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Patlabor Movie 1 -

This is a pretty remarkable movie.


There are three or so sequences involving two detectives tracking down the whereabouts of the movie’s main culprit/villain. Symbols are established, symbols are maintained, symbols are destroyed - there’s a real sense of passage (in both time and distance) in their usage, turning what would otherwise be mundane investigation scenes into little glimpses into the graveyard of metropolises, the underbellies of gleaming downtown skyscrapers where dust fills empty rooms and abandoned children’s toys presage the discovery of scripture scrawled on walls. These are visions of age, of decay; they serve as contrast to the rapidly paced development of technology in this universe, and the feeling that this development has left behind and abandoned those who could not catch up is commented upon as the movie progresses, most explicitly in the conversation between the 'Uncle' of SHI and the head engineer man (I really need to watch the entirety of the Patlabor canon/cycle/filmverse).

I loved pretty much the whole movie, but these scenes - a departure from the otherwise solidly technological vibe of the setting - stood out for me; they reminded me of the director unraveling the city into a dream atop a Morporkian turtle in, say, Beautiful Dreamer, or the nighttime jaunt through the echoes and shadows in Angel’s Egg. They’re wonderfully unsettling, complemented perfectly by the music.

Images are established early on and called back on later to great effect - here Gotoh mentions that he's beginning to understand the culprit, and their faces are, for a moment, mirroring each other's satisfaction, with the first shot established in the beginning and the latter coming about two-thirds of a way in. There's a similar sort of joy in both constructing and deconstructing plots, and we see for a moment just what drives Gotoh so, beyond just an urge to serve the public.

And there's so many more moments like this. This is such a rich movie in that regard. Not quite Oshii unleashed, but the careful thought that goes into framing what is otherwise an excellently plotted, but mundane, thriller is pretty remarkable.

Enjoyed the fuck out of it. Looking forward to watching the second movie next week.


Setec Astronomer
Well I just figured it was on "The List" for a reason.

But I concur. That is a bad habit to develop. I won't knock it.
No, you just misunderstand the List. The purpose in collecting these titles isn't for torture purposes, but to record the titles that manage to be entertaining in their badness.

It's the same sort of motivation as this:

Accordingly, Garzey's Wing is a show that can make you laugh your ass off, and that's precisely why it is recommended! Who doesn't enjoy a good laugh?
No, you just misunderstand the List. The purpose in collecting these titles isn't for torture purposes, but to record the titles that manage to be entertaining in their badness.

Oh I see. My fault. I jumped to conclusions.

I should've known this considering I watched some of those titles.

Edit: And who doesn't enjoy a laugh? I don't know but whoever they may be they are evil...

Link Man

Hanamaru Kindergarten 6

Yeah, I'm gonna try and forget this episode ever happened.

Shittiest pandering/least believable representation of lesbians.


Pretty sure Soul Eater Not wins this one and I didn't even try it.

I mean, Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san is a thing this season.


The Light of El Cantare
I mean, Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san is a thing this season.

Have to disqualify it from consideration because the short format basically forces them to excise any semblance of a relationship and just give the viewer the red meat anyway.

Not that it would probably be any different if it were full-length format. Sakura Trick fuwafuwa lesbian vibes are too strong.


Maturity, bitches.
Pretty sure I've seen others do it, it's just that with SHAFT you are guaranteed to see it.

Link Man

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU 1

Went in expecting some light romcom, left with a deep character study. Not sure what to think.


No, you just misunderstand the List. The purpose in collecting these titles isn't for torture purposes, but to record the titles that manage to be entertaining in their badness.

It's the same sort of motivation as this:

Accordingly, Garzey's Wing is a show that can make you laugh your ass off, and that's precisely why it is recommended! Who doesn't enjoy a good laugh?

Garzey's Wing is definitely a perfect example of what you've just described, so I'd second that recommendation. It's terrible all across the board, but the dub makes it a funny watch.

The thing is, unlike Mystery Science Theater 3000, which exclusively deals with bad movies and explicitly includes some of the worst ever made, there are a few titles on the List that aren't quite so bad. Shows you're meant to laugh along with, to a greater or lesser extent, and which might display some degree of self-awareness and competence to that effect as well as having partial or considerable merits in other ways. Not that there's too many such examples but, despite their shared craziness, not everything on the List is really on the MST3K scale of absolute failure that requires a cynical running commentary to be enjoyable (many of the movies they riff on are almost unwatchable by themselves and/or when approaching them in any other mindset).


Setec Astronomer
Well, sure, which is why I only compared the motivation.

Although a lot of them are definitely enhanced by watching with friends.
Yeah, I guess. I don't think anyone else does the head tilt though.

There was several times characters did a back head tilt in Anohana, the most recent anime that I finished. And that show was done by A-1.


My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU 1

Went in expecting some light romcom, left with a deep character study. Not sure what to think.

It's interesting how the show does that isn't it? It'll dabble a lot with that last part but it still is funny when a certain.... character is introduced.

Link Man

There was several times characters did a back head tilt in Anohana, the most recent anime that I finished. And that show was done by A-1.


It's interesting how the show does that isn't it? It'll dabble a lot with that last part but it still is funny when a certain.... character is introduced.

Yeah, I'm starting to find that red-heads are the best characters in anime.


Oh hey! A new thread! You know what that means!

cajunator  1,058  
Admiral Woofington  913  
CorvoSol  759  
PshycoNinja  589  
Narag  547  
Hitokage  546  
Gbraga  494  
Branduil  491  
firehawk12  484  
Articalys  333  
Link Man  322  
Jexhius  318  
Theonik  306  
duckroll  291  
R_thanatos  290  
Shard  286  
Dedication Through Light  286  
Basileus777  284  
SDBurton  271  
cnet128  270  
ZachDeKoromaru  267  
KirbYayoi  262  
Midonin  259  
Gazoinks  258  
Quasar  250  
jman2050  230  
Jarmel  230  
AquaWateria  221  
Jintor  211  
wonzo  205  
Syrinx  205  
MikeHattsu  200  
[B]nintendoman58  192  [/B]
dakkumauji  186  
jgminto  180  
Haly  178  
FelixOrion  165  
BGBW  153  
madp  153  
darkside31337  150  
dimb  148  
Psycho_Mantis  145  
Save 'N Quit  142  
AnathemicOne  140  
astrogamer  131  
Mature  130  
survivor  127  
Dresden  125  
fertygo  123  
Envelope  118  
hosannainexcelsis  115  
cosmicblizzard  114  
BluWacky  113  
sonicmj1  112  
MetroidPrimeRib  110  
Seraphis Cain  109  
Nordicus  108  
foxuzamaki  107  
chickdigger802  104  
Sorairo  102

About half of what I got in the thread before the last one. Need to watch some better shows.

d-d-does this mean I have a r-real life now? I didn't make the last the last couple times.


Patlabor: The Movie

That was a pretty great thing. I wasn't expecting an operating system mystery, but it makes a lot of sense. If you're the kind of person who likes traditional mechanical animation, '80s futurism, '80s display porn(including quaintly primitive '80s CGI), and '80s music, then you should obviously watch this film as soon as is reasonably possible.

Oshii strikes a great balance here between his introspective philosophizing and character-based fun. The film features a large cast of characters with distinct personalities and outlooks, and even without watching the OVA first, it's pretty easy to get a handle on the character relationships. Also, Noa is totally moe.

All of the design work, layouts, etc. are outstanding and do a fantastic job of establishing a tangible backdrop for the story. I have to especially call out the fantastic, wordless montage sequences with the investigators in the abandoned Tokyo districts. No one has quite the same knack as Oshii for making a city itself a living, breathing character. The eerie music, the starkly lit dilapidated buildings, and the strikingly dramatic way in which they're framed, along with the potent usage of symbols, all combine to create a disquieting atmosphere, the feeling that something just isn't quite right, and the revelation that
the robots are going berserk because of sounds created from the acoustics of buildings that are beyond the range of human hearing
entirely makes sense in light of that.

And speaking of the thematic implications of the work itself, there's a lot of Angel's Egg in this movie. You have
"Jehovah" using the works of unwitting humankind for his own destructive schemes
, and at the end of the film,
mankind climbs the tower of "Babel" using its technology in order to confront "Jehovah," but when they arrive he was Corvodead all along. And then they destroy his "Ark."
Not too subtle, Oshii! Although I'm impressed at how he worked this fairly seamlessly into a story about malicious software.


Huge Nickleback Fan
I don't remember seeing this ever discussed in here, but did you guys know that the author of Kino's Journey, Keiichi Sigsawa, is actually involved in Sword Art Online II? He's apparently helping the anime production with supervision on the guns and stuff. Pretty cool stuff. I guess it's not surprising that top talents in the industry would all want to work on one of the most popular artistic and cultural works of the 21st century.

He's that good at gun, i guess?

He is also the current holder of the longest light novel title with

"Danshi Kōkōsei de Urekko Raito Noberu Sakka o Shi te Iru Keredo, Toshishita no Kurasumeito de Seiyū no Onnanoko ni Kubi o Shimerare te Iru. -Time to Play-"


"You're the Most Popular Light Novel Author at the All Boy's High School, but you're Being Strangled by your Junior who is also a Voice Actress? 。―Time to Play―"

Can't wait till it get animated,


I took a good long peek at the Archives book that came with the limited edition, and it's excellent. In addition to concept art and character profiles (Oota's actually described as having a really strong sense of duty, even if he tends to use excessive force. He moved into SV2 so he could take a stronger role in dealing with Labor crimes), there are loads of translated interviews with Oshii and the other staff that worked on the movie, and even some of the location photos of Tokyo that they took in 1989 to establish their setting.

I'll try to dive deeper into the interviews during the week and see if I can find some interesting parts. That I got these for ~$10 each feels like robbery.
Now that I'm thinking about it again, I loved that small scene when Noa actually has to step out of the Labor to manually insert each bullet into the gun's cylinder. That's one way to reinforce that these robots weren't made with combat being its primary purpose.


Man you guys made me want to rewatch Patlabor movies, I really like that first movie. would be interesting to see reaction for the 2nd one, I wonder if the opinion gonna be more divisive.. I write little impression about it back then to how I'm not too satisfied with it, but its certainly could invoke different reaction and despite what I said, I'd still like to revisit it in future.


In 2.5 hours I will finally be free and able to start watching stuff this season. That is if I dont fall asleep cause im fucking exhausted.
Akuma no Riddle 2

I feel like these characters have a lot of potential, but they aren't really doing very interesting things beyond some great expressions. Will stick with it for now in hopes of stuff like that actually happening.
Yes, it was very slow and painful in the manga as well. At least the ending was pretty fun.

Edit: it was a while ago though, and I havent really been watching the anime lately, so I'm not sure how they compare tbh.

Manga and anime isn't the same. There are parts that can and should be done faster in anime, and parts where it makes sense to use up more time. Also, you can read manga faster that you can watch it.
At first, the HxH anime was adapting 3 chapters per episode! and now that rhythm has fallen. I think in the last 5 episodes the pace has slowed down a bit too much.
And yeah, I think Code Geass should be dropped from "the List". It is way in another level in comparison with the rest. There is a difference between "legit entertainment though in the second season it fell in a cliff" to "super bad, so bad that some masochist people watch it as something ironically good, but it's still bad".

There aren't redemption values in most of these shows, and there is redemption in CG. I witnessed a very very long discussion about the relative morality of Suzaku and Lelouch, for example.
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