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South Park Season 15 Thread Of Celebrity Meltdowns And Topical Comedy

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I really haven't been following the show this season but I just saw this weeks episode. Was some really quality work. I definitely haven't found south park as funny recently, say the last 2 seasons, but this is certainly proof Matt and Trey still got some magic.

Was funny and yet had some depth to carry the episode, even if it was presented in a silly way.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
What the hell. That ending was depressing.

Is everything going to reset or is it going to continue from this point? No one knows except the people who work on this show.
I want to see them continue with these evens as canon and turn the next season into a continuous experience on how they grow up and appart.
That would be cool.


xxracerxx said:
Single Randy is a comedy goldmine though.
It is, but I just got done spending a few months watching that storyline on an offensive live action TV show that's currently on the air. I'd probably call it live action South Park in some ways.


DeathNote said:
It is, but I just got done spending a few months watching that storyline on an offensive live action TV show that's currently on the air. I'd probably call it live action South Park in some ways.



ReconYoda said:
Well I don't like to spoil things, even tho no one would care with this other television series:
The Hard Times of RJ Berger. Offensive MTV show with high school kids. RJ's friend is a fat asshole. A black coach that gives advice and talks a lot about sex. A quircky dad that split up with RJ's mom and is doing crazy shit in a roach motel. Beyond that the shows are quite different.
Well, that was something else. Must be the first time I've seen a cartoon like this do 'sad' and succeed since Futurama. Family Guy tried and failed with it's 200th. I hope the show doesn't end, when they do less topical episodes they normally hit it out the park, even after 14 and a half seasons.
Wow, didn't see that ending coming.

I pretty much agree with all the analysis of the episode. Whoever is saying that it's a big prank being played by Matt and Trey and everything'll reset when they pick back up is nuts. These guys are definitely in different places then when the show started and while I don't think the quality has dipped dramatically in the last few seasons, you can sense their fatigue and exhaustion. I think if they end this season with 7 more episodes, it'd be for the best. It'd also be time for Matt, Trey and us as the fans to give it the goodbye the show deserves.


Green Scar said:
Well, that was something else. Must be the first time I've seen a cartoon like this do 'sad' and succeed since Futurama. Family Guy tried and failed with it's 200th. I hope the show doesn't end, when they do less topical episodes they normally hit it out the park, even after 14 and a half seasons.

Facebook, Chatroulette episodes were some of the best IMO. As was Jersey Thing
Creme Fraiche was the funniest episode of anything I've ever seen and it was all about Kitchen Nightmares and Shake Weights.

Topicality has never been a problem for South Park.

This episode obviously reflects that Matt and Trey are burnt out, somewhat, but the show is not. 4 more years.
Trojita said:
What the shit, the next episode is in October.

Seriously? damn.

I was thinking I would skip this episode based on the reactions in this thread and reading over the wikipedia entry for it. It just seems so out of place for the series.

SidVicious said:
This episode obviously reflects that Matt and Trey are burnt out, somewhat, but the show is not. 4 more years.

Can't they hand it over to another group? I'm sure there are people out there that are dying to throw some ideas out there.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
lightless_shado said:
Can't they hand it over to another group? I'm sure there are people out there that are dying to throw some ideas out there.
The fear is it getting like The Simpsons. Plus creators aren't so eager on handing their baby over.


lightless_shado said:
Can't they hand it over to another group? I'm sure there are people out there that are dying to throw some ideas out there.
Hand it over to another group? Every single male character now is voiced by Trey and Matt(besides like Token and a guest here and there). It wouldn't be South Park anymore.

They obviously want to go out with a little dignity...


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
lol, gaf. If I didn't know any better they were parodying these threads.

Matt & Trey get in these sorts of slumps all the time. Just look for Team America interviews on youtube and it's literally just them saying "fuck this shit" while looking like they're suffering severe sleep deprivation. Parker is one of those guys that loves what he does but will work himself so hard that he hates it until he takes a break. I imagine that's why they break their show into semi-seasons.
I'm hoping that once they get some downtime it'll be no problem. Didn't they skip out on their writer's retreat or whatever this season?

It would be a shame, reckless, I think to end the show while they're under so much pressure with their musical thing. It obviously still has a lot of life.


if they made the show a continuing story arch like other shows do, thatd be super awesome and totally different.
Dechaios said:
Hand it over to another group? Every single male character now is voiced by Trey and Matt(besides like Token and a guest here and there). It wouldn't be South Park anymore.

They obviously want to go out with a little dignity...

True enough.

I just thought it seems like one of those shows that can go on for a long time because of its topical nature.
I think it's generally understood that the show's quality/consistency can theoretically take a hit while the guys are under enormous pressures working on other projects, I just hope that this is fully recognized by Matt and Trey. Everyone's talking about South Park possibly ending, but it doesn't have to be like this. It looks like The Book of Mormon starts up again in September... :S

Awesome episode anyway.


well these last 7 episodes were much better then either half season was last year, at least where consistency is concerned.

It says something about the quality of the show and it's characters that they could end their mid season finale like they did and not only did it work but for 3 minutes you aren't concerned with poop jokes. I guess it's some sort of commentary on their own level of burnout but it still worked.

When family guy went "super duper serious" for it's 200th episode I sat in awe at just how terrible what I was watching was. They'd spent 3 seasons turning the characters into little more then props for bad jokes and suddenly expected us to give a crap ?

I'm curious where South Park will go in the fall mid-season. If they'll just keep this whole plotline going or if it will be a 2 part thing. Who knows, but it changes the show enough to push them towards new ideas.
N4Us said:
What was the FG 200 episode? I can't find anything about it.

A quick run of Wikipedia shows that it is only on episode 165.

Back to South Park's last episode, if it is a sign of them wanting to end the show it would be nice if they went out with a musical like the movie. I don't think they would want to do another full length movie per-se, but if we could get a three parter like Imagination Land, that would be nice. I am not sure how burned out Parker and Stone are from Broadway to do another musical south park though.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Can't believe none of you ever noticed that a alien is in every episode. I think it was last year they actually held some sort of contest for finding them too.
N4Us said:
What was the FG 200 episode? I can't find anything about it.
I think he was referring to the episode with Brian and Stewie in a bank vault.

smokeymicpot said:
Can't believe none of you ever noticed that a alien is in every episode. I think it was last year they actually held some sort of contest for finding them too.
I only rarely notice them.
Buzzati said:
Get ready to have your mind fucking blown:

This one really startled me. So eerie.



smokeymicpot said:
Can't believe none of you ever noticed that a alien is in every episode. I think it was last year they actually held some sort of contest for finding them too.

I knew it was common. But every single episode? News to me.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Good ep, either shit will be different next week or it will be back to normal and we will have been trolled good.

Seventh episode this week. The show is on break until October.


The show is ending in the fall, I really have no doubt about it at this point. It hasn't been renewed beyond this season, and that alone was suspicious; this, as well as statements from Matt and Trey, really just prove it, for me.

Sad episode. But I trust them to end it right.


scoobs said:
Randy is by far the best character on the show.


Randy has become my favorite character over the last few years. I'm thinking of putting together a "best of Randy" list to watch until this season resumes in October. Bloody Mary, Creme Fraiche, Over Logging, More Crap, With Apologies to Jesse Jackson, etc.... Gonna be EPIC!
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