAZING. A++++. Unlimited plus's.


I can't wait for this game ! DAY ZERO ! I will not be at work for two days after its release. Love It Already !

So Excited.
That's a fair point. They set expectations too high with that KZ2 E3 05 target render and could never live up to them. So now they're taking the opposite approach with their big games on PS4?

I'm not sure if that's what Kagari was referring to.

I recall Killzone 2 being among the participants of Sony's pre-E3 showcase back at 2007, where they showed footage of the game twice before the official E3 blowout. ( not the 2005 target render, btw)


He said:


Now couple these stataments with the fact that they what they showed in February is a linear on rail shooting sequence in a street where you can only go forward, today they're showing an interactive cutscene where you're free to shoot enemies while they drag a guy in a safe place. I don't think they would show these things if they were not relevant to the mechanics of the game, although of course there will be many suprises and things we don't know yet.
But at the same time it really doesn't seem to me that they're trying to achieve something like TLOU.
My impression is that they want to make an interactive movie, plain and simple.
I know that that would be disappointing for many people, but if this is what they have decided to make, people complaining should have at least clear in mind what the game is about and what the developers are trying to accomplish.
To me it's not a problem at all since I like this genre although I would have preferred something with more freedom.
But again I guess that only a full on stage demo can definetly clear the message on this game.

ugh, this makes me dislike the concept even more. Every time someone tries to make a game "cinematic" they make the "game" less of a game. I'm complaining directly about the game design, and their entire design philosophy seems to be the problem with the game.

Cinematic game design is the ultimate disease in gaming right now. Games are not movies, and throwing in a b-action script and some QTE doesn't change that, and in the end you get shittier gameplay for a shit story. Build an awesome and engaging world and let the game and story speak for themselves within the world, stop trying to shit narratives down our throats and telling us that it's good, and what we want.
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