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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens - It's True. All of it.

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Now that you got me thinking of that, how could the Starkiller suck up all the matter from a star? As huge as the Starkiller was, it was still vastly dwarfed by that star. It's not like it was a black hole. Or...was it powered by one?

It's total nonsense just gotta frown and roll with it.

Should've flown it to the Resistance's star system, eaten *their* star, and fired the blasts at Hosnia. One system obliterated, one spins itself into the vasty cold of interstellar space.


Sidhe / PikPok
My quick thoughts on seeing it on opening day

+ great return to the look and feel of the originals
+ great action, pacing, cinematography, design, and colours, especially the visual design around the First Order
+ really liked the Kylo Ren, Rey, and Poe characters, Ren in particular (I didn't like the character or performance of Finn as much unfortunately)
+ BB8 was a great emotive sidekick.

- Han suddenly becoming interested in Chewie's bowcaster weapon. You've been kicking around together for like 30 years and only NOW you decide you want to try it out?
- the galaxy just feels so small, as you can seemingly get anywhere in minutes (or seconds!). This is a crime from the prequels. And makes the whole "map showing convoluted secret path to get to Luke" seem pointless.
- Snoke CGI was visibly worse than everything else. Why use CG at all for the character? Even worse, design reminded me of Azog from the Hobbit.
- what a missed opportunity Phasma was. She might be returning, but they didn't set up the character well here at all.

Overall, 7/10, well executed and solidly entertaining, but nothing blew me away or surprised me. I think the trailers spoiled what would have been a lot of great moments if revealed during the watch, like the X-Wings coming in over the lake. Will be there for opening day for Episode 8.
I think it's cool to keep the abilities granted by the Force mysterious like that. It makes it feel more like some strange magic and less like an RPG skill tree.

Oh I agree. I'm all for future Star Wars creators to come up with new and interesting ways to use the Force. It's part of why so much of the discussion on Ren and Ray feels like some kind of discussion of very objective power levels that are detailed on a character sheet.

- Han suddenly becoming interested in Chewie's bowcaster weapon. You've been kicking around together for like 30 years and only NOW you decide you want to try it out?

Yep! Unlike almost everything else in the thread this is the nitpick that bothers me! I can't believe Han never tried it out in the decades they've been working together.

Speaking of Han and Chewie- do we know if the whole "life debt" thing is actually still a part of the new canon? Was that ever referenced explicitly in the OT?


Leia sent poor Han to die. He knew better than to get near his fuckwit son, as we saw when Kylo took Rey, but nooooo she had to go fill his head with all that 'bring our boy home Han!' bullshit before he stepped into the fire.

Newsflash, Princess: your son is a whiny douchelord who wasn't worth salvaging.

Poor Chewy was the real victim in all this.


Some flack over that comment. Fine, you disagree.

I just think a character like old mentor Luke Skywalker needs to be played with a certain amount of grace and range that comes from the best veteran actors.

Are there example of live action performances where Hamill has played this kind of character?

I love that movie. I just wonder how Hamill's going to play him given you can't really tell from the few seconds he's on screen in the film.

Am I really the first person to say that Mark Hamill is a bad actor? Really?


Now that you got me thinking of that, how could the Starkiller suck up all the matter from a star? As huge as the Starkiller was, it was still vastly dwarfed by that star. It's not like it was a black hole. Or...was it powered by one?
If that bugs you, you don't even want to know about Star Trek's "red matter"
Star Wars was never big on the whole science thing anyway. Neither is JJ Abrams for that matter.


I don't totally disagree, but I think the term Mary Sue is applied too liberally and isn't really a fit here. I do agree she's great at everything in a surprising way, but they do specifically call that out in the dialogue, and it seems to be part of the story. She doesn't *know* why she's good at these things, she seems to be a Force savant, which we have never seen before.

I'm much more invested in Finn because he doesn't have the Huge Big Destiny to fulfill, but the Big Huge Destiny of the Awesome Potential Person who is Great at Everything is pretty much Star Wars' core. It's just had inflationary pressure over the decades, form Luke (has magic, Best Pilot) to Anakin in the prequels (Most Magic Miticlorians Ever, Virgin Birth, Better Pilot than is Humanly Possible), to now (most of the above, plus powers come with no training).

Ren has similar inflation-- his force powers are better than ever (Now With Mind Reading!) but this is supposed to be him at a middle stage of his training.

So, some is inflation, some is standard Chosen One stuff, which always gets called Mary Sue but is really a much, much older trope dating back to at least the Arthur legend and probably longer than that.

It worked for me, at least in that if Rey is OP it's totally worth it in terms of how well it sets up Kylo's anti-protagonist path. Part of the feeling of "Mary Sue" is that this person is a usurper, someone who's taking glory from the proper protagonists without risk or struggle. The ways in which Rey is too good to be true all relate to Kylo's jealousies and insecurities, from her nascent emotional connection to Han to her surprising strength in the Force to her nigh-miraculous possession of Anakin's light saber. This is all made directly manifest and literal when she uses the Force to take it when he is trying to do the same, and when he says that it is his.

I think if the movie were entirely structured like ANH and Rey was serving as a direct drop-in replacement for Luke it probably wouldn't work, but fortunately we have Finn. He's taking on a lot of the duty of overcoming the stumbles that represent the beginning of the hero's road, as well as providing an excellent vantage for the audience to relate to the small and large conflicts at play.

It works well enough for me to buy Han Solo discarding his demeanor of cynical pragmatism completely in favor of selfless love. It's for the sake of his son, but both Finn and Rey are instrumental in getting him there. The wound Kylo takes from Chewie's bowcaster isn't incidental, it's an immediate retribution and consequence of murdering his father. It's both literally and symbolically crippling him in the subsequent fights in a direct narrative through-line.

If Kylo had been anywhere near 100%, the fight would never have lasted long enough for Rey to find her crisis and apotheosis. If Finn hadn't been there, she just gets thrown against a tree and defeated nearly instantly, even so. She might be powerful, but if she'd been without help she would have lost.
Now that you got me thinking of that, how could the Starkiller suck up all the matter from a star? As huge as the Starkiller was, it was still vastly dwarfed by that star. It's not like it was a black hole. Or...was it powered by one?

That...that part actually slipped my mind. I was actually more confused as to why the sun just popped back up as a whole rather than how the hell they sucked up all the energy like a Black Hole.

What a Mary Sue!

It's Marty/Gary Stu when referencing a guy, get it right dammit!


By saying Sun it does not mean "our Sun".

The smallest stars in our galaxy are like fourteen times the mass of Jupiter but those are barely even stars so, much bigger than that.

This is easy. JJ literally doesn't know anything about astronomy. And he doesn't care so that's fine I guess whatever. Just means we gotta take everything as magic and totally physically incoherent. Starkiller base makes no sense in any aspect and any attempt to project anything about how it works is doomed.


No, no one has illegally posted video of a for-profit movie that came out 2 days ago. If only there was a way to satisfy your urge to see it again...Might even be worth some dollars?

I meant on any of the free vid services like youtube etc... -.-

cant find any


My quick thoughts on seeing it on opening day

+ great return to the look and feel of the originals
+ great action, pacing, cinematography, design, and colours, especially the visual design around the First Order
+ really liked the Kylo Ren, Rey, and Poe characters, Ren in particular (I didn't like the character or performance of Finn as much unfortunately)
+ BB8 was a great emotive sidekick.

- Han suddenly becoming interested in Chewie's bowcaster weapon. You've been kicking around together for like 30 years and only NOW you decide you want to try it out?
- the galaxy just feels so small, as you can seemingly get anywhere in minutes (or seconds!). This is a crime from the prequels. And makes the whole "map showing convoluted secret path to get to Luke" seem pointless.
- Snoke CGI was visibly worse than everything else. Why use CG at all for the character? Even worse, design reminded me of Azog from the Hobbit.
- what a missed opportunity Phasma was. She might be returning, but they didn't set up the character well here at all.

Overall, 7/10, well executed and solidly entertaining, but nothing blew me away or surprised me. I think the trailers spoiled what would have been a lot of great moments if revealed during the watch, like the X-Wings coming in over the lake. Will be there for opening day for Episode 8.

Disagree with your score but TOTALLY agree on that point, majorly bugged me haha.

They have their galaxy pretty well mapped out at this point, and BB-8 had a pretty big chunk of the map. Why did they need the whole thing to figure it out? I am honestly asking, incase I am missing something.

I'm thinking of it like, if someone gave me a map of Texas, being from the United States, I could figure out what it was even if the rest of the US map is missing LOL.


My quick thoughts on seeing it on opening day

+ great return to the look and feel of the originals
+ great action, pacing, cinematography, design, and colours, especially the visual design around the First Order
+ really liked the Kylo Ren, Rey, and Poe characters, Ren in particular (I didn't like the character or performance of Finn as much unfortunately)
+ BB8 was a great emotive sidekick.

- Han suddenly becoming interested in Chewie's bowcaster weapon. You've been kicking around together for like 30 years and only NOW you decide you want to try it out?
- the galaxy just feels so small, as you can seemingly get anywhere in minutes (or seconds!). This is a crime from the prequels. And makes the whole "map showing convoluted secret path to get to Luke" seem pointless.
- Snoke CGI was visibly worse than everything else. Why use CG at all for the character? Even worse, design reminded me of Azog from the Hobbit.
- what a missed opportunity Phasma was. She might be returning, but they didn't set up the character well here at all.

Overall, 7/10, well executed and solidly entertaining, but nothing blew me away or surprised me. I think the trailers spoiled what would have been a lot of great moments if revealed during the watch, like the X-Wings coming in over the lake. Will be there for opening day for Episode 8.

Yeah, that was probably the dumbest shit in the entire movie.


Just came back from the movie a second time. I think Rey is Luke's daughter. Kylo tries reading her thoughts and mentions "You dream about the islands." In the end when Rey sees the islands with the Jedi Steps where she meets Luke, she has a look in her eye as if remembering it.

Great subtle acting by the way.

I like how it doesn't exactly spell out everything for you, and you can see it in the performances. The look in Luke's eyes of loss (since if Leia felt Han die, he must have too as well as the deaths of those on the new republic's world...) which turns to a look of realization when he focuses gaze on her and the lightsaber.

I was initially hung up on how it basically follows ANH story beats, but now, not so much. If Snoke IS Plagius, first thing he would try to do is build a bigger better weapon than his student created (thus, Starkiller) which probably took nearly 20 years to build.

Things I also realized... The First Order and Rebellion must be at a stalemate as the republic world with the fleet was obliterated, as was Starkiller Base which held quite a bit of the First Order fighters and stormtrooper facilities. Then again, we don't know where else the reserves are. Also, a possible future love triangle of Finn and Poe for Rey's attention much like the Luke and Han thing from OT before Luke realized he was digging his own sister.

And the briefly seen aliens and characters here and there providing material for many books to come and that animated series post Rebels (like Phasma and the bounty hunter at Maz's who reported Finn and Rey, as well as Parkman... I mean Temmin the pilot).

The following years are going to be interesting.

Sorry for the long post -_-


I dunno...I think it's a bullshit lazy criticism.

The main problem lie with Abrams and his tendency to shoot a movie at a rapid fire pace. :p The distance between planets seemed ridiculously short in this one, which is insane. The same goes for two of our heroes being able to quickly figure out how to pilot anything (although Luke did the same thing in ANH by making the one in a million shot with an x-wing which he never piloted before).

Arbitrarily setting the running time of a movie to ~2 hours seems foolish to me, but it's a staple of Star Wars and I remember hearing Lucas having a reason for that (surely tied to a near perfect running time to ensure x amount of viewing per day). Sometime there's simply way too much content for the 2 hours format, such as for Revenge of the Sith which needed at least half an hour more to properly set up everything imo.
Abrams you sunavabitch.

After all the hype, this movie exceeded my expectations. Fucking beautiful.

Im really happy I didn't get spoiled on anything. Those twists were magical.


I think Rey's talents will make more sense in the context of the trilogy. There's obviously a lot to her backstory that we haven't been told yet. For all we know she may have had force training as a child that was repressed or wiped from her memory; in fact we're sort of led to believe that is the case in the flashback and the fact that a lot of the characters seem to be in on her secret based on their reactions to meeting or hearing about her. What definitely doesn't make sense to complain about are her melee combat abilities and knowledge of ships, as we clearly see those from her upbringing on Jakku.


- Han suddenly becoming interested in Chewie's bowcaster weapon. You've been kicking around together for like 30 years and only NOW you decide you want to try it out?

Believe me there are many thing in your life that you haven't try it yet even it is very close to you.
Does Rey have a character flaw? Perhaps her persistent desire for a father figure?

They had to play it safe with the first entry and riff on the original trilogy heavily to win back people's trust after the prequel trilogy. It's as if they had to prove to viewers that those mistakes won't be repeated. I'm sure it will become its own beast with future entries.

I suppose you're right about bringing the audience back after the dreadful PT (though I kinda liked RoTS). In that sense making a ANH 2.0 is understandable, but I still think they could have gone with something else that didn't involve yet another Death Star.
Oh well, we'll see in Episode VIII


Just like Beggar's Canyon back home.
That's no bigger than a wamp rat
I suppose you're right about bringing the audience back after the dreadful PT (though I kinda liked RoTS). In that sense making a ANH 2.0 is understandable, but I still think they could have gone with something else that didn't involve yet another Death Star.
Oh well, we'll see in Episode VIII
I do agree though that the Starkiller was a bit too on-the-nose


I think Rey's talents will make more sense in the context of the trilogy. There's obviously a lot to her backstory that we haven't been told yet. For all we know she may have had force training as a child that was repressed or wiped from her memory; in fact we're sort of led to believe that is the case in the flashback and the fact that a lot of the characters seem to be in on her secret based on their reactions to meeting or hearing about her. What definitely doesn't make sense to complain about are her melee combat abilities and knowledge of ships, as we clearly see those from her upbringing on Jakku.

And she was obviously strong in the Force as a child, as she was training with other children in Luke's Jedi school. Her talent was there as a child.


Males are Gary Stu, and Rey is way, way, way, way, way, way, way worse with it that Luke was. Way worse. By a lot.

Ya, ok.

Luke making an impossible shot is tooootaally more believable than Rey pulling off a Jedi Mind trick on a weak-minded soldier and then fighting an (injured) Ren with a lightsaber competently, after it has been established she is experienced in melee weapons.

I'm sorry, I just don't see it. Agree to disagree I guess.
People seem to forget that Rey spent most of the fight on the defensive and Ren had the upper hand for like 90% of their duel

Only at the end when she has her "Use the Force, Luke" moment, does she become aggressive and outclasses Ren
So was Billie Lourd's character suppose to be Leia's daughter?? She always seemed to be with Leia in the Resistance HQ and was waving to the Falcon in the front row with Leia, 3PO, etc at the end.
The One and Done™;189952682 said:
I agree with you. Am I misinterpreting the Mary Sue comment?

Yeah. The Mary Sue is an attack on how crazy OP the character was. The actress did a phenomenal job, just her character just advanced too much too quickly and did ridiculous shit. Not that Luke didn't do any crazy shit of his own, but still.


The more I think about it, the more I get the feeling that the force being balanced implies that the force will forcefully awaken itself if one side strengthens.

I would think Luke would have realized this after raising new jedis and losing them; that him training new jedis caused the dark side to awaken to balance itself.

In Rey's vision we see the dead bodies and it looks like someone is about to hit her but Kylo saves her. What if some people tried to kill the jedis after realizing that it was a mistake to raise new ones? That it would just cause the dark side to emerge? Everyone was killed except one apprentice on each side, and one master on each side.

In that case, it would explain why Kylo doesn't kill her: Snoke might have forbidden him from killing her so as to keep the force balanced, maybe buying himself time or some such. It would also explain why Luke stayed away, it's a sort of stalemate with Snoke.
I think Rey's talents will make more sense in the context of the trilogy. There's obviously a lot to her backstory that we haven't been told yet. For all we know she may have had force training as a child that was repressed or wiped from her memory; in fact we're sort of led to believe that is the case in the flashback and the fact that a lot of the characters seem to be in on her secret based on their reactions to meeting or hearing about her. What definitely doesn't make sense to complain about are her melee combat abilities and knowledge of ships, as we clearly see those from her upbringing on Jakku.

Quoting for the new page. Mary Sue is such a weak argument.
This is easy. JJ literally doesn't know anything about astronomy. And he doesn't care so that's fine I guess whatever. Just means we gotta take everything as magic and totally physically incoherent. Starkiller base makes no sense in any aspect and any attempt to project anything about how it works is doomed.

Considering the whole Parsecs snafu in ANH it doesn't seem like Lucas cared any more about the science either. (and please don't give me the awful EU retcon of the Kessel Run stuff. We all know Lucas meant it to refer to time).


...How familiar are you with his career, anyway? He's done more than Star Wars you know.

I know he's well respected for his work in animated series, but he isn't particularly well regarded for playing more serious characters.

I just think an old Luke seems like an important character, like Yoda was in the original trilogy. I would expect a lot of scenes just involving Rey and Luke together, talking, training, whatnot. Wouldn't it be important for Luke to embody this character, one who is completely changed from the one he played before, with the kind of grace and range that usually comes from a veteran actor. I just wonder if he can pull it off because Daisy Ridley is outstanding.
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