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Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist Released, Entire Series Available Now

^I hate those things, they qualify as movies?^

What about SF2 The Amimated Movie? That was a respectable Shadaloo.

I didn't like the Bison has a army bit, but everything else was ok.

Man of Tai Chi's Donaka Mark would be a good model for M. Bison and Shadaloo. I didn't notice that Keanu directed Man of Tai Chi...

Personally, I don't know how Bison could exist in the real world, he'd have to be Kim jong un but with super powers lol. A billionaire, emperor/president someone with that level of political power to be a threat to global stability. The General with an army seems to be the most logical/realistic approach. You don't hear about cartel/crime syndicates trying to take over the world.
Just watched the first two episodes. As a non-native English speaker I would have appreciated English subtitles, but this is great.
Personally, I don't know how Bison could exist in the real world, he'd have to be Kim jong un but with super powers lol. A billionaire, emperor/president someone with that level of political power to be a threat to global stability. The General with an army seems to be the most logical/realistic approach. You don't hear about cartel/crime syndicates trying to take over the world.

An assassination has the potential to shape major political climates. I don't want to see Bison in command of tanks and jeeps. Bison should use his Three Kings to squeeze VIPs. Kidnapping and terrorism is Bison in my imagination, not military invasion Bison.

I would imagine he has money and power but not a full fledge military. Street Fights seem trivial when you can just bomb a country.
Finished it last night, I thought it was great. I will definitely buy it on blu-ray or whatever when it's release just to show my support.

Ansah wants to do "The World Warrior" next. Now that would be mad hype, hope it's officially green lit soon.


tagged by Blackace
Bison is a shadowy figure, he should be treated as such. The mystery or gap in canon is what makes the character what he is. You do not need to explain the physical properties or hadou like you would the existence of this shadowy organization called Shadaloo. He is aware of a mystical force that he can manipulate and used it to gain his power. In a live action adaptation, he should not be very grand in a physical or resourceful sense, but in his presence.

The key thing here is that if S2 is the World Warrior saga, it can't have the same tone that this did, at all. We're no longer looking at a cross-generational story that, in it's entirety, takes place in maybe 3 or 4 different locales within the same general area. How do you give Blanka enough exposition so that he's work a damn and makes sense without it coming off as a cameo, relegated to being described by a factsheet, or altogether lackluster? And how do you do that for like ten other characters? I think this is tough to distill. It would be cool if each episode was Ryu travelling to different parts of the earth and slowly learning more about the tournament, culminating with the tournament, but it's difficult even then.


An assassination has the potential to shape major political climates. I don't want to see Bison in command of tanks and jeeps. Bison should use his Three Kings to squeeze VIPs. Kidnapping and terrorism is Bison in my imagination, not military invasion Bison.

I would imagine he has money and power but not a full fledge military. Street Fights seem trivial when you can just bomb a country.

Eh most of bisons money goes into science experimentation and research. I don't think he gives much of crap about a country as long as his research goes well.

The mishima Zaibastu is what you are thinking of.


This was the absolute best adaption of SF to any type of series ever.
Anime, movie, OVA, you name it, this one takes the whole cake.
I really loved how they respected everything including the pose of the characters and their fighting stance. Gouken's stance being loyal to the SF4 version was amazing!
I really love this. I'll be watching it for the third time today =)

As for any improvements. I'm not savy in film making so I cannot say much, but as a competitive SF player I would totally shit my pants if there was any references to SF tournament play.

For example, maybe a parry sequence by Ken (I did notice Ryu parrying some of Ken's kicks BTW), an Ume Shoryu by Ryu, or hell, some vortex by Akuma would be amazing.
,Maybe a crossup Tatsu too? =D I saw some scenes where they blocked attacks from the front, I think a cross up attack that ends up hitting them in the back would bee OD.

All in all, amazing work!!! I didn't really think MK Legacy could be overthrown, but god damn this was just too good! Congrats to the creators.


The shoto storyline or origin makes for a great, simple (perhaps "authentic") martial arts story, but once you get into the "psycho power" stuff (namely the Zero/Alpha and IV (and anime) characterization of dictator and Shadaloo), it eventually becomes a super hero story with little rhyme or reason (a fighting game plot). And, even in the games, I don't think there's any real value in the Vega/Bison with clones, "bodies", and shit in the first place. That shit only tainted elegance of Ryu vs. Sagat and Charlie's death.

They also run the risk of it becoming a cameo fest when introducing too many known iconic characters (namely, the SFII cast in whole). You could probably do any of the SFII (even SFIII) characters justice, but it becomes a sort of a checklist mindset, when they are all in. When it's like that, then it basically becomes a lifeless tie-in, like those UDON comics.

A grounded world-warrior tournament a la SFI (a road-trip kind of movie, perhaps) or a Chun-Li storyline that feels like an old Jackie Chan throwback (e.g., Police Story) are their best bets, assuming if they want to keep in this direction.


I love Pokken!
Yep Akuma was soooo much better than in Legacy


The hair is by far the biggest improvement.
Eh most of bisons money goes into science experimentation and research. I don't think he gives much of crap about a country as long as his research goes well.

The mishima Zaibastu is what you are thinking of.

Bison isn't Dr. Evil. Bison has had a small army in every show I've seen. Bison comes across as a bad Bond villain with all that science crap.

I don't know how to film Bison he's an enigma to me. The character confuses me. Bison is the definition of corny.

Bison should be like Han in Enter The Dragon. A martial arts master with some decent martial arts henchmen.

The original movie destroyed the character. We need to redeem Bison.

I confess it will take someone skilled to pull him off.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
The shoto storyline or origin makes for a great, simple (perhaps "authentic") martial arts story, but once you get into the "psycho power" stuff (namely the Zero/Alpha and IV (and anime) characterization of dictator and Shadaloo), it eventually becomes a super hero story with little rhyme or reason (a fighting game plot). And, even in the games, I don't think there's any real value in the Vega/Bison with clones, "bodies", and shit in the first place. That shit only tainted elegance of Ryu vs. Sagat and Charlie's death.

They also run the risk of it becoming a cameo fest when introducing too many known iconic characters (namely, the SFII cast in whole). You could probably do any of the SFII (even SFIII) characters justice, but it becomes a sort of a checklist mindset, when they are all in. When it's like that, then it basically becomes a lifeless tie-in, like those UDON comics.

A grounded world-warrior tournament a la SFI (a road-trip kind of movie, perhaps) or a Chun-Li storyline that feels like an old Jackie Chan throwback (e.g., Police Story) are their best bets, assuming if they want to keep in this direction.
Yeah, I feel like if they were to make more movies, focusing on character-specific stories is the way to go. All of the plot in this was only hinted at in the games, but what we got was fantastic. There's a lot they can work with, too. Vega (claw), Dan and Blanka, Sagat and Adon, and Guile and Charlie especially all have a lot of unshown backstory to their characters. I do think an adaptation of SFI would be fine, though, I agree. And it seems to be what they want to do.


ADD New Gen Gamer
One thing I feel this season is missing is Ryu's obsession with becoming the perfect fighter. They kind of portrayed him as little more than an obedient student here. In my mind, he is the mirror image of Akuma, except trying to achieve his goal via a different route.

I hope they explore this in the next season. The fight with sagat needs to be carefully explored. It is Ryu's desire for power that makes him a ticking timebomb.
One thing I feel this season is missing is Ryu's obsession with becoming the perfect fighter. They kind of portrayed him as little more than an obedient student here. In my mind, he is the mirror image of Akuma, except trying to achieve his goal via a different route.

I hope they explore this in the next season. The fight with sagat needs to be carefully explored. It is Ryu's desire for power that makes him a ticking timebomb.

I think it was there but it was understated. When Ken and Ryu go out for a night on the town, Ken is chasing skirts. Ryu wants to watch a Street Fight.

Ryu was clearly the more advanced and polished student.

Ryu is constantly holding back against his bro. It's tastefully done in my opinion. The animes are too direct...
Bison isn't Dr. Evil. Bison has had a small army in every show I've seen. Bison comes across as a bad Bond villain with all that science crap.

I don't know how to film Bison he's an enigma to me. The character confuses me. Bison is the definition of corny.

Bison should be like Han in Enter The Dragon. A martial arts master with some decent martial arts henchmen.

The original movie destroyed the character. We need to redeem Bison.

I confess it will take someone skilled to pull him off.

Maybe you wouldn't have to look so far, as far as I'm aware Hitler was in the public's eye attended the Olympics and many other events (replace that with martial art tournament) then later attempted to overthrow the neighbouring countries and commit a mass genocide aswell as experiment on humans.
Maybe you wouldn't have to look so far, as far as I'm aware Hitler was in the public's eye attended the Olympics and many other events (replace that with martial art tournament) then later attempted to overthrow the neighbouring countries and commit a mass genocide aswell as experiment on humans.

Magneto from the original X-men movie is a great model character mirror for Bison. Magneto has the pitch perfect tone for the character. Now we need a Japanese Dracula with muscles.


tagged by Blackace
Eventhubs brings together a bunch of interviews with Ansah.

Some highlights:

On dealing with various origins:
So what we’ve done on “Assassin’s Fist” is to try to create the definitive back story. Not only the fixed backbone canon that Capcom can stand by, but also incorporates all those elements from the anime and the Udon things that people like. So it kind of unifies everything that’s out there and makes it cohesive and clear. We obviously put more meat on the bones in terms of characterization to make it very layered and deep, and put two new characters in: the crazy fisherman and also the groundsman, Senzo, the caretaker.
On Dan and omitting things:
It’s not that we omitted anything, it’s just that we chose to focus on certain details. For example, any true “Street Fighter” fan knows that Goken had another student before Ryu and Ken, which was Dan. So a lot of people kept saying, ‘Oh, if you’re going to keep it true, Dan better be in there’ … Well, Dan is referenced. And there are extended parts on the DVD that will showcase more.
On doing WW vs. character story:
After “Legacy” and the success of that, I said “Let me shelve the ‘World Warrior.’” I want to go back and tell the lineage story [because] it’s the least detailed told element of the “Street Fighter” mythology, so even the hard-core fans out there are like “I want to see this cause there’s a lot to learn.” It’s more classical storytelling. For the wider audience who sees video games as crass, two-dimensional nonsense — people are gonna say “whoa, this is a character story.” It’s a much better jump on point for a mass audience.
And besides, “The World Warrior” would need a much bigger budget. This was made for about $2 million, and a hell of a lot of blood, sweat, tears and favors. The core group didn’t even pay ourselves. We deferred our payments and put that money on the screen. We wanted to give the studio superhero films a run for their money in terms of narrative and length and action. So I do plan on doing “The World Warrior,” but that will be on a much bigger scale.
On fighting game stories:
Good question. As you said, people on the surface think, "Aw, there really is no story to Street Fighter," but they couldn't be more further from the truth. I think Street Fighter IV... I love it in some ways, but I'm also annoyed by it because they made the story... they dumbed it down and made it this very tacky, cartoony, almost spoof. See, I don't get why games series do that. You probably know Tekken did the same thing, right? I'm a Paul Phoenix fan. In Tekken 1 and 2, his story was badass and he was a serious character and by Tekken 5 and 6, he's a fucking joke.
On Capcom's movie licensing:
Just for the record, Capcom – since The Legend of Chun-Li – do not invest in their Resident Evil movies, they don't invest in Street Fighter. And not many companies do! They sell the license and then whoever buys the license raises the finances. So that's how this happened.
On casting WW:
Yeah, I'm always on the lookout. So Scott Adkins, for example, is a close friend of mine, being a fellow Brit action actor and he would be my number one choice for Guile without a doubt. Anyone would just have to watch Undisputed 2, look up Scott in action, and picture him as Guile. So there are people already I've earmarked for certain characters. My Bison, there's a guy – I won't name who – but I have a strong intent in mind for Bison.

The problem with some of the other characters... You know, I shake my head at some people's fan suggestions. They'll pick someone who is some huge bodybuilder but they've got no proven acting ability, no proven ability to do accents or speak in a foreign language, and no proven fight ability. And it's like, when you cast someone in this, they have to be the triple threat: they have to look like the character, they have to have a sufficient physique, and they have to be able to bloody act! That is the main thing, they have to be able to act.


ADD New Gen Gamer
Man. Really can't wait for the next season. Too bad making movies take a long time.

I hope they recreate this scene in the next season:


It'll be awesome.


So, husband yesterday was talking about when he got home from work he was going to watch this Street Fighter thing on YouTube that was fan made. I was like "Oh man..." I figured I'd watch it though to give it a fair shake, but fan made things, well, haha. Didn't realize it was going to be as long as it was, but holy shit. I was prepared for something a bit awful, and we ended up watching it all yesterday evening. We both really enjoyed it. My mind was blown. Hollywood should take note, this is how you do a video game adaptation.

After it ended I was thinking this would be great on DVD.. and seeing it mentioned here later this year? YES! Stoked! And please let there be a season 2. That ending was like "OMG I need more!"
I could totally imagine Bison as a military general. You could maybe find a way to develop the character into the insane, Psycho Power wielding murderer during the course of the second season as the tournament is being held.

Say, Bison is a general in a Southeastern Asian country, perhaps Thailand, perhaps undisclosed, and is serving under the Prime Minister or King of said country. He has grand ideas, ambition and plans to overthrow the government. The World Warrior tournament could be held in the country as a political front to show that the country is in good shape (when in fact it's crumbling) as well as to strike a deal with neighboring countries or perhaps even the West as the Prime Minister strives towards democratic reforms etc. This is in direct opposition to Bison's plans of a totalitarian government so he plans to overthrow the government during the tournament, perhaps even to blame someone else for it and completely destabilizing the country thus placing himself as the dictator.

Of course, the world wouldn't really put up with his shit and his reign would end soon enough. However, the King has been pushing to develop a powerful weapon as a deterrent and a display of power (a black operation initiated by Bison himself) while the Prime Minister is unaware of it (and would be completely against it if he knew). This weapon will eventually tap into Psycho Power, and at some event, out of Bison's desperation, he becomes the weapon himself. There could even be a connection to the Satsui no Hado, a scientific approach to tapping that energy if you will.

There should also perhaps be a back story to Bison, why he's so bent on ruling, where do his ambitions come from, personal reasons, his relations to Chun-Li and her family, it could all lead to a very well developed villain.

So the tournament is held, Bison assassinates the Prime Minister but gets sidetracked by Chun-Li and Guile so out of desperation decides to use his secret weapon, which kind of backfires but actually makes him insane as well as powerful. Some of the tournament fighters realize they've been pulled into a political plot and decide to stop Bison, maybe even on Guile's request. Ryu's and Ken's involvement one way or another in all of this would gradually be developed of course.

In the end, Bison threatens to triumph but is stopped by (Evil) Ryu's emerging Satsui no Hado powers (which are basically the same thing as Psycho Power in this case but are naturally emerging instead of being infused artificially as it would be in Bison's case). Or he finally goes the peaceful way of the technique and Yangs Bison's Yin. Bison is defeated but survives and retreats to a secluded location with a large chunk of the army and some key people (like Sagat, Vega etc.) and eventually forms the independent dictatorship of Shadaloo, leading in to Season 3. Basically an MSF base with "nuclear" or in this case Psycho Power so it maintains its relevancy in the region but uses all kinds of shady ways to get money and spread its power.

This way you could even connect Ryu and giving him a purpose for fighting against Bison as he doesn't ever want to see the Dark Hadou being used for any, and especially such purposes, as he feels it's his duty.

Some Metal Gear Solid shit right there.

Sorry about the wall of text. I got a bit overexcited and it's almost 5 AM out here.
Just finished it. This was awesome. Honestly it was a bit distracting how Gouki changed ethnicity, but Akuma was still very well protrayed and badass.
The Ken giving his red headband to Ryu thing threw me off because that's happens later in the games I think (after the SF1 tournament). But obviously that scene was cool nonetheless. Also I totally thought we would see the Gouken vs Akuma fight in the last episode.

Were there more than two references to the broader SF series? I only caught the obvious ones (
Dan and Gen


ADD New Gen Gamer
Just finished it. This was awesome.
The Ken giving his red headband to Ryu thing threw me off because that's happens later in the games I think (after the SF1 tournament). But obviously that scene was cool nonetheless. Also I totally thought we would see the Gouken vs Akuma fight in the last episode.

Were there more than two references to the broader SF series? I only caught the obvious ones (
Dan and Gen

I mentioned that Shen Long was on the list of names together with Dan.


Damn, I was thinking there was no way to make Akuma look decent in live-action... And then this showed an awesome Akuma in live-action. Kudos to the director, nailing such a cartoonish character is one hell of an achievement.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I think my favorite part about this movie/series was that they
gave Goutetsu his own unique techniques
finally finished it. i like the music call backs.

the finale was anti climactic. i was expecing gouken vs akuma, but gotta save it for the future. hopefully with better budget


Great series. Amazing in fact. I fucking loved it.

Episode 10, where Ryu's theme starting playing and Ryu says, "it's perfect." Maaaan. It put the biggest smile on my face.

And later on Kens theme. So great. The crew who made this should be proud.

Edit: Anyone know where I can get the same, or very similar Ryu theme? Its been in my head all day.


On the other hand, it makes it curious how his own students use a different stance than his (but the same problem exists in canon).

it's something that was brought up in the Q & A and is painted off as a 'evolution of style' thing- akuma's stance is extremely similar to gotetsu's (pure ansatsuken) while gouken's is a modification on it. ryu and ken have more 'modern' stances, or something like that.

i'm wondering: is sayaka ken's mom? it really seems strange that ken's dad and gouken know each other but i guess the whole warrior's journey thing opens up gouken to having met him/them regardless.

this series is flat out the best videogame-related tv/movie media that i've ever seen. it's perfect in so many ways, it's ridiculous.

edit: they even capture small stuff like gotetsu being proud of akuma wrecking his shit with the raging demon, which was definitely some part of canon before. it's so, so, so good.

i really want someone to break down the choreography of the fights because they implement the shoto normals so well it's insane. like instead of just cameo shots they're core aspects of the attacks which is so so so good ugggg
i really want someone to break down the choreography of the fights because they implement the shoto normals so well it's insane. like instead of just cameo shots they're core aspects of the attacks which is so so so good ugggg

You'll get this and much more when the Bluray/DVD drop :D
i'm wondering: is sayaka ken's mom? it really seems strange that ken's dad and gouken know each other but i guess the whole warrior's journey thing opens up gouken to having met him/them regardless.

In canon her fate is pretty vague (Capcom probably just forgot about her past some point), but in this depiction I got the impression that she could be Ryu's mom. I could see her leave Gouken to search for Gouki, making sweet love with him (or rather, Akuma, thus explaining Ryu's innate Dark Hadou), and then still be rejected because Akuma obviously wants to stay alone. I have no idea if the dates fit.

edit: they even capture small stuff like gotetsu being proud of akuma wrecking his shit with the raging demon, which was definitely some part of canon before. it's so, so, so good.

I'm so confused as to what Goutetsu's logic was overall. Did he really want Gouken and Gouki to fight each other like Gouki said?
The exposition at the very beginning of the show between Ryu and Ken was too much too soon. It was odd to have that scene so early in the film. We hadn't got invested in the characters yet. Ryu saying at least Ken has a family to go home to. Ken frustrated and wanting to see the world. That felt a little too forced, direct and on the nose. It came to early in the film. It could have been dialed back a little.

On my second viewing I was invested already and it wasn't as noticeable.

This is my favorite adaptation of all time. It's on par with Sam Raimi's Spider-Man. I will forever say this is first film to ever get the video game adaptation correct.

It couldn't have happened to a better franchise either.
i'm wondering: is sayaka ken's mom? it really seems strange that ken's dad and gouken know each other but i guess the whole warrior's journey thing opens up gouken to having met him/them regardless.

I thought the exact same thing! It would mean that Ken and Ryu are actually brothers (if you believe Generation's suggestions that Sayaka and Akuma are Ryu's parents), it would make a touching moment when they find out and explains their strong bond to one another.

Unfortunately when I asked Joey about this, he said no that wasn't what he was suggesting.

I'd like to think there's still enough vagueness for it to be left open though.


i better see a solar plexus punch!

he does in fact do this! ken does all his crazy kicks -and- the fake kick too

they literally fit in every single shoto normal i could think of which is basically all of them, including sean's chicken kick and 3s standing roundhouse (the spin kick)
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