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Spartacus: War of the Damned - the conclusion of a legendary journey - Fri on Starz

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I definitely hope Tiberius gets what is coming to him. I think (history spoiler)
it will definitely happen, since Tiberius didn't really exist, so there is nothing preventing him from getting killed.


I was indifferent to her really but after the episode where she killed the Roman blacksmith for no reason, even though he helped take over the city and crafted them all weapons I wanted her gone.
I think some of the Naevia backlash is actually intentional - they wanted to blur the lines between good/bad guys, and having "victims" turn into victimizers is a good way to do that.


Bull on a Donut
I definitely hope Tiberius gets what is coming to him. I think (history spoiler)
it will definitely happen, since Tiberius didn't really exist, so there is nothing preventing him from getting killed.

95.99% chance he dies, especially because he's the one obstacle in front of Caesar and future glory. Plus his future relationship with Crassus.


I did eventually watch that, but it just made me even more depressed because not only did Andy die, but it reminded me of the OTHER best character in the show being killed too :(

just too much to take for my poor heart


I definitely hope Tiberius gets what is coming to him. I think (history spoiler)
it will definitely happen, since Tiberius didn't really exist, so there is nothing preventing him from getting killed.

He probably existed, he was just named Marcus Crassus in actual history. Unless Crassus has another son in this universe that is older than the younger brother they showed.


I honestly wasn't even upset at all the bullshit that Tiberius pulled-off this last episode, except for one thing. It's probably because the writers went overboard making Tiberius do things to make the audience hate him, that it became comical and unbelievable. So, I couldn't even be mad at him. However, during the lead-up to the final head chop, I was telling myself, "He better not cut his head clean-off with one blow." And sure enough, he cuts Crixus' head clean-off. Remember Crixus, in Season 2, telling Naevia it's not easy to cleave a man's head from his shoulders in one blow? Naevia even had to take several swipes to behead Ashur. But somehow Tiberius is able to perform the feat like a fucking champ. That was truly the topper for Tiberius' unlikely feats for me.

Well, to be fair, Crixus did sharpen the blade himself earlier in the episode. I'm sure that made it a lot easier.


I think there's plenty of motivation for it.

Never mind the servitude and dear friends who have died throughout all of this, I imagine that if I was sent to a mine where I spent months being beat and savagely and repeatedly raped I'd come out of it a bloodthirsty wreck too. Reclaiming her self and her power was kind of the whole point of her killing Ashur last season. Only now she wants to end the very establishment that allowed that to happen to her and so many others.

Seriously GAF, start paying attention to the ladies other than nude scenes. The characterization is right there.

It makes sense for her to behave that way. She's just so incredibly onedimensional. ALL she does is: "Wroooaaaah! KILL ROMANS!!!" Without anything to change it up with. That's not character development.

I'm soo glad Crixus en Spartacus ended up parting the way they did. For a long time he was equally onedimensional as Neavia. His couple off callbacks to earlier episodes (Shall we begin?; Not minding dying by the sword; his speech and bromance with Spartacus; talking about being brothers in this lifetime...) They were all great. Awesome how one episode made Crixus worthwhile in the end. Too bad it was his final one :(

And it's probably a good thing they rushed this part of history. In no way did they have the budget and expertise to show full-scale battle after battle. The battle with Arrius really made this clear. The rolling flaming boulders were pretty laughable. And the armies obviously CGI. Didn't really matter though. Crixus being a badass again more than made up for it.

Oh and Liam McIntyre showing some range and emotion. Again! This season he actually became a really good Spartacus.

Two more episodes :(


However, during the lead-up to the final head chop, I was telling myself, "He better not cut his head clean-off with one blow." And sure enough, he cuts Crixus' head clean-off. Remember Crixus, in Season 2, telling Naevia it's not easy to cleave a man's head from his shoulders in one blow? Naevia even had to take several swipes to behead Ashur. But somehow Tiberius is able to perform the feat like a fucking champ. That was truly the topper for Tiberius' unlikely feats for me.

One of the first times he meets Naevia in ep 2 or 3 he mentions you have to get the right strike to clean someone's head off. I almost imagine having Tiberius hack away and Naevia whisper under her breath that it's no easy task. Sure it would of taken out all the emotion from the scene but it would of been a cool call back as they had to know they were fighting to their deaths right ha.


Sorry for the DP meant to edit :p

I did eventually watch that, but it just made me even more depressed because not only did Andy die, but it reminded me of the OTHER best character in the show being killed too :(

just too much to take for my poor heart

Arg I know you will never watch it, but man Liam does really come into his own as Spartacus, especially this season. Andy was perfect, but IM SO SO HAPPY they continued. Liam should be proud he took over and continued to develop him as his own, despite the challenges and everyone comparing him to the better Spartacus. It can't be that easy coming into that. Wish he a had little more muscle overall though!

One of my favorite shows ever. Plus won't you grow to love Agron? :D
that scene would have been so shit if tiberius hacked at crixus like five or six times.

the ending was beautiful and was one of their best moments.
Speaking of Crassus' family, I wonder why we haven't seen his wife more? She's one of the characters featured in the credits, but she's only been in one or two episodes early on...

I wonder if she'll play more of a role in the final episodes.


I honestly wasn't even upset at all the bullshit that Tiberius pulled-off this last episode, except for one thing. It's probably because the writers went overboard making Tiberius do things to make the audience hate him, that it became comical and unbelievable. So, I couldn't even be mad at him. However, during the lead-up to the final head chop, I was telling myself, "He better not cut his head clean-off with one blow." And sure enough, he cuts Crixus' head clean-off. Remember Crixus, in Season 2, telling Naevia it's not easy to cleave a man's head from his shoulders in one blow? Naevia even had to take several swipes to behead Ashur. But somehow Tiberius is able to perform the feat like a fucking champ. That was truly the topper for Tiberius' unlikely feats for me.
lol I could imagine some scene where Tiberus desperately tries to cut the head off and after the sixth attempt Crassus just gives him an annoyed look and does it with one clean swipe.
that scene would have been so shit if tiberius hacked at crixus like five or six times.

the ending was beautiful and was one of their best moments.
True, but it just cheapened the whole big deal that Crixus made of it in a prior season. After Naevia failed to behead Ashur, she even reiterated what Crixus said about it being a tough feat to perform, as if only the most skilled swordsmen could perform it. Up until Tiberius, only the likes of Spartacus and Gannicus had performed such feats in the series. Not sure if Crixus ever did. Someone mentioned that Tiberius took a baseball bat-like swing, but that wouldn't make the feat any easier. Ask most people who've tried splitting logs with an axe for the first time. Someone else said you could chalk it up to Crixus sharpening the blade himself. Maybe. But again, it still cheapened a feat that the show specifically made a big deal about earlier in the series. That it happened to Crixus himself makes it appear that they foreshadowed how he would die long in advance. So, are we now to believe that Tiberius has suddenly transformed into this super solider, capable of ass-raping the mighty Caesar, killing two previously invincible characters, and beheading the thick-necked Crixus in a single blow? Fine, but it's comical.

Regarding Naevia, even though it's understandable why she became the way that she is, I think it's hard to appreciate the character change, because she was literally a different woman from the original actress. And the actress change coincided exactly with the character change, so we never got to see the original Naevia, who we've formed a connection with, go through those changes. It was just a completely new actress, who acted nothing like the old Naevia, so to the audience it was like there was never a character development change. We just got this new girl who kept compromising the rebellion with her stupidity. There's no sympathy for what she went through, because the complete disparity in demeanor and appearance from the old Naevia won't allow our brains to accept the two as the same character.
Sorry for the DP meant to edit :p

Arg I know you will never watch it, but man Liam does really come into his own as Spartacus, especially this season. Andy was perfect, but IM SO SO HAPPY they continued. Liam should be proud he took over and continued to develop him as his own, despite the challenges and everyone comparing him to the better Spartacus. It can't be that easy coming into that. Wish he a had little more muscle overall though!

One of my favorite shows ever. Plus won't you grow to love Agron? :D

Eh, just blame the lack of muscle on their being near starvation most of the time. Hard to keep your muscle mass that way.


Awesome episode as usual, maybe a little bit too much of Tiberius stabbing dudes from behind though. Would've liked to see a better send-off for Agron but I guess there aren't many glorious deaths in war, he may even be alive still.
Great episode this week with a powerful ending. It really showed how far both Manu and Liam have come in terms of their acting abilities since their respective starts on the show.

Also, I really hope they don't pull a copout and have Spartacus live. He needs to die a glorious death on the field of battle. If they need one of the Big 4 survive let it be Gannicus.
Speaking of Crassus' family, I wonder why we haven't seen his wife more? She's one of the characters featured in the credits, but she's only been in one or two episodes early on...

I wonder if she'll play more of a role in the final episodes.

She's in Rome and there's no reason to show her.

Maybe we see her in the last couple episodes; she tries to persuade Crassus to stop pursuing Spartacus since he's crossing the Alps.


Plus, Pompey was hardly a fat guy. If we're talking about Pompey The Great, that is. Pompey was a common enough name anyway.
Hmm...I could watch the current slate of episodes thanks to Comcast's Watchathon On Demand thing by Sunday or I could tough it out and wait to see the rest of the season when it hits home video


-Whether or not the spinoff happens, Julius Caesar being bent over a table and raped by a teenage boy oddly explains where his drive to be the conqueror & emperor he was originated.

-Crixus' speech was amazing, especially the homage to Oenomaus. "What stands beneath your feet!?". Every great fictional speech should cause chills and that did it. This entire season has been a worthy send off for the character after being neutered in Vengeance.

-I'm conflicted about Tiberius' entire path of destruction. On one hand it reminded me of WWE and how they'll book a heel to destroy everyone as a cheap way of getting them over quickly....seemed a bit forced. On the other he did sneak up on both Crixus and Agron from behind while Caesar was fighting them one on one. Being a cowardly glory-seeking troll is spot on for his character.

-Gannicus please don't die!
Cast & Crew photo for Spartacus. I think they took this in pieces and stitched it together as there are a few people that show up multiple times.

Just an (unfortunate) reminder that there's no new episode tonight because of the holiday weekend. Starz is running a mini marathon of Episodes 6-8 this evening. The show will air its penultimate and final episodes on Apr 5th and Apr 12th.


Just got around to watching last week's episode, pretty damn good.

Crixus and Spartacus parting was well done. Called back to the early episodes, and took into account all they've been through together. The show has dropped the ball with that in other places.

Not crazy about how Crixus died. Stabbed in the back works somewhat, but I kept thinking he would turn and smash Tiberius at the last second. Naevia not killing herself seems odd, but guessing the show needs her to carry Crixus' head to Spartacus, maybe spurring him to go back as a one man army.

If nothing else, maybe Pompei will come in and shit all over Crassus victory over 'slaves and women.'

Funky Papa

I binged through the entire season this week and by the Gods, what an amazing show. I knew Crixus was about to bit the dust, but his death was so properly infuriating and beautifully shot. I raged so damn hard when that little rapist shit got him. God damn.

I'd also like to voice my appreciation towards Liam. Although I didn't really feel him during S2, he finally got around the character and pulled some great performances. He really owned Spartacus' character in Ep7.

I'm going to miss this show so much.

Edit: Also, dat Laeta. Mmmm. Mmmmh.


I just watched Separate Ways again and noticed something. In the scene where Spartacus and Crixus are saying goodbye to each other, HBK is in the background making out not giving a fuck lol.


Just watched the preview,
Looks like Agron is getting crucified. And Caesar went to Spartacus' camp to make a deal?
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