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Star Wars Battlefront Trailer, game will be 60 fps

Someone should tag this post when downgrade happens.

Pretty trailer leads to hype. Hype leads to disappointment. Disappointment leads to the dark side.

It not disappointing if you start realizing that this is part of most AAA game development. I thought the trailer was sweet, but I also know that it was a lot of fluff. It's a good promotional piece to get people excited for the game. Now I'm optimistically waiting for actual gameplay.


For those doubting this is what the game can look like, I'll just leave this here:


BF4 gameplay with ultra settings and cinematic tools.

Obviously it's not going to look this good on consoles but a beefy PC might be up to the task. I'm convinced that's what they used to create this trailer.

I don't know if you are serious but this videos doesn't even come close to the Battlefront trailer, like almost a generation behind, so no, I'm not seeing that.


That shot of Vader reminds me that there is no consistency to his helmet. At all.

Looks like it is the Episode 3 one.
Definitely curious to see how the game's launch turns out after the disaster that was BF4, Can't imagine EA would let that happen again.

Also if the final game actually looks that good consistently with little to no frame drops I will shit out my own skeleton and praise the DICE tech gods for shining their divine light upon us.
I don't know, I think you're selling DICE short. They are top-tier visuals developer, they're not just going to sit still while everyone passes them by. They're the kind of developers that invents new techniques, so to me it's not at all unreasonable that their game looks groundbreaking.
Yes they make technically proficient games (although arguable in some categories), but the gulf between their PC SKU and the console ones has been huge tbh. It is just the nature of the hardware at this point in time.

This game has the assets, post processing, LOD, geometry detail, and shader complexity of a 30 fps console game. How many games with assets and complexity like this run at 60 fps?

So either the console versions have these assets as an LOD 0 that renders in a 2 foot radius around the player... or they are yanking everyone's chain.


Well.. The trailer has the amount and quality of motion blur you'd expect from 30fps. For starters, I don't think that's going to stay the same in a 60fps game.

Maybe the game is 24:9 like this trailer, the Order style, and this helped freeing resources for dem graphics?

Regardless, BF4 looked great, especially for a cross platform launch game (still does) and I'm sure this will look absolutely spectacular.

This game has the assets, post processing, LOD, geometry detail, and shader complexity of a 30 fps console game. How many games with assets and complexity like this run at 60 fps?

This, and them announcing commitment to 60fps across all platforms so early, for some reason has me thinking they might be achieving that with some kind of natural flow effect akin to that used in most modern TV's. Just a feeling.
Congrats on showing absolutely nothing. You proved your Star Wars game has a whole bunch of Star Wars in it, so I guess I'm supposed to be impressed by that?

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I understand why DICE released the trailer that they did, rather than doing a fully in-game trailer. The point of this trailer was to give an overview of what the game would be like. Many of us hardcore gamers want to know the specifics of how the game will feel and handle, but the average consumer doesn't. In fact, the average consumer probably didn't realize what Battlefront was until this trailer came out, and it does what it set out to do: give an overview of the game, what it will allow you to do (ground combat, speeders, walkers, fighters, jet packs) and shows off a bunch of the planets and locales.

Is it the trailer that the GAF crowd would have wanted? No. But I think it's a good trailer nonetheless.
Definitely curious to see how the game's launch turns out after the disaster that was BF4, Can't imagine EA would let that happen again.

Also if the final game actually looks that good consistently with little to no frame drops I will shit out my own skeleton and praise the DICE tech gods for shining their divine light upon us.

That's what I'm worried about too. I hope they take the time to make it right. But it seems like they are going to be releasing in line with Episode 7 in December to matter with how development goes.

Release in December, patch later.
Yeah, saw them, and the lady rebels, did Battlefront 2 have classes or something like classes I can't remember?

One of the previews (PC Gamer, I think) actually said there are no classes--just a ton of options to choose from.

I think there were classes in past games, but I can't remember/didn't play enough of them.
Who cares about the graphics? If they are on par with BF4, that will be good enough for me. We get to fly X-Wing's and Tie Fighters, drive Speeders, Imperial Walker's, AT-AT's, and run around as Storm Troopers or the Rebel Alliance. Playing the game is going to be incredible.


One of the previews (PC Gamer, I think) actually said there are no classes--just a ton of options to choose from.

I think there were classes in past games, but I can't remember/didn't play enough of them.

You're correct, there were classes in the previous games. I hope they don't go the COD-route of loadouts and stuff. I like the class-based gameplay, it just works better balance-wise.
One of the previews (PC Gamer, I think) actually said there are no classes--just a ton of options to choose from.

I think there were classes in past games, but I can't remember/didn't play enough of them.

Youre both right, BF2 had classes as well as planet unique classes. Qnd yeah, the different rebels you could choose looked differently, some rebel classes were female unique iirc
Who cares about the graphics? If they are on par with BF4, that will be good enough for me. We get to fly X-Wing's and Tie Fighters, drive Speeders, Imperial Walker's, AT-AT's, and run around as Storm Troopers or the Rebel Alliance. Playing the game is going to be incredible.

Well....what are you waiting for then. Get on it!!


Any info on the story mode ?

Yes. The info is that there is no story mode.


One of the previews (PC Gamer, I think) actually said there are no classes--just a ton of options to choose from.

I think there were classes in past games, but I can't remember/didn't play enough of them.

That sounds good, I actually remember the originals having the same sort of system, lots of options but you couldn't exactly call them classes.


Purple Drazi
One of the previews (PC Gamer, I think) actually said there are no classes--just a ton of options to choose from.

I think there were classes in past games, but I can't remember/didn't play enough of them.

There were, yeah. You chose which class you wanted to return as at respawn.

EDIT: Err, maybe not? Admittedly I don't play shooters outside of Battlefront (ages ago) and Mass Effect so maybe my grasp of classes is off.


As usual, DICE amps and mixes that sound to the highest standards. I never knew how good those guns sounded.


Why do they think that this is what we want out of trailers/teasers? I don't really understand why they even spend money to make these movies when we're just going to respond with total skepticism.
You realize Neogaf maybe at best makes up about 1% of the people that actually purchase games right?

Hell, even if you account for all gaming forums, you are probably talking maybe 25-50%. And I emphasize maybe.

This trailer is for the remaining 50-75%, that do not care about FPS, that do not care or know about resolution, and just want to see the new Star Wars game.

It is called Marketing.

My thoughts to a friend on Facebook...
they used the actual game engine on the highest end PC possible to render the scenes shown. The scenes were highly scripted and choreographed, including custom animations specific to the scenes, so in no way are they indicative of actual gameplay. This trailer was just meant to showcase the look and feel and universe of the game.

With that said, not sure if you played the previous Battlefront games or not but I loved them, and they really were just Battlefield in the Star Wars Universe except they were made by a developer called Pandemic. So DICE developing it is a perfect marriage. Really Battlefield + Star Wars specific combat is what you can expect. Including the vehicles.
And it really is that simple. I love what I saw today, strictly because it had the universe completely and utterly down. I also love the Battlefield games from a gameplay standpoint, so I am very amped based on both of these factors.
Jackfrags said there were four equipment slots. Three that you could pick and choose for your loadout, and one that could be occupied by a battle pickup (like the rocket launcher shown in the trailer).

Yes, just look at Battlefield: Hardline, Same engine, but it doesn't look half as good as this trailer.

I don't even know what happened with Hardline. It's just an ugly game, in general.


Actually a bit disappointed they're shooting for 60 FPS on console. I don't wan them to sacrifice 1080p for it, I'd rather have 30 FPS in that case.

Doc Az

Neo Member
So has it been confirmed that there's no space battles? If so that's really disappointing, as that was one of the coolest aspects of Battlefront 2.


No campaign? Really?

Hype deflated

Like BF4, these games are all about the MP. Wasting time on SP to make "hollywood" type of theatrical story is getting boring. (Just look at how Viseral or whoever did with BFH)

Focusing on MP on these games is the most important things and having a "Spec Ops" type of mode from MW2? Dude this is like the best SW game in a long ass time and Im not even a die hard SW fan.


Yes, just look at Battlefield: Hardline, Same engine, but it doesn't look half as good as this trailer.

Hmm, while I don't believe the game will look as good as the trailer I feel this is an unfair comparison. Hardline was made by a different team while this will be made by the team that made the engine in the first place. BF4 would be a better comparison imo.


The originals never featured any kind of customization. They were pure classes.

That's not what I meant, I just meant that there were a bunch of different setups/characters to chose from, and what you could choose depended on the map, so they weren't really true classes because they didn't really feel balanced in that way


Yes, just look at Battlefield: Hardline, Same engine, but it doesn't look half as good as this trailer.

The trailer was pre-rendered on a ~$3,000 PC in an effort to fool the masses. If you own a ~$3,000 PC the cutscenes might look similar to the trailer. As far as gameplay goes, I agree that that it will look similar to BF: Hardline in visual fidelity.
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