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//: StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void |OT| My Life For Aiur


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I have no plans to play multiplayer ever again, as the metagame is too much work. Is the single-player worth it alone?


I haven't played sc2 since last year so with how the game starts, build orders are completely foreign to me now. Anyone have any good cookie-cutter starting builds for protoss?


I haven't played sc2 since last year so with how the game starts, build orders are completely foreign to me now. Anyone have any good cookie-cutter starting builds for protoss?

I think most casual players are probably still winging it. Against Terran and Zerg you can usually go Nexus first (at ~18 Supply) and then gateway, 2 gas, cybercore, robo. From there on out you can do whatever you want. E.g. another Gateway against early pressure, forge, 2 gas, twilight. Then straight for +2 attack and adept upgrade. Go up to 7 Gates and then Immortal/Adept All-In on two bases with a Warp Prism. Should get you at least into Gold.


I have no plans to play multiplayer ever again, as the metagame is too much work. Is the single-player worth it alone?

As always the single player is super fun and quite a lot more challenging than heart of the swarm. Co-op mode is also a nice mode if you don't want to deal with the meta. I would say its definitely worth the money if you're hungry for rts.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
This is one of the things that annoys me the most about starcraft. They went waaaay too far with catering to esports. It shuts out the 95% of people who can't play at that level. I wish the game was balanced more for normal people. Clicking a million times a minute is not fun.

Agreed, it's the main reason why I'm forever stuck in Bronze League, I'm just not a fast enough twitch player to keep up with everything in competitive SC2 play. And it's why I prefer games like Heroes of the Storm and Hearthstone to SC2 now.

One of my favorite RTS games of ALL time is Kohan, and it's because the game was very macro and little micro, gameplay was all about strategy and army composition and positioning, pretty much the opposite of what Starcraft has turned into. I wish Kohan had an online presence because it had FANTASTIC multiplayer but now I just play it single player.

I still play SC2 now and then because I do like the game, but I'll never be good at it due to it's design alone, I'm just not capable of playing it like it's designed to be played competitively.


Damn it, missed all of Bomber vs Zest. :(

I imagine there must have been a lot of Cyclone cheesing.
Liberators liberated the hell outta Zest tbh

Looked like Zest was still getting used to LotV though his comps weren't so good, all that HotS practice for BlizzCon


Agreed, it's the main reason why I'm forever stuck in Bronze League, I'm just not a fast enough twitch player to keep up with everything in competitive SC2 play.

Are you not getting matched against players your skill? Afaik there are players of all levels playing.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Are you not getting matched against players your skill? Afaik there are players of all levels playing.

I get matched with Bronze and Silver league players, but they all seem to be far better at micro and APM than I am. 7 out of 10 games my opponents either amass huge armies quickly or do really crazy rushes or mineral drops, usually when I win a game it's because someone quits after their all in rush failed. About 2 out of 10 games are actually what I would consider "good" matches where we both seem to be on similar skill levels and actually get to play a game that seems balanced and fun. Very infrequently do I get a match where I feel more "skilled" than my opponent.

It just seems to me like the lower leagues are filled with really good players who quit a lot when something doesn't go there way in order to keep themselves in the lower leagues and crushing bad players like me. It's one of the reasons why I have more fun in co-op vs AI games, at least there I get to play and try things out and use strategy and actually have fun playing good matches.


I think most casual players are probably still winging it. Against Terran and Zerg you can usually go Nexus first (at ~18 Supply) and then gateway, 2 gas, cybercore, robo. From there on out you can do whatever you want. E.g. another Gateway against early pressure, forge, 2 gas, twilight. Then straight for +2 attack and adept upgrade. Go up to 7 Gates and then Immortal/Adept All-In on two bases with a Warp Prism. Should get you at least into Gold.

that's pretty close to what I've been doing actually, cool. I want to claw my way back up to masters though... that's going to take a while with this one :D


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
As always the single player is super fun and quite a lot more challenging than heart of the swarm. Co-op mode is also a nice mode if you don't want to deal with the meta. I would say its definitely worth the money if you're hungry for rts.

Thanks, I love a good RTS campaign, and they are so few and far between nowadays.


Damn these TvP engagements are actually really cool to watch with the new units. Lots of micro going on.
So. I took a peek at the HOTS OT and the enthusiasm and activity between that OT and this one is... really stark.

Even Team Liquid is a shadow of what it used to be.

I'm so bummed. :( I need to watch some Carbot to make me feel better.



Oh man the epilogue is very very Disney. Not sure if there is ever going to be a StarCraft 3 in 10 years.

Voice in the darkness as an enemy?
So I finished the campaign earlier today.



Brutal difficulty was really tough, many missions surpassing All In from WoL which was the last and hardest mission (also a ton of fun). It was pretty much perfect for me. Think I beat around half the missions without ever reloading and a few needed a dozen or more attempts (depending on how well I utilized savepoints to begin with). I died most on the mission where you only control Artanis and Kerrigan.

Production value is actually off the charts if you consider that it's a god damn RTS in this day and age. So many new models for ingame units but also in-engine cutscene characters. The Spear of Adun alone had so much to it. Stuff like the Solar Core is pretty impressive. There's lots of really great looking effects, too. On the above mentioned mission for example there's nice things happening with the prophecies temples. Bunch of cool seamless in-engine cutscene transmissions, too (introduction of the Spear of Aduns powers ingame!) And yeh, overall just to have these kind of cutscenes, voice acting and sheer content of this quality is really quite sth.

The upgrade systems may just be the best yet and the implementation of the Spear of Adun within the gameplay is rather nifty. Being able to change everything to your liking for each mission is certainly quite appreciated, though HotS allowed that, too. Or at least with the Master Archive, can't quite recall. My favorite/most used upgrades where the Stalker with blink shield generation, DTs that revived at your Shrine if their ability wasn't on CD (60s) and the Mothership; hot damn if black hole wasn't just the most amazing ability. As far as Spear of Adun upgrades go: Chrono Surge, Solar Lance, Orbital Assimilator, Mass Recall, Reconstruction Beam, Time Stop (< this one in particular). It's rather difficult to choose when you got so many excellent options.

Mission Design was solid but I think I've enjoyed HotS a bit more. I think too many of the missions were urging you too much and repetition was a bit higher than my liking, too. I cannot even recall just how god damn many different iterations of control crystals I had to destroy overall. Playing on brutal does of course affect this stuff quite a lot. For instance, my go to unit where Stalkers with the shield generation post blink upgrade path. They are very multipurpose with lots of mobility and regeneration. In brutal it's all about snowballing and never running out of steam once; Stalkers allowed me to blink away when I got caught badly or in general cut losses with nice blinking micro. However, they are pretty darn bad for sieging and have no AoE damage, so in many missions you need to make up for their lack in that aspect.

The very last mission was kinda strange. I'll have to replay it with proper compositions but this time around I just amassed Tarrassque Ultralisks and went for it. Wasn't really fun though, as the pathing with a ton of these is rather nasty and while they're tanky, they don't deal the most damage either. Also I was wondering if I had to restart because the last crystal (of course it would be a crystal!) was in an area I couldn't reach without flying there (no nydus or overlord drops avail). But after 3mins it did eventually move to where I could attack it fortunately.



^ For the most part I was reacting like Bert but occasionally I was cackling like Ernie is, whenever I needed relief from what ludicrousness I was actually witnessing.

First things first: Amon is the new Azmodan. Taking a clue from Diablo 3 storytelling, because that's what everyone should do!, we take a villain no one cares about yet, make him omnipresent and shove him into your face every other second. Not a minute goes by without anyone talking about him or he himself making an appearance. Doesn't matter where you are, again, he's omnipresent and can corrupt others, too, in case he feels like talking through a vessel. I cannot for the life of me figure out how Blizzard added a villain threatening you constantly in the game after feedback on D3's story. Who allowed this to happen?

Not just Among though, every single character that gets screentime is just terribly one dimensional. It's worse than HotS in this regards which was much worse than WoL. Similarly, the dialogue in this game is beyond atrocious. Not once did I feel like a conversation sounded even remotely natural. I felt genuinely awkward and out of place watching these Protoss (and others) talk and it just wasn't this bad in WoL and HotS. HotS at least had Abathur who was genuinely a bit fun.

More so the general interaction between these Protoss characters on the ship was just strange and removed the last bits of immersion I may have had. Artanis, the leader of the firstborn and blabla, does nothing but appease the other folks, all of whom seemingly don't actually like or trust his ideals very much...despite following his cause nevertheless. Why is everyone questioning him like that? And how could he be happy with it? God damn you Rohana, just cut your fucking ties to the Khala already. How often do you have to fail to agree to the obvious?

Repetition. There's so much redundancy in all these dialogues and that's in addition to the completely uninteresting subject matters. I don't want to talk to Vorazun about the differences in culture between regular Protoss and DTs. We know enough about that already. You get the same with Alarak and his dumb Tal'darim. Fenix is about his new body experience etc. Even Karax is eventually merely there to say "herp derp, look at the X'el Naga keystone and the void energies!"

What's the purpose of all these overly personal dialogues with new characters you don't currently care about and never will because they're written like garbage. I think I genuinely didn't enjoy talking to these people once and mostly did it not to miss out on any theoretically important story bits and achievements.

Others have mentioned it, but this shift from SC to SC2 where a lot of war intrigue is replaced with this bullshit was one truly terrible decision. It was made partially because their in-engine cutscene technoilogy allowed to have good looking 3D models and acting out all these conversations is an improvement in theory. The result however isn't any good because the writing itself is bad and seeing the characters gesticulate and stuff won't help at that point.


Oh boy. I'm still far from done with this yet...

I feel increasingly disconnected from the story and world of SC2 because massive armies constantly appear out of nowhere. For instance, it doesn't matter how many Tal'darim you kill in Sc2, and boy do you murder a lot of them, there's always another huge, overwhelming army of them waiting for you in the next mission. It's impossible to get a sense of the state the world and all the factions in SC2 are actually in, once again hampering the immersion. In LotV specifically there just seems to be a never ending torrent of (corrupted) Protoss, Zerg and Terrans as well as Hybrids of course. They also happen to be omnipresent, like Amon. How does Amon have access to all that? Well, as explanation you'll just have to take it for granted that he's got some magical factories all over the place or whatever. Why doesn't he just attack with all these damn forces at once when our protagonists are always already on the verge of being overwhelmed? Heck if I know. It's just all badly though through meaningless. I mean, why are there Tal'darim to begin with when only the Dark Templar should be seperate from the other Protoss? Oh and the Purifier? Why are there suddenly so many important ancient facilities and other entities? Spear of Adun, why, how could that be forgotten 'til now?!? Planet destroying crystal devices? Just, what the heck.

Power creep and space magic is everywhere, too. Just the latter is named void energy. I don't need hard sci-fi but I never want to hear about void energy again. edit:
I also don't see anything that justifies one of the god damn worst story telling tools that's everywhere in SC2: Prophecies and Fate. Why are there ancient Xel'naga temples containing information about Kerrigan becomes Queen of Blades and what not. Just fuck prophecies and everything about them. Do nothing but spoil the story and kill my immersion by reminding me it's a bullshit 'pre-determined' universe, blergh.

Oh well and the overall direction the story headed? The love story angle? The ridiculous climax? It really is on the level of bad fanfiction. At least Blizzard ties up most loose ends here but that's about all I can congratulate them for.

I didn't like that Blizzard tried this approach with a generic love story space opera. However, you could at least execute on that. You can at least do it well. Nope. Even when Kerrigan ascends to a Xel'Naga being she just keeps getting hotter looking and mentally makes out with Raynor one last time. The very end...I don't even wanna talk about that.

As of now, all storytelling credentials of Blizzard are dead to me. Until I'm proven otherwise, I'll assume that their future games' storytelling is terrible.

You know Metzen would George Lucas the shit out of that to make it fit better with the tone of SC2.

Well, hopefully he'll retire or be moved into a completely managerial role instead of a creative role before Blizzard even brings a remake into the realm of possibility.
Played the first 10ish missions. Brutal difficulty is probably the hardest it has been throughout SCII. The Spear of Adun level in particular was a big jump in difficulty and probably the level I retried the most. When I finally beat the level it wasn't pretty. I lost most of my main base and had to rush to destroy the last creep bed with the little Stalkers I had left. This mission really tests your Stalker blink micro. The fact that you have one base with only Zealot and Stalker tech against Hybrid, Immortals and Ultralisks really asks you to preserve what you have.

The rest of the missions I've played haven't required intense micro which is better for me as a more macro oriented player. However, the only mission where I've felt A + click was a viable strategy was the one where the humans get dazed by the Keystone. Taking that second base right at the beginning and massing to 200 supply allowed me to Protoss ball stomp.

As for the story we've been stuck with the Dark Voice/Amon build up since WoL so it feels appropriate that this is the grand conclusion to that build up. Doesn't make it any less dumb that it's Sargareas 2.0 but what can you do when you've written yourself into a corner?

To address NaDann's complaints about the writing I don't find it that bad. Protoss have always had unnatural dialogue since SC1 because, well, they're aliens and they aren't meant to sound natural to humans. I like Rohana's character because she is contrasting what the Protoss did thousands of years ago to Artansis's decisions today to give some back story of the Protoss's history. It also makes sense that she wouldn't want to sever her nerve cord despite the impending corruption because she has been a historical preserver all her life and severing that link goes against her nature. She is probably my favorite character of Artansis's council. I can't comment much on the rest of the crew as Fenix hasn't done much and the Tal'darim guy was just introduced.


i'm enjoying going for the Mastery achievements.

I think i found an exploit, though.
If you quit the game during a mission and start the game up later, pressing "continue", you'll start off at the mission you had played, but:

* your tech level is fully unlocked
* you have a full rack of Spear of Adun abilites

Early mass void rays and automated extractors make some of the earlier missions pretty trivial ;)


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
At the very least, Artanis looks cool as fuck. We can at least agree on that, right?
I love Zagara so much in co-op. For the most part just mass Zerglings/Scourge and mass Banelings whenever I feel like it since I have a massive bank with a few Aberrations thrown in for tanking.
So how does this game end and why do people hate it?

The Protoss led by Artanis slay the rogue Xel'Naga Amon's manifestation in their world. However, as it turns out he's still there in the void, posing a threat for future generations. The 3 different races lead by Raynor, Kerrigan, Artanis are led there by some incarnation of Tassadar, or so it appears. After defeating Narud, who's also some Xel'Naga or at least pawn of Amon, the Tassadar thingy turns out to be a Xel'Naga actually, who just used his image to be more convincing. That Xel'Naga is apparently at his end and so are the others, I think. Anyways, he tells Kerrigan she can ascent to a Xel'Naga herself by absorbing his essence and must do so to defeat Amon. She does, not forgetting a goodbye kiss to Jimmy though! Or at least the mental image thereof. She's also looking like some burning, hot (heh) woman and not anything like the other squid-ish Xel'Naga. They then defeat Amon and she tells the others they gotta go now. Cue *2 years later*.

Jimmy's drinking at the bar, being all depressed and thinking about the memories he made in the years past. Then it's insinuated that Kerrigan reappears (you mostly see her, now rather long, hair and she's likely still in some shiny form) and the two leave, never to be seen again. Like, it actually says no one sees Raynor ever after.

Am doing the missions on normal now to get the remaining achievements and lmao at the Last Stand mission. On that difficulty you can just hammer your base full of towers. Got to 2.503k kills before I triggered the temple.


Subete no aware
The 3 different races lead by Raynor, Kerrigan, Artanis and co. unite and slay the rogue Xel'Naga Amon's manifestation in their world However, as it turns out he's still there in the void, posing a threat for future generations. They're basically led there by some incarnation of Tassadar, or so it appears. After defeating Narud, who's also some Xel'Naga or at least pawn of Amon, the Tassadar thingy turns out to be a Xel'Naga actually, who just used his image to be more convincing. That Xel'Naga is apparently at his end and so are the others, I think. Anyways, he tells Kerrigan she can ascent to a Xel'Naga herself by absorbing his essence and must do so to defeat Amon. She does, not forgetting a goodbye kiss to Jimmy though! Or at least the mental image thereof. She's also looking like some burning, hot (heh) woman and not anything like the other squid-ish Xel'Naga. They then defeat Amon and she tells the others they gotta go now. Cue *2 years later*.

Jimmy's drinking at the bar, being all depressed and thinking about the memories he made in the years past. Then it's insinuated that Kerrigan reappears (you mostly see her, now rather long, hair and she's likely still in some shiny form) and the two leave, never to be seen again. Like, it actually says no one sees Raynor ever after.

Actually got one minor part at he beginning wrong. Fixed that.

What makes matters worse is that it just all doesn't work at all. It doesn't just sound dumb on paper but with how bad the dialogue is, it plays out even worse when you actually see it.


I'm not sure what could be done to improve on the SC1 remake mod, Mass Recall. Blizzard's been slippin' lately and Mass Recall's already so good.

Blizzard could do engine upgrades, adjust microing to a degree not possible with the editor.
Blizzard could throw money to artists and designers, create new tilesets (EDIT SC2 Mar Sara isn't the same as SC1 Badlands tileset... the latter is cooler), sounds, things, to make the campaigns really beautiful.
They could make professionally made models for things still lacking such. (Like SC1-era Carrier, IIRC the Mass Recall version is a bit amateurish, unless the screencaps are old. I haven't actually played Mass Recall, i'm waiting for things to be updated for LotV properly, if they will do that).

Heck, they could do some in-engine between-missions cutscenes or even re-do the CGI.
Though i doubt they'd really bother to throw that much money to a remake.
They could make professionally made models for things still lacking such. (Like SC1-era Carrier, IIRC the Mass Recall version is a bit amateurish, unless the screencaps are old. I haven't actually played Mass Recall, i'm waiting for things to be updated for LotV properly, if they will do that).

I think they were waiting for Legacy of the Void to update unit models since pretty much all of them are in the game now. They also mentioned sprucing up the maps with more objects since Legacy added quite a few. I wanted to do a Lets Play of it after that happens, actually.

Other than that, I don't know if any of the other things would make it worth Blizzard's time to do the remake. Have 'em work on something that doesn't already exist instead, you know?


I think they were waiting for Legacy of the Void to update unit models since pretty much all of them are in the game now. They also mentioned sprucing up the maps with more objects since Legacy added quite a few. I wanted to do a Lets Play of it after that happens, actually.

Other than that, I don't know if any of the other things would make it worth Blizzard's time to do the remake. Have 'em work on something that doesn't already exist instead, you know?

Blizzard sure seems to think it is worth having crap writing in their games and having long breaks between content updates for WoW so i'm not sure what they think is worth it anymore...

(Besides, they're almost certainly making original Warcraft remakes (and Diablo1/2?), so i'd imagine SC1 remake is just a matter of time as well.)
(Besides, they're almost certainly making original Warcraft remakes (and Diablo1/2?), so i'd imagine SC1 remake is just a matter of time as well.)

I guess their RTS team needs something to do. I'd actually love to see the Warcraft remakes, especially 3 since I tried playing through recently and it was pretty rough.

I at least hope they hold the Starcraft 1 remake for last. I'm tellin' ya, I feel its already got a "This generation" remake with Mass Recall.
Thought the level 7 upgrade for Zagara (Baneling Nest occasionally spawns free Banelings) would be shit but it spawns a ton. Probably got close to 50 free Banelings on one of the shorter maps. Can't wait to get the Baneling upgrades to go with it.
Rohana got
twice, good lord with this girl.

Didn anyone noticed how the female are quite useless except for super saiyan kerrigan
So I am trying to play mission 3 "Spear of adun". I cannot build a cybernetics core and therefore build more stalkers. Is anyone else having this problem? Are we not supposed to be able to build stalkers in that mission?


So I am trying to play mission 3 "Spear of adun". I cannot build a cybernetics core and therefore build more stalkers. Is anyone else having this problem? Are we not supposed to be able to build stalkers in that mission?

Eh, you should be able to.
Have you done all the given objectives? It is quite possible the game locks out tech until Karax tells you to do something.

Restart should fix it probably, the mission is quite short.
Eh, you should be able to.
Have you done all the given objectives? It is quite possible the game locks out tech until Karax tells you to do something.

Restart should fix it probably, the mission is quite short.

From the start of the mission, i cant build the core. I have restarted the mission several times, but still can't build the core.


From the start of the mission, i cant build the core. I have restarted the mission several times, but still can't build the core.

The fuck?
I just played the mission again a couple of hours ago and no problems.

You warp in the Pylon from Spear of Adun as ordered, defeat the early attack, turn Gateways into Warp Gates, use Stalkers (you start with a couple) to shoot down the Warp Prisms (not sure about the order of these last two, despite just playing it again...). By this point at least you should have the Cybernetics Core available... Though i'd swear it should be available right from the beginning.

Are you playing with an English language version? I doubt translated ones have any issues but theoretically they could have broken UI for some reason.

Have you tried loading a save from previous mission (preferably near the end), in case the current save/mission is somehow corrupted?

Or use the Battle.net launcher's repair tool to the game if nothing else seems to work.

EDIT Looks like the campaign save itself may be broken: The same issue with others: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/19877077566
Either try restarting the campaign or try the repair tool.
Normal co-op missions have become a joke for me now, but I'm not sure I want to try higher levels ones with randoms without getting a bit higher in level.


Normal co-op missions have become a joke for me now, but I'm not sure I want to try higher levels ones with randoms without getting a bit higher in level.

I play the co-op missions on Hard and even at lower levels you'll be fine so long as you or your partner are decent. So go for it.
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