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Sooo.. that "rape joke" during the Killer Instinct demo [Microsoft apologizes]

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This thread, man.

All that stuff that I've dismissed in the past, I think I get it now. Good luck, lady gamers/developers/whatever. Ya'll need it.

pretty much. People aren't even calling it a rape joke and look at all these responses. Damn.


So if I didn't know it was a rape joke until people got mad over it does that mean ive succumbed to rape culture?
No, because one doesn't 'succumb' to rape culture but it does show a large amount of people say and hear things without understanding where that language comes from.


Nobody here ever heard of INNUENDO?

It wasn't what most people call a joke, but the innuendo of rape was there.
First, you have a man vs woman set-up.
You have the man playing with the "stick".
The sexual innuendo.

It is perceived as a rape, when clearly the man is dominating the woman in the game
and he basically tells her to take it, do not fight back REGARDLESS if she is enjoying it or not.

Saving Private Ryan has the scene where the German is pushing a blade into the American soldier's heart, and he whispers to him...

Rape is not about sex, its about dominance. Sex is the means during rape. This demonstration used, sexual innuendo, with dominance, in the form of beating somebody at a game, to imply the rape of the woman player.

While rape is about dominance, it's also about sex. Video games are about harmless entertainment.


Not only was it not a rape joke and not a sex joke, it was not a poor choice of words, nor was it a stupid thing to say.

It's almost word for word what Agent Smith says to Neo in The Matrix Reloaded when he's trying to absorb him. Do you think anybody in the entire world thought Agent Smith was making a rape joke?

Variations on this phrase are pretty common in movie scenes where the villain thinks he's about to kill the hero.

If people in their ridiculous hyper-PC, looking-for-outrage mindsets interpret this as some kind of rape joke, that's THEIR problem. No one else is to blame.

I swear this planet is getting worse every day.

There are probably overtones of rape in that Matrix scene too, particularly considering the content. They might have just gone over your head. Usually when someone uses language like this in a movie as part of a villain's dialogue, the rape overtones are specifically put there to make the villain more villainous. It is a well-established way to make a bad guy more slimy.

I caught the rape joke immediately and so did a few other people I was watching the stream with. It was blatant and tasteless. Considering that entire sequence was probably carefully written and scripted (the game itself was likely just a video), the entire scenario was written to support that joke. The woman playing the game was losing because the scenario was written in such that she would lose the first match then come back in the second.

Whoever scripted segment intentionally built the entire thing to have certain misogynistic overtones, since it was built on the premise that the woman would be woefully unskilled compared to the guy (which is based on long-standing stereotypes about female gamers). The entire segment was sketchy enough on that basis, but that joke really pushed it over the edge. That was ridiculous, and I am honestly shocked that Microsoft okayed that for their conference.


Here's the problem.

"Just let it happen it will be over soon" Clearly has its origins as an actual rape joke. I don't think you can dispute that.

The issue I have with all these hyper sensitive people is they think those kinda of "jokes" trivialize rape and spread "rape culture" They think this makes it easier for men to think rape is acceptable which I find to be terrible reasoning.

No one bats an eye when someone is angry and says "IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU" Does this mean we have a murder culture?


Nobody here ever heard of INNUENDO?

It wasn't what most people call a joke, but the innuendo of rape was there.
First, you have a man vs woman set-up.
You have the man playing with the "stick".
The sexual innuendo.

It is perceived as a rape, when clearly the man is dominating the woman in the game
and he basically tells her to take it, do not fight back REGARDLESS if she is enjoying it or not.

Saving Private Ryan has the scene where the German is pushing a blade into the American soldier's heart, and he whispers to him...

Rape is not about sex, its about dominance. Sex is the means during rape. This demonstration used, sexual innuendo, with dominance, in the form of beating somebody at a game, to imply the rape of the woman player.

This is ridiculous. Whenever someone gloats about dominating someone in a game you just assume they're instantly thinking of the matter in a rape context?

Or is it only when a woman is involved?

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Nobody here ever heard of INNUENDO?

It wasn't what most people call a joke, but the innuendo of rape was there.
First, you have a man vs woman set-up.
You have the man playing with the "stick".
The sexual innuendo.

It is perceived as a rape, when clearly the man is dominating the woman in the game
and he basically tells her to take it, do not fight back REGARDLESS if she is enjoying it or not.

Saving Private Ryan has the scene where the German is pushing a blade into the American soldier's heart, and he whispers to him...

Rape is not about sex, its about dominance. Sex is the means during rape. This demonstration used, sexual innuendo, with dominance, in the form of beating somebody at a game, to imply the rape of the woman player.

If this isn't parody, it's certainly the most mindbogglingly insane thing I've ever read.

How do you interact with people in real life?
There are probably overtones of rape in that Matrix scene too, particularly considering the content. They might have just gone over your head. Usually when someone uses language like this in a movie as part of a villain's dialogue, the rape overtones are specifically put there to make the villain more villainous. It is a well-established way to make a bad guy more slimy.

I caught the rape joke immediately and so did a few other people I was watching the stream with. It was blatant and tasteless. Considering that entire sequence was probably carefully written and scripted (the game itself was likely just a video), the entire scenario was written to support that joke. The woman playing the game was losing because the scenario was written in such that she would lose the first match then come back in the second.

Whoever scripted segment intentionally built the entire thing to have certain misogynistic overtones, since it was built on the premise that the woman would be woefully unskilled compared to the guy (which is based on long-standing stereotypes about female gamers). The entire segment was sketchy enough on that basis, but that joke really pushed it over the edge. That was ridiculous, and I am honestly shocked that Microsoft okayed that for their conference.

Fuck it, agree to disagree. I'm not going to change anyone's mind.


Judging by the comedy nuance and topicality found in this thread I wonder what does qualify as a rape joke here? Does the word rape explicitly have to be used? Should physical mounting be involved in the joke, you know make a little physical improv sketch or something? Should they do a little new art theatre and feature actual penetration just so people here can get it?


But you do see that can go the other way, too. When does it become an innocent comment? Where is that line drawn, exactly? When is it just about the beat down and not the rape? What is off limits to you, then?

See, Anybody can play the question game. What matters here is intent. There are egregious cases where something is implied but not intended and someone would actually need to apologize. This is so far away from that.
Not sure what's hard to understand. "Just let it happen" is a meme joking about rape.

MS stupidly used that line in the script. Whether it was done purposely or not who the hell knows. But it isn't shocking people on the internet noticed it and is backlashing at MS. This is MS just trying to be hip and current with stupid ass jokes.


Its not a rape joke. I mean, it COULD be used in that instance but it could also be used to describe a serious ass beating (ya know, like what was happening in the game). How anyone can say its 100% specifically rape is really a reach. The audience laughed, it was a harmless little joke that could be taken a million different ways. No big deal.
It wasn't told with malicious intent, but it definitely was a bad idea.

Probably the script writer and sound engineer behind the conference today will be looking for new jobs in the future.
Judging by the comedy nuance and topicality found in this thread I wonder what does qualify as a rape joke here? Does the word rape explicitly have to be used? Should physical mounting be involved in the joke, you know make a little physical improv sketch or something? Should they do a little new art theatre and feature actual penetration just so people here can get it?

Eh? try harder, no?
Last post I'll make on the subject:

This COULD be interpreted as a rape reference.

It could also be interpreted as a reference to a fight to the death where one fighter is about to kill the other. "Don't worry, it'll all be over (you'll be dead) soon."

Given that this was a fighting game demo, which of the two do you find more likely?


It's not even about being over sensitive or not. If you've been around on the internet, that phrase has been used in "rape joke" contexts in numerous places. Their banter was already sad to begin with but that comment was just super awkward.

I didn't think that phrase was so obscure... some of you need to browse away from gaf more often
I know it's possible to see, by clinical definitions/implications, that this could have potentially been meant that way...but I really, really don't think it was.

I think it had to do with the player getting locked into a trademark really-long and brutal KI combo, like "don't mash out of it, just hold those hits".


Microsoft should have been going over every line of this conference with a fine tooth comb for months. Whether or not the intention was there, the line could easily be interpreted in such a manner and Microsoft really should have noticed that. They really should have changed it to something else.


This thread is really sad. Even tasteless rape jokes have a defence force and instead of listening to the concerns people have with it, the knee jerk reaction of many is to whine about "over-sensitivity". Grow up.


I know it's possible to see, by clinical definitions/implications, that this could have potentially been meant that way...but I really, really don't think it was.

I think it had to do with the player getting locked into a trademark really-long and brutal KI combo, like "don't mash out of it, just hold those hits".

I thought the same thing. I was like "she's in a KI combo, dis gun be good" and then he made the comment to just let it happen and I laughed because I was thinking the same thing.


It isn't much of a "joke" but yes it is a reference to rape. Yes, the meme is a reference to rape, too. No, it probably isn't something you say to anyone, in any context, because it makes you sound like a creep.

Yeah, because that's what you do at E3 when you're demoing a game in front of thousands of people... consciously think of a rape joke to tell. Because rape jokes are all the rage now, or something.


I am face palming so much, SO MUCH! Jesus. I can't believe people are calling this a rape joke! Beyond stupid.


If it was two men, would you call it a gay arse rape joke?


I immediately thought is was suggestive of rape. Obviously a lot of other people watching thought the same thing. I just described the scene to my wife and told her the line and she, as someone who has absolutely nothing to do with video games, geek culture, etc. immediately thought it had rape undertones as well.


Why would it be a poor choice of words and not "anything else"?

Look at the shitstorm it caused, even as just a poor choice of words. Do you think they don't know the consequences of making a rape joke on purpose? There's no way they'd let a rape joke in thinking they'd get away with it.
Some of you are fucking weird.

You really hate Microsoft that much that your twisted minds first yell 'Rape Jokes!' to yourselves. Get some help.


Last post I'll make on the subject:

This COULD be interpreted as a rape reference.

It could also be interpreted as a reference to a fight to the death where one fighter is about to kill the other. "Don't worry, it'll all be over (you'll be dead) soon."

Given that this was a fighting game demo, which of the two do you find more likely?

if he said "Don't worry, it'll all be over (you'll be dead) soon." no one would care.

"just let it happen", internet, memes, is what caused the connection to "rape joke". If you were oblivious to that, then it wouldn't sound any different than your example.
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