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Star Wars: The Old Republic [Releasing Date: Dec 20 NA/EU - NDA Lifted]

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Gvaz said:
Yeah and? Graphics does not equal art style. Art style does not equal graphics.

Can an art style have good graphics? Sure, it can have bad ones too.

That being said the art style for KOTOR is a little better than what I've seen, though graphically it's better.

Regardless, I'd like an MMO to visually tax my system if I choose to crank it, especially since this seems more solo based than multiplayer based.

Almost everything about it except your personal story is multiplayer based.
Ambitious MMO's will never tax a power user's system, they are designed to run on the broadest range of hardware possible. That's another reason BioWare went with the cartoon look instead of something more like KOTOR. I personally hate it, but they gotta do what they gotta do.


Baller said:
Ambitious MMO's will never tax a power user's system, they are designed to run on the broadest range of hardware possible. That's another reason BioWare went with the cartoon look instead of something more like KOTOR. I personally hate it, but they gotta do what they gotta do.

I am not of big fan of the cartoon world look eathier. I play RIFT and that game visually is outstanding. I wish they went in more that direction with the graphic style.
I was going to say, the game is what you make of it. If you want to quest solo with your companion, you can. If you want to group up for every quest, you can do that too. Just because you've seen mostly solo vids doesn't mean that content is only able to attempted alone. Hell, if you don't even want to have your companion out, for a real challenge in completing content, you can go that route.


HarryDemeanor said:
He can't, he's done. The end of the conversation. It's over.

Well that's a bummer. I was curious if he was going to post things from like TERA. Cause that's a pretty game and the models look really good too.


Gvaz said:

Gvaz said:
solo based



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Blackface said:
You have clearly played neither game. Going from SWTOR beta to WoW is like going back in time graphic wise.
Well you are. WoW's character models date back to 2004. Of course TOR has much more detailed models, but there's still something I dislike about the art style. I'll hold off on saying much more before actually playing it though to see for myself.


Neverfade said:
It's labeled as an mmo but it has what sounds like pvp planets, you have AI companions ala dragon age.

Why bring anyone with you if you have AI companions other than to go raiding or do dungeons or if your AI companions are incompetent for some elite mob.

Oh that and the devs pretty much mentioning something about that as well.


This is probably going to be like TF2. "Eww...look at those stupid cartoon graphics. This sucks!" *30 hats later* "OH MY GOSH THIS IS SO MUCH FUN. GIVE ME THE HATS!!!"

But I loved TF2's art style from the beginning so I can't really identify with them. But I do agree there's something...off about the faces. I don't know what it is, but the game is too finalized for them to change it now.

Gvaz said:
It's labeled as an mmo but it has what sounds like pvp planets, you have AI companions ala dragon age.

Why bring anyone with you if you have AI companions other than to go raiding or do dungeons or if your AI companions are incompetent for some elite mob.

Oh that and the devs pretty much mentioning something about that as well.
Because an AI is never going to be as good as a human in a game like this. They won't make smart decisions all the time and I wouldn't be surprised if they were purposely limited to encourage group play.


Gvaz said:
It's labeled as an mmo but it has what sounds like pvp planets, you have AI companions ala dragon age.

Why bring anyone with you if you have AI companions other than to go raiding or do dungeons or if your AI companions are incompetent for some elite mob.

Oh that and the devs pretty much mentioning something about that as well.

Having a story does not equate to being solo based.


Gvaz said:
It's labeled as an mmo but it has what sounds like pvp planets, you have AI companions ala dragon age.

Why bring anyone with you if you have AI companions other than to go raiding or do dungeons or if your AI companions are incompetent for some elite mob.

Oh that and the devs pretty much mentioning something about that as well.

I don't really see how pvp planets makes the game solo based.

Companion character allow you to do things like dungeons without having a group of 4 players ( still gonna need to be at least 2 players though ), which is normally needed. However bioware has clearly stated that companion characters are inferior to actual player characters.


Blackface said:
Almost everything about it except your personal story is multiplayer based.

Not really happy about that but what can you do.

Trickster said:
I don't really see how pvp planets makes the game solo based.

Companion character allow you to do things like dungeons without having a group of 4 players ( still gonna need to be at least 2 players though ), which is normally needed. However bioware has clearly stated that companion characters are inferior to actual player characters.

Mentally or physically? If it's just mentally then I somehow doubt that especially with DA companion system.


Well obviously the companions are subpar to a human, I won't argue that.

It just feels from what I've seen (I'm not in the beta) and heard, like it's got a heavy emphasis on solo play.

That being said the only time I grouped with others in wow was dungeons/raids and group quests. 1-80+ four times
Gvaz said:
It's labeled as an mmo but it has what sounds like pvp planets, you have AI companions ala dragon age.

Why bring anyone with you if you have AI companions other than to go raiding or do dungeons or if your AI companions are incompetent for some elite mob.

Oh that and the devs pretty much mentioning something about that as well.
I don't see how pvp planets and companions make the game seem solo based. You can group up and pvp with a friend or group up and quest with them. The companion is basically there so you aren't overwhelmed by mobs and die time after time if you have to or want to quest by yourself. They are there when you don't have a friend to group up with you. Sure, you can decide to go the solo route if you wanted to and queue for bg's and do storyline quests alone, but why would you when you have a friend on? Plus you can collect social points or whatever they are called for rewards for grouping up.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Neverfade said:
Having a story does not equate to being solo based.
Obviously you have not seen the videos where a party will be together and someone will just stand there with a "..." bubble over their head, because they are off in their own cutscene world.


Gvaz said:
It's labeled as an mmo but it has what sounds like pvp planets, you have AI companions ala dragon age.

Why bring anyone with you if you have AI companions other than to go raiding or do dungeons or if your AI companions are incompetent for some elite mob.

Oh that and the devs pretty much mentioning something about that as well.
Even with AI the content is hard. There are also 10-15 group missions per planet that you CAN'T solo. If you do not do them, you will be leaving the planet a level or a level and a half to early. You can still do the content on the planet you are traveling to, it's just much more difficult.

Companions are not humans, AI will never be as smart as a player, or do proper rotations/abilities as a player. They are there because some of the solo content is fucking difficult. As a Sith Marauder, I could not have done some of it without my companion.

There is nothing stopping someone from grouping and doing quests with you. In fact, that may be the easiet way to get through the game. It's like saying World of Warcraft is a "solo" mmo because someone made the CHOICE to play alone.

Flash points, PVP, operations, group quests, they all require other players. You can choose to level with another player if you want.

I do not see, at all how this is a "solo" game. Bioware just designed it so the leveling feels as good as a single player game. So you have a bunch of asperger syndrome mouth breathers claiming it is solo based. Regardless of the fact you can group with someone and share cut scenes, or if they take a quest, you can beam in with your holo and be in the cut-scene/take the quest also.

SWTOR is really what you make of it. Want to play solo? You can, want to group with other people? You can. There are only two aspects of the game you can't do with someone else. Those are A) your cut scenes for your personal story and B) space combat. Thats it.
Dance In My Blood said:
Obviously you have not seen the videos where a party will be together and someone will just stand there with a "..." bubble over their head, because they are off in their own cutscene world.
But before and after the 2mins with that bubble up, they were killing mobs together as a group. Just because that one player was on a quest for their own personal story, doesn't make it solo based. Is it a bit of downtime for the other players in the group? Sure. I just don't see any other way to go about it since you don't want to spoil plots of a specific characters story.


Dance In My Blood said:
Obviously you have not seen the videos where a party will be together and someone will just stand there with a "..." bubble over their head, because they are off in their own cutscene world.

Off the top of my head, both WOW and FFXI can have static cutscenes while you're in a party. They solo, too?
At least you aren't phased out from your friends. I'm glad we won't have to deal with that. I'd much rather be able to help my friends with the price of sitting through some chat bubbles.
I feel like I should reiterate that you can't use companions in flashpoints or warzones. You've got 'em for questing, but this is still a grouping focused game.

EDIT: Just watched some videos on the cake. Umm... does this game not have a jump button?


Baller said:
I feel like I should reiterate that you can't use companions in flashpoints or warzones. You've got 'em for questing, but this is still a grouping focused game.

EDIT: Just watched some videos on the cake. Umm... does this game not have a jump button?

Should, yes.
Definitely has a jump button. So happy about that as I'm a jumper when I get bored or having a really good time. Completely bugs me when I can't jump in a game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Neverfade said:
Off the top of my head, both WOW and FFXI can have static cutscenes while you're in a party. They solo, too?
There are literally like two cutscenes in all of World of Warcraft, you're just talking junk.
got2bekidding said:
Definitely has a jump button. So happy about that as I'm a jumper when I get bored or having a really good time. Completely bugs me when I can't jump in a game.
Ok good. I ask because no one in the PvP video was jumping... and I was like ok, this isn't PvP.

No circle strafing either, WTF? Did they only let the scrubs in to beta? ;)


Dance In My Blood said:
There are literally like two cutscenes in all of World of Warcraft, you're just talking junk.

There are several in game cutscenes, or have you not played the game in years?

These in game cut-scenes are for everyone in the party if they are on the same quest.


Yeah there's cutscenes usually in dungeons but it's for everyone in the raid/dungeon and they get displayed immediately to everyone.

Also jumping in games makes them infinitely better, you know I'm right.


Dance In My Blood said:
There are literally like two cutscenes in all of World of Warcraft, you're just talking junk.
Seems like somebody never played Catalysm which had plenty of cut-scenes for their long liniear quest lines. Don't talk about something you seem to know nothing about.
Anyone else hoping they put in an in-game loot table? Alt-tabbing out of games kind of irks me at times, so having that in the game would be pretty cool imo. They wouldn't have to list boss names or anything spoilery in the lists (ex. could say Boss 1 or something of that sort), but it would be nice knowing what drops from whichever boss/trash/whatever without having to looking it up outside the game.
got2bekidding said:
Anyone else hoping they put in an in-game loot table? Alt-tabbing out of games kind of irks me at times, so having that in the game would be pretty cool imo. They wouldn't have to list boss names or anything spoilery in the lists (ex. could say Boss 1 or something of that sort), but it would be nice knowing what drops from whichever boss/trash/whatever without having to looking it up outside the game.
What game have you been playing that doesn't have an addon to do exactly this?
Well the game isn't shipping with addons being available, so who knows how long it would take for them to apply that. It would be nice to have that day one, especially with everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off b/c nobody really knows anything.

But yes, I realize something like that would be available down the road.

And in "they", I was referring to Bioware themselves. I really doubt some individual would worry about spoiler content as far as boss names and things like that. Maybe once you cleared the flashpoint, the boss' name would become listed, replacing the Boss 1 naming system.
Welp, still waiting for amazon credit to go through. Now I am currently running through my backlog before September. Witcher 1 is pretty good so far.

I'm thinking we may have a 7-10pm Sunday-Thursday CST raid schedule once everyone is leveled up. What do you guys think of these times? That way, everyone gets their weekends to be social IRL.

Heh it's going to be harder for me as I get home around 7 CST each night >.<


Baller said:
I feel like I should reiterate that you can't use companions in flashpoints or warzones. You've got 'em for questing, but this is still a grouping focused game.

Edit: I thought better of what I said before. I'll just say, What the state of the game will be when it comes out, who knows, but I have direct experience to contradict this.


Gvaz said:
Also jumping in games makes them infinitely better, you know I'm right.

Wait, can you not jump in SWTOR?

If not pre-order cancelled. (j/k)

I remember I couldn't stand playing Champions of Norrath after playing the Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance games b/c I couldn't jump.
kodt said:
Wait, can you not jump in SWTOR?

If not pre-order cancelled. (j/k)

I remember I couldn't stand playing Champions of Norrath after playing the Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance games b/c I couldn't jump.

No worries--you can jump!
kodt said:
Wait, can you not jump in SWTOR?

If not pre-order cancelled. (j/k)

I remember I couldn't stand playing Champions of Norrath after playing the Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance games b/c I couldn't jump.

Nope, you can still jump right in. (Yes, you can jump)


Gintamen said:
Seems like somebody never played Catalysm which had plenty of cut-scenes for their long liniear quest lines. Don't talk about something you seem to know nothing about.

There are more cut-scenes in the first 10 levels of SWTOR, then in all of WoW combined.


Billychu said:
It seems that for all their trappings they're still just pets. Super useful pets, but still just pets.
Yeah pretty much and the pets you don't like can be your crafters slave labor.


The_Inquisitor said:
Any comments on my suggested raid schedule?

I also created thread in guild forum about it.
I like the times you mentioned.

Edit: Bah shit sorry, sleep deprived because of school at the moment and meant to edit that into my last post.
Rflagg said:
I like the times you mentioned.

Edit: Bah shit sorry, sleep deprived because of school at the moment and meant to edit that into my last post.

No biggie. Again it's good because it allows people to have a social life friday and saturday nights. Know my GF appreciates it, lol.
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